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Summer Sprite Q&A

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Updated 8/20 5:45pm

Does anything, scent and / or product-wise, catch your eye from the Haus of Gloi summer drop? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/summer) [you're free to pick stuff NOT from Summer as well, of course! ;) ]
Hummingbird, Archipelago, Beguiled and U=Pick, Blueberry Tart, Lemongrass Ice Cream in any of the product categories I tend to like (whipped soap/body butter/foaming scrubs/soap) all sound lovely. 

Yes, the rumors are true- I'll be in Paris this summer! Tell me up to five things you'd be happy to get from there, including any specific teas from Dammann Freres, my favorite french tea shop! (https://www.dammann.fr/en/#)

Oh my goodness. I am honestly overwhelmed by the tea choices, but I love fruity flavored black teas and fruit infusions, so you can't really go wrong with those. Otherwise, macarons, chocolates, cheese? I'm blanking on my Parisian gifts. 


I recently discovered Khamilaluna and plan to place an order soon to get a present for my roommate. Is there anything you'd like from them?

Honestly, almost all of the soaps look right up my alley, other than a couple of super floral ones. 


Dear Swapee, is there any small gift from mother nature that you'd like me see if I can source for you from old forests?  Obviously no promises; but if I don't know what to look for, I certainly won't find. 

I really love pretty stones.


Also, second question, ring sizes, obviously fingers are all different sizes, even on the same hand - do you wear rings on all your fingers? how about a range smallest to largest? 

I'm pretty set for rings.


If your Sprite were to gift you magical items or workings... a) Would you be interested in that? b) If so, what intention(s) would you appreciate most?

No thank you.


Would you be interested in a set of (rpg) dice? If so, what colors/aesthetic?

They will get stolen by my son, but sure, if they are really interesting and unusual.


What's your favorite creature?

Cats, bats, corgis, spiders, snakes, penguins, owls, corvids, octopi


Do you like reading comics? If you haven't really read 'em, would you be interested in receiving a few that match your book genre preferences?

I love comics and definitely. All of that info is in my goodreads in terms of what I already have. 


I'm headed to Puerto Rico in July - anything particularly interesting you would like from there?

This is my question, but generally, I'm up for jewelry, travel mugs or water bottles, magnets or other little trinkets from your travels. 


Would you be interested in receiving a small bottle of home infused whiskey aged from commercially produced moonshine? Any particular flavors you might enjoy (examples include orange chai or cinnamon chocolate or hot peppers)?

Also my question, but I want all of the alcohol infusions.


Would you be interested in homemade shortbread that fits your flavor preferences?



- If your bday is during the swap, how are you planning to celebrate?

I was all over the map with what I want to do this year, but as it happens, we have been gifted tickets to AwesomeCon, so we'll be doing that. Plus I'm making Roach's 40 Orange Glaze Cake (https://twitter.com/sambaschutte/status/1517315078650884096).

- Likewise, how do you celebrate relevant spiritual holidays in this time period? I do not. 

- Anything you want from the UK? I am always up for UK sweets, although summer is probably not the best time to be sending me aero bars. 

- Seeds, y/n? No thank you.

- Are you interested in skincare/shampoo/conditioner? Other than sheet masks or eye cream, no thank you. Or lightweight moisturizer with at least 35 SPF.

- Are you interested in tights? If so, what thickness, style, and size? Sure - I prefer relatively lightweight, dark colors, patterns, fit roughly US 14-16.

- Do you use tarot decks? Would you like to receive more - and if so, can you list the ones you already have? I already have a couple of decks and don't really need more. 

- What do you think of the art on this website? https://www.printisdead.co.uk/ I love it! I would definitely get use out of notecards, postcards, stickers, or the weekly planner. I'm not overly into the witchy designs (pentagrams, wands), but the ravens, skulls, memento mori designs are amazing. 

- Is loose leaf tea good, or do you prefer bagged? Bagged is more portable and convenient, but I am fine with loose leaf and have plenty of strainer baskets and such. Now that I'm only in the office a couple of days a week, this distinction is much less meaningful. 


I make arm warmers.  I make them from sweaters I thrifted.  They can be all one color, or stripes of different colors.  They can be long, to the elbows, or shorter.

If you would like a pair, tell me your favorite colors.  Solids are more generally elegant, Stripes can be as wildly funky as you wish.  Long?  Short?  Cashmere?  Tell me your fingerless mitts arm warmer dreams.

These sound delightful. Stripes and colors in my favorites sound good in soft blends.


PBSW Summer collection is live!!!  Anything catch your eye?

Weirdly, not much from this one.


It's farmers market season in town and I have loads of lovely local artisans to shop from. Would you be interested in items from any of the following?
The Rod Homestead (I love this one I helped fund her commercial kitchen)

I would LOVE Orange simple syrup or Grenadine, vanilla extract, and the sugars all look interesting.


Working Class Coffee -coffee is always welcome

Philly Nuts Ooh, honestly, just about any of the flavored nuts, especially anything fruity/spicy or a little sweet

222 Creations  These are lovely, but not really my style

Carol's Epiphany I really love the calla lily style earrings here.


I am learning to do embroidery. Would you possibly like a simple hand embroidered piece?

Sure! I'd love something in one of my fandoms or featuring a favorite animal or a skull or something.


If you would like this is there a simple favorite flower or summer symbol, like a bee?

I do love bees and butterflies and beetles, along with calla lilies and yellow roses and tree flowers like cherry blossoms or dogwood flowers.


What kind of sprite would you prefer? A ninja or to know the ID right away? I like both styles for different reasons

Whatever is most fun for you. 


Are you ok with shunga label art (bpal?) Sure!


I dye yarn. Is custom yarn of interest to you? No thank you.


My European travels are expanding! Anything you want from Portugal or Berlin???

I love vhino verde, but it might be of questionable legality to send me a bottle. Likewise, local liquors, German beer, etc. :lol: Generally, spices, sweets, stickers. Painted tiles from Portugal? 


My friend makes cool art with garbage, is there anything here you might like? I like this work a lot, but I don't have a lot of wall space, so I should pass. 


Would you like items related to your astrological sign and if so what is it? Maybe if it were something subtle. I am a gemini and find astrology interesting, but don't really believe in it. 


what do you think of plushies? I absolutely love plushies. My daughter and I collect tentacle kitty plushies and I have a little collection of arogumi made by folks for me over the years. 


Are there any Korean or Japanese food/craft/self-care items you would be interested in in receiving? I am always up for Japanese Kit Kats in fun flavors and other snacks and my kiddo will love any kawaii inspired items. I also like Korean sheet masks.


Is there anything for your garden or houseplants that you need, or would like (tiny, hand thrown cachepot for a prized astrophytum, etc.), or are you proudly black thumb and shun any plant that isn't resin? I am absolutely a black thumb. 


How many books is too many books? I legitimately have too many physical books, but there is no such thing on a general level. 


I’m knitting up washcloths right now. Would you like some? I would likely use them as dishcloths, but definitely.

any spices you need/want?  I’m fleshing out a Penzey's order! I love Penzey's New Curry and Vietnamese Cinnamon.


your feelings on chocolate?  Milk chocolate, Dark chocolate, White chocolate? with or without nuts? How about truffly goodness?  I went into a great deal of chocolate detail in my survey, I believer, but generally, milk, white, dark is my order of preference. I like nuts with other things (think cadbury fruit and nut) and truffles are fab. 


Do you want anything for your vehicle? Like bumper stickers or magnets? Maybe magnets if they are super in my interests. Stickers will likely go on my guitar case, although I'm rapidly running out of room.


any interest in Japanese fashion-ish items? (kanzashi hair pins, and other things made form old kimono fabric, fans, tenugui, etc?) Fans, yes. I don't use hair accessories. Maybe on other things? A reclaimed fabric tote bag could be cool. 


Would you use cbd infused bath products? Probably not, honestly. 

What colors are your kitchen stuffs? All of them? A lot of blue in dishes (we just got a full set of Calamityware last year). Cooking implements tend to be black or pretty random. There is no coherency in my kitchen. 

If I knitted up a scarf/shawl/something in the wearable area what colors would you like and please be pretty specific so I can see if my yarn stash makes this feasible (or if @twilighteyes or @winterblizzard has stash that does and I can barter) k please thanks I've been really likely dark green lately. Sparkly would be wonderful.


—->. One big box or a couple starting now?? Whatever works for you, with the caveat that you shouldn't mail anything until mid July at this point. 


How close to the final deadline would you prefer to receive your package?  Should we try to squeak as close to August 31st as humanly possible, or would it be okay to send the package earlier?

I don't have strong feelings one way or another. 


I am afraid to send chocolate in this heat.  What other things might you enjoy?

Gourmet lollipops?  Handmade Marshmallows (not by me LOL)?  Flavored cotton candy? other ideas?

All of that sounds delightful. 


do you have any reservations about wearing leather, like in an accessory?? Not a bit.


So I took a "viking knitting" class (which is really wire weaving) and can now make necklaces and bracelets.  Would you be interested in either one? Absolutely! If there's flexibility to the weaving, then either one. If they are super stiff, then probably a bracelet. (Or earrings?)


What color wire would you like?  (silver, gold, copper, blue, purple, yellow, green orange, black, turquoise, pink, so many colors.)   I have THIS PACK among others. Silver with black, green, blue, purple, turquoise (some of those, not all of them) would be fab, although a subtle pride flag could be fun. 

What length would you want (on either or both?)  6-7 inches on bracelets. Mid length for necklaces.

What kind of fasteners do you like best (lobster claw, toggle clasp, magnetic?) and color of fasteners?  (silver, gunmetal, copper, gold?)

 - some of the toggle clasps come in cool shapes. For bracelets, I'd want lobster claw in silver. For necklaces, toggle clasps are fine - the kitty one is adorable. 

Do you think a larger chunky one like a torc or a slimmer one?  I can draw the wire down to different sizes with my draw plate.  Probably not super chunky for a necklace.


Hats! Esp. these hats? https://foxblood.com/collections/hats Generally I am actually very much in the market for a dramatic black sunhat like the ones pictured. Bonus if it has a bow or something to hold it on my head. 


Tea! Especially this tea? https://august.la/collections/black-teas? SO MANY of these look right up my alley: Bourbon Sugar, Cherry Chocolate, Bergamot Plum Earl Gray, Chili Chocolate, White Chocolate Prune, Cocoa Rose, Dirty Chai, Orange Rosemary Caramel...soooooooooo many. 


So apparently there's this cute little outdoor market here that sells locally made dishcloths and similar- would you be interested in having some tea towels or similar from Portugal, dear Spritz?

I can always use tea towels and dishcloths.


How much do you guys like hats?

I want to like hats. I really really do. But I really never wear them anymore, other than my hiking hat. I want a big broad black straw hat with a chin tie, though.


Would you like some smallish bottles of Rose Petal Liqueur, Lavender Vanilla Bean Liqueur, or Plum Brandy?  (all homemade.)

Of course!


Anything look appealing from the Nocturne Alchemy gemstone scent drop today?

No thanks.


How about the BPAL Dragon*Con Peaches? Probably? I need to catch up on these.


Tea, coffee, sweets, biscuits, etc. from Europe.  Is there anything you would be interested in, sprite?   https://matreshkadeli.com

Yes? I cannot even begin to narrow it down!


Vintage martini glass?

This is my question and I'm on a mission for myself, but I love vintage barware generally.


My peacock is shedding his feathers as the mating season has ended. Would you like some peacock feathers?

I think that I've received peacock feathers from you before! So I think I'll pass this time.


Also, I have loads of herbs right now and a dehydrator. Would you like any peppermint, spearmint, licorice mint, sage or oregano that I grew?

Absolutely! I love using dried mint for tea infusions and licorice mint sounds quite intriguing. 


How about a few sprigs of fresh lavender?


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