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Switch Witch 2018 Questions



Would you like a postcard from the fancy schmantsy St Pancras Renaissance hotel that I'm about to stay in several times over the next month?
that sounds great!

Does anything catch your eye from Future Primitive, including oos things?
potagas cauldrons and surrender dorothy from the halloween collection sound amazing.

Speaking of OOS/Discontinued - Are there any old favorites from no longer operating companies that you would like if either anyone had a stash OR could find a reasonable dupe?
I have been on the hunt for BPAL's Ozymandias. It is my most desperate of ISOs. Also if anyone happens to have any of the Lush Life's a Beach body scrub that was basically scented sand I LOVE it. I've been rationing the last of my container for years now.

Booze, yea or nay? Favorite kinds?
Very much yea! I love sweet and semi sweet wines. I like vodka and rum, and any sort of fruity or floral liquor. For beer I like fruit beers and lighter beers. Also I LOVE sake. Nigori and sparkling sake are my favorites. Also jelly sake is really fun.

Knitted stuff? Need/want anything specific? Colors?
I love knitted stuff! Especially hats and long scarves~

Feelings re: Lewis Carroll/Alice in Wonderland?
I like it!

Are you thinking of participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Any merch or pre-Nano supplies you might want?
No I'm not

I just recently discovered MoonMagic -jewelry with a focus on moonstones but also opals and labradorite. They currently have a sale. Anything that stands out to you? (moonmagic.com)
I love Necklaces: Blessed Lunas and moon elixir
Earrings: colliding moons, dos lunas,
Rings: Dolphin Diver, enchanted teardrop, waves, spring bloom

Are you interested in anything from Nerdlacquer?
not really, I'm pretty overstocked on nail polish.

Do you like quirky socks? Any preferred styles (ankle, thigh-high..)?
I'm trying to transition to wearing tights more out and about as I've recently started wearing predominantly skirts. For when I'm at home however I'd love some cute ankle socks. I also love toe socks and fuzzy socks.

Let's get specific about this knitting thing! Do any of these items/styles appeal? I've numbered these so you can just reference numbers if you like!
2, 3, 4, 9 (I especially love this one as I have short hair with cut outs around the ears so my ears freeze in winter!), and 10!

If your witch was able to obtain digital media that you could not access (TV, movies, books, etc.), is there anything you have been in search of for quite a while? If yes, what devices do you use to play such (i.e. Windows, Mac, etc.; can you use a flash drive)?
I am an avid fan of Air Disaster/Mayday but America is always seasons behind the rest of the world and finding reliable streams and downloads can be difficult. I use a macbook pro to watch and I can use a flash drive.

Do you need decanting supplies? Sample vials? Pipettes? Standard labels?
A resounding YES! I'm currently drowning in pipettes but standard labels and sample vials get used up so quickly that I'm always in need.

Are you witchy or like witchy things like incense, sage, palo santo, crystals, tarot, altar supplies, candles, etc.? Whatcha like/need?
I've been interested in starting to practice again. I haven't been a practicing witch since high school but I've been feeling increasingly called back but I'm starting over from scratch. So I pretty much need everything and lots of books. I like books.

Is there anything you want from Japan? Some kind of food, cute stationary, fandom merch, maybe you collect lucky cats, anything!
Oh boy my favorite question! First off kit kats. I LOVE trying different types of kit kats. Also anything melon or black sesame flavored. I've been on the hunt for black sesame seed pocky for years, I know they were seasonal but I'm hoping they'll be rereleased. I also love plate/dishware (I have a subscription with kizuna box for just this reason), bento boxes and supplies, recipe books (google translate works great on recipes) and FGO/Fate/Type Moon stuff. I listed specific characters in my questionnaire. I also have not been able to get the latest FGO Character Materials book yet.
Also you could just like raid a Daiso and I'm sure I'd love everything. Unfortunately I'm on the east coast of the US so we don't have any. I know they have a lot of cute plastic storage bins, a friend sent me one in one of her packages once and I'd really like more.

Can you link to your non forum wishlists/goodreads if you haven't already done so?

If you're a yarn user, what kinds of yarn do you like best?
I'm not a yarn user.

Spooky stuff! D'ya like... ghosts? Skeletons? Aliens? Bigfoot? Unsolved mysteries?
Sure I guess, unsolved mysteries are definitely fun and I like ghost stuff.

Is there anything from the Lush christmas line that was just released that you're interested in?
Snowflakes knot wrap, winter floral knot wrap, shoot for the stars bath bomb, holey night bath bomb, cherry christmas bath bomb

Is there any scents from the more current releases you have been wanting to try (Weenies, Motherhood/Fatherhood)?
I ended up with only 2 decants of Support Your Local Queens after my circle but I really like it and would love to get more.

How do you feel about buttons, pins, and badges?
I love them! I have fabric covered bulletin boards I keep them on

Practical Magic or Hocus Pocus?
Hocus Pocus, I haven't actually seen Practical Magic

Does anything from either of these shops interest you?
The Stitchety Witch (https://www.etsy.com...estitchetywitch) cross stitch creations and patterns
Black Abbey Studios ( http://www.blackabbeystudios.com)art w/ a gothic tendency
I love the art prints! My favorites are faithful friend, midnight magic, and triggered.

Is there something (either a specific item, or type of item, like bath/body, perfume, candy etc) you're really looking forward to or hoping to get?
I'd love to get something handmade whether it's knitwear, an art piece, or food.
What's something you want or look at, but always talk yourself out of buying (or for whatever reason never purchase)?
I'm always looking at jewelry but I always end up not buying it for myself.

Are there any subscription/subscription style boxes you have an interest in?(This could be a very specific sub like sihaya or lootcrate or an idea/concept you're interested in without a specific company in mind, like "book related candles").
I currently have a subscription with kizuna box for their lifestyle box but I'd love to try their snack box as well. I'd also love to try a tea or coffee box (I have a keurig but have fill your own cups for ground coffee). I also like lifestyle boxes.

Coffee or Tea?
Anything from David's Tea(esp the new Halloween) that catches your eye?
Witch's Brew, the Lil Ripper Bottle, and the butterfly pea flowers from the halloween section look great! From the rest of the store Peachy Lychee looks to die for good.

What house were you sorted into?
I'm a Slythinpuff! Even mixture Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

Anything from this curiosity shop the type of thing that interests you?
Those cat skulls are awesome! I currently have a bobcat skull I got from a taxidermist years ago that sits on my bookshelf named Hissy lol. I also love those butterfly shadow boxes.

For those of us Switch Witches who ARE witches...….if you have a BoS would you like a page for it from your witch?
I don't currently have a BoS

There are some really awesome spice shops in NYC. Would you like/need any herbs or spices?
Big yes! Especially more unusual spices or herbs since we have a cabinet full of spices right now (but more is always great, my mom and I are addicted top Penzeys Spices!)

if you were my Witchee, would you like a crocheted doll related to one of your interests?
I would love that!

Dear Witchee, assuming you are at least a little witchy, and you're into crystals/rocks - that's kinda my forte. Would you want me to put a collection of rocks/gems together for you? And if so, is there anything you'd want me to focus on? (health, peace, protection, creativity, love, etc...)
Yes most definitely! Anything to help with stress and anxiety would be much appreciated.


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