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13 Nights 2021

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Would you be interested in a cross stitched Halloween ornament?  sure





Are there any collage artists in the mix?   I would LOVE to curate one of spooky autumn goodness if my person were to be interested!   While I think this is a super cool idea, I stink at things like collage/scrapbooking, so probably not for me


Have you seen the Dragon con list?  & would any of them appeal to you?


Which Harry Potter house are you?  Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw leanings, though I'm another one that doesn't do licensed merch at this point




Do you like any art from these two sellers? They are local artists and I will probably pick up some stuff for myself soon!

Very cool stuff but nothing I'd really display.


I make beautiful and very lightweight yarn-and-ribbon hairfalls - would you like a set in the colors and length of your choice? If yes, name up to four colors and length in inches! Remember- this can be part of your Halloween costume!


Would you appreciate a skein of handspun yarn? If yes, what weight? What colors? How do you feel about beads? Any allergies to typical fibers?  LOVE.  No allergies to speak of, and I work with everything from fingering to superbulky depending on the project.  Colors are totally open, I use everything from undyed to super dark/bright, my only particular preference is non-scratchy.


Do you like stickers? Patches? Buttons?  Yes, but stickers tend to languish because I am terrible about committing to stick them somewhere.  I do love adorning my knapsack with buttons/pins, and I will probably start doing that to my work satchel as well.


Do you spend time in the outdoors?  Yep.  In my garden, on local park walks, occasional marked-trail hiking trips


Do you enjoy cooking and/or baking?  Both!





The Paintbox Soapworks Weenie collection went live today! Would you like anything?  Hex on the Beach and Hiraeth I know I love, Nightwalker sounds interesting. Sugar scrubs and soap are most used, though I could probably use a lotion at work


The Pickety Witch is taking pre-orders for their new Halloween pins (estimated ship date: early September). Have any caught your eye? OMG I love this stuff!!!  Of the Weenie pins,  the Trick or Treat Goat is adorable, but I'm also drooling over the Lughnasadh Wolf Moon and Brigid's Wolf


Zeep's Spooky Collection drops some time next week. Here's the scent list. Would you like any wax melts, candles, whipped soaps, sugar whips (whipped soap/scrub hybrid), body butter sugar scrubs (moisturizing scrub), meringues (lotion), bath bombs, or bath rocks from Zeep? The Mockingbird Lane body butter scrub sounds nice, or Ghost Stories, Harvest Festival,  Orchard Air, or Pep Rally sound interesting




Does anyone here like vintage halloween? Not really my thing


It seems like a lot of shops’ Halloween lines have items related to the same standard fandoms, such as The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, Disney’s Haunted Mansion, Beetlejuice, Addams Family, etc.  Do any of those (or other ones) particularly resonate with you?  Not a fandom person for the most part


How do you feel about atmospheric/novelty scents and novelty food items? Things like "new car candle" or "eyeball jawbreaker" or whatever.



If you like tea, how do you want it delivered? Loose? Bags? Tiny little messenger pigeons (subject to availability)? Loose or bags is good



Would you prefer to receive ONE HUGE (more expensive) GIFT and 12 inexpensive ones, a few more expensive, or all about the same price? I am totally fine with however my gifter wants to roll



What are your fandoms, if any? Nothing I'm really actively involved with



Do you collect things like tarot decks?  If so do you have a wish list or a list of ones you already have?  Would you like a silk tarot bag?  So far I only have a miniature deck, which I think is delightful but I haven't really learned how to read anything.  I do drool over some of the artwork out there, I just feel like I need to learn what to do with one first before I start collecting.



Do you like rocks/crystals?  What colors / kinds?  Would you like them with holes drilled (either as a pendant - you'd need to stick a bale in, or a bead?)  Yes, but mostly in a found-object sense, like if there's a cool rock from where you live or something.  I do rocks more from a look-at-it perspective than any kind of ritual thing. Geology was one of my favorite classes.



My mom has an etsy store - she makes bags.  Do you love anything from it?  We can also do box bags, draw string bags, dice bags, etc. and if you want a different type of material or a different fabric pattern, I'm open to links to specific things.   (yes, we have harry potter things.  We bought most of it before JKR showed herself to be a twat since we buy lots of bolts at the same time - yes, we have a whole room stuffed full of fabric.)  Confession:  I think I have three bags at this point--a little zippered Van Gogh Tardis, and two knit/crochet project bags, one in bare branches and crows, one with retro Daleks, and they are awesome.




Let's say you want something knitted.  What are you most interested in?  (hat, fingerless mitts, scarf, shawl, cowl, infinity scarf, shawlette, gnome, doily, coffee mug cozy, talisman bag, dice bag, soap sack, washcloth (I have a pattern with the leviathan cross for bpal), amigurumi / toy, bracelet, cuff, necklace, other?)   (Can you link to a photo of what you envision or a pattern on ravelry?  Or put it on pinterest or something if you have that.)   gnome, washcloth, fingerless mitts  (I have a small collection of knitted things from bpalers and I adore and rotate through them all in cool weather)

* What colors would you prefer said knitted object in?  for wearables, darker colors, I don't have a particular preference within that. 

* Stripes, gradient, semi solid, variegated?  Not a super huge stripe person, but otherwise I'm open

* What type of yarn would you prefer?  ("wool", BFL, merino, merino/silk, merino/silk/cashmere, merino/cashmere, just silk, just cashmere, tencel (non-animal, plant based), other?   I also have non-dyed organic wool (mill spun) from our own sheep - finnsheep and shetland.  The finnsheep is dark brown (sun bleached black sheep from Sarge and our two black ewes we can't tell apart so they're ewe 1 and ewe 2) or a lighter silvery beige (from freckles) and the shetland is white.  (we just call her shetland.  They're mom's sheep, she should have named them, lol.)  Most of my stripy yarn is either merino or merino cashmere.)  I think the unnamed sheep thing is hilarious, btw.  And I have no preference.





Are you interested in receiving any of the following homemade / home dried / home canned goodies?  (just erase the ones you don't want when you answer to make it easy?)

(see list in this post under spoiler because long)







How do you feel about oracle decks?


Would you like witchy/ritual oils/sundries? Any limitations (e.g. deities you won't work with)?  I'm such a total novice this is probably lost on me at the moment


Is there anything you would like to try from the UK specifically? (e.g. Lush exclusives) 


Oh, and are you into astrology? minimally


What size shoe do you wear (inc wide/narrow, etc)?  9 wide but I have seriously wonky-shaped feet so unless this is just for like stretchy house slippers, foot stuff is probably a no-go


Do you like/would you want to receive comic books? Any favorite genres or characters?


Would you like a palm stone, or anything else, from Haute Macabre?


What's your favorite flower(s)?  yes!  seriously, I love flowers of any kind.  If I had to pick favorites, zinnias, chrysanthemums, viola family


What's you favorite woodland creature?  small songbirds like chickadees and finches, for mammals probably foxes.  I am equal opportunity as far as like critterart or whatever though.


Do you prefer receiving a big box with all of your goodies, or is it okay if one or two things are shipped directly to you separately (with notice!!) for customs/shipping cost purposes (i.e. if there's something customs might not allow in from the States that can be shipped from within your country)?  However it gets here is totally fine


Would you like a fabric face mask? If so, do you prefer a dome shape or a pleated shape?  My mom is a saint and sewed me a boatload of masks, so I'm good there.


I have a literal stockpile of skincare products.  Can I interest you in cleanser, sheet masks, moisturizer, sample things etc etc.?  Or a general pampering package? What is your skin type?  I am always down for moisturizers given I live in the land of no humidity, never tried sheet masks.  My skin type is on the dry side of combination, and as dramatic as a damn teenager.


Anything from here?  ChocolateStorybook on Etsy


I have been enjoying the incense from here hand-dipped incense sticks | Hexennacht and here Hand-dipped incense sticks | Mr. Hex (mr-hex.com)  Any thing interesting from either site?  Alas, incense is a no-go, since I can only really burn it outside due to highly senstitive cohabitants.



Would you like some delicious coffee? If so, do you prefer whole bean or ground? If ground, what grind? Also, light or dark roast? Flavor preferences?  Whole or ground is fine (medium grind? mostly drip or chemex made coffee here), light to medium roast.  We generally drink unflavored with the very rare vanilla/hazelnut/some spice flavor thrown in.




I may be going to the Renaissance Fair this weekend (if not this weekend then soon and multiple times), any Ren Faire goodies you may like?


I always go to my town's local Farmer's Market and they have booths selling things like candles, Gourmet Pickles, Flavored Oils and Vinegars, dog treats (like bones and animal feet), honey, and bath products. Would you like any of these things?  Local honeys are always fun


Do you have a preference for numbered packages for each night of the swap vs randomly selecting from unlabeled goodies?  I'm fine with either or a combination, ex.  this is the first day, this is the last day/halloween specifically, everything else grab at random.


If you didn't say much about your reading preferences in your survey but would be interested in receiving books, can you elaborate a bit?


Are you interested in cocktails, be it recipes, infusion kits, tools, supplies, specialty bitters?




Is there something that you definitely prefer to not receive in any category (anything to avoid if you hadn't/forgotten to mention)?


Are there patterns/prints (more guidance than general Halloween/Autumn) you like for things or are you open to whatever I may find that speaks to me?  Pretty open


Any significant other or other special person? Like if I wanted to send you specialty cocoa for a date night, would that be OK? I am making up the cocoa part, but you get my drift. I think this is delightful. Yes, there is a beloved, and there is also my mom who is my coffee/tea/crafting compatriot.


I would love to request folks to to put their wish list in this thread and link in their signature. I would love to decant from my oils if I have any my person is looking for!


If you happened to list some favorite fandoms earlier, would you also name your favorite character(s) from those fandoms?




Do you ha ve an Amazon link?  Can you post it?? 

if you are a knitter/crocheter, are you over on Ravelry?  If so, what’s your user name there??  I'm firechild on Ravelry, primarily crochet/tunisian crochet




I make homemade fire ciders, would that be of interest? Non-alcoholic and they are quite fiery.  I am cautiously interested


Are you interested in getting other BPAL items besides perfume, like hair gloss, bath oils or T-shirts? sure.  there are a couple things in my w/l, mostly hair gloss and atmo





So partner, would you be interested in a Frankenbag done in Halloween prints?  sure!


Y'all with furbabies... Are there any food allergies/sensitivities or quirks to know about?  The featherbeastie is just insane, but no allergies per se, she's just picky and weird.


how do you feel about (ethically sourced) butterfly / moth art (in a jar or shadowbox) I think this is lovely as long as it's small enough I could display.  But I'm fine with found former-critter...bones, butterflies, etc.


I may have preemptively picked out 2 Halloween-themed mugs with cute matching spoons, before I knew who my match was going to be! So I leave it to you: Bat, or Cat?  Bat




If you mentioned aversions to any common Halloween decor items (skeletons, witches, spiders, etc.), how encompassing is that? Specifically, is a "kid friendly" drawing of that same item on a piece of decor (like, a book cover or wrapping paper) still a preferred pass?  My nopes are probably not kid-friendly-able, lol

Would you be interested in receivin g a never-used eyeshadow palette from Nororiously Morbid (gothy colors) and/or a never-used eyeshadow palette from Pretty Vulgar (romantic neutrals)?  I tend to use loose pigments more than pressed palettes




I live in Japan. Are you interested in anything specifically Japanese I could get for you here (doesn't necessarily have to be Halloween themed)? For example, are you a fan of the anime Demon Slayer and want merch? Are you interested in trying some fun kit-kat flavors? Do you need a new set of pretty chopsticks?


there is an excellent chance teeturtle will have a sale in time for this swap: anything (particularly tshirts or socks) that appeal? Sizes?  


Haus of Gloi Fall Part 1 drops soon, anything here you like?  https://www.hausofgloi.com/blogs/blog/fall-lineup-2021




Could you use a journal or sketchbook?  I love them, but I do have a bunch.


Do you need BPAL storage?  Imps?  Bottles? Think I'm set here


Do you wear socks?  What kind?  No show, ankle, knee high, over the knee?  Fibers?  I only really wear socks in the winter, otherwise I'm barefoot or in little slip on shoes. generally ankle or crew, because I have really big calves and I like my circulation.  As far as fibers as long as it's soft I'm happy.


Do you have a favorite candy(ies) [or prepacked individual snacks] that you wouldn't mind filling up your box as packing material? Or teas/coffee blends you'd enjoy? If you prefer none of this, that's fine too!  I'm fine with whatever.  Herbal or black bagged tea for work or little packets of snack things, crackers, nuts or whatever. 


I'm going down the Shore for a few days! Any treats you'd like from a cute beach town- salt water taffy? Fudge? Wrist fans? Tie-dye beach dress...?  Salt water taffy


How do you feel about fancy marshmallows?  I like them, and I occasionally get brave and make them, but haven't gotten much more adventurous than vanilla, and orange cream so far in my own candymaking.




We've asked about candy, but let's talk specifically about gummies. Do you like crazy shapes, sweet/sour?  I love pretty much any gummies, sweet, sour, bears, bats, rings, whatever. :lol:


Anything from these Etsy shops? Kodiak Sea Charms, Halloween Hill Studio, Grave Markings


What about the Mutter Museum's gift shop?




I grow mugwort and it's harvest season. Would you like dried leaves for bathing or tea? Or a bound bundle for smoke cleansing? (Its said to be excellent for divination or lucid dreaming, but do not use if pregnant.)  its also a digestive bitter and tastes great on chicken.  I wouldn't mind a  tiny bit to try, most likely for tea or seasoning


I grow loads of other herbs and I'm drying them now. Any favorites you might like? Mint, basil, oregano, chives, lemon balm or others?  my basil did not work out this year but I'm pretty set on other herbs


I grew a huge load of onions and garlic. Any interest?  ooo, garlic...


Feathers? I have geese, ducks, peafowl, chickens and quail. So I collect their shed feathers and share them with people I like.  I love interesting feathers


I grew a boatload of Green Shiso this year and plan to make a shiso pesto with it. Would you like some? (Nut wise it has pistachios)  No thank you


I also plan to experiment with infusing it in vodka. I'm planning a plain shiso infusion and a shiso citrus infusion. If they turn out would you like some?  shiso citrus sounds intriguing, so a tiny sample would be fun




Would you be interested in this hand sanitizer dispenser/keychain that doubles as a light (its eyes light up when you press between its eyes!)?  (see photo here) while this is super fun I would probably not use it


If you're into tabletop games, what games do you already own, and/or what type are you interested in?  We play rummicub, boggle, and triominoes mostly, and I used to play a lot of backgammon with my grandmother.  I like thinking and collaborative games more than just games of chance, and stuff like jigsaw puzzles.





 DO YOU LIKE TRUE CRIME STORIES?  Yes, but not in the OMG-must-listen-to-every-podcast type of way.




If you are enthused by the idea of receiving coffee, do you want whole bean or ground? AND do you have flavors that you like (or definitely hate and never want again)?  Can use either, and as far as flavors, I tend to lean toward the nuts, caramel, spices type of stuff as opposed to anything with fruit or baked goods. 




Would you be interested in some very size-inclusive tights? There are Halloween patterns, but also most colours under the sun, and are very comfy.  Sure!  (if this is Snag, they are awesome. I haven't worn any tights yet but the chub rub shorts were wonderful this summer)


What about indie chilli sauces/chutneys/jams? What type of chilli/spice level?  I love those kind of things, I'm good to medium, my housemates though are of a lower tolerance so err on the side of mild with chiles and the like. :)

In case anyone else shares a love for adorable tiny plushies, any interest in v soft and cute vegetable/fruit plushies? There are also small animals.  Small critters are love, the fruit/veggies I'm not sure where I would display.


The Polish Pickup/Indie Pickup is live for wishlisting, and will ship in time for this swap (this year). Anything strike your fancy? (It's not just nail polish...there's jewelry and bath scrubs and wax tarts and all manner of things. It's fun!)  https://polishpickup.com/  Stella Chroma Harvest Moon and Sassy Cats Scary Meowster look really cool. 




Anything here sound good to you? https://gryffonridge.com/  I could use some dried chiles, specifically ancho and guajillo, the elderberry syrup kit sounds interesting. could also use rose petals or hibiscus flowers.


Hayden Evens Art has released some new Halloween and Disney-themed prints and stickers.  Do any spark your interest?


So would you hate or be into more miscreant Halloween vibe decor - like wholesome figurines repainted, creepy dolls, goats with horns, (fake) animal skeletons, things in jars? Is anything too dark, morbid, or recoil worthy?  While this stuff is super cool to see in other places, it probably wouldn't be anything I could display.


do you use any sorts of semipermanent dyes or do anything fun/wild to your hair? are there any hair products you like?  My hair is permanently dyed with henna and indigo, and unfortunately 'unnatural colors' are banned at work.


what about skincare? i am pretty into k beauty and am curious if others are interested in any aspects of this.  I'm curious about this stuff, but also tend to be in the 5-minutes-or-less camp for skincare regines, and a lot of the things I've seen are like multistep processes






Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.'s Halloween & Fall collection is out (https://cellardoorbathsupply.com/collections/halloween-fall-collection? anything you might be interested in?




are you interested in eco-friendly menstrual products? There are some beautiful gothic print reuseable pads I'm looking at specifically.  Actually yes.  I'm very curious about these.

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