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Switch Witch 2015 questions and answers




Pumpkin? Aside from pumpkin beer and pumpkin muffins or pumpkin bread, I’m really not interested in pumpkin flavoured things, and I tend not to like pumpkin or pumpkin spice scented things.

Booze? Yes, please! :D I’ll try just about anything alcoholic, as long as it doesn’t have dead things floating in it. :)

Want anything from Yellowstone? Be it postcards, key chains, shot glasses, pint glasses, or huckleberry what have you? A postcard would be great - I love getting postcards in the mail!


I know there is a question about "decorating style", but if you're comfortable, could you should us some photos of your spaces? For those of us who like to art and craft, it can be nice to have a visual sense of decorating style!


For those of you who don't drink alcohol, can you specify if you live with any drinkers or ever have alcohol on hand for guests, vs. abstaining and preferring not to have it around at all? A question clearly not applicable to me. :)

Are you a fan of the TV show Penny Dreadful? I watched the first season after borrowing the DVDs from the library, and I enjoyed watching it, but I didn’t fall in love with it or anything. I’ll probably end up watching the next season when the library has it available, but I’m not going to go out of my way for it.

What are your coffee and tea preferences? Do you prefer one, the other, both, or neither (and if it's neither, what about things like hot cider and cocoa)? Loose leaf or bags, whole bean or ground? Is caffeine OK? Any gadgetry you're in need of? Any brands or flavors that you particularly love, loathe, or want to try? I don’t drink coffee at all. I like tea, but I love hot chocolate. For tea, either loose leaf or bags is fine and caffeine is good. I prefer flavoured teas (spice, mint, jasmine, etc.) to plain black or green.

What's your sense of humor like? Do you enjoy puns? Play on words? Dirty humor? Dry humor? Who are some of your favorite comedians? Pretty sarcastic, a little gloomy, maybe a little dark. I love Mystery Science Theater 3000 and enjoy the Kids in the Hall and Christopher Titus.

Do you like board games? If so, which ones? Traditional or more unique? (like Settlers of Catan, Small World, Red Dragon Inn, etc) I love board games, especially traditional ones or supernatural/horror/Lovecraft-themed games, but I don’t really have any one to play them with. I’ve recently started having game night with my parents a few times a month, but my mom’s memory and strategic thinking skills are no longer what they were, so anything for me to play with them would have to be a fairly simple and preferably not too long game.

Is there anything that you specifically do NOT want to receive?

Plain or fun socks? I love fun socks, but I’d also really love a pair or two of plain black bamboo socks.

Name one (or as many as you would like) thing you would like to learn more about? Pre-code films and actors/actresses. I’ve read biographies of George Raft and Warren William, but I’d like to learn more about the films and the performers in general.

What one thing you would like to do more of? Garden. I’ve always said that I have a black thumb, but last year I planted some carrots and cucumbers and they actually grew and produced, so I’ve gotten really excited about growing my own vegetables. This spring I planted radishes, cucumbers, carrots, and cilantro and chard for my parents’ bunny. I still have some carrots left in the ground, and I’m still getting cucumbers and chard. I also did a second planting of radishes plus some lettuce and green beans in late summer, so I’m hoping they’ll be ready before it starts getting too cold for them. Next year I’d like to put up some planters in the back yard and some netting for beans along my garage. I wanted to do that this year, too, but never got around to it. I’m excited to watch my plants growing and to get edible stuff from them, but I don’t like the work parts (planting, weeding, getting things ready for plants to be put in, etc.) at all! I’ve been doing all organic so far, but I’d also like to do organic heirloom vegetables, and add some fruit plants (strawberries, maybe raspberries, and I’d love to plant mulberry and peach trees and maybe even a nut tree for the critters) too. I’ve collected a nice bunch of WOLF-Garten tools of which I’m rather proud, and now I’m looking for the perfect gardening gloves, because all my sets have holes in the fingertips now.

What are some things that fascinate you? Or, What would you like to know more about? I’m fascinated by the world presented in old pre-code movies, particularly for the women. I know Hollywood isn’t real life, but I’d really like to explore more of what things were like in the 1920’s and early 30’s, especially for women and in terms of social conventions and moral behaviour and that sort of thing. Also the fashion and makeup and beauty products of the time.


Would you like any cookie butter (just to be clear, store-bought, not home-made, and does contain wheat since it's, y'know, cookie butter)? No thank you.

Is there any particular piece (or pieces) of art (painting, photograph, etc) that speaks to you in some way? At the moment, this and this. I like the first one so much that I got a print of it a couple of years ago.

What kinds of things would you like from the Lilith BPAL or BPTP update (or are you joining a decant circle?) I haven’t joined a decant circle, but I ordered En Garde. I’d be interested in decants of Blood and Judgment So Well Commedled, Muddy Puddles, Little Lady Macbeth, and The Worst Pillow.

Do you want to received knit or crocheted items? If so, could you describe or even link to a couple of items similar to what you would like to receive? I would love a crocheted critter or character! I have some listed on my non-book Amazon wishlist, but any cute critter or something from the Creepy Cute Crochet book would be wonderful!

What thing do you want to do (or get) but you keep putting off for one reason or another? Hmmm, nothing comes immediately to mind. I’ll have to think more on this.


Would you like anything from Lush? Probably not. There’s a Lush store at one of the local malls and I’ve been in there before, but I didn’t really see anything that I was really interested in.

Do you prefer hand-made or store-bought? Either way is fine with me! Whatever works best for you, my Witch!

SPICY! Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" and 10 being "ghost pepper? scorpion pepper? I laugh at these! I love as much heat as you can throw my way!" Where are you? Maybe a 2 or 3? I’m not really into things that are spicy just for the sake of being spicy. I do like to try beers made with peppers, but that’s just because I like to try as many unusual beers as I can. :)

What is your BPAL "Holy Grail”? The first bottle of Shub-Niggurath I got when it first came out was perfection, so I ordered a second bottle. The second bottle was not quite the same - I guess it was more gingerbready or something than the first bottle. I’ve gotten other imps of it since, and none have matched up to that first bottle. So inasmuch as it’s a seemingly impossible quest, I guess that first bottle of Shub-Niggurath is my “Holy Grail.”

Analog or Digital? Or Both? More analog than digital. I like vinyl and physical books. I prefer physical CDs and DVDs (and even music and video cassettes) over MP3s and streaming video, and I’d rather read a physical book than an e-book.

What scents from other perfume companies are you really wanting to have in your collection and or are just really wanting to test? Companies like NAVA, Arcana, Solstice Scents, Possets, Haus of Gloi etc…..? I would really love to try Solstice Scents’ Cenobite! I don’t really go around checking out other perfume companies, because BPAL is overwhelming enough all by itself, but I’d be interested in trying any strong vanilla scents or spicy (cinnamon, clove, etc.) scents from other companies.


Do you have an affinity for any specific animals? I don’t know if it’s exactly an affinity, but I love most small furry critters - mice, bunnies, gerbils, bats, squirrels, and such - and lots of medium sized furry critters, like raccoons, opossums, skunks, groundhogs, cats, and foxes.

Kitchen Needs or Wants? I don’t really cook at all, and I bake only very rarely, so I don’t really need any kitchen stuff, other than maybe a cute kitchen timer.

Makeup! Do you like it, would you want some? If so what brands do you like to wear? I do like makeup! I really have more than I need, but I would never turn down more. I have my eye on more Sugarpill (Countess, Magpie, and Mint Soda loose powders and Afterparty pressed shadow); I’m just waiting for a sale. I like to wear cruelty-free brands.

Chocolate fiends ahoy! What kind of chocolate do you like? Do you like any other things in it or just plain good ole chocolate? I like plain old milk chocolate, and the occasional white chocolate (Green & Black’s). Generally I prefer it plain, but I’m ok with nuts or caramel or mint or fruit creams (lemon creams are my favourite). For mint, caramel, fruit creams, etc. I’m ok with dark chocolate, but I don’t really like just plain dark chocolate. I love Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins, but other than that I’m picky about my peanut butter (unless it’s in homemade buckeyes, in which case I’ll be great with whatever brand of peanut butter you want to use!).

Would you be opposed to receiving a ton of Halloween themed items? Absolutely not; I would LOVE receiving a ton of Halloween themed items! I’m all about the Halloween themed items!


What items from the Weenie update interest you, should you have to option of getting anything as a gift from your Witch??? Would you be ok with decants, or bottles? I’m most interested in La Femme de Satan, La Ronde du Sabbat, and Satan Summoning His Legions. Decants would be great. I’m curious about how some others would work on me, so if you happen to get decants of Le Revenant, Apple IV, any of the Dead Leaves except the Honey & Oudh one, or any of the other Satan ones that don’t work on you and you want to pass them along, I’d be interested in trying any of those too.

What's your favorite scary movie? Or movies, either way. If you don't like horror, what are your favorite movies to watch this time of year? It’s not really scary, but I love The Raven, with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, and Hazel Court. I like to re-watch the old Roger Corman Poe-inspired movies with Vincent Price this time of year. I also like to get out the Warlock DVD and re-watch it - you can’t go wrong with Julian Sands and Richard E. Grant, and it does have some genuinely scary/creepy moments.


Blu-ray or DVD? DVD. I don’t own a Blu-Ray player.

Game systems - console or computer? Mac/PC? Which console? I don’t play computer games, but if I did, they’d have to be Mac ones.

Are you dressing up for Halloween and if so do you need any accessories for it? Not really; I’m just going to be at home passing out candy, so I’ll probably just paint my nails black and throw on a bat shirt and maybe a cape.

Talk to me about bags, what kinds do you like? Sizes and styles? If we’re talking purse-type bags, I’m really picky and haven’t been able to find anything I really like the past couple of years. Cute tote bags of any size are great, though.

What are your favorite fandoms and do you want to receive anything related to such? None come to mind at the moment.

What are you planning to order from the Weenies update? Maybe Satan Summoning His Legions and La Femme de Satan, but I haven’t ordered yet and I don’t know when/if I will.

The Last Huzzah of the NY Renaissance Faire happens this weekend and I'm going! Is there anything you might want? (Besides a turkey leg, which won't ship well!) I haven’t been to a Ren Faire since I was a kid, so I don’t really have a good idea of what is there. Basically, if you find something you think I’d like, then that sounds good to me!

Do you like comics or graphic novels? Any issues or collections you want to read? I do! I have a few on my Amazon wishlist, and I haven’t bought any new Punisher comics in the past few years, so I’d definitely be up for getting some recent Punisher stuff. I also like Tales From the Crypt and similar things.

Do you like fanfic? Would you like a story written for you as part of your gift? What characters/fandoms/pairings etc do you like? I love fanfic so much, and I’d love to have a story written for me! I’d be so thrilled to get an Adekan fanfic, since there are so few out there - Shiro/Kojiro all the way. I love Pet Shop of Horrors (D/Leon), Darker Than Black (Hei/Misaki Kirihara), Real Ghostbusters (Janine/Egon), and Person of Interest (Finch/Reese) fanfiction. I also have a fondness for Dean/Jo (Supernatural) stories and Spike & Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) stories.

Where do you have wishlists at? If you could please link to them or to a post that links to them. (Amazon, Etsy, Think Geek, Pinterest, Sephora, Lush, BPAL/BPTP, Soap Box Company, everywhere and anywhere!) They’re all in my signature.


Let's say you have indicated interest in receiving a hand knitted item. What colors, exactly, do you like? If you could provide color swatches here or to pinterest (or something visual), that would help out a lot.

Would you rather receive a bunch of little packages through the round, a couple of medium packages, or one big package at the end? Whatever works best for you, my Witch!

For those of us with out-of-country Witchees, would you be happy with receiving a few packages from local to you merchants (say, through Etsy or equivalent)? Absolutely.

Would Witchees like something from IKEA? (Or any other not always accessible by everyone store?) I live less than 10 minutes away from an IKEA, so I’m all set there, and I can’t really think of any not-accessible-by-me stores that I’m interested in right now.

If/when you go to the mall, for which store(s) do you beeline? Usually I only go to the mall if I specifically need something from a particular store, but I do usually hit up the Hot Topic and maybe Bath & Body Works while I’m there. During a mall visit last week I made my first visit to Victoria’s Secret in probably a decade so I could check out the Vanilla Lace items, because I was wondering if the Vanilla Lace products they have now are the same as or close enough to the Vanilla Lace shampoo & conditioner they used to have that I loved, and they did seem much like I remembered, so now I’m trying to decide if I should get the fragrance mist and body wash.

Do you receive any subscription boxes (julep, lootcrate, ipsy, birchbox, etc.)? No, I don’t.

Do you like tarts/candles/incense? If so, what type of scents? I like candles. I like beeswax best, but if it's a nice scent, I'll take any kind. Favourite candle scents include cinnamon, clove, and mulberry - I also love Bath & Body Works' Marshmallow Fireside, but I'm pretty well stocked up on that one, so I include it just to give you an idea of what I like.

Is there anything you wish you could have picked up from the Dragon*Con exclusives? Not really.

Is there a GC you've been dying to try but haven't got around to yet? Nothing I’ve been really dying to try, or I would have tried it already. The stuff I’d like to try but haven’t gotten around to yet is in my wishlist.

The questionnaire asked about gold & silver jewelry, but how do you feel about copper jewelry? Do you like colorful jewelry, or do you prefer to keep it neutral? I don’t have any copper jewelry that I wear right now, but I’m not opposed to it. I like the colorful niobium and titanium look in jewelry (isn’t this pretty?!?).

We asked about decorating style, but are you interested in receiving decorations for your home? Are you interested in things that go on the wall or things that go on shelves? Halloween decorations would be fine, and probably things that go on shelves would be better for that. I went to a DIY Fair on Friday and bought two prints despite my lack of wall space and the fact that I already have a bunch of prints and posters that I haven’t gotten put up yet, so things that go on the wall are probably not a good idea.

Office supplies hound? Pens, pencils, journals, any preference, or favorites? I have way too many journals already, and I’m well stocked on pens and pencils, but cute post-it notes or stickers would be fun. Seals and sealing wax are also cool.

Talk to me about socks! Is there anything, dear, dear Witchee, that I can get for you from Sock Dreams? Anything from another place? I love socks, especially Halloween socks, Hello Kitty socks, or other cute socks. I prefer crew socks to knee highs, because the higher a sock goes, the tighter it tends to get, so although I’m often tempted by knee highs or higher, I’ve found it’s best to avoid them.

I live near a huuuuge candy store. What kind of candy do you like? Gummies? Caramel? Chocolate? Sour? Sugar-free? I like SweeTarts and Smarties, chocolate, caramels, sour or fruit flavored soft candies dusted with sugar, toffees, and licorice (Panda black is my favourite; I don’t care as much for their red, but I do like red licorice in general).


How do you feel about animal products? Not so much animal toys or food, but more like furs, paws, bones, etc. Not good. I have this thing about wanting animals to have a decent burial and not have disembodied bits of themselves stuck out in the world. For something like furs, I’d much rather have them go to help baby animals in wildlife rehabilitation programs. When the Humane Society was still running its Coats For Cubs program I sent them an old fur stole that had been my grandmother’s. I couldn't change the fact that the animal was killed for human vanity, but at least I could see that some other animals got some good out of it.

Are you interested in receiving any restaurant.com gift certificates for your area? No thank you; I didn’t see any restaurants in my area that I was interested in.


How do you feel about "toys" - stuffed animals and the like? I have so many stuffed animals already that it’s hard to find space for another, but if it’s something you made, dear Witch, I’ll make room for it!


Did you see the eclipse last night? How do you feel about astrological events, like eclipses? Any interest in the Blood Moon Eclipse scent from BPAL? Not really. I tried, but it was so overcast that you couldn’t see much of anything. I’d never turn down a chance to try a special BPAL scent!

Witchee's, how tall are you? And perhaps, what's your arm span (from wrist to wrist)? I’m 5’4”, and my arm span is approximately 55” (it’s hard to measure your own wingspan!).

How do you feel about the 4 elements? Or are you more of an Asian 5 elements person? Do you feel strongly about any of the elements, like a connection or a preference? I don’t really feel strongly about any of them.

How do you feel about bento boxes? Is it something you would use if you were to get one? I think they’re super cute! I most likely wouldn’t use it for food (I work from home and so don’t have to pack a lunch), but I could use it for other small stuff, maybe?

Scarves, shawls or cowls? Mittens, gloves, fingerless mitts or wristlets? Fingerless mitts would be nice, as would a shawl. Once winter starts, I’m almost always cold.

how do you feel about online classes? Like, say, craftsy or creativebug? Or even lynda.com? I’ve been intrigued by craftsy, but for crafting/making things type stuff, I do much better with an in-person class than an online one.


What do we want from Paintbox Soapworks? Maybe the Smoky Jack hot process soap? I’m leery of the pumpkin, but the roasted marshmallow and wood smoke part sounds wonderful. Or the sample size of the Gingermilk sorbetto emulsifying sugar scrub?

If I were to make you some art, would you prefer a frame that hangs or one that sits? And what color/style would you prefer? I know I'm contradicting an earlier answer, but probably a frame that hangs, unless it's a really small sitting frame (like ACEO print size).

How do you feel about gourmet marshmallows? Oh, man, I’ve been craving gourmet or homemade marshmallows for a while now! My cousin got me hooked on them when she was trying to perfect her recipe, but since moving and starting a new job she hasn’t had the time or interest to continue making them. The brown sugar cinnamon marshmallows sound delicious, as do the mint & dark chocolate, Madagascar vanilla caviar hearts, and mountain rose vanilla.

Are you a slatherer or a dabber? I slather more often than not.

Talk to me, dear witchies, about tea. I know we've covered this a little, but I really need the nitty gritty here- not just companies you like and don't like (Teavana? Adagio? David's? Some tiny place?) but I also want to know the other stuff: top 3 flavors, loose or bagged, the kinds of tea accessories you use- or have always wanted. Be specific. Provide links if necessary.
Ummm, I’m not all that hardcore about tea. I’ll drink either loose leaf or bagged, but I do tend to use bagged more often just because it’s easier. I have the usual tea accessories, including an infuser and a squeezy thing for holding a used tea bag and squeezing it dry. My top three flavors are
cinnamon (Harney & Sons’ hot cinnamon spice is my favourite, and I also really like The Republic of Tea’s cinnamon cardamon), ginger (Triple Leaf Tea’s ginger or Lipton’s ginger twist are my top two; I alternate between them depending on my mood), and mint. I also like some Earl Greys, especially ones with lavender or another flavour to soften them up a bit, like Spice Merchants’ Moonlight Earl Grey. Along those lines, the Cream of Earl Grey that mymymai mentioned sounds interesting.

Villainess is putting out brand new stuff for the first time in a while (as opposed to bringing back former lines). Sooo.... who wants it? The Gingerleaf, V2, and Fireleaf soaps sound good.

How does everyone feel about duct tape crafts? Any favorite patterns? Other than duct tape wallets, which aren’t really my thing, I’m not familiar with duct tape crafts.

Are there any flowers you especially like? Carnations are my favourite, and I also like roses, calla lilies, and Gerbera daisies. Coxcomb is cool, too - they seem like furry colorful little brains to me.

Would you be interested in any cozies or cases (yarn o fabric, not hard cases) for tech stuff (phone, laptop' etc) or for cups/mugs/bottles or anything else similar. Maybe a laptop case? No cozies for my mugs - when it gets cold I rely on the warmth of mugs to keep my hands warm, so I don’t want a cozy getting between me and that warmth.

Would you like Halloween or Day of the Dead themed ornaments or a "bunting"? Sure!

Are there witchees who would like book related gifts like a booklight, bookmark, bookseat or something for your reading gadget,like a cover or a light for example.
I don't really need anything, but I'd be happy to get a bookmark that you picked out or made for me!

I make handmade journals, mini albums and similar items. Would my witchee be interested in something like that?
Your work is very lovely, but I would be reluctant to actually use anything so pretty and mess it up. I'd probably just horde it, or if I were feeling really especially generous, give it to my BFF who uses journals all the time and in a productive way, rather than just hoarding them untouched and pristine like I do.

What songs/music/artists/CD's do you like to listen to around Halloween?
Same stuff as I usually do, actually. I might throw in a little extra bauhaus or Alice Cooper, or put "Every Day Is Halloween" on extra rotation, but for the most part, I don't listen to anything that I don't listen to throughout the year.

Are you interested in leg warmers at all?
Having lived through that era (I probably still have my old pair of pastel purple and white leg warmers squirreled away somewhere), my immediate knee-jerk reaction was No! But I'm trying to keep the heat off for as long as possible as the cold weather approaches, and I'm always cold, so I find myself inclined to overlook past fashion mistakes and consider the utility of something that could provide extra warmth for my limbs, and looking at it that way, I probably could find myself interested in a nice warm pair of leg warmers.

Is your Halloween style scary, cutesy, folksy, grotesque . . . ?
Maybe classic Halloween? Or sort of like Dominique said, sophisticated gothic, only in my case I guess it'd be everyday gothic, because I'm not terribly sophisticated. Definitely not folksy or grotesque, maybe a little cutesy (if you're the kind of person who thinks bats and rats are cute!), maybe a little vintage in places, but mostly just classic, with a touch of elegance at times. Think black tableclothes with silver spider web designs, black candlesticks with bats and spiders decorating them, realistic-looking bat clings on the windows, along with some less realistic-looking cute Halloween design clings, a black feather wreath, a small collection of vintage Halloween noisemakers, some small orange and white pumpkins from the local farmers market, lace drapes with bat, spider, and skull designs, etc.


I bought the Portal board game last week & it came with a Portal 2 steam free download code. I already have the game on another console & it's one of my favorite series of all time. Soooo, would you want it? No thank you; I don’t have a video game console.


Have you read The Martian? Or do you plan on watching the movie? No to both questions.

NaNo: Pertaining to that, how does everyone feel about such things? Will anyone be participating? How about NaNo swag, is there any you want? I actually have only the very vaguest idea of what that even is, so....

Honey or beeswax products? Discuss.
Despite my love of bees, I don't like honey, but I do like beeswax products. A beeswax candle would be great, and CourtCat's reply reminds me that I've been seeing mention lately of using beeswax to condition floss for cross-stitching. I wouldn't need a big block of beeswax, but if they have a little piece (I've seen them molded into cute shapes for this purpose), I'd love to give it a try. Also, pretty much anything with a bee picture or motif on it would be great. Bees are beautiful!

How do you feel about bumper stickers and car magnets? What do you like--cute, pretty, snarky, geeky/fandomy? I won’t put anything permanent on my car (like a bumper sticker), but I might use a car magnet or a removable window cling, maybe. Maybe something pertaining to one of the bands I like, or something Cthulhu- or otherwise Lovecraft-themed, or even Hello Kitty?

Do you have any phobia's that your Witch should be aware of? No.

Trading Post Weenies are live! Anything calling to you? A Fling in the Lagoon bath oil sounds kind of nice (lime!), and I’m a little intrigued by the Pumpkin Spice Everything claw polish. What I’d really like is the Yes perfume oil, but although I think the Cemetery Gates spirit board is very pretty, it’s also a little too pricy for me, so alas, no chance at the Yes perfume. I’d like to try a bit of the Boo hair gloss, but I think a little bit would be enough; the same is true of the Candiru Cove Frisbee Tournament home & linen spray and the Chocolate Pumpkin bath oil. I guess I’d also like to try the Dead Leaves, Black Fig, Cacao & Copal and Dead Leaves, White Musk & Vanilla hair glosses also, but I’d just need enough to try once or twice. An imp-sized decant of the Dr. Janice perfume might be nice.


Speaking of nail things, it that time of year and I am doing my jamberry order, Would you want some Lovely Jamberry's for your nails? Oh, there are so many cute ones, but my nails are small and usually short and wraps and such tend not to work well on them. I’ve found that vinyl nail decals (like those from www.etsy.com/shop/MakeitStickDesigns ) tend to work better for me.


Do you like or want to try Marmite? No, thank you.

Some folks have already said they do not want used nail polish. If you haven't already chimed in about that... would you be interested in a bottle of BPTP claw polish (in this case, either Event Horizon or Baku) that has been used for one manicure? I would never turn down nail polish, and used nail polish doesn’t bother me. I’m not sure that either Event Horizon or Baku are my style, but it’s so hard to tell from pictures online.


Are there any DISCONTINUED (not LE) BPAL oils that you wish you had, or had a little more of? Not that I can think of; I’ve been very lucky that I haven’t lost any favourites to discontinuation.

Is there anything fairly basic that you're always running out of and need to buy more of? Nothing applicable to this swap :) - mostly peanuts and bird seed, because the raccoons and squirrels in my neighborhood seem to be bottomless pits and go through both so fast! I’ll be picking up another 50 pound bag of peanuts this weekend, and another couple of bags of bird seed. Luckily I bought two 50 pound bags of corn instead of the usual one the last time I went to the feed store, so at least I’m set for the ducks for a while.

Blooddrop update: I’ve never tried anything from Blooddrop before, but the Ghostly bath truffles sound very nice, as does the Vanilla Marshmallow sugar bar. I’d also be interested in the Candy Bats, Uber Goth, or Apple Cider Doughnut soaps or the Moroccan Mint Tea or Apple Cider Doughnut sugar bars, and I think I’d like to try just a tiny bit of the Tooth & Claw perfume.

How do you feel about foreign spices/flavorings? Since I don't cook and barely bake, I'm afraid fancy foreign spices would be wasted on me. :sad:

Dearest Witchee, can I get you anything from Shiro Cosmetics? I'm going to place an order soon and perhaps you are interested in some of their goodies?
Oh, gosh, it's been a while since I checked them out, so I took a look and came away with such a list of things! I'd be most interested in sample sizes of Climbing Chaos, Day of Reckoning, and That Man is Playing Galaga, or if you're buying The Largest Moon of Still Not A Planet and could spare a little bit, I'd welcome it. Also of interest: Master Ball; Team Rocket; Chimera; Constant Vigilance!; Hero of Ages; and Steve O'Lantern.


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