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This is Halloween Swap Part 2

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Whew, that other post was getting looooong. You all ask some good questions! Here is the continuation:


Would you like any decor from Say Target, Homewood, or William and Sonoma?

Nothing specific, thanks!


Would you be interested in a bag like we sell in our etsy shop?   https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com

These are cute! I love both of the cat fabrics (the cats and moons and the Binx fabric)


If you are a yarnie, are you interested in a ceramic yarn bowl?  I have an extra Harry Potter (I know, I know) one from Lennymud that I bought before the whole JKR debacle and it didn't profit her in any form anyway.  I believe it's Gryffindor themed.

Not too much of a yarnie


If you are a yarnie, I'd love to gift some yarn from my stash so give me an idea of colors / weight / material / yardage you'd like.  

Yarn is one of those things I always *think* I'll use, but I never get around to it


Are you interested in trying some of our "thunder butter"?  It's like tiger balm or icy hot, but with herbs, beeswax, cayenne or ghost pepper, menthol, wintergreen. 

cbd version or no?

Sure! I'm always looking for something to relax my muscles after a run


I need to inventory our canned goods but do you like things like peach jam, cardamom plum jam, peach butter, plum butter, pickles, applesauce with nothing added, applesauce with red hots, dried apples or pears, bread and butter pickles, dill pickles, blackberry jam, huckleberry jam, candied jalapenos? 

...all of these things sound good to me!


Any interest in things from our garden like dried mint, catnip, lavender, rose petals, dill weed or dill seeds, sage, rue, mugwort, rosemary?

No Thank you


How about alcoholic things like rose petal liqueur, lavender vanilla bean liqueur, various flavors of mead (chocolate orange, strawberry mango, whatever my son is making)?

I would love it, but I don't think you can mail alcohol to Massachusetts


Pumpkin bread or zucchini bread?  How about blueberry zucchini bread with a lemon glaze?  

Pumpkin bread is yum!


I make specialty simple syrups. You can use them in teas or cocktails (and desserts).  How do you feel about a Hibiscus simple syrup? I use 2 ounce bottles for these so its just a fun amount. 

Sure! Always looking for something to spice up the cocktails with


Format for tea? e.g. teabag vs loose

Loose, please. I'm more of a coffee person, but when I do drink tea, I have a tea bottle with a built in infuser


Do you like spooky themed tights? If so, what are your measurements?

Sounds interesting. Last time I bought tights from Snag I got a size E. I'm not sure about other companies. 


Pls post your book wishlist!

This is my Goodreads TBR pile. Sorry it's so long. It's easiest to sort it by newest date added.


Would you like to receive a 2D collage art piece? What overall vibe would you be into? (spooky, autumnal, whimsical, eerie, lovely, occult, bizarre, smutty etc.?)

Sure! Autumnal and whimsical are pretty fitting.


Do you like rocks/gemstone jewelry? Prefer polished/smooth rocks or raw/rough? Any favorite stones, rocks, colors that you'd like?

Not sure about this one. 


Any interest in the August releases that got announced today? https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/august-2022/

Surprisingly, not a ton of these are catching my eye. Really just A Summer Night


Luvmilks seasonal goodies are out! What scents and formats appeal to you, my little pumpkin? 

They don't seem to be available anymore


Would you like a Pyrex 4-cup Nightmare Before Christmas bowl with lid?   (Can also get Starwars and various Disney ones.)

No thank you


August Tea's fall sale starts tomorrow, 20% off everything on the site with code FALL20.  Is there anything you would like to try, my Pumpkin? 

I would try any of the herbal ones. Psychocandy looks yummy


Do you wear nail polish, and if so, would you like some? What colors or finishes?

I'm pretty well stocked on polish at the moment, thanks


I'm going to the farmer's market tomorrow, and there are lots of great vendors. Would you be interested in soap or chapstick or bath/body products? 

Interesting bar soap is always welcome. I lean more to floral and less to herbal


Would you be interested in a tumbler like these? If so, what theme would you like it to be? Glitter or no glitter? What color do you want the liquid to be or would you prefer the blood drip look? 

Cooool! Glitter is always fun. Whatever color - autumnal is fun. No blood dripping, please!


How do you feel about ribbons?  Is there anything in particular you are looking for if you'd want some?  What about ribbon remnants?  Colors/textures?

No thank you


Would you be interested in any skincare items?  Anything you would not want?

I have super sensitive rosacea skin. Most things make it mad : (


New question: Is anyone else interested in the latest Sphere & Sundry release? https://sphereandsundry.com/offerings/bpals-of-exalted-venus-ii/

Or other S&S offerings?

No thank you


Do you have any interest in trying my infused moonshine whiskey? I've been thinking of experimenting with autumn spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove) and maybe a chocolate chai. 

I think I would LOVE it, but also not sure if you can ship it to Massachusetts. We can't mail order beer or wine here


Any interest in spooky shape wax melts in your favorite candle scents? (What are your favorite candle scents?)

I don't have a way to use them, sadly


How about lotion bars?

I would love to try one. 


Bird and Blend tea just did their Autumn drop! Anything look good to you? https://www.birdandblendtea.us  (Also, if you're not a pumpkin person, I invite you to check out the rest of their offerings, which are always exceptional!)    

Ummm, all of them look amazing. You choose!


Arcana Craves halloween drop! Anything catching your eye? https://arcanacraves.com/

Oh, see I tried to open this page at school on my lunch break today. Bad idea lol! Now that I'm home, let's see...Honey Craves Coffee Shops or Fairy Rings. Marshmallows Pounce! and Kick! and Drown! (This was fun to write!)


I feel like with some of the witchy/seasonal stuff it might be helpful to know everyone's signs.  If you're interested in that kind of thing, what's your sign? 



Would you like anything from The Pickety Witch? (I'm going to the Vegas Oddities and Curiosities Expo next weekend, and she's vending there, so it may not matter if an item is in stock or not on the website!) https://www.thepicketywitch.com/

 No thanks


so these nail polishes keep showing up on my instagram and they are kinda vampy--do you wear polish and do any of these float your boat?  NOTE I have never worn Holo Taco stuff so cannot vouch for quality just the vibes are super witchy ?


I'm still pretty well stocked for polish, however Dead Petals is quite pretty


I have another new question! Favorite bands/artists? Perhaps you'd be interested in a DIY patch to sew onto your jacket/pants/bag or maybe pins or a sticker or anything DIY-ish?

Brandi Carlile all the way. (But also Lucius, Gregory Alan Isakov, Katie Pruitt.)


oooh I am reviewing my switch witch help answers from 2017 and was reminded of Lush--there used to be a big Lushie/BPALista crossover at one point.  Is that still the case?  If so dearest pumpkin are you a Lushie?  Is there anything from Lush you are coveting?  Their halloweenie stuff is out here: https://www.lushusa.com/halloween/?cgid=halloween&pmid=604&start=0&sz=28

No bathtub takes most of the fun out of Lush for me, sadly


Because clothing sizing is so notoriously random &&& my idea of cute may be entirely different from your cute... sock dreams?  yea or nay?  Anything in particular catch your eyes?

I love Sock Dreams! Their cozy stripey socks are really nice. 


I have been buying soap from https://rockytopsoap.com for at least a decade as they are unscented and less likely to affect which perfume I pull out.... I realize they are not colored and swirly and as pretty but they tend to be super hydrating and luxurious.  Do you have any interest in these?

Whatever is the most hydrating one would be best for me. I'm staring down the barrel of yet another cold New England winter that will surely zap my skin


Nocturne Alchemy just dropped their Halloween 2022 limited collection! I am popping in here to see if anything would strike the fancy of my pumpkin? 


No thank you


Here's a question... there's sooooooo many on here about tea but for my fellow coffee gals... do you prefer whole bean or ground??  if there's a choice how do you like your coffee ground??

Coffee, coffee, COFFEE! I am here for this subject. I prefer whole bean, but it's not too big a deal. Just a regular drip grind is fine. Dark roasts are awesome, as are fun flavored coffees. Really I just like coffee.


Look at Cat Coven's site and tell me what you see that appeals - she is one of my favorite Halloweeny artists, and makes awesome things. I like supporting her work.


I do like her Dream Cat print


Are you interested in any art supplies? If so, what kinds and colours?

No thank you

What are your fave smells for incense, and do you have a preference for format (cones, stick, loose without needing charcoal, loose that needs charcoal)?

No incense please.

Anything catch your eye from this super cool queer creepy-cute style UK artist? https://www.abprallen.co.uk/

No thank you


Pls say more about your book preferences if you haven't already! Esp. regarding fiction.

I spend a ton of time reading YA books for my job, so that's a whole thing, but when I do read "big people books," I love magical realism and fantasy. Not so much the dragons and wizards fantasy anymore (though I have read a ton and still love it) but more like Erin Morgenstern stuff. I have adored both of her books and can't wait for more.


Also, I am right handed. Pretty useless with the left!


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