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Yule Cat Answers

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My answers: 


Are there any currently available BPAL scents that you would love a bottle of?

After hearing a review of Hearts are Not Had as Gifts, I really want a bottle of that.  I also have more in my wishlist in my signature.


Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update?

I love Streusel, Sorbetto, and wax melts.   The scents I'm interested in are Joulupukki and Schwarzwald.  Maybe Golden Orb.  I am still really wanting some Moonshadow as well but that wasn't part of the yule drop I don't think.  I have a wishlist pertaining to PBSW in my "Wishlist and Circular Swap Help" that is in my signature.


Would you like anything from Cellar Door (they do soaps and candles)?

I would love a Krampusnacht!  Bad Santa sounds amazing as well.


Anything of interest from Luvmilk? (Milky Monday, their version of Black Friday, is on 11/7!)

I have a huge luvmilk list in my wishlist/circular swap help in signature.


Crocheted Granny shawl. Yes or No? Preferred colors? (this one is pressing, I would need to start soon)

No thank you!


BPal wax melts? I have TKO and Red Velvet Cake, Would bundle up a few for you to try of one, or both if you like.

TKO would be my preference but I rarely rarely rarely use wax melts, so would probably be wasted on me.


Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake? 

I make a homemade fruitcake that is delicious, so I guess I could try yours!  I am picky about fruit and about nuts though... so maybe have ringleaders ask me with specific questions about what is in it.


How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits? 

Small sample would be lovely!


Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but I could definitely do a holiday spice or peppermint batch or two. 

Lavender and chocolate orange both sound amazing.  No peppermint.

Interested in anything from Odins Daughter

Bath soaks sound lovely (all three sound good, but maybe especially banish because cloves.)

YULE and Winter Nights both sound amazing.  Candles / Mist.

Two Faces of Hel candle!!

BONFIRE melts!!  


And tacking on to this question for others in reference to Em, I make infused vodkas! The one I am most proud of right now is a spiced hibiscus liqueur. I make this as a jelly, too. As far as the Liqueur, We have been making an autumn Moscow Mule with it, and the other day I made a Mai Tai! Its yummy! 

I already have both the hibiscus liqueur and jelly from MsASofgg!   Would take any other infused vodkas!


If I can find the recipe, I want to make my grandmas Orange Slice Cake. Its a super yummy cake but a bit difficult to make as far as cutting up all the oranges. If you would like a mini cake IF I make it, lemme know! 

As long as the coconut could be left out?  (I'm not really a fan of nuts in cake either.  It's a texture thing.)


I do molasses gingerbread cookies, as well as hot cocoa cookies, florentines and butterballs. Any of those sound good? OR homemade chocolate fudge? I can do peppermint, coffee or orange additions, with or without nuts.

Hello molasses gingerbread cookies!!   I'm good for almost any kind of cookies but do not love coffee flavored things and meh on peppermint.  I don't really like nuts or coconut or texture things in my baked goods.  Fudge I am kind of meh on unless it is penuche or a super special flavor (because we make SO much fudge, I'm totally burned out on it!)


My favorite incense store is Good Earth Mercantile, any interest for an incense from them?

I don't know much about them, if it is low smoke and they don't use phthalates or other things in their scents for the incense, then yesssss.   Orange patchouli!  Maybe Lilith?   I went through and added a bunch to my etsy altar/incense wishlist.


Are you a cotton candy fan? Would anything from Chocolate Storybook interest you?

I like cotton candy and I probably have things from this company already on my etsy snacks/tea/noms wishlist, haha!  


Body Scrubs from CarolinaOrganicsSC are AHHHHMAZING! Any interest?

OMG their bath bombs are too cute!   And I love Stranger Things.  I would definitely try any of their items that match my scent profile in bath bombs, melts, candles, shampoo bars, body scrubs, maybe soap if their soap is spectacular as well.    The Dark Kiss bath bomb looks awesome (I wonder if they'll put their Halloween items on sale??)  Again, I didn't find a scent list and I'm not in a place right now where I can click on All The Things with my hand pain.


House of MetalWorks has super cute and dainty gold-filled stacking rings in my price range! If this interests you, include ring size!

I love silver colored dainty rings!  I am an 11 on almost all of my fingers except pinkies. 


Several questionnaires mention joy in receiving homemade baked goods. What are your favorite holiday baked goods? Cookies, Cakes, Fudge? Other? 

I love soft, chewy, and moist things, as opposed to hard/dry/cronchy.  Chewy molasses cookies are something that don't seem to be made at home.  I love a good medieval ginger brede (soft, sticky.)  And pumpkin gingerbread (like pumpkin bread.)   I would love to try things like butter pie (sweet, not the savory kind in England) but I'm sure that won't travel well.   


I have an allergy to corn, so please no corn syrup or other corn products.  No artificial sweeteners.   No coconut.  (coconut sugar/oil/etc. is ok, I just don't like the texture of coconut.)  I try to do organic and non-gmo as much as possible.  Yep, I'm one of those weird people.  Sorry, not sorry.


(We make:  rum balls, krumkake, spritz cookies (usually flavored with rum or almond), chocolate chip cookies, fudge (chocolate), chocolate tiffin (usually with cherries/shortbread), cherry/almond/marzipan/pear/amaretto fruitcake, sugar cookies, scottish tablet, russian teacakes, princess buttercups, peanut butter cookies, snickerdoodles, cranberry bliss bar sbux dupe, flaky peanut brittle, chocolate topped butter toffee almond bark (like almond roca I guess, but flat?), ummmm brain has now shut down so I'll edit if I remember more of what we traditionally make.)  It sounds like we eat a lot of cookies/candy but we usually make them to give to neighbors and as care packages.   We also make (and eat) a lot of Lefse during the holidays.


Are you into peanut butter cookies? If yes, would you enjoy them with creamy or crunchy PB? 

I prefer creamy -- I don't like cronchy texture in my baked goods.  (So no nuts in anything soft.)


I am thinking of making flavored sugar.

wtf, all of them.  I can use them on caramels and cookies.  (rose and lavender are my top, maybe lavender lemon.)


Would you like anything from Witch Baby Soap? (Make sure to check the Throwback Thursday section of the website; they bring back a few things every Thursday!)

I went through and added a bunch of things to my Amazon Universal wishlist (under bath/beauty/body)


Pickety witch has the yule offerings up, including Yule Cat pins (black or white) and ornaments.  Which do you love most?

YES YES YES the white Yule Cat pin.   There are so many there I want.


Do you like any specific roast more than another? Light? Dark? Medium? Breakfast Blend?

I pretty much only drink dark roast.  And I've got my grinder out, found one of my french presses, and also got some of the little keurig "my k-cup" things that you put your own coffee inside and I'm using it every day!  So bring on the whole beans!!   (I'm sad that Death Wise "Blue and Buried" and "Gingerdead" only come in ground, but I would absolutely take them that way.)


Haus of Gloi's Yule is up, fancy anything?

Any of these!


Yule Body Powder: Long Winter's Nap

Yule Butter Bomb: Marshmallow World, Boughs of Holly

Yule Soy Candle: Turkish Delight, Three Treasures, Snow Wolf, Tannenbaum


Yule Bubbling Scrub, Yule Refresher Spray, Yule Soy Tart, Yule Whipped Soap, or Yule Sugar Exfoliant:
Nefarious Gingerbread Man
Turkish Delight
Long Winter's Nap


Teeturtle has some adorable designs and their t-shirts often go on sale. Any designs that appeal?

I already have a bunch of teeturtle designs on my amazon universal wishlist (the clothing one) with sizes and everything.



Anything from the Lunacy You are eyeballing?

I was going to order but evidently I overspent on Wolfenoot, Krampus, and Yule cat -- oops!    I absolutely NEED:

* Portrait of an Unidentified Man Dressed as a Skeleton

* Schrodinger's Checkmark






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