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Switch Witch 2017 Initial Survey Answers!



Hello Witch! I look forward to meeting you!

Here's my answers from the original questionnaire, for your easy reference:
Switch Witch 2017:
SW 2017 Initial Questionaire Answers - Public

Forum Name: HonorAlexandria
Full Name: Jessica Wunder

Basic Info
Birthday: April 6
Pets: 4 cats! Pestilence, Famine, Squeaker, and Ivy.
Children: No children
Religious orientation: No religious affiliation/Atheist
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Occupation/Major in school: Molecular Biology/Microbiology; Biology
Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): Living w/ Significant Other
Livejournal/Blog/Website: Blog: thegirlandthewolf.com
Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in):
Not an active member, but causes/organizations I believe in and support
American Cancer Society, Defenders of Wildlife, ASPCA
Favorite BPAL oils: (in no particular order) Absinthe, Embalming Fluid, Dorian, Whip, Black Lace, Glowing Vulva, The Last Unicorn, The High Ranking Courtesan, Tiki King, CP: Insects, Dusky Shroud, Morocco, Haute Macabre, As Above, So Below, DeSade
Favorite notes: all Musks, rich woods, rich vanillas, teas, leather, night-blooming flowers, amber, oakmoss, tobacco, chocolate, coffee (but BPALs coffee note doesn’t usually work for me), roses (but my skin amps this, so have to be careful), “green” notes, aged patchouli
Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: No particular perfumes, and I haven’t tried many non-BPAL, but in general I like what I’ve tried from Possets and NaVa. Oh! I do REALLY love NaVa’s “Nag Champa Seahorse”
Least favorite notes: Jasmine, cedar (I like it but it turns to pencil shavings on me), powdery-notes, ozone (I love it but it doesn’t work on me), cassia carnation, anything powdery
Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: I haven’t tried too many outside of BPAL. Haus of Gloi perfumes tend to be kind of plastic-y and don’t last long on my skin.
If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like?
This is a hard one. I have a lot of ideas for scents I’d like to try. But if I had to pick one(especially one evocative of me) it might be something along the lines of:
Dark musk, black tea, Leather and Oakmoss, sweetened with vanilla amber, black rose and a touch of sugar, and a hint of cognac. (Would that even work?). I’m not sure about the art. The teenager in me would want a darkly beautiful sorceress type woman. Adult me isn’t so sure. :D
Style/home decoration style:
Dark colors/black. Gothic, Halloween and fantasy elements, themes, motifs. Skulls, bats, ravens are all great. I don’t really like goofy, kitchy or silly Halloween decor. Silly pumpkins are cute, but not around my house. Dark woods and metal are preferred colors. Also! I love coffee. A lot.
Favorite decorating colors:
Black, silver, dark woods (mahogany, cherry, etc), dark purple, dark reds
Things you collect: Wolves, BPAL (hah!), Fantasy related items, Coffee. Used to collect Monster High dolls but I’ve stopped. Trying to keep “items” down as our living space is small.
Favorite music: Goth/Synth(VNV Nation, Convenant, A23, Wolfsheim, Cruxshadows, siouxsie and the banshees, etc), some Industrial(Aesthetic Perfection, NIN, Imperative Reaction, some Ministry, Wumpscut, etc) , 80s (Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, etc) , some EDM/Trance, mixing of classical/instrumental with other genres (e.g. Lindsey Stirling), “Steampunk” (e.g. Abney park), classical, “Epic” movie soundtracks (Antti Martikainen is great!)
Least favorite music: Most hip hop, rap, country, folk
Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!)
No, but see below…
Other food restrictions:
Gluten intolerance/Celiac (this includes barley and malt, as well as oats that are not certified gluten free)
Artificial sugars and sugar substitutes (this includes sugar alcohols, splenda, etc).
Favorite flavors: Coffee! Vanilla, chocolate, berries, citrus, cream
Favorite foods/drinks:
Foods: uh. Most anything. :D Love different kinds of cheeses, and a good charcuterie/fruit, cheese, meat plate will make my evening. Fresh fruits. Tacos! Sushi.
Drinks: Coffee. ;) Cold brew coffee is my favorite. Also teas (especially iced). Sangria, and any light, fruity refreshing drinks. Don’t like things that are very sugary. I’m a fan of craft cocktails, with Gin being my standard go to. I like whiskeys, but have to be careful as some are not gluten free.
Favorite authors/genres:
Genres: Fantasy, YA fantasy, some Sci Fi, Manga. Any books on writing or reference books for writing are high on my list too (As I’m attempting to write a novel and doing world building). Mythology reference. Science books.
Authors: This is hard. I don’t know that I can list favorite authors. There are authors I’ve read a lot of, and authors that I haven’t read much of but want to read more of. I’m also terrible at remembering names. Here are the ones that are at the forefront of my mind/reading list at the moment. I’m providing these partially to give an idea of what I read in general. Feel free to make suggestions/extrapolate/show me new authors based on this:
David Eddings( I own almost all of his books), Weis/Hickman(DragonLance), Terry Brooks, RA Salvatore, Neil Gaiman, JK Rowling HP Lovecraft, Diane Duane.
This may be helpful: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/11593125
Reading wishlists:
Fiction: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/XLIWKO1C39KY/ref=cm_wl_list_o_4
Non-Fiction: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3AYUYHBS1987P/ref=cm_wl_list_o_5
Least favorite authors/genres:
Stephanie Meyer and E.L James. :D
Otherwise there’s not any that stand out in my mind. I think GRR Martin has good ideas, but is not a very good writer.
Religious and Westerns would be the only genres I can think of that I have no interest in reading. Oh, and self help type books.
Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet:
Brandon Sanderson, Mercedes Lackey(have read some, but not much, want to read more),Garth Nix(The Old Kingdom series). Also old classics fantasy sci-fi (War of the Worlds, The Time Machine etc. There’s a lot of classics I haven’t read!) I’ve never read the Wheel of Time series and I’m not sure how to feel about that. :D
I’m interested in the new Marissa Mayer book (Heartless) as I liked her previous serious.
Recently, I’ve been curious about the “Red Queen” series by Victoria Aveyard and “The looking Glass Wars” by Frank Beddor.
How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts?
No problem!
Favorite stores (including clothing stores):
Hard to answer, especially for retail stores I don’t really have any absolutely favorite stores. I’m kind of all over the place. I shop at Target a lot (sadly). I am a big Starbucks and Teavana fan. Sephora and Ulta are favorites. Yankee Candle, Hot Topic, Lunchbox, and BlackMarket mineral are places that I sometimes will find stuff I like.
Favorite online stores (including B&B stores):
Another hard to answer. I use Amazon A LOT these days. Some online stores that I like (and wish I could shop at more): Pyramidcollection.com, BPAL/BPTP of course, ThinkGeek, Villainess, Heavy Red, Retroscope, Black Milk, UrbanDecay,, Threadless, TeeFury are some that come to mind.
I don’t expect to get things from these places, some of them are pretty pricey. But it does give an idea of my style and things I like.
I’ve been interested in Paintbox Soaps, but have yet to try them.
Magazines you subscribe to: None
Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: None
Favorite movies: Favorite” questions are so hard for me, because I have a bad memory. This is more “films I remember enjoying”: Wonder Woman(!), Avengers (and pretty much all of the Marvel films), the LOTR films, Crimson Peak, Disney films (especially the “Renaissance” films: The Little Mermaid through Atlantis), Star Wars, Star Trek (not the new franchise), Jurassic Park (yes, the original) ?? I don’t know!
Favorite TV show(s): Agents of Shield, Lucifer, Once Upon a Time (Seasons 1-2 at least), Dark Matter, Sherlock, Librarians
Hobbies/crafts done: Paper crafting, scrapbooking, jewelry crafting, painting, knitting, sewing (Starting to do cosplay) a little bit of everything!
Clothing & Jewelry
Hair type: Short, thin. Auburn/red (dyed)
Skin Type: Fair/pale, sensitive, dry.
Allergies (specifically B&B related): Nickel. Wheat/Gluten (in some lotions and hair products)
Other things to avoid: None.
Tub, shower or both? Both, usually shower.
Favorite bath & beauty products: Loved the BPTP soaps when they were available, and the Villainess produts. I haven’t experimented much with indie BB products but I do love “fancy” soaps and such. I would like to try new products!
Clothing Style/Fave garments: I tend for comfy and basic, although I do really love elaborate styles (I just don’t have the time). For reference, much of what’s in the Pyramid collection fits my every day style. Lip Service is a reference for my night/club/going out style. Love skirts, bell sleeves(And bell bottoms), I love dresses and skirts, but I’m not really into “girly” styles. (If that makes sense).
For reference: https://www.pinterest.com/girlnamedwinter/my-style/
Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Black is a favorite.I am “goth”. Dark jewel tones, gray, blues/greens, and some earth tones are my next preference.
Type(s) of jewelry worn: I don’t wear much jewelry day to day, but I do like having pieces for going out, and more recently for costume pieces (cosplay, and belly-dance). I tend to wear necklaces, some bracelets, ring on occasion. I do love the “slave” bracelet/ring combinations. No earrings. I do have my belly button pierced. I prefer silver, or silver colored metals (steel, platinum, etc).
Ring/wrist/collar size: Ring: 7/8 Wrist: 6.25” Collar: 13.5”
Jewelry - gold or silver? Silver! No gold.
Do you have any allergies to metal? Nickel! I can wear jewelry containing nickel for small periods of time, but not more than a few hours so I generally don’t buy it. Steel and Sterling Silver are best.
I also don’t wear earrings anymore(my ears were very sensitive to nickel).
Favorite gemstones: I love garnets and onyx. I seem to prefer the gemstones and minerals that are less favored and non-precious: tigers eye, malachite, tourmaline, opal, etc.
Sock/Shoe Size: 8 women, wide
Random Questions:
- On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you?
3? I like to organize things, and the idea of being organized. My home, however, does not reflect that. I do love lists and list making
- Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere)
London, Germany, Scandinavia and New Zealand are my “travel here next” destinations.
-Where, inside of the U.S. would you love to visit?
Seattle again. New England. I also love the idea of visiting the different biomes in the US; deserts, forest, coastal areas.
-Favorite City in the US/World?
Not sure. I haven’t visited enough to say! I did really love Seattle and the Northwest coast in general.
- Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?
Older, all my life. My mother used to say I was 12 going on 21.
-If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly)
Both! I’d mess with the cats, friends, coworkers first for a little bit. Then donate it. I’m trying to not have so many little things that don’t have a purpose. Our house is smallAnd of course, visit the IGI to thank.
- What animal do you feel like the most? Wolf
- Your favorite feature about yourself:
Physically: My cheekbones and eyes. Before I gained weight, my waist and hour-glass shape. (Curse you corticosteroids!).
Personality: My dark humor. My ability to be both pragmatic and creative.
- Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?
-Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10.
I can’t think of anything right now, which means I will as soon as I submit this. :D
Under $10: a charcoal or clay face mask, or something similar to deep clean pores and/or a nice pore refining/minimizing mask

Over $10: cute/gothy/artsy small cosmetic bag (around 4" x6"ish). I've been wanting and meaning to get one for my make up in my work bag but never manage to get around to getting one (or finding one I like) This might also be under $10.

- How do you feel about boi witches?
I’m still not even sure what is meant by this…
- Do you like garage sales (boot sales)?
Sometimes good for rare finds or deals,but I get a bit squicky about buying second hand furniture and such.
- I like to slather my food in …:
Nothing. I do like sauces and condiments, but nothing I use all the time.
- State fairs or carnivals?
- You throw caution to the wind and runaway to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a side show, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why?
A performer, I think. In this fantasy world I am pretty and talented enough to BE a main stage performer. While I’m an introvert and very self-conscious, I do enjoy performing.
At the same time, I enjoy being behind the scenes and “running the show”. Either would work.
- What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with?
I love elves, but I myself am not very elf-like. In terms of identifying, I am most likely a Dragon. :D Or a Were-Wolf :D
- Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose?
(I’m terrible at these things) Coffee, one of my coffee mugs(maybe my NanoWriMo cup, or one of my Halloween mugs), the tag from my German Shepherd Sascha(who has now passed away), one of my shiny d20, a wolf statue/figurine/image, a leather bound journal/spellbook, a beautiful writing quill, a zebra 201 pen (my favorite functional pen to write with), one of my favorite Fantasy books(David Eddings The Belgariad, perhaps, or Terry Brooks Magic Kingdom for nostalgia), A Diane Duane Star Trek: TOS novel, silver DNA charm, a “magic ring” (said anything we could imagine. I wish I could have a magic ring), My Nintendo 3DS loaded with all of the Zelda games, a beautiful shimmery black bellydance hip scarf, a map of the Universe (or at least the known Universe so far ;)

- Do you need storage boxes/bottles/containers? Decorated or Plain?
Yes! Either - boxes, containers, bags. Decorated or plain.

- The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours?
Write! Escape to a cabin in the middle of the woods, preferably during fall, with no internet (but basic amenities: electricity, hot water, coffee) and work on my writing (and perhaps some photography)
- Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive?
Yes! I’m not sure what I’d most like to receive though. My Steam Punk wardrobe, accessories and paraphernalia is very very small. Really, anything would be great, whether jewelry or even steam-punk life-accessories (USB keys, etc).
- Do you have an Etsy shop?
Yep! Although it hasn’t been active in a little bit.
WunderWolf Designs:
And, for reference, my etsy favorites and wish list:
- Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind?
While I’m supposed to stay relative low-carb, I wouldn’t mind a surprise. ;) That said I love baked goods, but they must be gluten free, which includes being made in a gluten free facility. I’m very sensitive to cross contamination. So homemade baked goods aren’t something I can do (unless you are also celiac and have a completely gluten free kitchen). Companies like Outrageous baking (http://www.outrageousbaking.com/ ) with dedicated kitchens are fine.
- What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?
Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):
Shirt size! Medium/Large, although I am a bit large chested (38DD).

I hope this doesn’t sound presumptive (although the instructions said wishlists are helpful!) but for reference, here are my various wishlists. These are wishlists from all over my interests (so there are some pricey items). I certainly am not suggesting any of these items are purchased, but rather I hope they give an idea of what i’m interested in, like, etc.

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/WunderWolfDesigns/favorites
General Wishlist (simliar to Amazon): http://www.wishlistr.com/agirlnamedwinter/
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/honoralexandria/wishlist

[i like to organize my Amazon lists so there’s a few]
Amazon (general) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2PI7NLX2GC5ZT
Amazon (crafting stuff) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3024CQYA3WF37
Amazon (fiction) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/XLIWKO1C39KY
Amazon (games) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3OMGJQR32MBXB
Amazon (non-fiction) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3AYUYHBS1987P
Amazon (kitchen and cooking) http://a.co/iypR8eD
Amazon (Non-Amazon items) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2FWFP7QBUMI76
Amazon (Writing) https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/181NPXFMN8RN
Amazon (Beauty) https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3VR6261ITF8S3
(for the cosmetics list, this is more for me to keep track of things I'm interested in, not to buy on Amazon.. There's a lot of stuff from like Kat Von D, LUSH, Urban Decay or other well known cosmetic companies that I wouldn't trust Amazon sellers and wouldn't buy these items on Amazon)

Think Geek!: http://www.thinkgeek.com/brain/gimme.cgi?wid=81d582188&icpg=wishlist_share_81d582188
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/girlnamedwinter/


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