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Scent planning, imp overwhelmed, old favs

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I usually go to sleep at night with at least a minute or two of thought about what scent i will wear the next day. Sometimes i make a solid decision, and sometimes i waver between a few and decide to see what happens in the morning. In the morning i get up and hover over my imp box, trying to make a decision. Sometimes it's obvious and easy, and sometimes i have to be very careful. If, for instance, i've been thinking about shadow but when i look in my box i find my eye grabbed by lampades, i have to make sure i pick the right one. I love both but if i go with what i've been craving (shadow) i may find myself throughout the day thinking in the back of my head about how i crave the sweet tartness of lampades. Then shadow is kind of ruined for me for the day, no matter how much i love it! And the opposite is true - if i go with what suddenly grabbed my eye in the morning i may find that what i really wanted was the one i'd been thinking about in the first place.


It's all so silly and many people would think i need counseling for having this much thought about something like perfume oils! But i'm sure some people out there in bpal land can identify. And when i say silly, i don't necessarily mean unimportant. These things are important to me right now, even if they aren't earth-shattering or life-changing. It's just something that enriches the other more important things in my life.


I'm still in the stage where i have scads of imps and i've tried almost all of them, but i'm utterly overwhelmed by them all and feel a constant battle between the grasping obsession of must...get...more...now...must...have and must...reduce...quantities...now. When i have that many (i have something like 80 imps) i know i can't do them all justice, and i look in my box and i'm so excited by them all but also have a feeling of dread, like "ack, i need to test those, and i need to retry those and see how i feel about them, and ACK i haven't even had a chance to LOOK at masquerade or shadow or snow white for three weeks and i love them but i have so many others i need to work on." You get the idea. I know it probably seems silly to many, but it's just overwhelming! I want them all at once!


Since i'm trying to move to ordering only on lunacy updates and since i didn't want peony moon, i gave myself the month between that moon and the next to not worry about testing very many if any oils. I'm just going to give the ones i love some time and attention, and basically revisit the ones i've been neglecting while hoarding and trying new ones all the time. It's been very good! I still try a few new ones now and then but mostly i'm enjoying the favs...geek, masquerade, cathode, EO musk, snow white, intrigue...and the list goes on. Once i've satisfied this mode for a while, i'll finish testing the new ones and i'll feel caught up, and i'll have at least separated all the swaps/sales from my keepers, and then i can think about trying some of the new ones out there. Yay!

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