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My Collection



This is just a storehouse for a list of bottles currently in my collection. It's just a reference place for me and circular swap partners. This is not meant for swaps or sales. :) These are much loved bottles. It's just an easy place for me to reference when someone asks 'What's your collection look like' or for me to look at when making purchases. It will be added to and taken away from as my collection changes.

Absinthe (aged from 2008)
Absinthe (aged from February 2016)
Alan McMichael (partial)
Alan McMichael
Alan McMichael
Alan McMichael
Apple Cider Single Note
Buck Moon
Budding Moon 2006
Champagne & Absinthe
Champagne & Opium
Christmas Rose
Coconut Meat Single Note
Cthulhu (aged from 2008)
Cthulhu (aged from December 2015)
Darkling Thrush
Dorian (aged from 2010)
Dorian (aged from 2010)
Dorian (aged from 2011)
Dorian (aged from December 2015)
Dorian (aged from December 2015)
Dorian (aged from January 2016)
Dorian (aged from May 2016)
Dorian v2
Dorian v3
Ecstasy of Infatuation
Edith Cushing
Embalming Fluid (aged from December 2015)
Fire Monkey
Frost Moon 2004
Fruit Moon 2005
Hunger Moon 2007
Hungry Ghost Moon 2006
Ice Queen 2004
Irish Coffee Cake
Irish Coffee Cake
Irresponsibly Unwatered Christmas Tree
Joyeux Noel
King Mandarin Single Note (partial)
King Mandarin Single Note (partial)
Mabon 2004
Midwinter's Eve 2004 (partial)
Midwinter's Eve 2004
Miskatonic University (aged from 2008)
Miskatonic University (aged from February 2016)
Mistletoe 2005
The Moon (original Tarot)
Old Moon 2008
Old World Jasmine (Conjure Oils)
Peach II
Peach Champagne
Peony Moon 2006
Phobos (aged from February 2016)
Pink Moon 2005
Poisoned Apple (aged from October 2015)
Poisoned Apple v3
Punkie Night 2006
Queen of Diamonds (partial)
Siberian Musk Single Note
Snow Bunny 2005 (partial)
Snow, Glass, Apples
Snow, Glass, Apples v4
Snow-Flakes 2006
Snow Moon 2005
Snow White 2004
Snow White 2004
Snow White 2005
Snow White 2015 (partial)
Snow White 2015
Snow White v2
Sparkling Apple Cider
Storm Moon 2005
Strawberry Moon v4
Strength (original Tarot)
The Sun (original Tarot)
Talvikuu 2005
Thomas Sharpe
Thomas Sharpe
Thomas Sharpe
TP'd Tree
Treat #1
White Juniper Single Note
Wilde (aged from 2007)
Wilde (aged from 2010)
Wildfire 2004

Basil Hallward's Studio Prototype Atmosphere Spray
Blue Spruce and Snow-Capped Pine Atmosphere Spray
Goblin of Yuletide Present Atmosphere Spray
L'Inverno Atmosphere Spray
On Halloween Atmosphere Spray
Peach Candyfloss Atmosphere Spray (1oz decant)
Peach Candyfloss Atmosphere Spray (1oz decant)
Peaches in the Garden Atmosphere Spray
Pumpkin Spice Everything Atmosphere Spray
Snow White Atmosphere Spray
Sugar Plum And Vanilla Bean Atmosphere Spray
Tammany Free and Easy Atmosphere Spray
Winter Wind Atmosphere Spray

* - In Transit to Me


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