7 Spooky Nights/Switch Witch/Etc
One Blog Post to Rule Them All During this Holiday Swap Season...
Questions from 7 Spooky Nights 8/27
Would you like any of the following? (Maybe just remove the things you aren't interested in?):
I removed the things I was totally uninterested in and made notes about the rest below
Canned food items
- Thick Huckleberry Syrup (or thin huckleberry jam -- it was kind of a fail for how thick/thin it is, but still tasty. Has sugar.) yes, but I generally try to stay away from sugar so might not get too much use
- Bluebarb jam (blueberry/rhubarb) (has sugar.)yes, but I generally try to stay away from sugar so might not get too much use; also I can't eat breads so I eat a lot less jam
- Blackberry, Raspberry, or Strawberry Jam (they have sugar) yes, but I generally try to stay away from sugar so might not get too much use; also I can't eat breads so I eat a lot less jam
- Possibly peach or plum jam or butter (we can probably make it without ingredients you can't have - if allergies) yes, but I generally try to stay away from sugar so might not get too much use; also I can't eat breads so I eat a lot less of this sort of stuff
- Apple Crips (dried apples with nothing added, not sure what kind of apples we'll do this year. Usually honeycrisp.) absolutely
- Mugwort smudge wand (some with lavender) (all organic, from our property.) yes
- Dried lavender I can do sachets or just some in a mesh baggie. Sadly our lavender is too dry right now to do wands. yes
- Rose petal beads (if I manage to make enough, I'm gathering rose petals right now.) I'll probably put them on a string unless I have time/energy for more.sounds amazing
- Thunder Butter? (like icy hot but made with herbs, beeswax, menthol, wintergreen, cayenne. Spot test so it doesn't burn your skin.)ABSOLUTELY
Would you like me to knit you a hat, shawlette, cowl, or fingerless mitts? I can do colorwork hats or cowls with skulls, bats, pumpkins, ghosts...
- Yarn preference? (merino wool, merino cashmere, merino silk, merino silk cashmere, acrylic, sparkles or no sparkles, etc. Hat or fingerless mitts... Hat mostly plain but potentially with a couple ponytail holes in the back for my braids (think like Willie Nelson style one on each side)... fingerless mitts something plainish... jewel tone dark colors...
- love merino, cashmere, etc...
How about a soap bag (knitted), washcloths, or tarot card bag? (washcloths will be cotton. soap bags will probably be either cotton or non-superwash wool so they shrink around the soap. Tarot will be silk - I have limited colors in silk.)
- I can do the BPAL Brimstone logo, bats, skulls, cats, jack o lanterns, whatever on washcloths.
Or maybe a gknitted Gnome? Or bat? Ghost? Black Cat? Voodoo doll? Monster? Or something else spooky? I have lots of patterns. Here is an example I did for the Gnome swap.
If you want any knitted things -- color preferences? I can do stripy mitts, cowls, or hats. Solid or gradient color shawlettes, cowls, mitts, hats. Colorwork hats or cowls (base color plus whatever color for your skull, ghost, bat, jack o lantern, spider, witch hat, moon, cat, or whatnot.) Solid one color for soap bag, washcloths, or tarot bag. (I think I only have purple silk for the tarot bag.) Pick three or four colors for Gnomes (one of those colors will be their beard, I usually use white.)
My mom has an etsy shop with project bags for knitting/crochet or what ever you want to use them for. We could also make tote type bags, flat zipper cosmetic type bags, or boxy bags/dice bags. Are you interested in this type of item? I have all kinds of spooky fabric that isn't currently up on the shop if you look through the sold items. https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com
Nope! Already own some and they are awesome but I don't need another.
8/29 Switch Witch Questions:
would you like a scarf? If so, colors, length, iwide or skinny? Bulky yarn or thin and slinky?? I have never worn a scarf. Would be down to try on our 3 cold days. I don't know which I'd like better
How about some dishcloths, for the kitchen? Or spa cloths for the bathroom? If so, which? Any particular colors?? I don't really need dishcloths or wash cloths
Would you like any of Cat Coven's Halloween goods? It's her original artwork based on medieval art. (It's a limited edition of everything, so hopefully things arent sold out yet.)
Look at The Green Salmon's webpage The Green Salmon - do you fancy any of the teas, coffees etc? It's a favorite place for me to stop on the coast, and I'll take any excuse to drive to the ocean.
Immortal Elixir
Mississippi Sunshine
Vanilla Bean Black (though normally I try to stick to greens or whites this looks right up my alley LOL)
Wynken Blyken and Nod Nighttime Tea
Yasquatch Herbal Tissane
Organic Daydreamer's Tea (again with the trying to stay away from black BUT... LOL)
Organic Liquid Jade!!!!!
and ALL of their coffees look amazing. I'm especially interested in the hemp oil infused one (and hemp/CBD are actually totally legal in Texas so - bonus! - its not even sketch to send it to me! not that I'd mind if it was LOL) Beyond that one... the Vroom! and the Costa Rica Central Valley SHB EP RFA Candelaria Estate are the most interesting
What are your favorite halloween/samhain treats to eat? Please be specific. I have access to various candy stores, including healthy candy lol.
Honestly, the diet has me on enough of a sugar detox that I candy isn't much of a treat anymore. The occassional piece of good dark chocolate, or a small cup of grain free granola with heavy cream, or like chia pudding with fresh fruit is about as "treaty" as I get these days.
A single gluten free halloweenie cookie or cupcake or something would be a weeks worth of treats for me LOL
Would you like any of these Snag Halloween tights? And if so, which of their sizes? no thank you
Also is there anything you would particularly like from the UK? I suppose it would be too much to ask for you to send me your weather so... yes, I'm sure there are many things... but I'm generally unsure as to what those would be. But if there is something lovely where you are and it makes you think of me... by all means, send it!
7 Spooky Nights questions answered 8/31
LUSH's Halloween collection drops 8/31. I will be making an order. Can I pick up something for you?
so... I'm not really a HUGE LUSHie anymore (working for the company briefly kinda turned me off ) HOWEVER... their lemony flutter cream is amazing and I love it.
Also love their solid body butters and Ocean Salt scrub
Finally they have a new (to me at least) product called Super Milk that I'm actually really interested in
The Halloween Seasonal Lord of Misrule is probably my favorite scent so right now there is a massage bar and a spray both of which would be well loved.
(I do NOT need anymore of the LoM shower gel as I'm still working through last years bottle which is over 1/2 full )
Which Surprise Items that will be at Dragoncon might you be interested in?
Would you be interested in dangle earrings or pendants made of dried roses (and other beads)?
absolutely! more earrings than pendants just because I don't wear pendants as much
How do you feel about stuffies that are sewn? Form or fabric preference?
Love them but in general am trying NOT to collect more of this sort of thing as I have a lot of it and will be moving soon
Teeturtle, anything look fun?
Haus of Gloi's first fall collection has dropped - anything you like?
What about Paintbox Soapworks Fall scents?
I don't generally use PBSW stuff. I HAVE a bunch of it and I like it I just don't seem to REACH FOR IT to USE it so it just accumulates.
How do you feel about CBD as an ingredient in something? Like a pain relief lotion or lip balm?
I'm getting into bookbinding! Is there a fanfic/book (I can try to get the text block in paperback and rebind it)/out-of-copyright book that you want hardbound all fancy?
Cellar Door's seasonal items are out. Anything you need?
candles in scents I would like are always welcome. I really don't use bar soap
Are you interested in anything from Grounds and Hounds? They give back to rescue dogs and they have more items than just coffee. Hot chocolate, apparel, stickers, mugs, dog toys and blankets, caramels, brewers, etc.
well coffee, always
Anything from here? The Halloween Collection is adorable. Clothes That Fit - Snag US (snagtights.us)
no thanks
SW Questions answered 9/2
What Halloween things off RedBubble do you like? Share link if possible. will have to go look and come back to this one
Is there anything you might want from Japan? Snacks (autumn flavors are out~), nerdy stuff, cute stuff anything! kit kats... always! I love stationary and pens and fun random beauty things that we don't have here so you know... surprise me!
is there anything being removed from site or a virtual con scent you are interested in trying? haven't spent too much time looking so I'm not really sure what I need. I know I got all the singularities I need (though I will always take more Snooty Bat!!!!)
I was wondering whether Tim Tams in any incarnation would tempt my witchee. On the less sweet side, is there any other Australian things you might be tempted by. TimTams are awesome. And I love vegemite but I am grain free now so IDK if I can have it and IF I can have it I don't know how I'd eat it because I can't have toast LOL
Do you enjoy fanfic? I would be happy to write something for you, and/or read/comment upon/gush over thing(s) you've written, if that's something you'd enjoy... not really a fan fic fan.
Would you appreciate rare TAL decant(s) in 1 mL amber roll-on bottle(s)? yes
How do you feel about enamel pens? If positively, which fandoms or topics would you like? I love pins. I don't really have "fandoms" but I am not hard to please.
Holy Ducking Shirt Condiments from SW answered (or started) 9.21
I just came across this Etsy shop (TheGrayMuse) and I WILL BE ORDERING and wondering if you would like something from there as well?
Future Primitive Soaps has released it's fall stuff. Would you like anything from there dearest witchee? https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk
I harvested some elderberries yesterday and I have a lot more out there, so I made a batch of elderberry syrup. Would you appreciate a 4oz bottle of it? OMG YES I don't even care how much sugar is in it
Do you want anything from Sea Witch Botanicals (I can buy it locally from shops)? I love their incense... the Samhain looks amazing; Hermitage also; Mabon, really any of the incense; and the salves look awesome... the canary clean looks interesting... I might play with lip and cheek tint if someone gifted it to me... err on the side of pinkish brown (i.e. mostly natural with some shimmer)... I'd try the hair tonic and the vinegar rinse would get used...
Hirons Drug Store - which is basically an Unbelievable place to browse for every kind of eclectic, fun, spooky, weird, and even useful thing you could want - so tell me some Odds And Ends of things you like or want, I know this is open ended, sorry - - gadgetry, stickers, toys, pens, costumery, snacks, decoration, kitchen stuff, etc
yeah... I mean... all that... (sorry really don't know how to answer this...)
Gift Certificates you'd like to places that are local to you? I mean... HEB ? (that's the BELOVED grocery store here);
How do you feel about ILNP nail polish and what are your favs from the new Cosmos collection and any others on their site?? I don't really do polish
Would you be interested in anything from Alobudra? https://alobudrallc.company.site/products/ the crystal grids are super neat and I don't have anything like that...
are there any more “traditional” Japanese souvenirs you’d like to have (think chopsticks, tenugui, washi paper, etc.)? I can always use chopsticks and washi paper. I am unfamiliar with tenugui
Would you like to try Brujita Skincare ? (Ignore the out of stock except for In Your Room collection and Inner Child Ritual candle.) I would actually LOVE to try some of these products. I don't have a great skin care routine and probably should do better. A scrub for sure would be great. I DO have a cleanser I like but would absolutely try some of these
Would you be interested in any jewelry or other items made with tiny bones from this shop? There are some Halloween themed ones: https://www.tinybonesandthings.com/s/shop
obviously who ever is asking this question is not MY witch because i mean... DUH... I want all the bones... I would live in a catacombs... if we could get some nice light down there....
If you like tea, is there anything you would like from Bird & Blend? https://www.birdandblendtea.com/
Eton Mess
Rooibos Breakfast Cuppa
Peppermint Cream
Birthday Cake Tea
Moondrop Dreams
Rhubarb and Custard
Great British Cuppa
BloomChic - just discovered them - Take a look at the Halloween stuff, and tell me the link and the size of whatever thing you like!
Poesie Tea! Do you like? Some of my favorites are from this company. https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea
London Smoke + Fog
Palace Chai
Merry + Bright
Would you like anything from Trader Joe's? (Pumpkin products are, sadly, not in stores yet, but they will be during this round!)
We have a TJs and shop there so this is totally a place that could be gift carded... but I LOVE their cauliflower crackers and their dried fruits... the mandarins (or maybe they are tangerines) are my fave but they have added sugar. The baby sweet pineapple DONT have added sugar and they are also wonderful. Would try other dried fruit also.
Do you have any Halloween traditions?
*ducks and hides* I don't really "celebrate" Halloween in any way other than swap participation
What about Halloween-related fandoms? (ie. The Nightmare Before Christmas)
I like all things Tim Burton with Beetlejuice being my favorite... I have a giant metal sandworm in my front yard year round
non-U.S folks!!! We always end up asking what we'd like from your exotic-to-us locales, but do you have any wishes for things from the States?
I mean... I live in Texas... can one of you in a blue state send me some bodily autonomy??
I make things from thrifted sweaters that I cut up & make things from. Do you like armwarmers? Ive never had a pair... would absolutely try some. I hear our winter is supposed to be cold this year.
Long or short? again, I'm new at this... but lets go with long ish
Solid color ( elegant) or funky stripes made from multiple sweaters? either but funky would be fun and I can definitely pull off funky
Fave colors? black mostly... but all the jewel tones are great...
Is cashmere okay? who says no to CASHMERE?!?!?!!!
Wool & related blends? ( I never use scratchy wool for arm warmers.) I'm only allergic to fake and ugly
Do you like buttons used decoratively? I don't NOT like buttons used decoratively (again... I'm new...)
I also do coiled & sewn rope work- it's functional art I wrap the rope in fabric & add appliques. I just had my first art show with these- bowls, trivets ( that can hang on the wall when not in use), coasters. Is this something you'd like ? link didn't come through and I don't wanna search for the OG question right now so I'm answering without looking at photos... but I do suspect that this would be up my alley
What sort of Halloween fabric? Whimsical? Witchy, bats, mushrooms, moths? I'm easy... witchy and bats and mushrooms and moths are almost always hits... whimsical can go a lot of ways... but in general probably ok
How gothy do you like? like... Wednesday's half of the dorm room
have velvets & sparkly stuff to work with too. What is your preference witchee? velvets are amazing... little sparkle good LOTS of sparkle less good.
How do you feel about cherry things? Check out Cherry Republic and let me know if anything catches your eye!
i love cherries... just NOT chocolate covered!! The dried cherries are the thing I'd probably love most... or the tart cherry juice which might be a shipping nightmare...
I'd enjoy some of the gummybears or sourpatch or other candies too but again ... THINK SMALL on the over all sugar
oh! the jams look great too
Similarly, are you into fancy flavors of olive oil or vinegar? Check out Fustini's and let me know if anything appeals!
I use avocado oil instead of oilve but I'd LOVE some nice balsamic... I am trying to make my own dressings but they never are exactly how I want them and I think its the balsamic I use...
We also have an awesome store for jams and sauce, American Spoon which you should totally check out!
anything from this place (except the salsas/tomato stiff...) this whole site looks amazing...
the fig preserves; apple & onion jam... the lemon curd...
Oh please do NOT send me the maple caramel... I would eat the whole jar... with a spoon... and hate myself tomorrow...
Would you like some locally sourced maple syrup?
Finally, I live in a place known for fudge. Do you like it and/or are their flavors you particularly like? My favorite shop is Murdick's if you need to see a flavor list.
drawing the line at fudge unless you're Holly and you're making it yourself and in that case I want penuche but please please please just send me a PIECE not a 1/2 pound. I will eat it and its too much sugar.
Anything from the IKEA Halloween store catch your witchy eye? https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/campaigns/halloween/
https://wildsoulriver.com I own the Magical Nature Tarot and love the feel of the cards. They have candles and teas and tinctures and books of the activist or witchy sort. Anything you see that you'd like?
I live near a Penzey's Spice https://www.penzeys.com
- do you cook? I absolutely cook... a lot...
- Do you want fancy schmancy spices or spice blends? I'd love to try some for sure! I've never tried Penzey's
- Do you have a favorite alternative source that you prefer and or recommend? For example egads I am asking lots of Qs Curio Spice Co, Diaspora etc do ethically sourced spices. I buy my spices at the local grocery store so... I'm sure whatever you send will be an upgrade... or at least not offend delicate sensibilities I don't have
- If you cook is there a type of cuisine you are interested in learning more about and would appreciate a starter pack of spices for that type of cooking? I've never made anything Thai or Indian and would love to learn
I have Mexican and basic "American" down and make a pretty decent Italian anything
Colourpop's Haunted Mansion collection dropped today.
If you're interested in makeup or skin care, are you interested in anything from Colourpop?
Anything of interest from Cellar Door? (They have candles and soaps.)
Are you into wax melts, candles, incense, room sprays, or none of the above? I used to do a lot of wax but these days find more use for stick incense; candles are also great; room sprays are nice
Would you like anything from Luvmilk's Monster Mash?
I dye yarn. Are you a person who crafts with such? What fiber, weights, and colors would tickle your fancy? Would you rather have two different 100g skeins or enough of the same something for a bigger project? I'm a beginner needle felter so I don't do actual yarn... but if you have any wool roving... a really good red is hard to find
Provided my experiments work, would you be interested in a bar of homemade tallow soap? I promise I will not send you anything particularly suspect, so this is entirely contingent upon my competence. I'd absolutely try experimental homemade soap!!
Do homemade caramels or shortbread tickle your fancy? yes. but the doctor needs the caramels to be like JUST A COUPLE (6 pack... max!) and the shortbread would need to be gluten free... can you make shortbread with coconut/cassava flour??? or even almond flour??
because I’m a knitting kind of witch, would you appreciate a pair of hand knit socks. If yes, would you like them in a particular colour?
this would actually be cool... can you make them like big, chunky "house socks"?? in a dark color...
What type of spooky season imagery do you like? (Ie. bats, ghosts, vintage Halloween, etc.)
Sugar skulls/La Catrina are probably my favorite... but regular skeletons, bats, vintage halloween, all good... ooo... eyeballs... also love an eyeball
Astrid's Autumn Line and Anniversary Tea Party just dropped. Anything you want? no thanks
Homemade and preserved food goodies - Which of these things would you like my dear witchie? All are organic and grown or made by me.
- sun-dried heirloom tomatoes No... am allergic
- dried ancho chile peppers - can be whole halves or ground into a delicious powder no
- sugar-free candied pecans and walnuts or almonds pecans or walnuts ?
- gourmet quality fudge in many flavors (formerly from my ETSY shop which I had to close until I have my own home again) please give me an idea the kinds of flavors you like. My more popular ones are Penuche, Choc & PB, Pumpkin pie, Forest fruit (with cherries, blueberries and cranberries), Vegan chocolate PENUCHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but like I said on another question... just a PIECE please don't send me a 1/2 pound because I'll be in trouble with the doctors
- dried italian plums (pitted) I love a plum... never tried a dried Italian one... but I'd be down
- sugar-free canned plum or logan berry jam for sure
- freshly dried rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley individually or in combo all of this
- almond flour baked goods (low carb, sugar free, and gluten free) - give me examples of savory and sweet things you'd like I try not to do too many NUTS so I generally do cassava or coconut instead of almond but I could cheat some... I'm not hard to feed other than the dietary restrictions LOL but I AM terribly at listing examples off the top of my head
Might you like a witch hat? Later this month I'm taking a class at an area museum where I'm supposed to decorate 2 hats. Also I crochet wicked cute witchy hats.
I don't need one but if there were one Biscuits' size... that could be cute...
Do you see anything here that interests you? They have dry shampoos, whipped soaps, awesome hand cream, linen spray, sugar scrubs and perfume. https://www.etsy.com/shop/faefragrance/?etsrc=sdt all this looks really great and I'd be into any of it... I favorited a few things on my etsy
Anything you want from my favorite local tea shop? www.fridaytea.com
How about from my skincare person? drjensbeautylab.com/
How about from my witchy Chandler? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TeresaLynnsSimpleLux
It's also that time of year where I make handmade soap (usually with calendula infused olive oil, tallow, oatmeal and honey) and candles (feel free to specify color and size, I don't usually scent them, but I do have a clover and apple scent I've been wanting to play with). I can also annoint and dress candles with TALs and herbs. Any interest? candles more than soaps but if I know you made it I will use it
I also grow herbs which can be culinary or magical. I'd be happy to prepare a smudge or dry some herbs for your enjoyment. I currently have oregano (yellow and standard), mugwort, thyme, sage (purple or garden), tea peppermint, chives, lovage, plantain, comfrey, raspberry leaf, and yarrow. I'm probably forgetting something.
smudge would be awesome
I also make salves! My go to in an arnica, calendula and comfrey mix for healing wounds or chapped skin. This can also be used on pet paws. We do have barely enough time that I could do a custom infusion. my happy hippy ass LOVES a good salve
Anything in the Paintbox Soapworks Halloween update looking good to you? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/2023-weenie-collection/
I still have a bunch of PBSW from last swaps
If you have a furry friend living with you, what sort of treats do they like?
Biscuits likes soft "training" style treats... or really ANY treats outside of milkbone style dog biscuits...
she is VERY treat motivated.
What is your feelings on seasonal mugs? Yes or, no? Too many in your house or bring them on??
I don't use mugs
Are your wishlists - Amazon, Etsy, etc - up to date, and if so, are they all linked somewhere that I can find them?
Do you have anything you use every day that you wouldnt mind getting more of?
bic lighters, hair ties, hair pins,
Anything you love or need to have from Adagio or Rishi teas?
List here things you wish you would've added to your questionnaire
Nocturne Alchemy just dropped their Halloween update! You like the looks of anything? https://nocturnealchemy.com/collections/limited-collection
Is there anything you would like from the Weenie update?
Fig, Autum Amber, & Tobacco Linen Spray
Halfway to Halloween
Wayfaring Stranger
Pumpkin Spice Absinthe
Is He, You Know**
Things are Fine
How do you feel about stickers? If positively, are there any themes you'd rather not have stickers of?
I love stickers but I have A LOT
however, very very very few of them are "Halloweeny"/"fall"/Dia De Los Muertos... so... those sorts of stickers would be great
What about crystals, cool rocks, and gemstones?
Again... I have a lot of this sort of thing already... but more is always welcome
How do you feel about Squishmallows and Squishables? (They have mini and micro sizes for those who like cute plushies but don't have a lot of space.)
super cute but please don't send me plushies...
Would you wear enamel pins with chains that are meant to be put on lapels? (Something like this.)
no because I don't own a shirt with lapels
Speaking of enamel pins... The Pickety Witch's Autumn and Halloween collection just dropped. Has anything caught your eye?
I used to make mobiles out of paper cranes, would you appreciate something like this? if so, what size restrictions do you have, if any? ie., should it take up less space vertically or horizontally? color palette preference?
yes... less space Horizontally probably but I DO have a cat so... also don't make it too, too long ... think either gothic or 1970s
ordering bulbs from https://oldhousegardens.com and was wondering if my witchee would like some.
I love plants but expect to be moving in the next 6 months so if I can either wait to plant it OR plant it in a pot until we move... yes
Would you like something like "sock arms" if I find time to craft? (Sometimes I make a pattern called Toast or Toasty {one has a thumb the other is just a tube} http://www.afriendtoknitwith.com/2008/09/toasttoasty.html. here are other photos from my blog: https://www.elkaknits.com/?p=845 )
-- If so what sort of colors?
Witchee, what's your take on seasonal-themed Washi tape?
I love washi tape and I do not have any that is Halloween/DDLM seasonal... I do have a "fall"/Thanksgiving pack but nothing for October holidays
What about seasonal treats from Trader Joe's?
I make gluten-free biscotti this time of year, lemon and also cocoa varieties: does this sound good to you?
Would you like me to make a music mix for you? I kick it old school with a burned CD. If you're into this, name at least 3 to 5 genres of music you already love, or are interested to explore more of!
I don't own a CD player but you can make me an apple music play list (I subscribe so just send me a list of songs and I can load them together in a play list in the correct order)
Anything here you like? https://bserway.com/
Anything you'd like from my Ren Fest? There is an outstanding garlic based shop I'll be going to next weekend, for my annual stock up of their spice blends & garlic oil blends. Any other Renny stuff that you like?
know we are looking at a lot of candles, but if you are into looking at more (and it is ok to say you are not), do any of these strike your fancy?
(Feel free to take a look at their current and signature scents too but I wanted to highlight these fundraiser scents first!)
f you are a person who appreciates tarot and oracle decks, do you have a strong preference about receiving new ones vs gently/barely used?
no preference
Are you a Studio Ghibli fan, and if so, what are your feelings about fan made art featuring characters?
*ducks* have never seen a single thing Studio Ghibli has ever put out; in fact don't think I could reliably name one
Want anything from LUSH? Here's the link specifically to their Halloween drop (https://www.lush.com/us/en_us/c/halloween) BUT, feel free to peruse all of it.
I feel like I answered this in the 7SpookyNights section
Part 2 of the Autumnal/Halloween drop from Haus of Gloi is coming this weekend- take a look and see if anything is compelling! https://www.hausofgloi.com (fall part 2 is live on Sunday, here is a list of what is coming: https://www.hausofgloi.com/blogs/haus-herald/fall-part-2)
Also, I live in Philly and will use ANY reason to spend time at the Mütter Museum- anything of interest (including, but not limited to, the well-loved BPAL exclusive for the museum, Ü?) https://www.muttermuseumstore.org
This is one of the top 5 places in the US I want to visit (the museum specifically) so I will take ANYTHING from there
If you are so inclined, do you want or need any natural items or ingredients for spellwork that could be collected from forests, ocean, fields or stream? I also have access to oak gall ink and various other esoteric substances.
I rarely do actual spellwork of that type but I love "esoteric substances" and have all sorts of natural items and ephimera all over my house
Are you a fan of the show Cobra Kai?
first two seasons were great but it kinda lost me somewhere in there...
Do you enjoy any of the scented items from Victoria's Secret?
Would you be interested in receiving a silver locket with papyrus and herbs inside, as a protective amulet?
So Witchee mine, are you a spellworker? - any interest in acorns from a tree known as The Mother Oak at my Ren Fest grounds. It is the biggest tree I've ever seen in MI. It is cared for by tree scientists from MSU. It is the mom to every other oak on the grounds. Saturday is Mabon & I will go & gather acorns before the park opens to patrons as I do each year. But this time it's actual Mabon. So Witchee dearest, would you like some?
Unrelated to Anything But Needed Some Place to Put Random Things I Desperately Covet But Which Aren't on Amazon or Etsy:
THIS amazing zero-waste pencil set which is going out of production
They aren't even listed yet but StacyMartinTattoos has some new enamel pins based off her Halloween kewpies... would love any of her stuff, really, but those especially...
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