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Would you like me to attempt a small painting of your fur baby or to honor a former fur baby?  Sure!  I have a little felted replica of my Kali that I cherish made by another BPALista, but nothing of Larus.  I will find a photo and come back to link it here.


If you have cats, would you like some organic catnip harvested from my property and dried in our dehydrator?  I grow it. :rofl:


I actually splurged and ordered some Liliths and Weenies.  Are there any decants you're interested in that you didn't order?


Are you interested in having a bag from our shop?  (twinklentwilight.etsy.com) These bags are fabulous, I have I think 4 of theirs now, two project bags, a small zipper bag and one of the handle loopy ones and I love them all. Do I need more bags, probably not, do I use and love them, definitely.


If you're up for knits or crochet, would you prefer washclothes, headbands, wrist cuffs, fingerless mitts, hats, or a shawlette (wear like scarf except not as long so can't wrap around your neck more than 1-2x.)  I could probably find a bunch of the above with moon motifs or for dogs/sneks/birbs/cats to wear.    (I made a wolfenoot bundle of patterns, will keep adding as I find cute things.)  (sneks are here-> https://www.ravelry.com/bundles/snek-hats)  Of the examples, fingerless mitts, washcloths, shawlettes are the most-used.  I adore handcrafted stuff, and as a crocheter myself I appreciate the effort that goes into such things.


I'm getting more confident in my embroidery and I'm ready to try my hand at embroidery on clothing. Would you be interested in a hand embroidered scarf? That sounds so cool!


are you interested in an advent calendar?  What kind?  (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.)  (here's a list at World Market for your amusement.) I think they're great fun. Teas, little chocolates...the chocolate ones used to be like the biggest deal when we were little, so it's great nostalgia.


If I were to send a toy from one of my favorite critter toy sources, would you have any preferences? (squeaky/not, plush, chewy, etc.) Bandit actually used to chase around a kong sometimes, so something like that that she can throw around and take out her aggression on maybe?  I know birds are weird.


Little Wolfies - Arcana has dropped Hallowitch stuff and a 15% off deal. Shout out if you see anything you'd love!  Alas, there are generally too many foodie notes there, which hate me.


What are your favorite shops to buy fun things (treats, toys, clothes, whatever) for your fuzzy friends?  Bandit's favorite stuff is corks, slices of 2x4, and cardboard rolls and boxes (she's a destructive little beastie), so mostly this is a moot question. :lol:


wolfeloot, are you interested in a good karma squishable snow wolf?  (or other squishable?)  that is so stinkin' cute, and yes, I'm still a sucker for stuffed animals


Favorite tea brands and flavors? I'm open to whatever *except* no rooibos, licorice root, stevia, or anything that artificially sweetens. I drink mostly black, flavored black, and herbal, but I like green tea as well.  I get a lot of loose tea from Happy Lucky's because they're local to me, and we also drink a lot of Red Rose for the need-a-cup-of-tea-but-don't-want-to-think-too-hard, so needless to say I'm not a tea snob.


Would you want a watercolor of your pet? sure!

Dear wolfeloot, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy? My mom actually makes these, so we're good here.


Dear 'loot -- would you like a 2023 wall calendar (or other type?)   What kind? I'm good on calendars, I have a desk calendar and my planner/notebook that lives in my bag at all times.


Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips?   (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.) yes!


how culinarily adventurous would you say you are????  On a scale of one to ten I'd say 7 or 8.  I'm willing to try a whole lot of things, but draw the line at deadly hot peppers and 'oh, this is so gross, you have to eat it!' stuff. ;)


Some-assembly-required things?  Bring it!  I'm perfectly happy to DIY stuff, and if it's beyond me, the beloved can be conscripted.

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