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Wolfenoot 2022 Answers

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Would you like me to attempt a small painting of your fur baby or to honor a former fur baby?  If so, can you provide a reference photo you like?

YESSSSS  I will have to think about reference photo.


I actually splurged and ordered some Liliths and Weenies.  Are there any decants you're interested in that you didn't order?

I think I ordered most of what I wanted!  But anything I didn't order is fair game!  (You can see what I ordered in the CNS thread.)


If you're up for knits or crochet, would you prefer washclothes, headbands, wrist cuffs, fingerless mitts, hats, or a shawlette (wear like scarf except not as long so can't wrap around your neck more than 1-2x.)  I could probably find a bunch of the above with moon motifs or for dogs/sneks/birbs/cats to wear.    (I made a wolfenoot bundle of patterns, will keep adding as I find cute things.)  (sneks are here-> https://www.ravelry.com/bundles/snek-hats)

I would love sooo many things!  I totally think Zuul and Bailey need unicorn snoods.  


I'm getting more confident in my embroidery and I'm ready to try my hand at embroidery on clothing. Would you be interested in a hand embroidered scarf?

I'd love embroidery on a hankie or something to hang on the wall!!


are you interested in an advent calendar?  What kind?  (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.)

yesssss I love dog cookie ones (but I'll probably grab one from Trader Joes if they come out and I see one), Divine chocolate, Lindt chocolate, TEA (I'm thinking David's Tea and Bird & Blend or some fancy tea, so probably too spend for this swap.)


If I were to send a toy from one of my favorite critter toy sources, would you have any preferences? (squeaky/not, plush, chewy, etc.)

The dogs LOVE those latex (multipet globlet -- would try any of the latex ones from multipet) piggies (I have some on my amazon list ... and their big one got run over by the truck the other day when we were taking straw bales out to the pig/goat barn -- it make a HUGE pop and blew stuffing out.  Oops.)   Flat tough squeak, flat tough crinkle.   The accordian pig one looks fun but I have no idea what it's durability is.  The multipet are actually pretty durable.  


Little Wolfies - Arcana has dropped Hallowitch stuff and a 15% off deal. Shout out if you see anything you'd love!

I would totally try Wolfling and Witches watch Sci-Fi Movies.


What are your favorite shops to buy fun things (treats, toys, clothes, whatever) for your fuzzy friends?

Mud Bay in Seattle area and surrounds are my favorite place for treats because 1) bulk 2) reasonably priced.  Unfortunately I only get over to that side usually once or twice a year so when I go, I have to stock way up and then keep the treats in sealed containers and hope they don't lose their freshness.  Right now we also have some dehydrated liver treats (the dogs LOVE love love LOVE these) and some seasonal treats from Trader Joes (maple bacon pumpkin or something crazy.)   Sometimes I get the liver on chewy, sometimes on amazon, just depends on where I can get the best deal.    I really like BarkBox but I can't afford it since no income, but every once in a while I'll just get ONE box for them if there is a good special.   I also used to hit up "Earth Pet" and "All the Best" in Seatown.  There are a couple of places here that are cute but they seem really expensive to me, so .. yeah, mostly google for what I want and go with best price.  Although Winco did have some super cute dog "costumes"  -- I totally want the FBI coat that they have for Miss Bailey of the Super Snoof.  She should totally be a working hound doing nosework and drug sniffing or something, she gets bored easily and then gets into trouble.  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too smart for her own good.  (Zuul is smart but is content to just snuggle and cling to me most of the time like a good velvet hippo.)


Favorite tea brands and flavors? 

This is in my questionnaire and on the bottom of my SW Help / Wishlist and also on my Amazon Beverages wishlist.  


Would you want a watercolor of your pet? NO promises that it will be amazing- just wanted to ask in case you prefer a different pic for watercolor vs pain

Of course!!  I still haven't looked at fav photos tho.  I suck.


Dear wolfeloot, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy?

I have lots but I can always use cute moon fabric!  Black with white moons, or blue/purple batik with white moons would be awesome.  (no gold or yellow please.)


Dear 'loot -- would you like a 2023 wall calendar (or other type?)   What kind?

Yes, I could use a wall calendar!!  I love all kinds!  I had a Lisa Frank one last year and I love snarky, pitbulls, friesians, whatever.  No animals pooping though please, kthx.


Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips?   (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.)

I already have them, nom!


how culinarily adventurous would you say you are????

I love ethnic foods but I don't want to eat brains or bugs or whatever.  (also I am pretty picky about organic, non-gmo, no synthetic food color, etc.  I prefer my meat to be humanely raised.)






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