What is your favorite Easter candy?
I LOVE those Lindt hazelnut chocolate carrots, really any of the Lindt Easter candies.
? Do you like Jelly Bellies?
YES especially the sours.
? For everyone else: Do you have a preference for plastic eggs, treat bags, paper, or no preference?
If you absolutely have to send me plastic eggs, I won't be mad but my preference is something, anything that isn't plastic. I would even prefer things to be wrapped in paper honestly or even not wrapped at all nestled in grass/packing material.
? Are you interested in some of my homemade brown sugar shortbread?
ABSOLUTELY Yes and the recipe too. Gluten free regular sugar fine, and any of the flavors besides chocolate.
? For those who don't like imps... In the case I find that I have something PERFECT for you in my collection that I want to share, would decanting into a squat itty bitty bottle with a screw top lid or rollerball be ideal? Hey, imps don't bother me one bit. I just love to try everything and imps are the best way to do that.
? Do you garden? Would you like anything like seeds? We are putting out a few more raised beds this month, and seeds would be welcome. I adore zinnias in salmons and green, and anything else you'd like to include. Planting directly into the ground preferred like a mini chocolate sunflower etc.
? Spring Chick o' Mine, I have a question about mugs! What are your general feelings on mugs/drinkware?
Ok, being super honest here. I have received many a cup over the years, and typically my husband adopts them. I drink my tea from the same ceramic tall cup every day and drink out of the same hydroflask. It's not that we don't have lots of cups and drinkware, I just only need these individual items. In other words, you can send something, but my Ran will be using it.
? Dear bunny, what are your thoughts on these?
Lots of great ones here, but I prefer the magical themes like: Moon Cat, and Rabbit Witch. I do stick them on my purses and such.
? Dear chick, would you be interested in any of these baked goods? Yes, the lemon and lavender flavors appeal to me most.
? Please LMK if you have any aversions/sensitivities to ACTUAL rose(s). As if someone were to send you flowers...
No aversions/sensitivities to actual roses, but if I wear rose scents they are "darker" like Lady Lucille and Lorraine Cross.
? Would you be interested in any cute Easter/spring-themed cookie cutters?
I don't think I would use them....
? I'm going to pre-order some spring teas (and stock up on the maple houjicha) from Friday Afternoon. Is there a spring tea (or any other tea) that you might like?
Not sure if you noticed on my main questionnaire, that I ADORE teas. My faves are creamy chai's I do like the spice. I also love anything deep and dark with some sweetness. That Maple Houjicha looks exactly like something I would love. For the Spring Teas, the Goji-Mum Green, Peachy Keen, and Strawberry Snap would also be amazing.
?How do you feel about lambs as part of Easter?
Yes, absolutely lambs! I would eat a choco lamb. Rabbits make me nervous. We used to have rabbit hutches in the backyard while I was growing up. They belonged to my brother but my Mom actually took care of them. Our main rabbit, every time she would have a litter, as soon as they we born, she would go crazy and murder the poor things. It was brutal.
Bees are wonderful of course. Who doesn't like bees? I've been stung a few times, the strangest place was at the nail salon under one of those UV lamps. I jumped up and started screaming and jumping. The friend I was with, jumped up with me and started screaming too lol. I've also planted a pollinators habitat this year, and our cactus get these enormous flowers that last a day and are COVERED with happy bees. Yay.
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