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13 Nights of Halloween 2017



Are you okay with homemade food?
Yes. So long as it's not something that is going to go off on the way. Baked goods might be a pass, given that it seems like we are going to have a continuance of hot weather(by which I mean 100+ days), with the addition of humidity :cry2:. Candies, canned or preserved, dried things, spice mixes, and anything like that should be okay, though-- just nothing that will melt or mold.

If you are okay with decorations, do you have a preference to table-top, wall hanging or window decorations?
I love decorations of all sorts.

How do you feel about stationary and/or papercrafting supplies?
I love them.

How do you feel about kitschy/silly Halloween jewelry?
It's fun. One thing I think I forgot in my questionnaire, though, is I don't have pierced ears. So, as awesome as the Halloween earrings are, those are not for me.

Would you like a Halloween wreath?
I'd love one. I had an absolutely gorgeous one made by a kind forumite, but it had dried gourds on it and it kind of died last year.

What rares are you dying to try???
Pink Moon 2017 and Vanilla Orchid SN? I missed them earlier this year, and would just like to sniff them, really. Other than that, my wishlist is pretty extensive. :lol:

Comic books and graphic novels:
are awesome.

Would you like to receive anything related to:

If so, any favorite characters?
Ariel for favorite princess, and all her awesome aquatic friends. This is not so much characters-- but since NMBC is Disney now, that whole shebang(if I had to pick favorites, it would be Oogie, Lock, Shock, and Barrel; because they have the best songs :P).

And to be more specific about Disney: How do you feel about Beauty and the beast?
I loved the animated movie as a kid, have not seen the new live action. Belle would be a close runner up for favorite princess( because she's not a mermaid), along with Jasmine. Plus, books, inventions, and talking crockery are all awesome.

And what about Harry Potter related items?
Harry Potter is awesome. Would especially adore Frank, or other magical creature-centric, anything. Hogwarts House is Gryffindor, last time I checked. Ilvermorny house is Thunderbird. My patronus is(although I don't necessarily agree, I'm definitely not mad about it)... a brown hare. Well, I laughed, anyway. Luna's got a hare, too. So, I'm in good bunny company.

Pokemon? Any favorites?
I like Pokemon! Haven't played anything but Go in a million years, but I do still sort of collect the TCG cards ( because I buy them for treasure box, and sometimes there are doubles that are just too cute :blush:). Pokemon are awesome. Top-of-my-head favorite are:
Dratini, Jigglypuff, Charmander, Mew, Ditto, Shaymin, and Mimikyu. A full favorites list would encompass probably a tenth of all Pokemon released so far, and that would be a bit ridiculous. I just like cute magical creatures with soulful eyes.

Is there any thing, category, or brand from which you would absolutely NOT like to receive things (ie., you're overrun with candy corn, you don't do scents outside of BPAL, or if you ever see another Stephen King item, it will be too soon)?
I hate Hershey's chocolate.Not really into Stephen King books, don't do slasher films, or the Saw franchise, FNaF, and I would rather not have anything made of bone or exoskeleton.

What kinds of art/art medium do you most enjoy, or would you most like to receive, in the context of this swap?
I love watercolor, and tiny figurines, but am also a big fan of the written word, imagery and rhyming. I'd love any art that looked old/aged, kind of dark fantasy or Victorian spooky, or seemingly normal images where something is just subtlely off-- especially *old* photos. Think Disneyland Haunted House or the pics in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiars

Bath & Body Works - love them or hate them? If the former, fave product types?
I like them. I don't really go there anymore, so whatever awesome packaging they come out with this year in the form of pockets backs, soap dispensers, or candles would be awesome to see-- and (although probably waaaayy too early in the season) someone told me their fir tree candle is amazing.

I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would be interested in?
Sailor Moon gachapon? San-X stuff, yuzu anything, and those seaweed caramels that I will probably never find again. :lol:

I'm in The Netherlands. Is there anything from The Netherlands/Europe that you're interested in?
Salmiak knotsen, Cassis, Roos Vicee, Potter's droppastilles... if you had access to drabbelkoek, and could send just a tin of those, I would be happy with that for all 13 nights, because it would make my mam's day. My dad might love you forever if you sent a roll of Droste pastilles. From Europe in general, Cadbury's Marvellous Creations with the popping candy and jelly babies (although this is probably the one thing on this list that I *can* actually order from here).

How would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures? if you are on board with that, would you want a big wood box (~50 bottles), a small wood box (~20 bottles) or a tin for carrying imps around?
I love boxes; whatever size you wanted to make.

If you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)?
Handmade anything is awesome! Fall leaf colors, or watery blues/greens

Nail wraps - yay or nay? Would including a small manicure set to go with them help?
I've never gotten around to trying them, but have seen some totally adorable patterns, and would totally be up to check them out. I don't know if a manicure set would help?


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