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Answers Seven Spooky Things 2023





Would you like any of the following?   (Maybe just remove the things you aren't interested in?):

I literally would love all of your homemade items and herbs and stuff.  Sadly I can't do alcohol right now because of my medication.


Would you like me to knit you a hat, shawlette, cowl, or fingerless mitts?

I do always love me some fingerless mitts or shawlettes.  I have a "make for me" section on Ravelry!  And another make for me area for the Vampire Swamp I used to join every year.  A lot of the items I'd want someone to make me are crochet amigurumi or colorwork, because I don't crochet and also I rarely do colorwork for myself.


How about a soap bag (knitted), washcloths, or tarot card bag?

I'm good because I make these things myself!  Maybe nice washcloths.  Or dishcloths made with that "scrubby" red heart stuff.  


Or maybe a gknitted Gnome?  Or bat?  Ghost?  Black Cat?  Voodoo doll?  Monster?  Or something else spooky? 

See the answer above with the make for me links!


If you want any knitted things -- color preferences?   

I love black and purple, black and white, black and grey, black and blue... blurples of all sorts.  Jewel tone colors - no navy or pastels or neons.


My mom has an etsy shop with project bags for knitting/crochet or what ever you want to use them for.  We could also make tote type bags, flat zipper cosmetic type bags, or boxy bags/dice bags.  Are you interested in this type of item?  I have all kinds of spooky fabric that isn't currently up on the shop if you look through the sold items.  https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com 

I always love more bags because I am kind of a bag whore.  I most of mine are full, hahaha.  There are some with Pit Bull fabric on them that I would adore, I think on my etsy wish list (looked afterwards, all sold out.  wah wah.)  Or heck, just find me super awesome pit bull fabric and I can make my own bag.  :lol:





LUSH's Halloween collection drops 8/31.  I will be making an order.  Can I pick up something for you?

Hm, I need more Dream Cream (self preserving) but that is kind of expensive for the huge container (which I absolutely use all of!)   I love most of their items as long as you double check that they don't have SLS/sulfates, parabens, etc.  (some of their items do!!)   I love the scent of Lord of Misrule, Rose Jam, Twilight/Sleepy, Candy Fluff/Snow Fairy, Snowcake, Butterball, Silky Underwear, etc. .   Black Rose bomb (ingredients look ok, and I love Rose and Black, so perfect!)   I don't do their solid perfumes but the trial size of Lord of Misrule perfume would be welcome!    Any safe bath bombs, shampoo bars, etc. are welcome.  I kind of want the Unicorn lip scrubby (if they still have it) but otherwise I don't especially love the lip scrubbies in general.   I would absolutely love to try the Soother toothpaste jelly.  (mmm Clove!)  I've never tried the Aroma & Bath Melts.   I love Silky Underwear dusting powder.   Would love to try Let the Good Times Roll cleanser (sample?)   Most of their cleansers, shower gel, shower jellys, bubble bars, etc. have SLS sadly, but that one doesn't.  Would try Charity Pot (sample?)   Would love a really good moisturizer for super dry skin (sample?)   


Ok, I have seen the Halloween update!!  I would take the Bat art bath bomb (even though it has sulfates, I can live this once) and I would LOVE Lord of Misrule soap and/or Demon in the Dark soap!  (I used to get Demon in the Dark back in the day before it was discontinued.)   



Which Surprise Items that will be at Dragoncon might you be interested in?

Ooooh.  I am interested in ALL of the Convention Survival Oils.    And when All Hallows rolls around, I absolutely want to try Ghost Milk and Vampire Milk!  Invisible Man Milk sounds interesting too except maybe not if the musk is too sheer, so decant for sure.  A Timid Twinkling Golden Star and The Witches Have a Fire Again also both sound interesting!  (Except Oak / Oakmoss goes wonky on me, so maybe just a decant for Witches.)  


EDIT:  I purchased all of the convention survival oils when they went up online.



Would you be interested in dangle earrings or pendants made of dried roses (and other beads)?

My ears are not currently pierced and and I haven't been able to wear necklaces with any kind of chain (for the necklace) or metal clasp (for non metal necklaces) but I would absolutely hang something in my car or on the wall.  I love roses, especially if super fragrant.



How do you feel about stuffies that are sewn? Form or fabric preference?

I do have a lot of bat stuffies on my etsy wishlist but I don't really NEED any.  Plus if I keep any stuffies anywhere that the dogs can reach them, the stuffies will become dog prey and will be eviscerated and destroyed.



Teeturtle, anything look fun?

Always!  Teeturtle is my fav.   I wear the women's 2xl.  They're out of my size on a lot of shirts I want, but here are some options (in no particular order.)















Haus of Gloi's first fall collection has dropped - anything you like?

I would take Ghost Puffs in any of the scrubs/whipped soap and maybe a small body emulsion?  Would take candles in any of these:  Blueberry Tart, Lemon Marshmallow, Marshmallow Rose, Apple Milk, Blood Orange Marshmallow, Cozy Pumpkin, Ghost Puffs, Olde Cider Haus, Pumpkin Eater, Pumpkin Queen, Red Roan.  (Candles would be for my mom.)  Refresher sprays welcomed in Blood Orange Marshmallow or Ghost Puffs (or Lemon Marshmallow from summer area but there is only 1 left!)  I would take butterbombs but I don't see any!  :( 





What about Paintbox Soapworks Fall scents?

Let me in at your window - sorbetto (sample size is great.)   I'm really kind of overloaded with sugar scrubs right now but that one sounds good.  Plus Wuthering Heights / Kate Bush reference ftw.



How do you feel about CBD as an ingredient in something? Like a pain relief lotion or lip balm?

I absolutely use CBD as an ingredient in lotions and lip balms although I'm not supposed to have any right now because of the medication I'm on.  



I'm getting into bookbinding! Is there a fanfic/book (I can try to get the text block in paperback and rebind it)/out-of-copyright book that you want hardbound all fancy?

Hm, I had some on my etsy wish list at one point but my mind is a blank right now.





Cellar Door's seasonal items are out.  Anything you need?

I would LOVE candles in Once Bitten and/or Sex Machine.  



Are you interested in anything from Grounds and Hounds?   They give back to rescue dogs and they have more items than just coffee.   Hot chocolate, apparel, stickers, mugs, dog toys and blankets, caramels, brewers, etc.  

OMG so many things.   I love the Must Love Pibbles throws but they're spendy.


Must Love Pibbles or Celebrate Pibbles tumblers.   (I pretty much only use tumblers these days because lids.  and they're 20oz!!!)


Coffee (whole bean or pods)

The Beast

The Dog Sleeps in my Bed

Two Tails

Good Boy

Chocolate Peanut Butter (pods)

Glazed Donut (pods)



Pit Bull Sticker

Any of the Grounds & Hounds stickers (homeward, throwback logo, die cut, signature logo)

Rescue heart

Dog Mom



Anything from here?  The Halloween Collection is adorable.  Clothes That Fit - Snag US (snagtights.us) 

I don't do tights right now (or really much of anything except PJs, shorts, and tee's.)





Moonalisa drops Halloween tonight. Huge list of scents.  What appeals to you?   (www.mooscents.com)

I'm good, I got some of her lip balm but I don't need any of her perfume right now.


Anything from here?   Halloween 2023 – Witch Baby Soap

SLSA is ok and is not considered a sulfate, so I can do their items.  Here is what sounds nice to me:

Black Mass coffin bath bomb

Candy Corn shimmer butter

Cord Cutter bath bomb

Dragon's Blood bath bomb

Floralia body scrub

Hellhound scrub

Hex Breaker bath bomb

Hex Breaker scrub

Honey Pot body butter (2 oz size)

Indigo body scrub

Laid out in Lavender coffin bath bomb

Laid out in Lavender coffin sponge soap

Love bath bomb

Love body scrub

Lunar Tide face mask

Medusa face soap

Psychic ultra rich shimmer scrub

Rune Stone bath bomb

Samhain bath bomb

Spooky Cat bath bomb

Virgo birthday cake bath bomb



are there any particularly spooky reads you are interested in? Favorite horror author's with books you haven't read/don't own yet? Comic books included?

Nah, I'm not especially into horror.  I'm an epic fantasy / sci fi reader.


 I'm going to the MD ren faire this weekend - anything you like from faires? It's a large one with very strictly juried vending so  think higher quality goods ‐ teas, soaps, scents, arts, prints, etc.

I love ren faire stuff.  Any quality tea is lovely!   


Favorite medieval or renaissance or fantasy creatures or imagery or legends?

Unicorn, Hippocampus, most equines and dogs.


Hey Swapee, you said you like gummy candy.  Have you ever had  the real deal Middle Eastern candy that " invented" gummy candy?  Made with real fruits & nuts & sooooo good.  I have a fabulous Middle Eastern grocery near where I work that has more than 20 flavors. 

Would you like a box?  I love turkish delight.  I love different fruit ones too, but I hate walnuts and it seems like those are in a lot.  I'm ok with almonds or pecans.

If so, what kinds of fruits or berries do you like?  Most of them?   Plum, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, huckleberry, peach, mango, apple, pear, pineapple, etc. etc.





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