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Switch Witch 2019 questions and answers

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Would you like anything from Future Primitive? (It's fine to mention OOS things) https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk/

The Four and Twenty Blackbirds soap looks so pretty!  The Opium Den bubbling bathing grains or conditioning hair rinse sound very nice, too.  From the scent catalogue on the site, Witch Cake sounded like something I’d want to try, but I didn’t see any products listed for it.


Does anyone have a favorite horror movie that they love? Need a copy/DVD of? 

My favorite “horror” movie is probably The Raven, even though it’s not really horror at all.  I already have a copy of that, though.  I don’t really follow what’s new in the theaters or go out to the movies, so I tend to rely on what I can find at the library.  Thanks to the library, I just saw Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, which was better than I expected and pretty funny. I also watched Suck after getting from the library and not expecting much (gave it a try just because of the cast), and now it’s on my Amazon wishlist.  The library tends to fall a little short on non-comedy horror movie choices, though, and if my Witch has any favorite horror movies to share I’d definitely be open to that.  I’m fine with gore, but please no sadistic torture stuff or cruelty to animals.


Do you like smallish knitted stuff (hats, fingerless mittens, scarves, toys, etc. -- be specific!)?  

I’m not really familiar with knitted toys, but I do love little crocheted amigurumi toys, so I think I’d probably like small knitted toys also.


Do any of these knitted items appeal to you?

Easy Fingerless Mittens

Pfeilraupe Asymmetrical Scarf

Odyssey Shawl

Close to You scarf

Rikke Slouch Hat

Simple Yet Effective Cowl

Knitted Pumpkins

Little Bear Stuffy

 Definitely the knitted pumpkins!  I don’t know if I could actually pull off the look, but I do like the Pfeilraupe asymmetrical scarf, too.


How do you feel about thrift store finds (assuming they're in good condition and have been thoroughly cleaned before shipping)?  

I’m generally fine with it.  Books, records, decorations, jewelry, teacups and glassware and the like are all fun thrift store finds that I have absolutely no problem with. I’m a little pickier about clothing type stuff from thrift stores, but I’d trust my Witch’s judgement.




I may have bought several full size Rituel de Fille makeup items in a frenzy over their whole vibe. If I tested something once or twice (and it can be sanitized), would you be interested?  Sure, they have some beautiful stuff!


Are you interested in trying different skincare products from higher end, clean brands?  

I’m kind of stuck in my ways when it comes to skincare.  That said, most of the few products I use are from Bella Lucce, which has gone out of business, and Villainess, which I don’t buy from anymore after the ownership change.  I’m stocked up enough to last me a while, but I’ll eventually need a replacement for my Bella Lucce grapefruit foaming cleanser and multifruit regenerative face cream and Villainess Slick!, so if you know of something comparable to any of those, I’d be interested in trying a little.


Any interest in anything from Torrid, noting their "fangirl" and Halloween collections are updated?  Not really.  


What on the following list would you like to receive something related to (or have something donated to in your and Joni's honor?)

·         animal rescue

·         pie

·         dogs

·         bears

·         turtles

·         inappropriate candies (either in shape or in contents—ex., boozy candies, creatively shaped peanut brittle…)

Animal rescue and turtles would be my first choices.  I donate to two rabbit rescues in my area (Midwest Rabbit Rescue and Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary) and to Bat World Sanctuary as well as the Michigan Humane Society and other such organizations myself, so I’d be totally on board with anything animal rescue-related.  I really like turtles, too.  


I'll be going to Seattle, London and Paris during this round- anything you'd love to have from any of these locations?

I always love getting postcards from different places!  From London, if you happen to run across any music magazines or such with articles about Marc Almond, I’d love that.  He’s my favorite musician, but I almost never see him mentioned in American media.  


Is there anything you would particularly like from Japan? Stationary, bento supplies, a particular snack, etc. The fall flavors for kitkats this year are Chestnut, Sweet Potato and Apple Pie.

I’m pretty sure I’ve answered this question in detail many times over.  :)  There should be a complete answer already in my 13 Nights of Halloween blog entry (and other past entries). In short, lucky cats, stuff pertaining to my favorite animes and manga, cute stationery stuff like stickers, notepads, washi tape, etc.  I’m happy to try snacks, as long as they’re not seaweed-based or too weirdly flavored.  I haven’t been to my local Japanese market lately, but I’ll have to hit them up and see if I can find the Chestnut and Sweet Potato kitkats, since I think I’d like to try those.




Thinking about really good natural food stores like Natural Grocers or Whole Foods, if you could have ANY bath and beauty or body care items, what would you love?  Nothing really comes to mind.  


Also what kind of treats, snacks, foods, condiments, bulk items, teas, housewares from the same natural food stores would you love? 

I like the Panda black licorice bars, and natural food stores generally have those. There’s no shortage of good natural food stores within easy driving distance of me, so there’s probably not anything that I’m really longing for that I couldn’t just pick up for myself (and probably already have).  But if my Witch has something in mind, please feel free to surprise me!


Also, are there any particular sustainable kitchen or household items you would love to receive?  I’m interested in beeswax food wraps.




Did anything catch your eye from the Liliths?  

I didn’t see anything that I wanted a whole bottle of, but out of curiousity I wouldn't mind trying tiny bit of Generation Spooky, She Sauntered Vaguely Downwards, Social Justice Paladin, The Scottish Princess, Con Questions, or Lillith’s First Concert.


Would you like anything from Lush?  No, thank you.




So, there's a Euro coin of some denomination coming out with Asterix on it for the 60th anniversary and, while I'm not a coin collector, I've loved Asterix since before I could read and therefore really want one or two of the coin just to have.  Is there anything kind of weird and niche about which you feel this way, fellow witchees?  

Hmm, nothing I can think of like that.   


Kickstarter (and similar):  Any thoughts, witches?  

I’ve contributed to a lot of Kickstarter campaigns, so my thoughts about them are good.  I’ve done Kickstarters for a new MST3k season, Hal Hartley movies on DVD, a Marc Almond record based on Huysmans’ book À reboura / Against Nature, various books and card games (Necronomicards, Unstable Unicorns, etc.), a maple tree “adoption”, and more.  I don’t mind making a pledge if it’s something that interests me and seems worthwhile.




Do you have an Etsy/Goodreads/Amazon or anything else wishlist you’d like to share?  Mine are all in my signature.


And what’s your preferred wrist/necklace size?  I think I wear about a 7 ½ bracelet.


Does anything from Bird & Blend take your fancy?  

The reusable bamboo straw, oddly enough.  I have a weird habit of always using one of those tiny stirrer straws with my tea, and I feel guilty every time.  I bought an office size box years ago and I’ve been working through it, but I would feel so much less guilty if I wasn’t tossing out a tiny plastic straw every day. Tea-wise, I wouldn’t mind trying Campfires & Vampires, Dark Choc Chilli Chai, MojiTEA, Toffee Chai, or Rainbow Chai.


Knitting questions have have been asked, but how about wash cloths, anyone need any?  What colors??  I don’t really need any more wash clothes.  


 is there anything from World Market that tickles your fancy?  

I love the Addams Family stuff! (The ones for the classic tv series, not the other versions.)  I adore both Morticia and Gomez, and together they’re kind of my model of the perfect couple. I also really like the vintage Halloween collection stuff and the vintage pumpkins with witch hats string lights.




There's a special thing happening over at Rituel de Fille this weekend, where some gorgeous makeup items are coming back for just a couple of days. I'll be placing an order Sunday or Monday- anything that might strike your fancy, either from the special sale or from the site in general? (https://ritueldefille.com)

Andromeda looks amazing, and Serpens looks right up my alley, so either of those would be beyond lovely.  Honestly, a sample of the Fornax or Lyra eye soots or the Bloodroot lip sheer (I’m always looking for the perfect orange lipstick – everything I find that I think is going to be orange always ends up looking more coral on me for some reason)  would be more than enough.  


How do you feel about tarot or oracle decks?  Would you be interested in any (for artwork or for mystical purposes)?  New or used?

I have a small collection of tarot and oracle decks (mostly oracle) that I’ve gotten either for the artwork or as gifts from friends who are more mystically inclined.  I don’t use them often, and I don’t know how to read tarot cards (although I’d like to learn someday), so they’re mostly little collections of art for me.  I own a couple of Jasmine Becket-Griffith’s decks already and have a couple more on my Amazon wishlist.  Although it’s not on my wishlist, her Myths & Mermaids one looks nice, too.  Gently used decks are fine with me.


Would pigment samples from companies like M.A.C. or Notoriously Morbid tickle your fancy? If so, what colors catch you eye?

I’ve never actually looked at the Notoriously Morbid website before, and wow, their multichromes look amazing!  Autumnal, Destiny, and Desire are probably the ones I’d get the most use out of, in that order, but they all look fantastic.




do you have a favourite saying or quote?  

The one that occurs to me at the moment is “Just be true to yourself, if it lands you in Hell well at least now you know” from the song “If You Had a Bad Time” by Alkaline Trio.


How do you feel about spicy foods, and where on the Scoville scale do you hit your limit?  

I generally avoid spicy foods.  On the Scoville scale I’m probably at the 100-500 level.  I’ll eat sweet peppers, but that’s about it.  The one exception would be with beer, since if I’m at a beer festival I will generally try the ones made with hot peppers, but that’s just because I want to try them at least once, not that I’ll ever buy an entire bottle.


How do you feel about coloring books, especially those pertaining to a personal interest or fandom?  

I should say that I have too many coloring books already, especially since I rarely color in them, but I do love coloring books that pertain to my personal interests and fandoms.  I think I might even have a couple on my Amazon wishlist at the moment.  I can’t seem to resist collecting artwork that I like, and coloring books fit into that category.




A few questions have been asked about knitted items--are crocheted equivalents acceptable?  (crocheted fingerless gloves, shawls, etc.)  

Any fiber issues?

I think crocheted equivalents would definitely be acceptable.  I know that knitting and crocheting are different things, but I don’t know that I could tell the difference at first glance, because I don’t do either (despite trying to learn how to crochet on multiple occasions – I always fail).  The only fiber issues I might have would be that I’m somewhat allergic to both rabbits and cats, but I don’t think that people usually knit or crochet with rabbit or cat fur, so I should be ok.  I generally prefer soft fibers, but I think that’s probably true of most people.  



About the Weenies: please list what you've bought or are definitely purchasing for yourself *as well as* what you would like to possibly receive from someone else!  

I don’t see anything that I’m definitely purchasing for myself.  I usually at least get Devil’s Night, but it looks like they’re not offering it this year. I’d like to get decants of Flesh of My Flesh and Voluptuous Wantonness, but I’m guessing that I'll probably be too lazy to join a decant circle to get them.


Dear Witchee, are you at all boozy?  Anywhere between hard cider to straight whisk(e)y?  And any interest in the "unusual" stuff? (unusual as in non-mainstream, local craft ciders or meads, regional fruit wines, experiments from local distilleries, etc) 

I do like to try different alcoholic beverages, but I don’t drink a lot these days. My tolerance seems to be way down, unfortunately.  But I do like to try new things, so I like the little airline size bottles for just trying different boozes, and the little single-serve type wine bottles.  I wish breweries would do that same, since these days I generally don’t even finish a full can or bottle of beer at one sitting. This time of year I do like to try any new pumpkin beer I can get my hands on, though.  I’ve love to try ones from small regional breweries that I wouldn’t be able to get locally.  Regional fruit wines or experiments from local distilleries would be very nice, too.




Nail Polish: Do you need or want some?  If so, what colors and brands are you interested in?  

Probably not. I do love nail polish, but I have soooooo much already, and I don’t seem to wear it that often.  I think there’s still some in my Etsy wishlist though, so I guess I wouldn’t say absolutely no.


Does anyone else do nail wraps?  I don’t.


What about postcards?  I always LOVE getting postcards!


 Is anyone interested in anything from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween release (or, presumably, anything else from the site)? 

I already got Halloween 2020 and Poe.  I meant to order some decants from Ajevie for other scents, but never got around to it. The ones I was most interested in are: Dark Ghost Velvet, Eternal Ankh Spice, Eternal Egypt Nag Champa, Skelekin, and Witch Doctor.


How do you feel about salt? I don’t mean, like, salted nuts or potato chips. I mean straight-up salt, like alder-smoked finishing salt or Hana Flake sea salt.   

I’m not really interested in salt on its own.  I don’t really cook, so I don’t need it for seasoning, and I don’t put salt on very many things – I pretty much only put it on french fries.  Plus every time I’ve had my blood pressure tested in the past few years it’s been high (when I had dental surgery earlier this year it was so high that they kept me on a monitor the entire surgery and told me that I should really see a doctor about it), so it’s probably best for me to stir clear of adding additional salt to things.  




I am infamous for baking (shortbreads savory and sweet, poundcake, various cookies and bars), butter caramels (flavored or plain), and catnip.  Are any of these relevant to you or your household?  

Homebaked treats are always relevant! Sweet shortbreads, cookies, or caramels would all be lovely.  For cookies, I especially like peanut butter, oatmeal (Scotchies, plain, or with chocolate chips), Snickerdoodles, and chocolate chip.   


Do you like to cook and do you need/want any spices for such pursuits?  

I don’t like to cook, and any spices I buy generally just sit around in my cupboard forever going to waste.  The only spice I use on any sort of regular basis is cinnamon for baking (which I don’t really enjoy and therefore don’t do often), and I’ve just been using the standard grocery store or Trader Joe’s cinnamon, so a better grade of cinnamon would probably be nice.  I suppose I could use good vanilla (extract, flavor, or paste) as well. 


Would you wear any of these?  Fern , Nuada, Manannan, Duleek Abbey  or an infinity scarf or tube cowl tall enough for a hood (like this scarf or this cowl for shape example)?  

I don’t know how often I’d wear it, since I generally don’t get dressed up and my standard wardrobe is sweatpants at home/jeans when out in public and teeshirts and hoodies, but the Fern is really pretty.  


Do you have any utilitarian needs for everyday life? Things that would help or that you've been needing or wanting for work or whatever? 

The only thing that comes to mind is a new set of tweezers (for tightening the tiny little screws on my glasses).  


What kind of vegan snacks do you like? And vegan chocolate...favorites?  

I’ve never sought out vegan snacks or vegan chocolate for myself, so I don’t even have any ideas of what I’d like.  I think Panda black licorice bars are vegan, and I really like those.




How would you describe your crafting style? Whimsical & Cute?  Elegantly modern?  Totally Traditional? 

Precise, maybe? I’m not sure how to describe it, really – just that I like crafts like cross-stitching and card making with stamps and diecuts – crafts that result in a clean, specific look rather than stuff like mixed media that require more creativity and can have a “messier” look. I like cute stuff - my favorite stamp company is Lawn Fawn.  That and my Etsy wishlist should probably help give some ideas of what I like craft-wise.   


So....we are about to process a metric f*ton of green tomato relish, which is basically bread and butter pickles but with sliced green cherry tomatoes.  Is this relevant to any witchees?  No thank you.


How do you celebrate Halloween/Samhain?  Do you dress up?  Would you like something for your costume?  And am I the only person left on the planet who wears socks?  

I usually celebrate by watching old horror movies, reading some Poe, and passing out candy.  This year I’m trying to wear a different Halloween-ish shirt every day of October – I think I might just have enough Halloween-related tee shirts to do it!  I probably won’t dress up other than to throw on the old vampire cape for when I’m passing out candy.  I LOVE socks, especially Halloween socks.  Today I wore red socks with black bats.  I ended up spending time at the urgent care clinic and then the ER, and had to get a EKG both times, and each time the nurse attaching the wires on my legs complimented me on my socks.  :)  ?  (As an aside, my Witch, today's official diagnosis of high blood pressure pretty much cements that the answer to the earlier question about salt is that I should probably just completely avoid it.)


Are you interested in anything from Art Of Tea or Adagio Teas?  

From Art of Tea, the ones that stand out most are the Passionfruit Jasmine, Bright Eyed, and Dark Chocolate Peppermint.  From Adagio – oh my gosh, those Wicked Teas look so fun!  I’d love a sample tin of the Bat Brew especially! Just from the landing page, the Bonfire and Jasmine Phoenix Pearls look good, too.  I’m sorry, there’s just so much on the site and I really don’t want to spend hours going through it all, so I’ll leave anything else up to my Witch. 

I make light-weight hairfalls, doll-style, using a variety of fun stuff, like ribbons, lace and soft batting. Would you be interested in receiving a set in the colors of your choosing?  No thank you.


And a quick question here--I'm going to this amazing looking event on Saturday--does my witchee see anything they might be interested in?  https://www.facebook.com/events/903999316607440/ (the Oddities Market) 

It looks like there’ll be a lot of interesting stuff there!  Although I do think some of it looks neat, I personally really wouldn’t want anything taxidermied or anything made with dead critters or parts of dead critters, not even butterfly or moth wings.  I do like the style of the advertisement for the show – it reminds me of the stuff that Electric Vector (https://electricvector.com) makes locally.  I buy stickers and magnets from them almost every time I run into them at craft shows or at the Rust Belt Market.  I’d be open to things in that style, or something with bats (other than actual dead bats, that is), or soap or a candle, or anything else that my Witch thinks might suit my taste. 



what is your T-shirt/shirt of choice Size?  

I usually order an XL from woot.com and TeeTurtle and an XXL from Sick On Sin.  XL is generally the best way to go for standard shirts, or 2XL if the brand is known for running small.




OCTOBER LUNACY!  I know turn around time is unlikely, but just saying (JUST SAYING), dear Witchee, did anything catch your eye?  

I don’t know that anything caught my eye enough for an entire bottle – Lime & White Musk, maybe, since I love lime, but then again white musk is iffy.  I wouldn’t mind trying a tiny bit of Bourbon Vanilla & Yellow Carnation or Palo Santo & Sandalwood, just out of curiosity, if you happen to order a bottle for yourself and are willing to spare just a smidgen to sniff. 



also I took some beading classes and have been making bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.  Would you be interested in any?  If so, how big is your wrist or how long would you like your bracelet?  Any preferred styles of beads?  

I don’t really know.  I’ve made some beaded bracelets and necklaces for myself in the past and I don’t seem to ever wear them.  I wear about a 7 ½ bracelet, I think.  Maybe something in orange and black?  Something Halloween-y? 




If I was to donate to an animal rescue on your behalf as the "lucyboo" component of this swap, is there one in particular that you would choose?  

Any of the ones I mentioned in my initial questionnaire would be great.  Probably the two rabbit rescues could use a donation the most, I suppose.  I don’t know which specific animal rescues that lucyboo favored, but if my Witch does, I wouldn’t mind if the donation went there instead of to one of my favorites.




What is your very favorite Halloween candy? If you don't have one/don't do candy, what's a seasonal treat you love?  Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins are my very favorite.


I just got an email from Lush that their Christmas stuff is now up online! anything you might like?  No, thank you.  




If you were my witchee, would you enjoy home made (canned) preserves?  I'm going home to Can All The Things & I'm thinking some bananas foster butter/sauce might be a nifty thing for you.

No, thank you.  The only form I can stand banana flavor in is a fresh banana, and even that’s only occasionally.




I am in Las Vegas is there anything you would want from here?  I like getting postcards from anywhere!





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