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Switch Witch HALLOWEEEEEN 2017



My goal is to update this every evening! If I miss a day, I'll just double back as soon as I get a chance. I seem to have hit the character limit, so part two is right over here!

Do you like and/or want anything from Elements and Artifacts? You can be vague like "yes" or "no" or name specific past pieces you coveted or current ones you love, whatever works best. :)
I don't wear jewelry, so I would have to pass. Everything looks gorgeous, though!

Would you like something hand sewn by your Witch? A dress, shirt, skirt, infinity scarf, something else?
Scarves are always awesome! Also arm warmers, since my desk at work is directly under HVAC vents and can be extremely variable as far as temperature goes.

Anyone want any kind of costuming accessories or makeup or odds and ends?
I don't really do costumes, so pass on that.
Question! I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would want?
Oh, man, all sorts of things. I love Sanrio, and I especially love Aggretsuko but don't know if she's made it to the US yet. Bento boxes and supplies are awesome. Oh! I used to live near a Daiso and really, really miss it. It was a great place to buy neat little household goodies. I would specifically love to get some more of those little 3"-ish shallow porcelain dishes I know they have super cheap! They make fantastic cat food dishes, but I'm not willing to pay $4 a pop for them like they are in non-Daiso stores here.
Are there any hobbies or crafts you've been thinking of trying, but haven't had the chance yet?
I think I answered this is the questionnaire! Knitting is probably the biggest one. I always think I will buy supplies and start, and then I just look blankly at the needles and end up not getting anything because I don't know what would be good for beginners. I can't do stuff that takes up lots of space because cats. They want to supervise *everything* up close and personally.

Would you want to receive a custom spell kit or magical tea? If so, what purpose would you want it to be for?
Motivation, probably. To get off the couch and *do* all of the things I say I'll do one day. And the determination to finish those things, not just start. Does that count?
Do you like poetry?
Not really.

Anyone like handmade critters, stuffed animals, or custom repaints?
Yes, but they need to be things that would be okay to be knocked off a shelf by a kitty throwing a hissy fit.

Would you enjoy any designer/specialty yarn for your own craftyness?

Would anyone like a donation made in their name to a cause or charity?
That would be nice!
Please provide wishes from the last two updates?
I'm working on this one!
ILNP? Who would love one of their awesome holos like MEGA or one of their amazing chromes?
Oof, yes. I'm not big on jellies, but I'm contantly eyeing pretty much everything else. I'm not too keen on reds, pinks, or so-called worksafe colors in general, regardless of brand or finish (I have and love Sirene, and I have a deep love for blues, greens, silvers, and just overall vampy colors in the fall and winter. I also love fugly nail colors most people cringe at like olive and mustard!).

Are you into podcasts? If so, what are your favorites? Would you like any merch related to any of them?
Heh. I answered this one in my questionnaire as well as further down this Q&A in the new stuff I've gotten into this year section. But I forgot to mention Darkest Night. I would love related merch! If you happen to listen to the same kinds of podcasts I do, I would also love suggestions for other podcasts along the same lines. I'm always looking for new shows to devour!

New question: Would you like something from Nui Cobalt Designs?
I'm not really seeing anything that is really calling to me right now.

Or maybe some of Christina's lovely Halloween candles at Sihaya & Co.?
Unfortunately, I can't have candles because my kitties are ridiculous and like to singe their faces off. I wish she did wax tarts, though! I would love all of them in tart form.

Would you be interested in things from Future Primitive?
Body whip, whipped soap, hair rinse, perfume oil, body butter, or body polish. All of the scents look great!

Are there any UK things you'd like to get?
I'm sure there are, but I'm drawing a blank right now!

Sooo... have you seen this!? And what would you like?
Ooh, I have now! Lord of Misrule shower gel, any of the lip items, or Goth Fairy shimmer bar.

Would you be interested in a Halloween wreath?
No, thank you. I like the idea, but I don't really have anywhere to put it where it wouldn't get immediately destroyed.

Are you interested in anything from Cocoa Pink?
Any body product (except deodorant), perfume oil, Argan Therapy Replenishing Serum, Ends with Benefits, Ends with Argan Benefits. Scents: Black Cats in the Pumpkin Patch, Black Kittens, Cherry Cola Float, Demogorgon, Eleven, Halloween 1984, Holiday Lights, Jean's Ghost, Monster in the Walls, Netherworld, Run for Your Life, Sensory Deprivation Tank, Stanley Hotel, The Upside-Down, Winchester House Kitchen, Zombie Apocalypse.

Or Haus of Gloi (note: HoG has only released half of their autumn/Halloween stuff because it's been too warm in Portland for them to make whipped soaps, so there will be more in probably a week or two)?
Products: Whipped soap (once it comes out. My favorite HoG product!), pumpkin butter, either scrub, perfume. Scents: Hex, Olde Cider Haus, Pumpkin Eater, Black Musk & Violet, Black Musk & Nag Champa.

Do you enjoy stationery? I'm thinking cute/quality notebooks, washi tape, stickers, fun pens etc.
I always love fun pens! I would love some Halloween-y washi, but I'm otherwise set for washi. I always *think* I'll use stickers and never do. I bujo, so a cute/quality notebook would be fun and right up my alley!

What are your coffee and/or tea preferences?
- Coffee: whole beans or ground? Whole preferred, but if it's a neat variety only available ground, that's fine, too! Also, I do have a Keurig at work, so K-Cups are great, too.
- Flavor and roast preferences? Dark. I'm not really into stuff with pepper, like that one Trader Joe's seasonal coffee with a bunch of peppercorn I can't remember the name of. And fruit and coffee is an unacceptable combinations (I mean, seriously, blueberry coffee? HARD PASS).
- Tea: black, green, herbal, flavors? I love tea! Black, green, white, and herbal all have their uses in my life. I especially love things like pumpkin spice (I don't like pumpkin spice *coffee*, but I love pumpkin spice *tea*), Earl Grey variants, rooibos blends, fruity black teas (like peach, blackcurrant, etc.).
- Loose leaf or tea bags? Doesn't matter. I am equally prepared for both.
- Anything specific you don't like? Rose hips and hibiscus. They make tea taste weird to me. I'm not big on spicy stuff. Cinnamon is about as hardcore as I get! And plain black/green tea. I need a little something flavory to make it interesting.
- Are you in need of any gadgetry? Need? Not really (well, okay, heat-resistant spatulas. I'm forever trying to find one in my utensil drawer. I swear there's a gateway to another dimension in there that just sucks them all away when I need one). Want? I'm constantly looking at kitchen and coffee gadgets and wishing I could justify buying them.

Are you interested in anything from the Moonalisa Halloween update?
Ooh, products: 4-in-1 shower gel (this is the only Moonlisa product I've actually tried, but i would love to try more!), hand/body creams/lotions, anything leave-in-hair-conditioner, perfume oil, room spray, lip butter, scrub. Scents:Apperscotch, Blood Orange & Cotton Candy, Caramel Apple, Carnival Cakes, Conjuring Room (I have no clue what it actually smells like, but it sounds intriguing!), Evil Garden, Faustine, Forever and Ever and Ever Come Play With Us, Full Moon, Haunted Mansion, Maniacal Mamie, Pocket Full of Posies.

What are some NEW things you've gotten interested in this year? Could be anything, from a new hobby, new genre of book, new healthy way of living, new fav brand of whatever...
The two biggest things are probably bullet journaling and true crime/mystery (and I'm starting to get into paranormal) podcasts. As far as bujo goes, I don't go fancy layouts with stickers, although I love colorful fine (as opposed to medium or bold) pens since I like to colorcode things. True crime podcasts: I'm a huge fan of My Favorite Murder, And That's Why We Drink, True Crime Garage, Court Junkie, Canadian True Crime, True Crime Japan, Liar City -- my list is long and always looking for more suggestions! I'm just inching into paranormal podcasts thanks to Last Podcast of the Left, which is mainly true crime with some paranormal stuff sprinkled around, so I am very much interested in finding more good shows dedicated to the creepy and the weird!

Who is into K-Beauty (Korean beauty products like sheet masks)
- What are your faves if you are?
The only foundation-type thing I can/will wear is Missha Perfect Cover bb cream #21. Holy grail status for me. And those foot peel bootie things. I'm not sure if those are Korean or Japanese, though. I get them at a pan-Asian beauty store and don't pay attention to country of origin.
- If you aren't would you like to try something?
I would love to try other things! I have no idea where to even start, though. So many options and cool things! That's probably the biggest reason I haven't gotten into it.

How would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures?
- would you want a big wood box (~50 bottles), a small wood box (~20 bottles) or a tin for carrying imps around?
I love boxes, big or small!

I drink this stuff almost everyday would anyone else be interested in trying it out? https://www.criobru.com/
WHAT IS THIS MAGIC? I would love to try it! I'm not a huge fan of spicy stuff, so one of the plain ones would probably be for the best.

Would you like one of the Halloween Teeturtle shirts?
Um. Yeah. Pretty much all of them. I love anything Dia de los xxx, black cats (well, cats in general, but black cats are the best cats) (please don't tell my blue I said that), bats, skulls, horror movie motifs... Basically, anything except the Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice one. Because that would be false advertising. As far as size goes, I like oversized shirts for lounging, so unisex 2x or 3x? It depends on how small they run. Larger is safer.

How do you feel about indie makeup (read: loose eyeshadow, blush, highlighter)? One of my biggest obsessions.

What are your feelings about Scooby Doo? Love it! Well, the pre-Scrappy years. I'm fairly certain this show is why I love mysteries and ghost stories. I was watching it before I was old enough for Nancy Drew books!


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