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Switch Witch 2015



Answers to all extra Switch Witch Questions :)

Amazon wish list http://www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wishlist/2AA5UC39SZVP1

Pumpkin? Pumpkin scents are a yes for: bath products, home scents and a no for: perfume and lotions. Pumpkin flavours are a yes. Pumpkin decorations are a no :)

Booze? Not the biggest alcohol fan, but always in to try something special (sweet, no beers or wine)

Want anything from Yellowstone? Be it postcards, key chains, shot glasses, pint glasses, or huckleberry what have you? Sure :)


I know there is a question about "decorating style", but if you're comfortable, could you should us some photos of your spaces? For those of us who like to art and craft, it can be nice to have a visual sense of decorating style!
Since I moved in with a new partner after having fled domestic violence earlier this year, I can't really give you pictures that will reflect me, but this is my perfume cabinet and that's totally me and I do still have that with me :)


For those of you who don't drink alcohol, can you specify if you live with any drinkers or ever have alcohol on hand for guests, vs. abstaining and preferring not to have it around at all? I live with someone who doesn't drink, but some guest do.

Are you a fan of the TV show Penny Dreadful? Yes, big fan :)

What are your coffee and tea preferences? Do you prefer one, the other, both, or neither (and if it's neither, what about things like hot cider and cocoa)? Loose leaf or bags, whole bean or ground? Is caffeine OK? Any gadgetry you're in need of? Any brands or flavors that you particularly love, loathe, or want to try? I love coffee, have a stove top espresso maker and a Lavazza a mode mio machine. I like black, while and green tea, also when they're flavoured. I don't like tangy fruit teas or redbush. Herbal teas like yogi tea I do like.

What's your sense of humor like? Do you enjoy puns? Play on words? Dirty humor? Dry humor? Who are some of your favorite comedians? I love quite dry humor and I love shows like Not going out and Miranda, 2 and a half men and Friends, oh and How I met your Mother.

Do you like board games? If so, which ones? Traditional or more unique? (like Settlers of Catan, Small World, Red Dragon Inn, etc) I do like board games, but haven't played in years.

Is there anything that you specifically do NOT want to receive? Bath salts and body lotion oh and I'm not keen on dried fruit.

Plain or fun socks? Fun socks!!!!!

Name one (or as many as you would like) thing you would like to learn more about? Crystals

What one thing you would like to do more of? Outdoorsy things

What are some things that fascinate you? Or, What would you like to know more about? Insects, but please don't send live ones :P


Would you like any cookie butter (just to be clear, store-bought, not home-made, and does contain wheat since it's, y'know, cookie butter)? No thanks :)

Is there any particular piece (or pieces) of art (painting, photograph, etc) that speaks to you in some way? Not especially, but I love Indian shisha embroidery.

What kinds of things would you like from the Lilith BPAL or BPTP update (or are you joining a decant circle?) I won't be ordering myself, but I like the sound of Battle Fairy in Training

Do you want to received knit or crocheted items? If so, could you describe or even link to a couple of items similar to what you would like to receive? Last year I was lucky enough to receive a lot of knitted items and so this time I have to say no.

What thing do you want to do (or get) but you keep putting off for one reason or another? Write a book

Would you like anything from Lush? I love Lush and would like to try their Tooth Fairy tooth powder, Beautiful shower gel, Yuzu and Cocoa shower gel and the Comforter shower gel. My favourite of all is Buche de Noel facial cleanser.

Do you prefer hand-made or store-bought? I love both really and also secondhand (though maybe not for all items ;) )

SPICY! Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" and 10 being "ghost pepper? scorpion pepper? I laugh at these! I love as much heat as you can throw my way!" Where are you? I think a 6 or a 7. I love spicy food, but when it gets too hot, for me, it takes over all other flavours and I don't like that.

What is your BPAL "Holy Grail"? Boomslang v2 I think.

Analog or Digital? Or Both? Both, My first love will always be real books for example, but because of my illnesses I have trouble reading and holding them, so I adore my Kindle.

What scents from other perfume companies are you really wanting to have in your collection and or are just really wanting to test? Companies like NAVA, Arcana, Solstice Scents, Possets, Haus of Gloi etc.....? The only one I can come up with is Screamin Mimi from Midnight Gypsy, but NAVA have lots of scents I would love to try and I'm sure the other companies have too.

Blu-ray or DVD? DVD, but since I'm in the UK, it's region 2
Game systems - console or computer? Mac/PC? Which console? I have a laptop. And I think my partner has a sega megadrive, which I love, go Toejam and Earl :P

Are you dressing up for Halloween and if so do you need any accessories for if? I won't be dressing up this year. Spending it at home, surrounded by kittycats :)

Talk to me about bags, what kinds do you like? Sizes and styles? I love bags. Not too small, shoulder or handbags, I love hmong bags and I have a small bag and a purse, black with dark pink embroidered flowers for the bag and blue with pink flowers for the purse. I love gothic style bags too, purple, black, black with purple and also other jewel colours (maybe not orange, yellow or green on their own)

What are your favorite fandoms and do you want to receive anything related to such? I don't really have any

What are you planning to order from the Weenies update? lets see, I love Sonnet d'Automne, and also the sound of The Vampire Bride and the White Witch, but it's not too likely I'll be able to order any time soon.

The Last Huzzah of the NY Renaissance Faire happens this weekend and I'm going! Is there anything you might want? (Besides a turkey leg, which won't ship well!) Now that turkey leg sounded delicious, what a shame :P I love the idea of Renaissance fairs, but I've never visited one, so I don't really know. It sounds like I might like a load of stuff there though :)

Do you like comics or graphic novels? Any issues or collections you want to read? I'm not really a fan of comics or graphic novels.

Do you like fanfic? Would you like a story written for you as part of your gift? What characters/fandoms/pairings etc do you like? Yes that would be amazing! :) I don't know if this is what is meant, but I love dragons, elves, fairies, witches and more :) Oh and I love Penny Dreadful :)

Where do you have wishlists at? If you could please link to them or to a post that links to them. (Amazon, Etsy, Think Geek, Pinterest, Sephora, Lush, BPAL/BPTP, Soap Box Company, everywhere and anywhere!) I have an Amazon and Etsy wish list and I think the links to them are in my sig, but I'll check.


Let's say you have indicated interest in receiving a hand knitted item. What colors, exactly, do you like? If you could provide color swatches here or to pinterest (or something visual), that would help out a lot. I really have to say no to the knitted items this time. I got so many lovely items last year.

Would you rather receive a bunch of little packages through the round, a couple of medium packages, or one big package at the end? Anything my lovely witch would like to send :)

For those of us with out-of-country Witchees, would you be happy with receiving a few packages from local to you merchants (say, through Etsy or equivalent)? Yes absolutely.

Would Witchees like something from IKEA? (Or any other not always accessible by everyone store?) There is an Ikea quite close to where I am, so no thank you :)
If/when you go to the mall, for which store(s) do you beeline? Bookstore, coffee and tea sellers, oriental gift shops.

Do you receive any subscription boxes (julep, lootcrate, ipsy, birchbox, etc.)? I had a love Lula box, but cancelled it. It was lovely though, all organic products.

Do you like tarts/candles/incense? If so, what type of scents? I love all of those, though candles are a bit dangerous with the cats. I have an electric oil/tart warmer and love sweet, fruity scents, bakery scents, almond cherry for example and warn spicy scents. I love non floral incenses, though vrindavan flower is one of my favourites.

Is there anything you wish you could have picked up from the Dragon*Con exclusives? I like the sound of Peach XI and Peach XIV and STILL LIFE WITH PEACHES, A SILVER GOBLET, GRAPES AND WALNUTS

Is there a GC you've been dying to try but haven't got around to yet? Dragon's Milk

The questionnaire asked about gold & silver jewelry, but how do you feel about copper jewelry? Do you like colorful jewelry, or do you prefer to keep it neutral? I love the colour of copper and I love colourful jewellery.

We asked about decorating style, but are you interested in receiving decorations for your home? Are you interested in things that go on the wall or things that go on shelves? Our apartment is quite small, but I would love tiny things that would fit in my perfume cabinet

Office supplies hound? Pens, pencils, journals, any preference, or favorites? I have many pencils, but love pens, especially ones that are designed for people with arthritis and journals are nice as well.

Talk to me about socks! Is there anything, dear, dear Witchee, that I can get for you from Sock Dreams? Anything from another place? I love colourful fluffy socks you wear around the house and thin socks in all colours to wear with trainers.

I live near a huuuuge candy store. What kind of candy do you like? Gummies? Caramel? Chocolate? Sour? Sugar-free? I love hard gums, don't really like boiled sweets, do like toffee in all sorts of flavours and wouldn't mind at all trying new things. Not sugar free though please :)


How do you feel about animal products? Not so much animal toys or food, but more like furs, paws, bones, etc. That wouldn't be for me :)

Are you interested in receiving any restaurant.com gift certificates for your area? I honestly don't think we would use them.

How do you feel about "toys" - stuffed animals and the like? I do have a few small stuffed animals that mean a lot to me. I don't have much room, but I do like key chain stuffed animals like cats, owls, dragons, unicorns and other mystical creatures.

Did you see the eclipse last night? How do you feel about astrological events, like eclipses? Any interest in the Blood Moon Eclipse scent from BPAL? I didn't see the eclipse, but am always greatly affected by the full moon. And yes, the Blood Moon Eclipse scent sounds amazing.

Witchee's, how tall are you? And perhaps, what's your arm span (from wrist to wrist)? I'm 5.7 and arm span from wrist to wrist is 62"

How do you feel about the 4 elements? Or are you more of an Asian 5 elements person? Do you feel strongly about any of the elements, like a connection or a preference? I don't really have a preference for a particular element, but if I had to choose it would be earth.

How do you feel about bento boxes? Is it something you would use if you were to get one? I really like them, but would probably only use them for storage.

Scarves, shawls or cowls? Mittens, gloves, fingerless mitts or wristlets? I have a couple of beautiful scarves now, but would love some more very soft gloves and/or arm warmers.

how do you feel about online classes? Like, say, craftsy or creativebug? Or even lynda.com? I have't really tried any, but think I would prefer to go to an actual class


What do we want from Paintbox Soapworks? I like the sound of the rice pudding soap and the face scrubs.

If I were to make you some art, would you prefer a frame that hangs or one that sits? And what color/style would you prefer? One that hangs maybe, since we don't have that much space and colour and style I would leave completely up to my witch :)

How do you feel about gourmet marshmallows? they look incredible!!

Are you a slatherer or a dabber? A dabber :)

Talk to me, dear witchies, about tea. I know we've covered this a little, but I really need the nitty gritty here- not just companies you like and don't like (Teavana? Adagio? David's? Some tiny place?) but I also want to know the other stuff: top 3 flavors, loose or bagged, the kinds of tea accessories you use- or have always wanted. Be specific. Provide links if necessary. I mostly drink black tea and my favourite flavours are earl grey and lady grey and lavender earl grey. Loose tea is especially lovely and I also like jasmine tea. No rooibos, or tangy fruit teas. I have a little teapot with infuser, the Suki Forlife. I have Yogi tea at the moment and really love that brand. http://www.yogitea.com/en/products/#!

Is there anything from ThinkGeek that you want??? (especially in the geek points section, 2400 points or under?) I have about 2500 points to use and my $10 birthday credit expires tonight. I love the infectious disease balls :)

Villainess is putting out brand new stuff for the first time in a while (as opposed to bringing back former lines). Sooo.... who wants it? I love Villainess products, smooch, smack, whipped in scents like crushed, krakatoa, dulce en fuego and ambrosia.

LOST TRACK OF DATES. I SUCK. (no you don't, you're awesome twilight!)


How does everyone feel about duct tape crafts? Any favorite patterns? Not really a fan :)

Are there any flowers you especially like? I love wildflowers

Would you be interested in any cozies or cases (yarn o fabric, not hard cases) for tech stuff (phone, laptop' etc) or for cups/mugs/bottles or anything else similar. A cosy for a teapot would be brilliant :)

Would you like Halloween or Day of the Dead themed ornaments or a "bunting"? Tiny items yes and bunting yes :D

Are there witchees who would like book related gifts like a booklight, bookmark, bookseat or something for your reading gadget,like a cover or a light for example. I'm all set :)

I make handmade journals, mini albums and similar items. Would my witchee be interested in something like that? Oh yes, absolutely!

What songs/music/artists/CD's do you like to listen to around Halloween? Music I listen to all the time, Kate Bush, Pink Floyd, Altan, Dervish, Lughnasa, Fleetwood Mac and others.

Are you interested in leg warmers at all? Sure :)

Is your Halloween style scary, cutesy, folksy, grotesque . . .? I think gothic style, spooky, no gore.


I bought the Portal board game last week & it came with a Portal 2 steam free download code. I already have the game on another console & it's one of my favorite series of all time. Soooo, would you want it? If you can play it on the laptop, sure. I don't have other modern consoles at the moment.


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