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My answers ❤️




Cross stitched halloween ornament?

Sure! My favorite ornament for my winter holiday tree is a severed finger ??‍♀️ I don't have a Halloween tree. 


Which Harry Potter house are you? 

Ravenclaw, but JK is transphobic trash so I prefer no HP references. 


Collage pack? 

I am not a collage artist, but I would love to receive this! I send bits & bobs to my friends across the country now and then, and several of them are visual artists that work with collage elements sometimes.  So, yes, I would love one, but I would be passing it on to others. 


Are you excited about DragonCon smells?

Yes yes yes!!!  I'm so excited about vanilla wafer & peach cream, fuzzy peach sweater, working title, and peach brandy snake oil! I've already located a fairy and a decanter for myself though ?


Do you like any art from these two sellers? They are local artists and I will probably pick up some stuff for myself soon!  

Yes! These are both wonderful- would especially appreciate small prints, stickers, or other more personal-sized items for my office, water bottle, etc. 


I make beautiful and very lightweight yarn-and-ribbon hairfalls - would you like a set in the colors and length of your choice? If yes, name up to four colors and length in inches! Remember- this can be part of your Halloween costume! ;) 

yes yes! I always wear my hair in a topknot (because I haven’t gotten a haircut in aaaagggeeesssss and it’s sooooo loooooong), and I would love to zhuzh it up. Fave colors: blue, purple, black, cream. 

The Paintbox Soapworks Weenie collection went live today! Would you like anything?
Flavors: Hex on the Beach, once for yes twice for no, GOAT

products: any!


The Pickety Witch is taking pre-orders for their new Halloween pins (estimated ship date: early September). Have any caught your eye?

Harvest Crow. 


Zeep's Spooky Collection drops some time next week. Here's the scent list. Would you like any wax melts, candles, whipped soaps, sugar whips (whipped soap/scrub hybrid), body butter sugar scrubs (moisturizing scrub), meringues (lotion), bath bombs, or bath rocks from Zeep? 

Body care is always welcome! These flavors sound good...
?Boo-nilla Scream – Sweet and creamy vanilla bean with hints of fall spice and everything nice!
?Hocus Pocus - Take a walk through the graveyard to the Sanderson sisters house and smell the scents of the smoky fire under the cauldron, crunchy dried fall leaves, and the sweet temptation of roasted marshmallows and brown sugar!
? Jack-o-Lantern- Sweet pumpkin, spiced vanilla marshmallows, and hints of smoky bonfires


Does anyone here like vintage halloween? 

I don't decorate for Halloween.

It seems like a lot of shops’ Halloween lines have items related to the same standard fandoms, such as The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, Disney’s Haunted Mansion, Beetlejuice, Addams Family, etc.  Do any of those (or other ones) particularly resonate with you? 

Not really. 


How do you feel about atmospheric/novelty scents and novelty food items? Things like "new car candle" or "eyeball jawbreaker" or whatever.

I scent my body, not my house (too many opinionated adults live here to find scents we all like!). I'm always down to try a novelty food though. 


If you like tea, how do you want it delivered? Loose? Bags? Tiny little messenger pigeons (subject to availability)?

I prefer loose leaf and parachuting wombats. 


Would you prefer to receive ONE HUGE (more expensive) GIFT and 12 inexpensive ones, a few more expensive, or all about the same price?

Hmmmmm..... This is hard. I like quality (e.g. it's not going to fall apart in a day). So probably one nicer thing and then some useful stuff (e.g. from the dollar bin at Target). I think...

Most of all I appreciate thought so I would rather receive 13 things that cost you nothing but that you curated thoughtfully. 


What are your fandoms, if any?

Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Stephen King, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Betty White, feminist icons in general


Do you collect things like tarot decks?  If so do you have a wish list or a list of ones you already have?  Would you like a silk tarot bag?

I would love a silk tarot bag! I prefer to select decks myself, but I would be thrilled to receive a pre-loved deck that needs a new home. 


Do you like rocks/crystals?  What colors / kinds?  Would you like them with holes drilled (either as a pendant - you'd need to stick a bale in, or a bead?)

I don't really collect crystals or have preferences, but I keep the ones I've received as gifts, and I'm always open to assistance in grounding my energy, growth, and creativity. I am more likely to keep it carefully placed in my office rather than wearing it, so no holed. 


My mom has an etsy store - she makes bags.  Do you love anything from it?  We can also do box bags, draw string bags, dice bags, etc. and if you want a different type of material or a different fabric pattern, I'm open to links to specific things.   (yes, we have harry potter things.  We bought most of it before JKR showed herself to be a twat since we buy lots of bolts at the same time - yes, we have a whole room stuffed full of fabric.)

OH MY GAWD THESE ARE SO COOL! I'm a knitter, so I would LOVE a project bag! Of the patterns posted now, I especially love: Bones, Mistress of All Evil, Binx, Grady Twins, Twilight Ravens.


Let's say you want something knitted.  What are you most interested in? 

I also knit! So if I am your partner, I would be thrilled to receive something small that you think would be fun to make - maybe something you've never done before, or your favorite pattern, in the colors I've listed in my first set of answers. 


Are you interested in receiving any of the following homemade / home dried / home canned goodies?  (just erase the ones you don't want when you answer to make it easy?)

(see list in this post under spoiler because long)



How do you feel about oracle decks?

I don't know anything about them, and would love to learn.


Would you like witchy/ritual oils/sundries? Any limitations (e.g. deities you won't work with)?

Sure, but I'm not very witchy so is there a "witchy 101" option?


Is there anything you would like to try from the UK specifically? (e.g. Lush exclusives)

ooooohhhhhhhhhh maybe candies & foodstuffs, or anything made by a local artist/maker.


Oh, and are you into astrology?

A little, but not overwhelmingly so. I'm a sag.


What size shoe do you wear (inc wide/narrow, etc)?

9.5/10 wide in US women's


Do you like/would you want to receive comic books? Any favorite genres or characters?

Sure! I love manga and graphic novels, and I generally prefer stories created by women & non binary folks. Happy to be a new home for pre-loved volumes.


Would you like a palm stone, or anything else, from Haute Macabre?

Yes please! I don't have specifics, but their stuff is beautiful and I would be happy to receive any of it. I love As Above (with So Below sometimes), and have been wanting to try the Haute Macabre smell.


What's your favorite flower(s)?

carnations, sunflowers (for my mom in law), rosemary when it's in bloom, any fruit blossoms. 


What's you favorite woodland creature?

ALL OF THEM. That's not helpful. Okay. Foxes, wolves, owls, beavers... HEDGEHOGS. Final answer. 


Do you prefer receiving a big box with all of your goodies, or is it okay if one or two things are shipped directly to you separately (with notice!!) for customs/shipping cost purposes (i.e. if there's something customs might not allow in from the States that can be shipped from within your country)?

Shipping separately is fine - whatever makes this process easy and joyful for you. 


Would you like a fabric face mask? If so, do you prefer a dome shape or a pleated shape? 

No thank you, we make them ourselves and have nailed down my personalized pattern. 


I have a literal stockpile of skincare products.  Can I interest you in cleanser, sheet masks, moisturizer, sample things etc etc.?  Or a general pampering package? What is your skin type?

yes please! I have fair skin, pretty well balanced, I'm turning 40 this year, I shave my pits (every 2-4 days) and bikini line (occasionally) but not my legs. I usually just wash with water and exfoliate a couple of times a week, and I have a nighttime oil that I like but I never remember to use it. So what I'm saying is: my skincare cabinet is empty and would happily be filled by your stockpile! I love a facial steam and mask, though I'm out of the habit. I am barefoot most of the time so my feet can always use love. I am allergic to mosquito bites so if you have a good salve, I'd love that.


Anything from here?  ChocolateStorybook on Etsy

Sure! I'm especially interested in pickle, buttered popcorn, or any of the flavors that I listed in my original questionnaire.


I have been enjoying the incense from here hand-dipped incense sticks | Hexennacht and here Hand-dipped incense sticks | Mr. Hex (mr-hex.com)  Any thing interesting from either site?

I don't burn incense. 


Would you like some delicious coffee? If so, do you prefer whole bean or ground? If ground, what grind? Also, light or dark roast? Flavor preferences?

My household drinks dark roast, whole bean. I am personally not opposed to an interesting flavor, especially if it comes ground for a pour-over and individually packaged so I don't have to share :D


Additional Notes:

I DO celebrate Thanksgiving, and my birthday is Nov 27! I'm turning 40!

I love me some pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, and pumpkin cheesecake. 

I love love love to support independent artists & makers, so please consider adding something from your favorite humans, especially if they're local to you. 




I may be going to the Renaissance Fair this weekend (if not this weekend then soon and multiple times), any Ren Faire goodies you may like? 

Not off the top of my head, but keep my general list in mind :)


I always go to my town's local Farmer's Market and they have booths selling things like candles, Gourmet Pickles, Flavored Oils and Vinegars, dog treats (like bones and animal feet), honey, and bath products. Would you like any of these things?

YES PLEASE. Any pickled/canned foodstuffs or ingredients, love hot baths (esp salty muscle soaks), and I'm rabid for honey. I don't have a dog, but I have lots of friends who have dogs, and I love treating their furbabies.



Do you have a preference for numbered packages for each night of the swap vs randomly selecting from unlabeled goodies?  

Whatever is easiest for you!


If you didn't say much about your reading preferences in your survey but would be interested in receiving books, can you elaborate a bit? 

Magical realism, mystery, sci-fi, horror....


Are you interested in cocktails, be it recipes, infusion kits, tools, supplies, specialty bitters? 

Yes please! All of the things. Bitters are especially appreciated


Any significant other or other special person? Like if I wanted to send you specialty cocoa for a date night, would that be OK? I am making up the cocoa part, but you get my drift.  

Yep, I've got a husband and we do date night every Tuesday. Both of our moms live with us and we both work from home; it's important for us to have a weekly escape. 


Is there something that you definitely prefer to not receive in any category (anything to avoid if you hadn't/forgotten to mention)? 



Are there patterns/prints (more guidance than general Halloween/Autumn) you like for things or are you open to whatever I may find that speaks to me?  

I lean towards modern-ish/geometric prints. I like many things with cute animals. Also whatever speaks to you :)


If you happened to list some favorite fandoms earlier, would you also name your favorite character(s) from those fandoms?

Firefly: literally all of the characters

Lord of the Rings: Merry & Pippin, Arwen, the river Bruinen


Do you have an Amazon link?  Can you post it?? 

I don't have an Amazon wishlist. I have a terrible habit of buying myself what I want.

if you are a knitter/crocheter, are you over on Ravelry?  If so, what’s your user name there??

Yep: theemilystamets


I would love to request folks to to put their wish list in this thread and link in their signature. I would love to decant from my oils if I have any my person is looking for! 





I make homemade fire ciders, would that be of interest? Non-alcoholic and they are quite fiery. 

Yes, I love fire cider!


Are you interested in getting other BPAL items besides perfume, like hair gloss, bath oils or T-shirts?

Yeppers! All of them appreciated. Tshirts: women's XL preferred


Y'all with furbabies... Are there any food allergies/sensitivities or quirks to know about? 

Nope! My Suby really really REALLY loves turkey. And Zooker wants his pyramid tomb to be filled with fishing pole toys with feathers at the end of the strings. I wouldn't put Suby through a costume trial, but Zooker would probably be totally into it - he's a 12-14 pound orange & white asshole. 





Ethically Sourced Butterflies or Moths

Sure, if they're ethically sourced and cruelty free. 


I may have preemptively picked out 2 Halloween-themed mugs with cute matching spoons, before I knew who my match was going to be! So I leave it to you: Bat, or Cat? (I'll keep the other ;) )

cat, please!





If you mentioned aversions to any common Halloween decor items (skeletons, witches, spiders, etc.), how encompassing is that? Specifically, is a "kid friendly" drawing of that same item on a piece of decor (like, a book cover or wrapping paper) still a preferred pass? 

This wasn't me.

Would you be interested in receiving a never-used eyeshadow palette from Nororiously Morbid (gothy colors) and/or a never-used eyeshadow palette from Pretty Vulgar (romantic neutrals)?

The romantic neutrals would probably work for me.




I live in Japan. Are you interested in anything specifically Japanese I could get for you here (doesn't necessarily have to be Halloween themed)? For example, are you a fan of the anime Demon Slayer and want merch? Are you interested in trying some fun kit-kat flavors? Do you need a new set of pretty chopsticks?

Yes!! There are these wasabi almonds that I ADORE. I love pretty chopsticks. And I'm down to try all the Kit Kat flavors. ALSO anything local that you love, I would love to experience!


there is an excellent chance teeturtle will have a sale in time for this swap: anything (particularly tshirts or socks) that appeal? Sizes?  

Women's XL tee. Avo-Cat-O. Boba Cat. Fox counting stitches. Relaxolotl. 

Socks: same styles as above, Raging Raptor, Space Cat. 


Haus of Gloi Fall Part 1 drops soon, anything here you like?  https://www.hausofgloi.com/blogs/blog/fall-lineup-2021

Products: pumpkin butter, bubbling scrub, perfume oil, butterbomb, handmade soap, 

Flavors: Ghost Puffs, Pumpkin Queen, Golden Corn Cakes, Tranqulity (butterbomb only)

Ghost Kisses lip balm

Brown Sugar Latte lip balm





Could you use a journal or sketchbook? 



Do you need BPAL storage?  Imps?  Bottles? 

I have a good storage solution for home, but I could use one for traveling. 


Do you wear socks?  What kind?  No show, ankle, knee high, over the knee?  Fibers?

Not very often. When I do, I generally prefer ankle, but I work in a very cold warehouse sometimes so taller socks are great if they are also very warm. 


Do you have a favorite candy(ies) [or prepacked individual snacks] that you wouldn't mind filling up your box as packing material? Or teas/coffee blends you'd enjoy? If you prefer none of this, that's fine too! 

tea would be great! 


I'm going down the Shore for a few days! Any treats you'd like from a cute beach town- salt water taffy? Fudge? Wrist fans? Tie-dye beach dress...?

hmmm.... not that I can think of. I'll never say no to a Women's XL tank top though.


How do you feel about fancy marshmallows?

I love them! I also make them from scratch at home. So my caveat is: I love them IF the actual marshmallow is really good (vs being a mediocre marshmallow with gobs of yummy stuff stuck on it). 


We've asked about candy, but let's talk specifically about gummies. Do you like crazy shapes, sweet/sour? 

All gummies, all the time. Seriously, you can't go wrong with me and gummi unless it's one of my death flavors (raspberry, celery, caraway). I like them sour, sweet, funky flavors. ALL. OF. THE. GUMMIS.


Anything from these Etsy shops? 

Kodiak Sea Charms,: seaglass necklace. 

Halloween Hill Studio, these are beautiful, but I wouldn't display them. 

Grave Markings - vinyl sticker "this is my art"


What about the Mutter Museum's gift shop? Black scarf with skulls, eyeball earrings, those skeleton earrings are amazing but that's a lot of $$$ for this gift exchange!




I grow mugwort and it's harvest season. Would you like dried leaves for bathing or tea? Or a bound bundle for smoke cleansing? (Its said to be excellent for divination or lucid dreaming, but do not use if pregnant.)  its also a digestive bitter and tastes great on chicken.

Ooohhhh my first exposure to mugwort was in Bugbear Doula, ha ha! I would love some for bathing, or tea, or seasoning the chickens that I raise and process myself. 


I grow loads of other herbs and I'm drying them now. Any favorites you might like? Mint, basil, oregano, chives, lemon balm or others?

We grow a lot of herbs ourselves (except mugwort!), so no thank you. 


I grew a huge load of onions and garlic. Any interest?

Garlic, sure!


Feathers? I have geese, ducks, peafowl, chickens and quail. So I collect their shed feathers and share them with people I like.

I raise chickens - I've got plenty of spare feathers, but thank you!


I grew a boatload of Green Shiso this year and plan to make a shiso pesto with it. Would you like some? (Nut wise it has pistachios) 



I also plan to experiment with infusing it in vodka. I'm planning a plain shiso infusion and a shiso citrus infusion. If they turn out would you like some?

Yes please, a small amount. My husband's quarantine hobby has been cocktail making, but we don't use vodka much. Still, I'd love to try some for the novelty!


Would you be interested in this hand sanitizer dispenser/keychain that doubles as a light (its eyes light up when you press between its eyes!)?

It's super cute, but I don't have anywhere to hook it to :(


If you're into tabletop games, what games do you already own, and/or what type are you interested in?

Oh gosh, I own lots. I should get a catalog going! My elfster wishlist has some games and extensions that I've already researched and decided on, but haven't purchased yet. My family are big fans of cooperative games that can be played with 2-4 people. 









Not especially because I don't want to store them anywhere, but I would appreciate specific articles that were clipped out if you thought I would like them. 


If you are enthused by the idea of receiving coffee, do you want whole bean or ground? AND do you have flavors that you like (or definitely hate and never want again)?

Whole bean if it's not flavored, ground if it's flavored (otherwise the rest of the family *ahem*myhusband*ahem* will be mad that the coffee tastes like gingerbread or whatever for months to come).

Flavors to match the ones I've listed above. 




Would you be interested in some very size-inclusive tights? There are Halloween patterns, but also most colours under the sun, and are very comfy.

Sure! I like a good tight. I like bold solids colors, or fun festive holiday prints. 


What about indie chilli sauces/chutneys/jams? What type of chilli/spice level?

yes please! medium to medium-hot spicy. Like 3 or 4 out of 5.


In case anyone else shares a love for adorable tiny plushies, any interest in v soft and cute vegetable/fruit plushies? There are also small animals.

No thank you. 


The Polish Pickup/Indie Pickup is live for wishlisting, and will ship in time for this swap (this year). Anything strike your fancy? (It's not just nail polish...there's jewelry and bath scrubs and wax tarts and all manner of things. It's fun!)  https://polishpickup.com/

Anything that matches my answers above. I don't paint my nails. 




Anything here sound good to you? https://gryffonridge.com/

Um, yeah. Literally all of it.


Hayden Evens Art has released some new Halloween and Disney-themed prints and stickers.  Do any spark your interest?

No Disney for me, please. But the other work is cool! Would be happy with stickers or a small print. I like the Dolly Parton image. 


So would you hate or be into more miscreant Halloween vibe decor - like wholesome figurines repainted, creepy dolls, goats with horns, (fake) animal skeletons, things in jars? Is anything too dark, morbid, or recoil worthy?

Okay, I love this aesthetic, and I would prefer something I can hang on the wall in my office rather than 3-dimensional stuff that I have to dust. I lean towards whimsical and spoopy, but I appreciate a good dark piece with a thought provoking message. 


do you use any sorts of semipermanent dyes or do anything fun/wild to your hair? are there any hair products you like?

No, but I've been wanting to! My hair is super long, medium brown, super straight and fine, and can always use extra conditioning, so I've been curious about those color-adding conditioners. Prefer blue, purple, teal. 


what about skincare? i am pretty into k beauty and am curious if others are interested in any aspects of this.

I'm a better audience for one-off treatments, rather than something I have to do every day. So masks, steams, etc. 




Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.'s Halloween & Fall collection is out (https://cellardoorbathsupply.com/collections/halloween-fall-collection? anything you might be interested in?

Bar soap, rather than candles. 

Flavors: Eerie ectoplasm, Lavender Pumpkin, Michigan Moonglow, Once Bitten, Pumpkin Chai Latte, Samhain Cider, Sanderson Spice


Regarding tea, what type of tea do you prefer? Black tea, green tea, herbal tea? Any type of tea you really don’t enjoy? 

I literally drink all the teas. Prefer loose leaf. Prefer whole ingredients over "fill-in-the-blank flavor."




are you interested in eco-friendly menstrual products? There are some beautiful gothic print reuseable pads I'm looking at specifically.

No thank you, I'm happy with my cup :)




Bath and Body Works? I know this is a bit of a love em or hate em company, but I really love their foaming hand soaps and scented hand sanitizers and my kids like their body wash, so I'll be placing an order with the next good sale. Anything that catches your eye?

I would be most likely to use a bar soap or liquid/foam hand soap in the flavors I've listed above. 


Home made apple sauce?

Yes, please, if you're using a lab-tested canning recipe!


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