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Switch Witch 2020 Questions







Would you be interested in anything from KBShimmer's new Fall nail polish collection or their Falloween collection?

Oh, I love nail polish! I like the Take it of Leaf it, Bugs & Kisses, Eyes on the Pies, and Fully Booked. 


Witchee, darlin', anything appeal from this goth-metal-Satanic Tea company, Pitch Black North? https://www.pitchblacknorth.com/category/all-tea

OMG that looks great! Those tea balls are fire! I do loooove that if I got that leviathan ball from a bpaler! Antichrist pumpkin spice and coconut chai sound delicious. 





I happen to live near this amazing place.  Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there?  The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff.  https://www.gcv.org/shop/

All that looks amazing! I would love the alphabet or number dice game


https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea  <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie?

Oh no! It looks like the website is down at the moment. I looked at the cached version from 9/16, and this is what I saw from the tea section: Union (peaches, petals and honeybush), Osborne House (lavender rose vanilla rooibos). Scents: Villa Diodati, Innocence, Madar, Myself Invisible


I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys.  I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies.  Any interest?

I would love that! Homemade shortbread sounds amazing. Caramel shortbread with milk chocolate YES




Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size?

I love an opaque (or semi-opaque) tight! Not footless, though. I'd love to try those mock garters! And those chub rub shorts! I would be a size C. I like the colors black, octopus, shark. 


Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preference?

Hmmm. I suppose I do have a preference for... "new information?" I like the social interaction, learning about new things and the surprise factor more than like... the "niceness" of the gift. So I suppose my preference is for several smaller, less expensive things that are new to me! Also, I consider anything custom and handmade amazingly awesome new information and interaction (and like something Hannibal themed would be treasured forever). But please don't stress out! I understand that I may be someone you've just "met" through the internet and it will be hard to get me the perfect thing. I love all gifts! I am genuinely a "it's the thought that counts" person. 


Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind?

I like tisanes and herbal teas over black and green teas. Yogi's Egyptian Licorice tea is my favorite. 


Witchee, do you want anything?  Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... https://www.redbubble.com/people/litlnemo/shop?artistUserName=litlnemo

I always love a postcard!


Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along!

yes PLEASE! 

Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore.

I actually no longer have a way of listening to CDs! Not in my car, not on my computer, not on my.... discman? Oh man! How the world has changed. 


Do you have an Amazon wishlist?  If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link!



Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay?  Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa?  What are your thoughts?

It's ok? I don't have strong feelings one way or the other.  


Candy corn – love it or loathe it?  Or just don’t care much one way or another?

Meh, I don't like it. I'll try a funny flavor though!




Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles?

I love the art on the bottles, but there is no need for them to be full. From Lilith's (and more) the scents they caught my eye: You are not alone, Shadows and Light, and Peanut.


How would you feel about recipes?  

Love sharing recipes!


Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge,  Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house. 

I googled it and it sounds AWESOME! Thumbs up on kitsch! Something with a magic giant beaver would get a laugh from me. A shirt? The uglier the better. OMG do they sell underwear with the beaver on it? ? i want!




How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess?  If you've got a system, please share it. 

I use those ammo boxes. They are perfect!




I'm a knitter.  I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more.  Would you like some?  Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done.  Would you like one?  What colors would you like?  Thin or thick?  With or without fringe?  Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca? 

Ooo a thin scarf would be usable! No animal fibers though, they don't agree with my skin


Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire?

Hmmm. Oh! Anything with a porg! Enamel pin, stuffed animals.. whatever! My husband wants them all!




Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in?  What, and what store?

haha anything Hannibal. Doujinshi in particular is harder to find! Or any local ads with Mads Mikkelsen (including Carlsberg swag and stuff from Jack & Jones and BoConcept) Oh! I love dice, and if your FLGS (friendly local game shop) has any dice brand more particular to your country or even exclusive dice that would be awesome


Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from https://www.chocolatemoonshine.com/ ?

Wow, that looks tasty! Seriously awesome. I would LOVE a moonshine bar of any flavor, and I have a preference for chocolate with fruits and nuts. 




Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference?  

I love spicy! I think on a scale of 1 (mild) to 5 (really hot) I would be a 4. 


Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.? 

Oh, this shop looks awesome! I am always up for a candle or a bar soap! Scentwise, Samhain Hard CIder sound the best to me!



Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? https://www.etsy.com/shop/AprilGloom  (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.)

Haha, I would never say no to an enamel pin! I like the skull in a jar the best


How about from https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com ?  (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...)

Oh wow yip yip aliens! I'll love to put some dice in them. And anything in that bookshelf fabric would be fab.


Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrianSerwayArt?

Those are REALLY nice! I love anything with a death's head moth on it. Awakening, and the Fox and Crow stand out to me.

Are you a sock person?  If so what are your favourite kinds to wear?  Do you have a sockdreams wishlist?

Mostly I wear no socks, actually. I think I wear nylons and stockings more often than socks. I would love some stockings and suspenders, ha.


If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like?

I am really close to one (walking distance). I love Trader Joes just the same, though! I love those lacey's chocolate cookie things (are they still around? i didn't see them last time)


How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol.

I loooooove local items! It's a chance for me get to know you and another part of the county. And especially coffee! It would 100% be used. And I do enjoy spicy things! And for Albuquerque, New Mexico specifically, I took a road trip there for Breaking Bad! It was awesome! I went on one of those RV tours. Visited the car wash and the Denny's. And this is a total long shot, but Joel-Peter Witkin is a artist based there and if you see anything (like a postcard? IDK), it would be awesome (his stuff is NSFW though FYI)


do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? 

Haha, boy do I! I have a ton and have been collecting for awhile. I even have a list https://www.hobbydb.com/marketplaces/poppriceguide/users/foxwrapped But I have almost everything already from my fandoms. My love for these little dolls is very fandom specific (so if they make a pop for a character I like, I'll buy it), not for funko pops generally.


Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy?

https://cantripcandles.com/collections (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST)



My own question, but I'll answer it if it might help you! I love candles and atmospheric scents, and I mean it when I say I adore anything from my fandoms (Hannibal, Witcher, Midsommar, X-files, Always Sunny). Even if you get me something I already own, I know other geeks in my friends circle who would happily give it a home, ha (or maybe I'll just have two! bwahahha)




I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)?

Ah, I have no pets. Sorry! Oh, but if your friend can do a penguin couple for me and my husband, we would get a kick out that!


Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays?  Is there anything in particular you would like to that end?
I do! I like wreaths. It's basically the only outdoor decor that I do. And I especially seasonally themed candles. 


Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1) 

Pumpkin butters!  I reach for this brand's pumpkin butters more than any other lotion/butter/cream. The scents Hex and Persephone's Descent sound good!


I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? 

Because I am me, an unapologetic obsessed fangirl, I would love anything themed to Hannibal: https://www.adagio.com/search/index.html?query=hannibal


What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? (https://store.dandelionchocolate.com/pages/home)

Oh, all chocolate is tempting! I am here to explore, so I am good with what you decide. My chocolate tastes go toward the sweet, the fruity and nutty, and the stuff that goes good with wine. 




Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk

I could always use body creams! But you can also never go wrong with a good bar soap. Scents that sound delightful: Bell Book and Candle, Blackcurrant Damson Frangipane, Orange Coconut Mallow

Do you have an Etsy wishlist?

Does this work? https://www.etsy.com/people/foxwrapped?ref=hdr-fav


I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! https://www.herbneden.com/

Oo that rosemary and lavender sounds interesting


Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters? https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/collections/critters-2020?page=1

or other ones?

Ooo I will look into this one in depth later. UPDATE! I have no idea if these are still available but these are the scents that sounded lovely: Black Squirrel, Red Squirrel (any of the squirrels really! but these two sound best), Bollocks, Lightning Storm, Crown




Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? 

Well, right now? Beardsley, Clovis Trouille, Louise Bourgeois. Weirdo erotica, lowbrow, queer, unsettling horror, you know, the stuff that spooks the straights


Who is your fashion icon(s)? 

Marlene Dietrich (I am not worthy)


What is your favorite mythological creature? 

Vampires generally

is there anything you want from Lush?

Any of the solid scrubs! Love and use them everyday


Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation?

Oh wow, that would be cool! No particular area though.


How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysRainbow -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)?

I would LOVE fudge. I like fudge with nuts, and the chocolate and peanut butter fudge sounds so lovely!


How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats??

I'll eat em! I'm not myself keto or sugar-free or low carb, but i will eat all of that. 




Does anyone like the prints or items from www.ElissaMarieCreative.com ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality!

Oh so cute! The Midnight Garden face cover is awesome! I also like the separated eggs art print. 


What about www.drawingsbynicole.com? Anything specific?

I love the Abstract 90s print face mask! And the introvert hair clip.  I am not a mother myself so the mom stuff wouldn't apply (the weird bit does, though).


Does anything from www.vapidlacquer.com stick out to you?

Oh I love nail polish! I like Cyrogenic Regrigerant! Also that nail sauce sounds awesome! In continuity or rise and shine scent. 


I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s  right now. Pics available upon request! 

ooo i love the look of pour art! All the organic forms. I love love love greens and blues (anything like looks like malachite/apatite/turquoise/copper) and neons. I am totally cool with a piece that is already finished. 


After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy!

1) https://www.catcoven.com/ LOVE cat coven! Enamel pins always make me happy (Curious Wanderer), those slouchy shirts (Midgard), and OMG those utensil wraps would have been perfect (need a cute way to carry around my fork and spoon) 

2) https://www.mineralgypsy.com ooo those poison bottles! And generally speaking i like malachite, lapis lazuli, bloodstone

3) https://www.redbubble.com/people/thelatestkate/shop the lady bug about getting through today is nice!

4) https://www.marikapaz.com/shop/ This shop is probably awesome but it is currently closed while the shop owner moves

5) https://www.faunwood.com aw man, that isopod pin was kick ass! I like the oarfish print

6) https://www.shannatrumbly.com/ OMG the peacock! 

7) https://fiddlersgreenzine.com LOVE Fiddler's Green! I have an issue (looks like it's no longer sold on the site) and one of their zine (Our Bogeys, Our Shelves). I will love with my whole heart stuff from Fiddler's Green. I think out of these artists/website, this is the one most me

8 ) https://www.hedgespokenpress.com Love the Alchemist print. 

(this is an amazing question btw and right up my art loving alley!)


One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies.  I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it.   So, which of these things might you like?  Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size.

oooo a french press cozy would be perfect! Use it everyday. My favorite colors are... well neon green actually! 


I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in?

I looooove historical reproductions. Seriously all that stuff looks amazing! I am currently loving... cowboys, vikings and ancient egypt. Surprise me!


9/11/20 (thanks to twilighteyes for compiling this!)


Is there anything you'd like from the UK? 

Chocolate shortbread! I am a TOTAL anglophile so I would probably be happy with anything, honestly!  And I have no problem with kitsch


Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from?

Hannibal is my #1, my OTP. But I also really love the Witcher (Games and TV show), The X-files, currently enjoying RDR2 and Dune




would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders?

I would love a small cross stitch thing! I do cross stitch as well, and I appreciate others' work





Art and artists - anyone dig any of this?  https://www.studiodesade.com/  (They also do masks, see here.)  

Oh, I like the Skyrim one! https://www.studiodesade.com/Galleries/Studio-Artists/XAVIER/i-T2CZ5qk/A 


If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn?  And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors?

I unfortunately do not! 


what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy?

OMG polyhedral dice! there are a TON to choose from, and I would be happy with any! for my particular style, i looooove this store: cozygamer.com


If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with?

Whatever craft things I can use (glitter! for resin crafting), something kitschy if one catches my eye (probably some cute toy that I will play with for a little bit and then give to my sister or brother heh), some gummies




what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups?  I even make things with berries I grow in my garden.  I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla.


I loooove homemade! I don't have many restrictions (not vegan/veggie, no serious allergies, I am OK with spicy). Out of those things, oooo lavender + vanilla!


Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round?  For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself?? 

A really sweet set of polyhedral dice!


Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? 

oo I like both options! Getting something handmade as a gift is really special though ❤️ 


Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys (https://www.penzeys.com/)? 

OMG I love penzey's! My husband and I would love anything curry-ish. Also these look fun and interesting: ground mace, mace blade, bratwurst, frozen pizza seasoning, ground galangal and kind of unrelated I would love a peppermill/grinder (doesn't have to be from penzey's or fancy!)




Would you like anything from here? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TaterRoundsBeauty

This is my own question, but I ask because they have Hannibal items and I want everything Hannibal!




Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? https://akumuink.com/collections/facemasks

one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HakutakuMasks/ ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks? 

I have to wear a mask to work as well (8+ hours) and I prefer the non-ear masks, but the plague doctor mask is cute! For Hakutaku I like the comic book fabric (#26), and the kinda gorey-ish one (#22).




are you familiar with https://www.a-natural-alternative.com/ ?  Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something

I am not familiar, but that Wool Wash sounds interesting! The orange cinnamon and mint julep soaps too




Is there anything you want from Japan? Current kit kat flavors are... Salty Lemon, Salty Lychee, Sweet Potato, Chestnut and possibly still some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or Strawberry Ice Cream from summer. Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me!

OMG Obsessed with gudetama ahha. If there are any hannibal doujinshi hooolyy shiiiiiet


What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries.

Polyhedral dice are keeping me sane rn!!! 




Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye (http://paintboxsoapworks.com/)?

❤️❤️❤️ Atmos sprays, here in particular Manao Tupapau 


Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye (https://www.etsy.com/shop/bptradingpost)?

G.O.A.T, Hex on the Beach, the African Black Soap... ooo the coconut free soaps look good! kattegat sounds so good


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