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SW 2019 Q's

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Would you like anything from Future Primitive? (It's fine to mention OOS things) https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk/ 

I'd have to be careful here.  I got a bar of Festival at one point which smelled amazing, but even the after-shower soap smell was so strong it made my super-sensitive boyfriend cough.  That said, all of the spring scents sounded amazing, as well as things like Lime Cooler,  Rook and Raven, Orange Mallow, OM


Does anyone have a favorite horror movie that they love? Need a copy/DVD of?  Don't do horror for the most part, the closest things to horror on my movie shelf are Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Sin City, and 13th Warrior


Do you like smallish knitted stuff (hats, fingerless mittens, scarves, toys, etc. -- be specific!)? yes!  all of it honestly,  and a hat that covers ears without looking totally doofy would be awesome


Do any of these knitted items appeal to you?  all the ones left in the list.  ?

Easy Fingerless Mittens

Pfeilraupe Asymmetrical Scarf

Odyssey Shawl

Rikke Slouch Hat


How do you feel about thrift store finds (assuming they're in good condition and have been thoroughly cleaned before shipping)?  bring 'em on!  thrifted, re-homed, handmade, all of this is awesome.




I may have bought several full size Rituel de Fille makeup items in a frenzy over their whole vibe. If I tested something once or twice (and it can be sanitized), would you be interested?  possibly?  tested makeup is totally fine, I just don't know much about their stuff other than that people are nuts for them.  when I wear makeup, it's mostly eyeshadow pigments (which get used as liner, I don't have separate eyeliners), and lipstick.  I tend to gravitate toward warmer tones or bright colors for eye makeup, and lips can be either warm or cool toned reds, or more neutral tawny shades (like warm nudes, terra cotta, etc., but I can't wear pinks or peaches)  I don't wear blush, and my foundation is custom concocted from like 3 different shades, so I'm a lost cause there.


Are you interested in trying different skincare products from higher end, clean brands?  As long as it's not some long complicated routine.  I'm a 'remove makeup if I'm wearing any, wash face in the shower, slap on some moisturizer' type person.


Any interest in anything from Torrid, noting their "fangirl" and Halloween collections are updated?  The Pooh Bear raglan was kinda cute


What on the following list would you like to receive something related to (or have something donated to in your and Joni's honor?)

·         animal rescue

·         pie

·         dogs

·         bears

·         turtles

·         inappropriate candies (either in shape or in contents—ex., boozy candies, creatively shaped peanut brittle…)


Honestly, any...dogs and animal rescue are the things in that list closest to my own heart, but I think I know all the stories to appreciate any category.


I'll be going to Seattle, London and Paris during this round- anything you'd love to have from any of these locations?  I collect pins to stick on my knapsack, so ones from various places are awesome.  Otherwise, dunno.  I love good black tea, so that would be a London thing maybe?  I know I drank a whole lot of tea when we did our England/Scotland/Ireland whirlwind a couple years ago.


Is there anything you would particularly like from Japan? Stationary, bento supplies, a particular snack, etc. The fall flavors for kitkats this year are Chestnut, Sweet Potato and Apple Pie.  I like pretty stationery, and black sesame stuff.





Thinking about really good natural food stores like Natural Grocers or Whole Foods, if you could have ANY bath and beauty or body care items, what would you love?  Honestly, no idea.  I wouldn't mind finding a good lip stain, but that's the only thing I know I could use. 


Also what kind of treats, snacks, foods, condiments, bulk items, teas, housewares from the same natural food stores would you love?  gotta think on this and come back


Also, are there any particular sustainable kitchen or household items you would love to receive?  I love reusable food storage stuff, haven't gotten to try the reusable waxed wraps yet




Did anything catch your eye from the Liliths? I'd really like to try Boots,  Bullseye, Health Goth, Lazy Daisy, Go Hawks,  Social Justice Paladin, just in imp/tester form.  I will be blind buying a bottle of Saturday Morning before they go just because I adore the Lilith and Pickle blends and get a bottle of whatever that year's is every year on principle.


Would you like anything from Lush?  not that I know of




Is there anything kind of weird and niche about which you feel this way, fellow witchees?  As mentioned above, I love pins that I can stick on my knapsack.  I also have a thing about found bits of places--a rock, a shell, a whatever from places I've been. 


Kickstarter (and similar):  Any thoughts, witches?  I'm kinda of two minds on Kickstarter?  I love the idea and have funded things there and on Indiegogo, but since it recently came to light that they're anti-union, it's now kind of an 'eh' thing.  Still supporting people and ideas that might be awesome, but a company shitting on its workers gets a cut of that...so.  yeah, here we are.




Do you have an Etsy/Goodreads/Amazon or anything else wishlist you’d like to share? I have Amazon wishlists under my name, and on etsy my wishlist is under skyelyric, more to get an idea of my tastes than anything


And what’s your preferred wrist/necklace size?  necklace anything from choker to long is good, bracelets I like to be fairly close to wrist size so they don't flop about too much.  I do like things like twisted wire cuff bracelets a lot


Does anything from Bird & Blend take your fancy?  The Elderflower Prosecco and Coconut Milk Oolongs, The Big Smoke Pu'erh, Smoky Russian or any of the plain black teas or earl grey blends.  Honestly with tea, about the only thing I avoid is rooibos.


Knitting questions have have been asked, but how about wash cloths, anyone need any?  What colors??   I actually make a lot of crocheted washcloths myself, so this wouldn't be a need, per se, but I do use them.  Colors probably blues or browns but not really particular.


 is there anything from World Market that tickles your fancy?  I like the actual German Haribo gummies, and the halloween mix gummies they have are fun. Mostly we spend time in the foods, and tea...ooo, the Downton Abbey Rose tea is on my 'when they have a tea sale' list, it's like drinking Turkish Delight. Decoration-wise, dunno, it seems like they didn't have as much going on this year.  I like little fall critters, and tend to do more low-key halloween decoration, more dark atmosphere than active halloween. 





There's a special thing happening over at Rituel de Fille this weekend, where some gorgeous makeup items are coming back for just a couple of days. I'll be placing an order Sunday or Monday- anything that might strike your fancy, either from the special sale or from the site in general? (https://ritueldefille.com)  The shiny stuff is interesting, but not something I actively need.


How do you feel about tarot or oracle decks?  Would you be interested in any (for artwork or for mystical purposes)?  New or used? I love the idea, since I'd like to learn to read them at some point, and I do love some of the artwork (especially stuff like the crow deck or other animal/nature themed art).  I have a miniature Ryder Waite deck, but I'm talking like 1" tall cards, so I've looked at them a bunch but not used them.



Would pigment samples from companies like M.A.C. or Notoriously Morbid tickle your fancy? If so, what colors catch you eye? Sure and for colors as long as it's shiny, I don't do much with matte pigments. I did decide recently that I should have a bit of red eyeshadow in my arsenal.





do you have a favourite saying or quote? 'if you can't be a good example, be a dire warning,' 'as you slide down the banister of life, may all the splinters face in the right direction,'  'the miracle is not to walk on the water, or to fly in the sky, but to walk on the earth.'  'this, too, shall pass'


How do you feel about spicy foods, and where on the Scoville scale do you hit your limit?  I'm good with anything under 100k for the most part, I like hot food as long as it's flavorful. If it's something for me to cook though, I'm limited by the fact that my housemates are firmly below 50k. 


How do you feel about coloring books, especially those pertaining to a personal interest or fandom? Fun, I like to color once in a while to just chill out.




A few questions have been asked about knitted items--are crocheted equivalents acceptable?  (crocheted fingerless gloves, shawls, etc.)  

Any fiber issues?  I think 90% of things work just as well in knit or crochet, and I can be rather militant about that, lol.  And no fiber issues, but I do like soft things.  (and yes, if what you can afford to work with is acrylic, I LIKE ACRYLIC JUST FINE, seriously, I will never ever yarn shame anyone, and I'm pretty militant about that, too)


About the Weenies: please list what you've bought or are definitely purchasing for yourself *as well as* what you would like to possibly receive from someone else!  I caved and got some decants along with ones I ordered for my own witchee.  The ones I'm interested in sniffing and didn't order are That 'Ere Wolf and the wilderness one, I did update my w/l accordingly.


Dear Witchee, are you at all boozy?  Anywhere between hard cider to straight whisk(e)y?  And any interest in the "unusual" stuff? (unusual as in non-mainstream, local craft ciders or meads, regional fruit wines, experiments from local distilleries, etc) Why yes, yes I am, and I'm pretty varied in my tastes.  I live in a pretty booze-happy location, hell, we're going to a 'Singing on Tap' event next week (the local chorale does them quarterly at various breweries and bars here). I like beer but tend toward the malty/grainy side rather than the hoppy, so no IPAs, etc. My favorites tend to be things like Belgian and Scottish style ales, fruity wheat beers, and the occasional stout or porter--one of our local places does a coffee stout, among their other excellent offerings, which is amazing (https://www.horseanddragonbrewing.com/).  I like ciders, sweet stuff (fruit wines, mead, liqueuers (sp?)) in small doses, wine on occasion (but we're super classy and drink the boxed version mostly, because it tastes perfectly fine, and cheap), and for hard licquor, I mostly hang in the Irish whiskey and Scotch realm.  Most of the rest only exists in mixed drinks.





Nail Polish: Do you need or want some?  If so, what colors and brands are you interested in?  This is definitely not a need, I just offloaded like 20 bottles for $2 at a yard sale to get rid of it. I like funky frosted or metallic colors, so if you see something really interesting, I'd probably love it.  (some of my favorites are OPI Just Spotted the Lizard, BPTP October, and a few of the American Gods colors, just for reference)


Does anyone else do nail wraps?  never tried


What about postcards?  Love it


 Is anyone interested in anything from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween release (or, presumably, anything else from the site)?


How do you feel about salt? I don’t mean, like, salted nuts or potato chips. I mean straight-up salt, like alder-smoked finishing salt or Hana Flake sea salt.   I love to cook and mess with food, so funky salts are awesome.





I am infamous for baking (shortbreads savory and sweet, poundcake, various cookies and bars), butter caramels (flavored or plain), and catnip.  Are any of these relevant to you or your household? This was my question, but I'm up for any homemade goodies.  'Nip...I'm the crazy catless lady.  I grow it and deal it. ;)


Do you like to cook and do you need/want any spices for such pursuits? Love to cook, but my spice drawer overfloweth.


Would you wear any of these? 

Fern , Nuada, Manannan, Duleek Abbey  or an infinity scarf or tube cowl tall enough for a hood (like this scarf or this cowl for shape example)? Hoods or things that cover my ears/neck are good. I do love shawls though I have a few (I just rotate).


Do you have any utilitarian needs for everyday life? Things that would help or that you've been needing or wanting for work or whatever?  contemplating


What kind of vegan snacks do you like? And vegan chocolate...favorites? This probably doesn't apply to me since I mostly am finding vegan things for others.


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