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Easter Basket 2023

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What is your favorite Easter candy?  hmmmm... probably the Cadbury's CARAMEL eggs (NOT the creme ones!!)... either that or the Reece's Eggs... 


Do you like Jelly Bellies?  If so what flavors? I'm generally MEH about them.  I'll eat them but I'm not crazy about them


Do you have a preference for plastic eggs, treat bags, paper, or no preference? I prefer the least amount of plastic in anything at all ever... in fact... I prefer the least amount of NEW also... so ... please recycle things as much as you can (of course, I understand that's not always possible I just feel like sometimes people are loath to regift/recycle/upcycle because someone somewhere in "society" decided that NEW was better and that being frugal and thrifty were like somehow bad things... fuck all that shit!!! the less shit we produce the better it is for everyone!!) 


Are you interested in some of my homemade brown sugar shortbread? I can do gluten free and/ or monkfruit sweetened. Flavors include "plain" vanilla,  chocolate,  orange blossom,  cherry blossom,  lavender, rose, combinations thereof. Yes please but lets not make it gluten free or with monkfruit... please make it with sugar and gluten!!  Plain vanilla will probably be my fave but feel free to send whatever


For those who don't like imps... In the case I find that I have something PERFECT for you in my collection that I want to share, would decanting into a squat itty bitty bottle with a screw top lid or rollerball be ideal?  

that might help!  Would definitely be down to try!!


Hi little chick,  I just got yet another seed catalog in, and was thinking about the garden.  It seems on theme, so do you garden? Would you like anything like seeds?

I definitely container garden but I've never tried seeds before.  Am a bit afraid to try.


Spring Chick o' Mine, I have a question about mugs! What are your general feelings on mugs/drinkware? 

I don't use coffee mugs for my coffee and in general have tons of drinkware 

could it hold a plant???


Dear bunny, what are your thoughts on these? 


cute.  some of them are a little too cutesy to be really ME but all my pins just live on a giant bandana hanging on my wall so... I don't really DO much with them ever.


Dear chick, would you be interested in any of these baked goods? I am a fan of baked goods and all of those sound lovely!  I'm less interested in the chocolate chip ones as I'm not a HUGE chocolate person.  I like it but I like caramel and vanilla and other such flavors more...

Matcha shortbread

Hojicha shortbread

Lemon scones

Lavender scones

Lavender lemon scones

Chocolate chip scones (made with Guittard chips



Please LMK if you have any aversions/sensitivities to ACTUAL rose(s).  As if someone were to send you flowers... this was my question but no aversions to real rose(s)


Dear chick, would you be interested in any cute Easter/spring-themed cookie cutters? ok... NORMALLY this is such a hard no for me because I don't cook/bake BUT... I'm REALLY wanting a Rain Chain... and I JUST saw a super cute one MADE with chain and metal cookie cutters... so... YES... I want some... (don't have to be spring/easter themed either just PLEASE NO XMAS STUFF)


Also i've been wondering and combing q&a sheets without finding this. Will be making something with chocolate and would like to know which one you'd prefer...

Milk, Dark, or White

DARK!!!!!  All the others I don't particularly care for except as the occassional garnish


I'm going to pre-order some spring teas (and stock up on the maple houjicha) from Friday Afternoon. Is there a spring tea (or any other tea) that you might like, chick? I feel like my thoughts on tea are well covered... but just in case... once again... no.


How do you feel about lambs as part of Easter?  Easter lambs were always a part of my childhood, and I often got lambs instead of rabbits (in chocolate or stuffed form).   lambs are cool


Do you like bees? in general, yes... but please don't send me live ones.

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