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Switch Witch '17: Still Happening (i.e., Part 2)



:wave: Witch!

Hopefully you've seen my first entry.

I've decided to make a second entry since that first one was really long.

So here goes...

What style/make/etc of phone do you have? What about size of tablet? Laptop? Would you like decals, skins, or cases for any of these?
I just got a Samsung Galaxy S7... as in, yesterday! Before that, I didn't even have a smartphone. I have some kind of iPad through work, but I don't know exactly which type. And I'm really tired now so I'm probably not going to measure my laptop right now, though I think I did in my SW blog entry from last year. I can try to update this entry with information about the work iPad and my laptop's measurements. But I had to get kind of a goofy case for my phone yesterday because the store only had 3 in stock. I looked at cases on etsy and I like these 3: Geometric, Geometrical, Mountains. So anyway, interested....

Do you need any kind of dice bag, tote, project bag, cosmetic bag, pencil bag, or whatever? I have lots of bag patterns and fabric. We make bags under the name Twinkle N Twilight. Or how about a couple of pillowcases?
I don't think I'd use a dice bag or pencil bag, but the other things sound nice.

Let me know if you are interested in any "Apple Crips" (as voodoocatwoman calls them!) I wash, peel, core, and slice before dehydrating.

Would you like some homemade jam? I have blackberry, rose petal, strawberry rhubarb, peach, and cherry.
I personally would eat everything but the peach, but my husband would like it, so any of these would be fine.

Want some honey from the bees on our property?

Interested in trying some of our rose petal (rose petals, sugar, everclear) or lavender vanilla bean (lavender, vanilla bean, vodka) liqueur?
Sure, but small amounts.

Could you use a muscle rub? (We make ours on the lunar cycle and it has menthol, wintergreen, habanero, cayenne, olive oil, st. john's wort, arnica, beeswax, calendula, and ginger. It tingles. We call it "Thunder Butter". If you have really really super sensitive skin, I would recommend against it. And don't take a hot shower or open all of your pores before using it.)

Pumpkin or Zucchini bread?
Zucchini, as pumpkin would have to have something else going for it too since I'm not the hugest pumpkin fan ever. I'm actually curious to try chocolate zucchini bread because I only make a "very zucchini" type that has 3 cups of zucchini in it and no chocolate.

I am possibly going to a crystal / gem show tomorrow. I can't afford expensive gem stones, but...
What kind of crystals would you like?
Not sure. Wouldn't mind something paperweight-ish (I just mean like, something that would sit by itself on a table rather than only looking good with a bunch of other similar stuff) if you see something you think I'd like.

Are you interested in anything from Bath & Bodyworks? Which products and scents do you like? www.bathandbodyworks.com/
Okay, I took a look. I like the Mentha stuff decently, you could get me the bar soap, lip balm (not lip shine or lip tint, those don't work as well for my purposes), or bodywash/shower gel (I forget which one it's classifed as, but I'm sure you know what I mean).
Other thoughts:

  • candles: would try spiced coconut, lavender cedar, or clove varieties
  • bodywashes/shower gels: almond milk, cocoshea coconut, cocoshea honey, magic in the air, sensual amber, french lavender & honey

Favorite animals or wild creatures or mythological creatures?
Too tired to look up my past answer to this that I usually just copy and paste every year. I think I say hedgehogs/bees/deer/foxes if I remember right (can update if I left something out). I also like axolotls lately. I don't usually want stuff with mythological animals unless I link to something specific or you see something very like something I've already shown interest in, BUT... the mascot of my new (since 8/1/17) workplace is the unicorn. Trying to roll with it, I got a shiny necklace that said "UNICORN" like a nameplate or something but then I broke it the first day I wore it to work. :blush: The thing is, we're supposed to be like tough intimidating unicorns and not cutesy delicate ones (and the color scheme is like a medium blue and white, not like a fun rainbow). So I kinda felt like I had to mention that since mythological animals were brought up.

Ten Thousand Villages:
contessa earrings
panorama earrings
dynasty earrings
cats tea towel
dish carrier
coconut soap
dove garland

Would anyone be interested in having any of Abigail Larson's artwork (either as a print or on something, like a pillow, blanket, or t-shirt)?
The categories mentioned don't particularly appeal to me, but some of the tote bags look nice, like performers, dark unicorn or cats of ulthar.

I already talked about stationery, but I can answer a couple of other questions that were related:
Anyone like/want calendars or dayplanners?
We have several wall calendars in the house so that's a thought. I'm not really into ones with inspirational messages or cute animal photos if that helps.
What about general desk stuff like cool colored paperclips and post it pads?
Sure, those would work, I use them both at home and at school.

Weenies are live! anything you are lusting after?
Yes, a few! I am going to get myself decants of I Heard Many Things in Hell, The Mournful Influence of the Unperceived Shadow, and Nebulaphobia.
Dear :ninja: Witch, You could get me decants (or even half-decants, honestly because I'm mostly just curious about these) of (in rough order of how interested I am):

  • Cinnamon Chai Cupcake
  • Pumpkin Spice Snake Oil
  • Pumpkin Spice Cathedral
  • Pumpkin Spice Opium Poppy
  • Dead Leaves, Coconut, & Champaca
  • Dead Leaves, Tuscan Leather, White Amber, & Mimosa Blossom
  • Dead Leaves, Violet Candy, & Sugar Crystals

What are your top three most wanted DC'd or previous LE BPALs?
Well, you asked for it. :lol:

  • Our Lady of Pain (I have a bottle already, still about 75% full, but haven't been able to locate a backup because they get snapped up super-quickly)
  • Goth Queen (might even be for sale on the forum right now because there's a sales post that mentions it, but I haven't been able to look because the sales post also mentions the word "lace" and apparently pages with that word are blocked at my work :P )
  • The Laughter of Loki (all I have is a decant that I paid about $10 for... I wish I wasn't too hipster-y to get this when it came out)

Freshly released! Who wants it? I can't be the only one! (Ask Baba Yaga by Taisia Kitaiskaia)
Hmm... maybe. I think I used to read this column on the Hairpin website back in the day.

And... it looks like I missed a couple of pertinent questions somewhere along the way:

If I were to find an adorable autumnal/Halloween-y dish/flatware/etc. design, how many settings would be needed in your household?
I guess two if possible so that my husband could join the fun. But if you find something that there's just one of, that'd be fine too.

Starbucks collectibles:
I don't think I've ever bought anything from Starbucks other than drinks, though once in awhile I admire the tchotchkes. But I don't think I really need/want any of that stuff right now unless you find the thing that you know is absolutely perfect for me or something. I'd use a Starbucks gift card though... I mean, I only go once a month or less, but am always surprised by how much the drinks cost since I only get fancy stuff there as it's an occasional treat and not an every-day sort of thing.

*Just a note that I edited the Bath & Body Works question above*

*Also, I thought of some possibly-under-$10 things I'd like... I think I said I'd come back to that in my original questionnaire. I just finished up a jar of Penzey's Taco Seasoning, but maybe I'd go for their Bold Taco Seasoning next time instead... it's pretty inexpensive still. Another small thing I need is page flags to use to mark recipes. Currently I just tear up post-its but obviously it'd be nicer/easier to have something that was already in small strips to use.

Would you be interested in anything from Orange Thyme? https://shoporangethyme.com/ If so, which products/scents/flavors?
Yep, the interesting lip balms seem to be sold out right now. Out of the sold out ones, Earl Grey, Lavender Sweet Orange, Sweet Milk & Clove, and Vanilla Coffee sound cool. For currently-available, I guess I'd pick Orange Clove.

Would you like anything from the Haus of Gloi Fall Part II update?
Cool, it's finally up! I kept checking earlier and seeing "page not found" and wondering if it was just me.

  • So, I'd try the whipped soap in Blood Orange Marshmallow, Ghost Puffs, or Spider Silk
  • I know the Butterbombs go ridic-fast but I'd be into Amber Vanilla, Leaf Pile, or Sleepy Time
  • Finally, Cathedral Park sounds like a nice candle

​Witchee, I have a small but awesome farmer's market by my house. They have a local honey stand (which also sells things made from local honey like Propolis tincture!); there's a small apothecary and she additionally makes soaps and hand-made, hand-poured scented candles; plus a guy that makes an array of BBQ and Hot Sauces. Does any of this appeal? Would you like anything from my local farmer's market?
:wave: VioletChaos! I've had the pleasure of being VioletChaos' Witchee twice already, so I doubt this question is for me this time, but... I think I've already been pretty clear about wanting to try local honey and liking soaps and candles. Not sure about the BBQ or hot sauces... being a Texan, I'm kinda well stocked already when it comes to those two condiments. Even so, if there's a barbecue sauce that you are sure I'd love, I'll give it a try.

Witchee, I'm about to place an order with Smolder Cosmetics. Do any of their products (glitter, eye dusts etc) appeal to you? https://smoldercosmetics.com
Desert Nude, Sensual, and Sterling dusts look pretty nice. But I only wear eyeshadow a handful of times a year and already own several colors, so I'm not sure if it would make sense for me to receive them?

Witchee, would you be interested in anything from Strobe Cosmetics (?
Druid looks pretty neat, as do Fit for a Queen and Sea of Ghosts. But... see my prior answer about how often I actually wear eyeshadow.

Also, How would you feel about getting Hello Kitty stuff?
Fine I guess. I've been buying HK merchandise occasionally for 20+ years at this point, so I don't need a bunch more of it, but one or two interesting things would be fine.

Witchee, would you like anything from the Trading Post Halloween update?
Sure... I'd just decided on a couple of decants to get for myself (and maybe a bath bomb), but realized I'd sort of overlooked the Pomegranate Clove bath oil, which could actually be really nice. So that's a thought!

Would any witchees be interested in NASA swag?
Wouldn't mind a shirt or magnets. I also remember my husband really liking things that said "Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory" if that helps.

The new 13 isn't so much my thing, but the Lunacy sounds very nice. Trouble is, I don't really wear the super-foodie scents that I have, even when I love them. So it probably wouldn't make sense for me to have a bottle, but it would be cool to try a decant.


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