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Halloween SW - 2016



  • Hibiscus seeds? Torn. On the one hand, I'm a plant killer. On the other hand, hibiscus are some of my favorite flowers.
  • Off-color needlepoint? I believe my opinion on this has been registered in the thread. For convenience sake, though, here it is again - some of it is awesome. I don't like trinkety things, but I would not be opposed to this.
  • What interests you from the latest (pre-Halloween) BPAL update? From Lilith, I'd try decants of the following:

- A Little More Tea

- Conencting Flight

- The Great Python Snake

- Heel

- My Little Grotesque

- O Joy Of My Spirit!

- The Great London Spaghetti Hunt

- Tag-Upon-Avon
  • Like beer? What kind? Booze? Same question! Yes, no IPAs. I like the extremes - super pale wits or chocolatey stouts. Booze, I love it. I also have a fully stocked (no, seriously *fully* stocked, citric acid anyone?) bar, so I'd prefer not to get more unless 1.) you made it or 2.) it's a cool local variety. I do not drink vodka or tequila.
  • Knitted items? Type? Add me to the list of people who appreciate handmade goods but live in hot climates. I'm in Louisiana, we have very little winter. There are a handful of knitted items in my etsy favorites (mostly accessories and small creatures) that could be cool to get something similar to.
  • Are you allergic to any fiber or do you know what kind of yarn you prefer? I get itchy with some wool, but I'm not a big synthetics fan. Not sure what's left after that.
  • Caramel? With chocolate? Salted? As long as it's not too gloopy or over-sweet
  • Would you want a quilted pot holder? Sure!
  • Do you have any preferred flavor of shortbread? Nope, would be good with any flavor.
  • Would you be interested in project bags/pouches? Sure, why not.
  • Homemade Food? Yes to homemade food, but no canned/preserved goods unless you actually know what you're doing please.
  • Is there anything you'd particularly like to get from the UK?/Is there anything you would like to get from Japan? For these and all other locality questions - I LOVE getting items that are local to you, but there's nothing in particular that I want from any specific places. Any local items that fit my other likes/dislikes would be perfect.
  • Socks/sockdreams/etc? Again, I live in Louisiana. My son could use a pair or two of cute socks with grippy bottoms. We haven't bought him shoes yet since he's still learning to walk, but we do let him toddle about on our patio with socks on.
  • Anyone a nail polish fan? What colors interest you? I have an extensive zoya collection, but it's getting a bit old and has been going unused because I never have time. I'll probably be taking advantage of the trade in to dispose of polishes without feeling guilty. That said, if you find anything really unusual (odd mattes, cool flaky glitter, etc.) I'd take it in red, purple, blue, or silver. .
  • Would you object to re-using of clean mailing materials? Nope, and I'll also go on record as saying that I'm cool with all used items (books, clean body products, etc)
  • Who here is a Raging All THINGS HARRY POTTER fan? Not me, sorry.
  • Do you like things with Pumpkin (or Pumpkin Spice?) Yes. In fact, pumpkin pie (and it's sub-ingredients) is one of the only good things about fall. I will say, though, that when I do store bought "pumpkin spice" flavored things, I often find it too sweet.
  • What types of things do you like to wear? My pinterest boards and etsy favorites do a pretty good job of sharing my tastes, and I've waxed lyrical on them in past rounds. I have a strict color scheme, shared in my questionnaire. I work from home, but I amassed a pretty extensive work and party wardrobe right before I switched to working from home. So, I feel bad buying clothing but also wish I had a few more casual items. I'm always on the lookout for good jeans, cozy but not too heavy pullover sweaters in my winter colors, and linen or nice sleeveless tops in my warm weather colors. I've also been searching for a red cardigan and black jewelry that would work for both work and casual occasions. I have been considering buying t-shirts with actual things printed on them - preferably in the webcomics/geeky range - but I always second guess it any time I start to buy something (I've put the Think Geek "No" shirt in my basket and then taken it back out so many times now, usually with the NASA onesies for kiddo making a joint trip. Also the blue version of the Oglaf Derp Fox Shirt from TopatoCo.). I prefer feminine cuts that are shaped but not too tight. I've also been on the lookout for good pajamas.
  • Does anyone like fleece character hats? Like these: like-fleece-hat? What kinda characters would you like to see? For me, not really. For my kid, f-ing adorable, but I'm not sure he'd actually keep it on his head.
  • Do you decorate for Halloween all year? If not, what level of decor do you have for Halloween? No, we don't. We've never really figured out our halloween decor. For a long time, we lived in apartments where we couldn't really decorate outside (and I don't have my act together enough for seasonal indoor decorating). Then, when we finally moved to a house where we thought we'd get trick or treaters, we started decorating only to have a family emergency that took us out of town 3 days before halloween. After that, we've thought "oh, we should decorate" but haven't really done it.
  • Indoor/outdoor Halloween decorations? What do you do, and what would you prefer to receive? Outdoor. See above about not having my act together for indoor seasonal decor. Wreaths, solar or battery powered string lights, and small stand alone items (e.g. the little baby sugar pumpkins) or others things of those sizes/shapes/configurations would fit best on our porch.
  • What's your preferred Halloween decor style: classic/traditional (skulls, pumpkins, bats), kitchsy/cute, retro, elegant/Victorian, horror/macabre? I like a more elegant look, but Halloween does cry out for a bit of whimsy. It'd probably work best to do something more fall than specifically halloween themed, cause I'm too lazy to change decor that often. Hubby and I are big Gomez & Morticia Addams fans.
  • What's your candy preference? Chocolate. Then more chocolate.
  • Candles, wax melts/tarts? No thanks
  • Do you have an Etsy wish list, and if so, what's your user name there? Yes, linked in my sig.
  • Tokyo Milk? Yea or Nay? Maybe the lip balms, otherwise nothing really catches my eye.
  • If you're a writer type, would you like notebooks or journals? Utilitarian or fancy? Lined or blank? Tell me of your stationery lustings. I could use a cool planner. Something with calendar pages that have a lot of room to write things in. I could also use nice, blank note cards.
  • If you want yarn, what colors do you want? Not a yarn user
  • A color palette would be lovely if you use Pinterest. Or just want to post palette photos in your blog. My pinterest fashion board has a lot of color combos that I like, and my questionnaire and past swap answers give extensive info on the colors I use for my clothing and home.
  • Are you interested in fabric? Again, what colors, what themes, etc. Hmm, maybe. I'm trying to get my act together to sew pants for my kid and pajama pants for myself, but it hasn't really happened. I'm a beginning sewing machine user, so nothing complicated to sew with. I prefer 100% cotton or other natural fibers. We buy a lot of geeky stuff for the kiddo (robots, dinosaurs, science jokes) and I like solid black or other dark colors for pajamas.
  • If you could receive one handmade item - everything from knitted or crocheted gloves and scarves to sewn bags to fanart or original art, what would you prefer? Wow, this is an evil question. So great, too hard. I can get it down to 3, not in ranked order: 1. original art, 2. jewelry, 3. consumables (food, drink, bath, home good, whatever it is as long as it can be used up). Sorry for cheating so egregiously.
  • What are your tea and/or coffee preferences? Loose leaf / whole bean or bagged / ground? Do you have a favorite type? Flavor? Retailer? No coffee, my grandparents own a coffee farm. I'm so over stocked on tea it's not even funny. I could use a sturdy pitcher or carafe with a top that could hold cold brew and ice tea in the fridge.
  • What are your favorite fandoms, if any? Lots of webcomics (Queen of Wands, Something Positive, Questionable Content, Oglaf, and anything Spike Trotman of Templar AZ touches are favs), Star Trek, Firefly.
  • BPTP products? Pre-owned okay? Sure, but I prefer sample sizes. Also, used everything is ok.
  • Essential oils and aromatherapy oils- yay, or nay? I use 4 thieves oil as an everyday scent (and think the branded "Thieves" blend is bs). Eucalyptus is helpful for the winter months.
  • Favorite animal? Dog love
  • Twilight Alchemy Lab oils? No, and on that note I prefer not to receive any items of any sort that have "intent" or magical purpose.
  • Elements & Artifacts has a fall/halloween collection up? Anything catch your eye?/And speaking of shops from BPAL folks, any favorites in the stores on the SW Stalking and Services Spreadsheet? I try to favorite items from etsy shops on the spreadsheet pre-round and periodically throughout. Mind you, I in no way expect you to buy those things (some are super pricey), I just think it's fun to look through everyone's craftiness. Also, just because something isn't favorited doesn't mean I don't like it. I just get distracted easy. In case you can't tell ;)
  • Haus of Gloi update is live tomorrow (the 25th)- is there anything you're interested in? Nothing in particular
  • Ren Faire? Sure! Big Ren Faire fan (speaking of - have you hear the Rambling Sailors?) I like useful things (skirt clips, household goods), jewelry, consumables, and hair toys especially. I'm considering a piratey costume (the Navigatrix) so sailing and navigation themed items would be fun.
  • Honey? Yes. I love all things honey, and my Father In Law is a mead maker.
  • Coloring Books? I don't need them, but I think the adult coloring book thing is cute and wouldn't mind getting one. Kiddo is still too little.
  • Would you be interested in Kings Game by Lisa Millraney Maybe. On the one hand, it looks cool and I love supporting other BPAL people. On the other hand, I don't have an e-reader.
  • Do you celebrate Mabon? Would you like "witchy" or pagan decorations and objects? For example, pentacle wall hangings, mabon poppets, corn dollies, ritual candles, etc? No thanks (see "no items with intent" comment). Although, if you make these and are particularly excited, my FIL is a druid so I could maybe pass them on.
  • Anyone hankering for Craftsy classes? Whoops, missed the sale. I don't see any must haves, but beginning sewing, drawing, wire-wrapped jewelry making, and photography could be cool. More advanced savory cooking is welcome too. Realistically, I barely have time to answer these questions, so...
  • Would you be interested in any of the following: jigsaw puzzles; puzzle books (like word searches or crossword puzzles or suduko); coloring books; card games; board games? Card and board games for sure! We've got Forbidden Island, Cards Against Humanity, Apples to Apples, Wits and Wagers, Uno, Rumicube, and a million decks of cards/pairs of dice. We are always on the hunt for fun party and co-op games that don't take a million hours to play.
  • Tarot/Cryptids No thank you.
  • Weenies The beverages are catching my eye - Fizzy Jack O'Lantern, Pumpkin Latte, and Spiced Autumn Cider. Yipe has me wondering whether it will be amazing or gross. Oddly tempted by the Dead Leaves series. Something about that one is just calling to me this year. I vastly prefer decants to bottles (I have never finished an imp, let alone a bottle).
  • Pepper powders? Sure! Nothing too spicy and not too much (I have a crazy overflowing spice cabinet right now).
  • Erotica/BSDM Yes. For literature, I like things with a very strong non-sex plot where the sex is either important to the story or so hot you don't care that it's added in. I've read Meilin's Intimate History and almost all of the Kushiel/Naamah books. Something new would be appreciated. As far as non-literature items go, it'd be a bit odd for me actually. I could deal with cheeky or themed items ("It's not going to spank itself" underwear, Morticia and Gomez memes, etc.) but I wouldn't be particularly interested in receiving... implements? from a stranger.
  • NYCC Scents? I don't do florals or leather, so it's a bust for me
  • Would any witchees be interested in strawberry, pumpkin & apple, or milk flavor Pocky? pumpkin could be interesting
  • Though I've been playing with sculpee lately and like making sort of character or fandom inspired bead/pendants, would that be something you'd like or have use for? maybe a pendant if it was subtle enough to pass for "regular" jewelry
  • BPTP Weenies The dead leaves hair glosses sound interesting
  • Witchee, would you like (would you wear?) a long wrap choker? here's a random image of one I found on google. Yes, I love that type of necklace.
  • Ginger or spearmint? Typically mint. I do like gingerbread, though
  • Commercial candles, etc? No thanks, the scents usually bother my lungs
  • Thinkgeek sale Nothing that I'm absolutely crazy over, but there are some cool items - solar orbit necklace, planetary plush, planetary glasses, and maybe the lego bookends or the minibru coffee press.
  • Do you subscribe to any boxes? What kinds of things do you like from them? I do not, but I've considered bark box and quarterly a few times (too expensive). I did try one of the snack boxes once, but it didn't work out for me. Rancho Gordos bean club and any similar things for whole grains are on my list to try
  • Any makeup/body/skin type stuff you'd like to get samples of? Nothing in particular, but I wouldn't mind receiving them if you've got them to send.

I'm following along with one of the master question lists, and I've noticed that it's out of date. I've tried to add missing things, but if I skipped something you care about just poke me.


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