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Summer Swap Sprite Q&A

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 Does anything, scent and / or product-wise, catch your eye from the Haus of Gloi summer drop? (https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/summer) [you're free to pick stuff NOT from Summer as well, of course! ;) ]

Yes, the rumors are true- I'll be in Paris this summer! Tell me up to five things you'd be happy to get from there, including any specific teas from Dammann Freres, my favorite french tea shop! (https://www.dammann.fr/en/#)

I'm not a tea drinker...

and not sure what I'd need from Paris which could actually be brought home... like all the cheese and pastries but that's both impractical and in some cases illegal so... maybe a magnet??

I totally collect fridge magnets... not even necessarily FROM places... I think there's a photo somewhere of my fridge for example.  I'll try to find it and update this with a link




I recently discovered Khamila Luna and plan to place an order soon to get a present for my roommate. Is there anything you'd like from them? the foaming sugar scrub... any flavor


is there any small gift from mother nature that you'd like me see if I can source for you from old forests?  ooooooo i love this... whatever inspires you, honestly.  I love rocks, bones, sticks, leaves... yes... whatever momma nature has for me, I'm about it... just... no worms/caterpillars... they squick me out


do you wear rings on all your fingers? how about a range smallest to largest? 

I only regularly wear rings on two fingers but I WOULD wear them on all others but the rings I have dont really work for that... I'd LOVE some small thin silver rings...

Left hand: 5, 7, 8, 9.5, 10.     Right hand  4.5, 7, 8, 9, 10. (I own a thin ring sizer lol)


If your Sprite were to gift you magical items or workings... a) Would you be interested in that? b) If so, what intention(s) would you appreciate most?

a: sure. b:  I'm really focused on two main things right now...#1  I'm working on my personal health - I'm awfully out of shape and desperately need to motivate myself to work out... cardio mostly which I hate so much especially since its a million degrees here yet still somehow stupidly humid.  and I am terrible about eating.  like not that I eat terribly... I DON'T eat, but thats a whole thing for another time... and #2 I'm trying to move my family to Mexico/South America in the next 5-10 years so I have to figure out where exactly we wanna go and how we're going to afford it so some spiritual guidance on that would be great 


Would you be interested in a set of (rpg) dice? If so, what colors/aesthetic?

I don't dice


What's your favorite creature?

Biscuits.  closely followed by Gravy.  

beyond those specifically... I love jackalopes, El chupacabra; mermaids (especially the dragging men to their deaths kind); i like owls... cephalopods... horses... sloths... snakes.. lizards...

I'm one of those most likely to die petting something I shouldn't types so...

you know,.. all the things...


Do you like reading comics? If you haven't really read 'em, would you be interested in receiving a few that match your book genre preferences?

comics and graphic novels bug me... I can't figure out how to read them and it frustrates me.  yes I know they are an art form sort of geared towards NOT reading as much...but I don't follow them... 


I'm headed to Puerto Rico in July - anything particularly interesting you would like from there?

I would like you to take me with you.  Hablo espanol casi perfecto y puedo traducir para uds. :)


Would you be interested in receiving a small bottle of home infused whiskey aged from commercially produced moonshine? Any particular flavors you might enjoy (examples include orange chai or cinnamon chocolate or hot peppers)?

no thanks


Would you be interested in homemade shortbread that fits your flavor preferences?



- If your bday is during the swap, how are you planning to celebrate?  it's not so n/a


- Likewise, how do you celebrate relevant spiritual holidays in this time period? so... I have temporarily taken down my alter(s) because Gravy is 6 months old with all that that implies... flowers, candles, shiny rocks, etc are all just.too too tempting for her 

NORMALLY I do an alter refresh (because I probably haven't don't much since DDLM because I'm a lazy pagan)... and then try to just do something i really enjoy, outside, preferably in or near water for the day...


- Anything you want from the UK? IDK... weird snacks I cant get here??


- Seeds, y/n?  I will try to grow them... but I'm not sure how much success I'd have.


- Are you interested in skincare/shampoo/conditioner? no


- Are you interested in tights? If so, what thickness, style, and size? no


- Do you use tarot decks? Would you like to receive more - and if so, can you list the ones you already have? not really into tarot but i appreciate the art of the decks.


- What do you think of the art on this website? https://www.printisdead.co.uk/ cute!!


- Is loose leaf tea good, or do you prefer bagged?  I prefer coffee.  


arm warmers: I make them from sweaters I thrifted.  They can be all one color, or stripes of different colors.  They can be long, to the elbows, or shorter.

If you would like a pair, tell me your favorite colors.  Solids are more generally elegant, Stripes can be as wildly funky as you wish.  Long?  Short?  Cashmere?  Tell me your fingerless mitts arm warmer dreams....

so... i don't typically have much USE for arm warmers as I live in Texas BUT... I am traveling a bit more now than in the past AND for those 12ish days of winter we get here in Central Texas, I would LOVE some cashmere arm warmers... black or grey(s)... or maybe a nice deep red or purple... or any combination of them (pretty much ONLY wear black as was thoroughly stressed in my questionnaire BUT because SO much is #allblackeverything colors I like creep in in the accessories)

I will ONLY wear them occasionally but I will LOOOOOOOVE those occassional days...

someday (5ish years!!) I'm going to live on a mountain in Mexico or Panama or CR where it gets coolish on the regular!!!!



 PBSW Summer collection 



It's farmers market season in town and I have loads of lovely local artisans to shop from. Would you be interested in items from any of the following? *waves to Philly friend*

a. The Rod Homestead :Potato Leek Soup (though I get that it might suck to ship LOL) The Golden Milk(!!!), truffle salt; basil salt, mint sugar, vanilla bean salt, vanilla extract

b. Working Class Coffee  I love coffee... all the coffee... coffee flavored coffee preferred 

c. Philly Nuts - most things look awesome... I love cashews, macadamia, pine nuts... less so almonds and I don't love peanuts/peanut butter (except like reeses pb cups LOL) I don't really love super spicy anything but a hint of hot is cool...

d. 222 Creations - I like all of the flame painted bracelets and the cuff style enamel ones are cool.  

 e. Carol's Epiphany -not really my style 


I am learning to do embroidery. Would you possibly like a simple hand embroidered piece?

 a. If you would like this is there a simple favorite flower or summer symbol, like a bee? I love dragonflies.  bees are cool, too, though.

there was a hanky in Marfa that said "cum rag" in embroidery that they wanted $25 for.


it made me laugh though.



What kind of sprite would you prefer? A ninja or to know the ID right away? 

I definitely prefer to try and guess though I'm REALLY bad at it especially if not given outright clues.  However, I feel it should really be about YOUR preference as as GIVER an so... its really entirely up to you.


27. Are you ok with shunga label art (bpal?)

there is no shame!!! LOL. I love penises. and boobs. and vags.  send me all the smutty smut


28. I dye yarn. Is custom yarn of interest to you?

only because I could regift it to @twilighteyesLOL. I don't do any sort of fiber arts.  I really don't do any crafting at all.


Would you like items related to your astrological sign and if so what is it?

Sure... aquarius... and I can give all the other sorted deets too... I've had my chart done... and have a gift of another i NEED to cash in... ugh... life... just nudge if you want that Sprite...






what do you think of plushies? cute... but honestly I really want less stuff... 


Are there any Korean or Japanese food/craft/self-care items you would be interested in in receiving? I don't know what to ask for in this realm... but in general I like fun stuff LOL


Is there anything for your garden or houseplants that you need, or would like (tiny, hand thrown cachepot for a prized astrophytum, etc.), or are you proudly black thumb and shun any plant that isn't resin?  OMG YES GIMME ALL THE PLANTS and plant things...


How many books is too many books? In a perfect world, no such thing... but I'm trying to minimize so I like things digitized (it rhymes!)




I’m knitting up washcloths right now. Would you like some?

actually, yes I could use 1-2

any spices you need/want?  I’m out of a lot of basic shit so sure... spice me. (I have... *gasp* NEVER TRIED them ... the brand... I've obv tried spices... )





your feelings on chocolate?  Milk chocolate, Dark chocolate, White chocolate? with or without nuts? How about truffly goodness?  

dark chocolate... nuts are ok but prefer no nuts... definitely no fruit at all ever

truffly goodness is awesome

however... if you send it to me its probably going to arrive liquified because of the heat here



Do you want anything for your vehicle? Like bumper stickers or magnets?

I love stickers and magnets but probably wouldn't put them on the car


any interest in Japanese fashion-ish items? (kanzashi hair pins, and other things made form old kimono fabric, fans, tenugui, etc?) I don't know enough to be interested.  I'm not NOT interested I just don't know what any of that stuff is




Would you use cbd infused bath products? SHOWER products yes but I don't take baths... but Im a pothead so CBD or THC in anything is fine (though the latter is still technically illegal in TX not that I care)

What colors are your kitchen stuffs? I don't understand the question...

my plates are solid white

my counter tops are 1970s orange formica 

most everything I buy is black

If I knitted up a scarf/shawl/something in the wearable area what colors would you like and please be pretty specific so I can see if my yarn stash makes this feasible (or if @twilighteyes or @winterblizzard has stash that does and I can barter) k please thanks 

I feel like if you are my Sprite I have covered this subject well for you


—->. One big box or a couple starting now?? don't care


How close to the final deadline would you prefer to receive your package?  Should we try to squeak as close to August 31st as humanly possible, or would it be okay to send the package earlier?

whenever is fine... but in general I like them closer to the deadline



I am afraid to send chocolate in this heat.  What other things might you enjoy?

Gourmet lollipops?  Handmade Marshmallows (not by me LOL)?  Flavored cotton candy? other ideas?  I like hard candy things like lollipops.  I LOVE boba to DIY boba tea (but have straws to last 7 lifetimes so... please, just boba... no straws) I've never tried handmade marshmallows.  Flavored cotton candy is yummy but only in small doses because its pure sugar... 

um... COFFEE?!?!!!  I adore nuts - cashews and macadamia nuts and pecans are my favorites... Mostly I just like plain raw nuts but a lightly candied pecan is a nice thing...

pistachios are great too... and sunflower seeds... LOOOOOOOVE (shelled) sunflower seeds.  I don't like to have to crack them and spit out the shells though so I prefer them already shelled.


do you have any reservations about wearing leather, like in an accessory?? nope. :). I wear leather 


So I took a "viking knitting" class (which is really wire weaving) and can now make necklaces and bracelets.  Would you be interested in either one? yes


What color wire would you like?  (silver, gold, copper, blue, purple, yellow, green orange, black, turquoise, pink, so many colors.)   I have THIS PACK among others.

silver or black 

What length would you want (on either or both?)  no clue... 

What kind of fasteners do you like best (lobster claw, toggle clasp, magnetic?) and color of fasteners?  (silver, gunmetal, copper, gold?) lobster claws tend to stay on me the best

 - some of the toggle clasps come in cool shapes.

Do you think a larger chunky one like a torc or a slimmer one?  I can draw the wire down to different sizes with my draw plate.

I generally like chunkier



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