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13 Nights of Halloween



Not much of a fan tbh. I prefer cold process soap.

Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead:
Seconding Ashinros and also Em as their comments about sum it up for me. I don't celebrate it myself and know only a little about it, but I am always open to the sharing of cultures and traditions, particularly so that I can further my understanding of them.


Handknitted things:
I love handknitted things, particularly wearables, and anything Autumn themed would be great. Not so sure about knitted decorative items though. I'm sure they would be lovely but not really what I have in my home.


Fandoms or specific collectibles:
None, except that I have quite a few images of hares


Favourite fall/Halloween symbols:
Leaves, tree silhouettes, mushrooms, moons, deer/stags, owls, hares


Soap preferences:
I'm afraid I am a bit fussy about soaps. I only use cold process soap bars, but I do like whipped soaps. Any scent combinations of those mentioned in my questionnaire are welcome.


Tea preferences:
No rooibos, fruit infusions or standard black tea please. I do love spiced chai, vanilla and mint teas.


Renn Faire:
I'm not really sure what would be available.


Weenies past:
I think I am all sorted for Weenies bottles from previous releases. Nothing springs to mind but I will be straight back to change this if I think of anything!


ETA: perhaps a tester of The Hag actually!


Love 'em!


No thanks


Opening order of gifts:
Surprise me! Which ever way/order/no order you think is best, I'm happy to follow.


Pumpkin spice or no pumpkin spice:
Pumpkin spice all the things!


Milk, white and/or dark chocolate:
Any but preferably milk.


Yankee Candle:
I find them to be a bit hit and miss but some of their cinnamon ones are nice.


Trading Post goodies:
Love 'em! Not after anything in particular apart from Gold of the Heart of that Holy Kiss atmo but any other items in scents you think I might like are very welcome.


Bath and Bodyworks:
I haven't used them before so I don't really know. They don't really look like the sort of thing that I usually use though. I prefer smaller indie companies.


Sock Dreams:
Anything like that in my preferred colours. They look amazing!


Items from Japan:
I love traditional Japanese styles and would love to visit Japan one day. Anything would be great!


Decorating with sass:
I am just not very sassy I'm afraid!


Baked goods:
Sure! The only thing that would concern me is that postage times vary so hugely and I'm not sure whether they would survive the journey ok. If you think they will though, then absolutely! Just no dessicated coconut please.


Target dollar spot:
We don't have Target over here, so I have no idea what there might be, but I put total trust in my scarecrow to decide for me!


The Netherlands:
Anything edible! Except maybe liquorice (drop?)


Lush showergel:
I don't really use Lush anymore.


My 'waiting to be read' list is made up of books that I own but haven't read yet. My 'to read' list is basically my book wishlist!


I quite like glitter but my other half is not amused by it. If it can be easily contained, then I'm in!


I don't very often buy my tea from there any more but when I did, I quite liked one called something like chocolate chai(?).


How much are you wedded to wishlists?
I am very open to being introduced to new things, especially books. If you think I might like it based on my wishlists, then bring it on!

How do you feel about reading series out of order?
Absolutely fine :)

Would you be interested in a Halloween themed short story anthology?
Definitely! That would be ideal for me.

Is there a limit to the number of books you'd like to receive?

Have you read Movies in 15 Minutes by our very own Cleolinda? Would you like to?
Haven't even heard of it! Erm...maybe?



Phone type:
Samsung Galaxy S2


Not seen it, but I do like a good scary horror.


Yarnie things:
I LOVE cowls and infinity scarves and have no issues with any yarn types.


I much prefer incense sticks to cones, and I would be happy with any of the scents listed in my questionnaire.


ETA: I already have a holder for sticks, thanks.


Motherhood update:
A Little More Tea
Lilith and the Four Sons of Horus
My Little Grotesque
O the Joy of my Spirit
The Twelfth


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