Switch Witch 2023
Basic Info
Birthday: April 7
Pets: chihuahua puppy!
Children: 3 adult children one who lives at home
Religious orientation: raised Catholic but generally spiritual like I read tarot, believe in aromatherapy, crystals etc but do not consider myself a witch or wiccan. If I go to a church it is Catholic tho.
Favorite Holiday: historically Thanksgiving because of family gathering around food
Occupation/Major in school: Admin. Assistant didn’t finish school. Started as a latin major and ended up taking all my classes other than latin/classical lit in the women’s studies dept. There were no gender studies degrees available at the time so vamooshed
Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): Pumpkins Ahoy! My husband and my 20 yr old daughter
Livejournal/Blog/Website: aiee I just made my blog dark but it was a knitting blog. It was elkaknits.com, I also have Instagram e.bolhafner /librarything e.bolhafner /ravelry accounts user name elka the most active things I do are Instagram and librarything /litsy {the review arm of librarything}
Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): I have raised a transgender child/two bi children and have a bi grandson so uhhh I guess GQ/feminist issues are big for me. I don’t think I am particularly activist tho I just you know try to be a safe space and speak up for people.
Favorite BPAL oils: GC: Bathsheba, Morrocco, Persephone, Defututa
Favorite notes: carnation, spicy florals, stinky jasmine. My wishlist {in sig line} was just recently updated. Think spice cookies mixed with some floral aka floriental. I like roses as well.
Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: I don’t really wear anything but BPAL but I got myrhh mallow from pylies in my last switch witch and love it. I also own a few Nava scents. All my full bottles are listed in scentbase linked to in my signature. When I did buy commercial perfumes my favorite signature scent was carnation aka Bellogia by Caron. I also during the late 80s-early 90s wore Oscar, Poison, Panthere. I wish I had purchased Shiseido’s feminite du bois which was a spicy [cardamom, cinnamon, clove]floral [rose and carnation] woody [sandlewood and cedar] with honey and peach but I was so poor when it came out and as a new mom buying myself perfume was not a priority.
Least favorite notes: DIRT, crystalline stuff, ozones, spa type of scents, vetiver, olibanum those deep green swampy smells.
Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: I have not purchased a commercial perfume in decades I will say of the non BPAL perfumes I own NAVA’S Rose Ambre Ombre #13 is disappointingly dark and heavy.
If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? I honestly feel like my favorites were made for me. In the non GC pile is Bakeneko, Pallas Athene, Red Moon 2007, and Countess Willie. I feel like I could wear all of those all day everyday tho PA and CW are heavier and more wintery.
Style/home decoration style: ummm I kinda want to go for a decluttered look but I got a lot of stuff yo
Favorite decorating colors: cool tones, blues and greens and deep vampy colors. If you ascribe to color theory I am a Deep Winter
Things you collect: tarot decks, yarn, books, NP and perfume tho I kinda have so many of them it is crazy. I like me some elephants to the point that my kids gift me elephant things for Giftmas. Like a purse with an elephant on it or an elephant statue or elephant pictures.
Favorite music: very mood dependent. I went to see Lizzo a couple of months ago so rap is obv okay but I generally listen to older stuff like Sade, The Cure, Emile Sande is smooth as well. Lately I have been listening to Yaz[oo]but do not own their stuff in my itunes library yet. Also, in case you didn’t know, Disco Never gets old… like all club music comes from disco or something.
Least favorite music: Zydeco. Like seriously wtf is that? I used to sleep through my clock radio so went from college station to rock station to country station which means I can pretty much tolerate anything. Except for that whiny assed twang that makes up zydeco. Country is iffy as well.
Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) My husband and I are vegan-ish. Like I was a vegetarian off and on since I was 15 {I am 58 now so long time} and talked my husband into vegan dietary choices due to his heart condition. But I am not like oh no the sugar isn’t vegan or anything like that. I actually would be fine to be OFF right now but I cook vegan at home and my husband isn’t down for eating a turkey club. Like if you sent me Black Jelly Bellies I wouldn’t care about the possible sugar or gelatin source. But vegan is a safe bet for recipe shares.
Other food restrictions: none really.
Favorite flavors: potato, lol ummm salty…okay savory before sweets tho I do like me some desserts. I prefer scrambled tofu for breakfast before an overnight oats with fruit things.
Favorite foods/drinks: my favorite beverage is Coke tho I try not to drink soda so do the cherry or blueberry bai flavors. I love potatoes and kale and latin flavors.
Favorite authors/genres: I read a lot of classics, M/M romance, feminist lit, YA, and fantasy. Like not sci-fi but fantasy. I have an annual KU subscription so read a ton of ebooks and subsribe to various SE book boxes Fox & Wit, Illumicrate, Broken Binding, Rainbow Crate after Dark, Fairyloot. But M/M romance is my guilty read. And I tend to read those in ebook format while reading everything else in physical format. I do have an Amazon wishlist that I will try to add to some more. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/37R3XOZS0NVC9?ref_=wl_share
Least favorite authors/genres: OMG I am trying to read my physical library and feminist theory stuff is so hard to get through sometimes. Like I am reading Whipping Girl and it is on and on and on with the definitions and terminology. I have been wading through it for months and it broke me. Like I am broken but determined to finish it. I actually am at point of thinking I need to finish it then reread it and create a dictionary for terms. Yes I am a masochist.
Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: uhhh N/A I mean I get a lot of books in my mailbox just from book boxes and then have KU so I pretty much have a fairly decent book budget. Oh wait I have some authors in my Amazon wishlist I haven’t read Clarice Lispector who is a brazillian author {I was born in brazil so that peeked my interest}
How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Just lovely.
Favorite stores (including clothing stores): I don’t shop much but I guess bookstores—like we have 6 or 7 indie bookstores and me and my fam just go and make a day of it and visit a few every once in while.
Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): mmm believe it or not every payperiod I kinda look at my books on amazon or b&N for online stuff. I currently spend all my pennies on books and chihuahua things—I JUST GOT MY CHIHUAHUA A WEEK AGO
Magazines you subscribe to: N/A
Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: I used to get lots of magazines that were knit related or fashion related when I was younger {Vogue, WWD etc as a young person then Knitter, Interweave, Piecework as a knitter} but frankly no I don’t do any of that stuff anymore. An occasional Zine enters my house.
Favorite movies: oh! Uh. Lots of classics. LOTR obv, Sabrina, Madame X. Feel good sports movies like mmm Remember the Titans, Greatest Game ever Played etc.
Favorite TV show(s): I don’t really watch much tv but I used to be a L&O junkie and enjoy msyteries and police procedurals in general.
Hobbies/crafts done: I used to knit extensively but haven’t in a while. I am working on improving my work/life balance tho so ….I have been stash diving in the interest of doing more knitting lately. However I definitely don’t need anything. If you are hard up I do have a ravelry wishlist for some patterns. I also read a lot as if that wasn’t clear enough. And I enjoy cooking.
Clothing & Jewelry
Hair type: straight shoulder length hair. Fine but lots of it? I enjoy bows and barettes and other stuff like that. In particular bow barettes. I tend to buy things at Free People for my hair. My most recent purchase was the Mod Barrettes which are cute flower shaped things.
Skin Type:
Allergies (specifically B&B related): I have eczema so always appreciate lotions and creams for my skin. I usually buy unscented or Vanilla type of scents for my base layers. I think I usually say gourmand like spice cookies if you have to buy something scented.
Other things to avoid:
Tub, shower or both? Due to back issues I have gone from being a tub girl to a shower girl. I guess either since I would like to get back to a good soak.
Favorite bath & beauty products: hand lotions are always great! Bath oils and body butters/lotions are wonderful. I mix in scented bath oils with my unscented body lotions to create a Scent du Jour type of situation
Clothing Style/Fave garments: I have transitioned to working from home within past year which means I slump around in tee shirts and leggings/jeans/skirts all the time.
Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Above note about being a deep winter still applies—black, burgundy, forest/pine green, purple jewel tones or blackened jewel tones.
Type(s) of jewelry worn: I rarely wear jewelry.
Ring/wrist/collar size: I am looking at a ring set right now and so just got measured at 9.5 for ring. I like long assed chains. Like a jet bead chain that is super long is a recent purchase.
Jewelry - gold or silver? Silver
Do you have any allergies to metal? Not really
Favorite gemstones: I just picked up a ton of green stones at a weekend vegan market and they are kinda pictured on my Instagram. Last switch witch I received an amethyst cloud and black moon, gray star shaped thing. These are all on my desk because I love them.
Sock/Shoe Size: 8.5 but I have mutantly wide feet.
Random Questions:
- On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? I would say 2.5. Like if I am running a decant circle or selling stuff then I am organized about getting stuff out but at home I can be kinda overwhelmed. My husband and I just bought a house so we are pretty disorganized at the moment.
- Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) I want to go back to the motherland aka Brazil esp to see the Iguazu falls. Keep in mind I hate the heat and outdoors so I probably won’t do that. Like I went to Ireland a couple of years ago and just didn’t do much while there because oh no you want me to be on my feet all day.
-Where, inside of the U.S. would you love to visit? BEACH and NE in particular
-Favorite City in the US/World? I lived in Boston and in Montreal both during the 80’s. I loved both cities tho I am sure they have radically changed as has every city I have ever lived in.
- Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? People don’t comment on how I act. BUT when I am feeling super chill and happy and safe I think of myself as being a teenager which is significantly younger than I am.
-If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly) I would probably throw it away. I mean part of me would want to offer it to my grandkids but their mom wouldn’t allow a gun even a toy gun in the house. Meanwhile I was at a picnic yesterday and one of the kids picked a rifle for his inflatable and he had to put it away because of the politics of it all. I am not necessarily anti gun nor am I not aware of the fun squirt gun in pool thing but so many people are and gun violence is a terrible problem in the US.
- What animal do you feel like the most? Can I saw sloth? I would like to not move. I have a long standing love of elephants and am a cat person at heart {but allergic}
- Your favorite feature about yourself:
- Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? Neighborhood. Actually an unincorporated neighborhood outside of metro st louis. I have however lived in the city proper. I am not a country or middle of nowhere gal.
-Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10.
Colored pencils which could fall in either category depending upon how many and brand
Coloring books like the mandala coloring books
Journals or bullet journals and associated gee gaws like fun pens and stuff
Basically that whole back to school thing that I don’t get anymore as an adult
- How do you feel about boi witches? Boi Witches are the best of bois and witches. Like you smashed two things together and made something extra fab.
- Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? I do yard sales and antique shopping every once in a while. I just bought a sofa for my new house for 95 at an antique mall. Like it doesn’t get any better than that.
- I like to slather my food in …: mayo? Sprinkled with salt? Salsa….
- State fairs or carnivals? State fair over carnivals but neither because they both happen in summer which is muggy and hot and there is dirt all over the place.
- You throw caution to the wind and run away to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a sideshow, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why? Is it AC-ed behind the scenes? I would want to be behind the scenes regardless. I am firmly in the helper/assistant mode per any job testing metric. And I’m an administrative assistant which is fancy for secretary which is what I used to want to be when I was in HS
- What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with? N/A
- Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose? A lace shawl [because I love to knit lace], a bottle of perfume, and a piece of jewelry. I am kinda girly.
- Do you need storage boxes/bottles/containers? Decorated or Plain? I have a Kallex from IKEA and am buying baskets or inserts for stashing yarn for it. I do also like hatbox shaped containers for my projects. I am kinda sad I bought the Dronas instead of say a Smarra or Krallig.
- The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Like totally order in food and read in bed all day. I actually do try to spend an occasional weekend pretending I am like home sick from school and just reading.
- Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive? I find it really interesting to look at and will be going to a local sci-fi/fantasy event during switch witch so get my whole Victorian with gears fix but it isn’t my personal style.
- Do you have an Etsy shop? no
- Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind? Sure. I mean vegan baked goods are always a treat
- What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?
Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):
I really prefer consumables as in soaps, candles, lotions etc instead of things. I am kinda trying to declutter since I have way less storage at this house than I have had in my previous apartment. Plus my adult child moved in and is now living in the spare room. We just bought this house two years ago and had no kids living with us at the time so had a spare room for when they visited but not really for somebody to live in full time. EEEK that sounds bad. I just cannot find places to put things—we don’t have a pantry or linen closet or basement/attic. The storage situation is pitiful. But I do like whimsical things or useful things like I don’t know dishtowels or something.
I have been filling this out for days but am not sure I want to receive anything tho I do want to spoil somebody. Also I am so bad about answering all the questions. I am not only a ninja witch but a ninja witchee. It just feels like I am asking somebody to buy me things so I tend not to say ooooh yes I want this scented candle and that soap. Apologies in advance.
Forum Questions:
would you like a scarf? If so, colors, length, iwide or skinny? Bulky yarn or thin and slinky?? No thank you; I have more than I use since I both knit AND I never leave the house anymore
How about some dishcloths, for the kitchen? Or spa cloths for the bathroom? If so, which? Any particular colors?? YES. I have knit those chenille flower washcloths and the Peaches and Cream dishcloths in the past but they are long gone. I generally prefer greens and blues with some pops of brights for home decor. Like white and blue will never be wrong.
Would you like any of Cat Coven's Halloween goods? It's her original artwork based on medieval art. (It's a limited edition of everything, so hopefully things arent sold out yet.) Nothing caught my fancy
Look at The Green Salmon's webpage The Green Salmon - do you fancy any of the teas, coffees etc? It's a favorite place for me to stop on the coast, and I'll take any excuse to drive to the ocean. UGH why so many nice sounding teas. Chaga Spice Latte, Rootin Tootin Licorice Chai, Wynken-Blynken and Nod, Daydreamer's Tea, & Bathory all sound super lovely.
What are your favorite halloween/samhain treats to eat? Please be specific. I have access to various candy stores, including healthy candy lol. I am a savory over sweets eater so rarely crave them. But chocolate with caramel or nuts are good, black jelly beans and Neecos. Those aren't seasonal tho. Somebody listed a milk chocolate that was cruelty free and vegan from a place located in MO. Man I wish I could remember where that was {it was me spying on somebody's previous answers} OH here it is
Would you like any of these Snag Halloween tights? And if so, which of their sizes?
https://snagtights.com/pages/halloween. I have never tried them but it looks to be that I would be a size F. Generally speaking leggings or footless tights and fishnets are my jam. Frank & Shameless are both fracking gorgeous
Also is there anything you would particularly like from the UK? I put in a Q re Future Primative and answered it below. I am unawares of UK specific things? Other than UK covers for books which lol are too specific to expect a witch to acquire for me. Like I once asked a UK friend to pick up Fortunately, the Milk for my husband as the illustrations were different and he is a major fan. Oh wait I was watching a vegan YouTube and she was raving about Truffle Marmalite and Crunchy Peanut Marmalite neither of which I have ever seen here. Also I do occasionally buy yarn from overseas because breed specific or just not available in the US. Really I am not picky. I have had friends send me chutneys etc or treasures they found roadside or at fabulous boot sales... tho you don't call them boot sales do you?
What Halloween things off RedBubble do you like? Share link if possible. I never find out about RedBubble thingies until too late as I don't generally shop there and am only alerted via a post on instagram or something.
Is there anything you might want from Japan? Snacks (autumn flavors are out~), nerdy stuff, cute stuff anything! I tend to like stationary things--notebooks, pens stickers etc. I am not sure what qualifies as cute tho--sometimes I am a baby Gothling other times I am super colorful and bright. I am currently interested in stuff for journaling {which I don't do} or annotating {another thing I don't do}. I suppose I also covet page nibs or book darts and bookmarks. I do that whole toner and masking thing. My face it the only part of my body that hasn't succumbed to my eczema probably because I appropriated skin care
is there anything being removed from site or a virtual con scent you are interested in trying? my Q and I basically ordered all the things. My wallet weeps
Moonalisa.....she just released her new Halloween scents, lip balm, candles, and soaps, want anything? (mooscents.com) Sugar Scull lip balm which is sold out. Miss Twi kindly said my witch could contact her for some
I was wondering whether Tim Tams in any incarnation would tempt my witchee? I do not mind 'may contain' aka cross contamination list for dairy -eggs/milk and am unable to see ingredients list.
On the less sweet side, are there any other Australian things you might be tempted by? I am unaware of Australian specific things. Feel free to surprise me ?.
Do you enjoy fanfic? I would be happy to write something for you, and/or read/comment upon/gush over thing(s) you've written, if that's something you'd enjoy... I am a fan of many things but alas do not geek out on them. Therefore fanfic is not my bag.
Would you appreciate rare TAL decant(s) in 1 mL amber roll-on bottle(s)? YES.
How do you feel about enamel pens? If positively, which fandoms or topics would you like? I do buy enamel pins although I rarely wear them. I have backed some stuff on kickstarter as well as purchased things that catch my fancy. I am not sure they are fandom tho. I backed the ancient Egyptian Little Helpers for example and do wear my Consent Cavalry Pen from Isabella Roman I am currently entranced by some flower pens and made a Q re them below.
I make lightweight hairfalls, the kind that can be attached to a pony tail or to pig tails. They are good for those of us that are more tender-headed. I use a variety of materials like shibori ribbon, and puffy yarns and pieces of lace and silk. You can use them for every day or as part of your Weenie costume. Is this of interest to you? If so tell me what length, what color(s) and if you want one for a pony tail or two for pig tails. I have never worn them so I don't know.... I guess lace or ribbons for shoulder length hair? But more likely no. I will not know how to use them.
During my recent travels I got to experience the incredible delight of Serge Luten perfumers here in Paris (imagine if the Lab and Anna Sui made babies inside a Cadbury Cream Egg decorated with stained glass windows and...you've come close to the experience of being in that shop). Anyway, after spending gobs of monies, they loaded me up with delectable samples of their insanely expensive wares- do you want some??? I was just recently on the Serge Luten website eyeballing the Feminine de Bois which is the updated Shiseido scent I never bought cus I was a poor new mom when I sniffed it. Ambre Sultan also sounds lovely
Haus Of Gloi just had their Halloween update! Anything appeal to you? https://www.hausofgloi.com/collections/fall-1 I would love some of their pumpkin butters. I used to buy the Aether {unscented} Eudemonia and Haus Amber also sound good from GC, Honeysuckle Incense or Marshmallow Rose from summer collection. Hex and Blood Orange Marshmallow from fall? I have a hard time picking scents from non BPAL sites.
I just came across this Etsy shop (TheGrayMuse) and I WILL BE ORDERING and wondering if you would like something from there as well? My Q and I will be ordering as soon as I see my witchee's response. I am planning on buying the Clearance flowers for myself as I do not expect my witch to purchase something in particular for me and don't want them to run out before I get them! I did favorite some pens and especially the color wheels
while thinking of stuff I might want from UK I was reminded of Future Primitive Soaps which has released it's fall stuff. Would you like anything from there dearest witchee? https://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk: My Q and my answer--of the fall collection both body creams {campfire marshmallow and witch cake} sound lovely. Ghost Smoke soap also sounds like it will smell beautiful. Also Rook and Raven hair soap. I haven't used a solid shampoo bar in a while but I used to love them.
I harvested some elderberries yesterday and I have a lot more out there, so I made a batch of elderberry syrup. Would you appreciate a 4oz bottle of it? That sounds like the bomb dot com ?
Do you want anything from Sea Witch Botanicals (I can buy it locally from shops)? Most interested in Starry Night Lip Balm then scentwise for candles/incense sticks Quoth the Raven, Imbolc, Lammas, Green Fairy etc.
Hirons Drug Store - which is basically an Unbelievable place to browse for every kind of eclectic, fun, spooky, weird, and even useful thing you could want - so tell me some Odds And Ends of things you like or want, I know this is open ended, sorry - - gadgetry, stickers, toys, pens, costumery, snacks, decoration, kitchen stuff, etc. I put this on my Amazon wishlist: I would love a Mandoline for slicing my veggies into super thin strips. I am kinda scared of Mandolines but hey I want one anyway. I do like paper goods so notebooks, colored pencils, stickers, pens etc. If you see something veganish in the snack isle {potatoes or other savory thing} I am down.
Gift Certificates you'd like to places that are local to you?
How do you feel about ILNP nail polish and what are your favs from the new Cosmos collection and any others on their site?? I don't use magnetic polishes often so the latest release isn't doing it for me tho I do like ILNP. I do need a new neodynam strip magnet for magnetic polish fun. Or a ring one which I have seen but never purchased. The last bar I had got stuck to my necklace and then when I washed my face it fell to floor and shattered! I do have 'fun' shaped magnets my kids use but Imma boring tiger eye nail person.
Would you be interested in anything from Alobudra? https://alobudrallc.company.site/products/ I was just thinking I would like a Palo Santo smudge stick but that could be purchased anywhere? I will say 99.9% of my tarot and oracle decks are not catalogued in library thing so it is probably not a safe bet but I am happy to learn more about witchy stuff. I used to burn resins, cones and incense a long time ago but haven't in years so do not even have the accessories for such things anymore. Those orb shaped incense holders {zodiac and geometric} are gorgeous
are there any more “traditional” Japanese souvenirs you’d like to have (think chopsticks, tenugui, washi paper, etc.)? OOH the Tenugui I saw when I did a quick google fu are gorgeous. I love me a repeating pattern. I have never learned how to use chopsticks and I do like washi paper along with any sort of paper type of goods. I used to use a bento box and liked the bags and egg molds and flower cutters etc when my kids were little. I still have a bento box but my youngest is 19 and the glory days of fun shaped boiled eggs is not part of my life. Still I like things like that... are those Japanese or generic asian?
Would you like to try Brujita Skincare ? (Ignore the out of stock except for In Your Room collection and Inner Child Ritual candle.) My Question:-)
Would you be interested in any jewelry or other items made with tiny bones from this shop? There are some Halloween themed ones: https://www.tinybonesandthings.com/s/shop ooh I saw this from somebody's blog for last years question. Very interesting but I just cannot imagine wearing wee bones.
If you like tea, is there anything you would like from Bird & Blend? https://www.birdandblendtea.com/ You cannot go wrong with a chai blend in fact I popped into page and went immediately to the Sticky Chai category. Baby Spice also sounded like my usual basic witch type of thing. I do like rooibos, green, jasmine and fruity teas {pom/orange} etc. I don't really drink black or breakfast teas. Also I do not have a tea infuser ?. I think I mention that every time I do a circular swap as bpalistas seem to be tea drinkers in general and the subject comes up often. I should probably jump up to something that costs under and over $10 that I never buy myself and add that.... WAIT I found a ceramic mug with a basket in it and a lid for brewing! I can. have tea!!!!
BloomChic - just discovered them - Take a look at the Halloween stuff, and tell me the link and the size of whatever thing you like! No thank you so much tho. I don't wear holiday themed clothing generally speaking
PeosieTea https://www.poesieperfume.com/loose-leaf-tea. Yes please. I think the loose leaf discovery set sounds lovely. Again anything sweet and fruity instead of harsh and black {obv black tea is good if it is fruity!} Fearless sounds good apple cinnamon. I am really pretty basic when it comes to tea. I used to drink the Celestial Mandarin Orange Spice in my college days {with cream and honey!} and since I have had yummy teas at my sisters who frequents fancy schmancy tea companies but I just don't spoil myself in this way. Really tea would be an excellent I feel totally spoiled gift. ALSO I don't ask for perfume oils from other companies as a general rule {cus hello I don't need to get addicted to another house} but that MADAR sounds like a dream come true. I mean, come on, who doesn't want to smell like rice pudding?
Would you like anything from Trader Joe's? (Pumpkin products are, sadly, not in stores yet, but they will be during this round!). I live about 5 mins from a Trader Joe's and shop there for yummy refrigerated things to throw together for a quick meal so nothing really mailable? I do have a thing for the sparkling soda they sell--blood orange? Pink berry something? I forget. Cus I buy blood orange from either them or WF and the other from TJ. I haven't purchased the everything bagel seasoning although I always think dang I wish I had some. They have new reusable silicone food storage bags which would probably take less space than all my glass containers. hmmmm. Sometimes I pick up skin care from them... they have a newish Brazil nut butter? Or ooh! the Rosemary Marcona Almonds. Yum. I actually buy a lot of nuts from them but the Marcona are the only snack ones. So snacky flavored nuts would be lovely. I used to eat all their mustard style bbq sauce and even bought some sketchy batches from amazon when they stopped carrying it so I suppose I would like any of their sauces. They used to have a fruit tart sold in bakery bit but that was so long ago. Okay I go there and buy tofu nowadays. But I am very open to TJs ?
Do you have any Halloween traditions? My husband buys several boxes of full size candy bars and then hardly anybody knocks on our door. He is so disappointed by this. He has been trying for 10 yrs to hand out candies. Isn't it kinda sad that children no longer are able to knock door to door? I mean we live in a nice neighborhood a couple of blocks from an elementary school and kids walk to school from our area. I know there are kids around. But the whole Halloween back of car trunk in elementary school parking lot has been the thing. Very very sad. Anyway yes we do get candy and decorate the porch and he dresses up and sometimes I even make chili and we give any hapless teen who knocks on our door a dozen full sized Hersheys with almonds or Reeses or whatever else of that ilk. They make out like bandits if they knock on our doors.
What about Halloween-related fandoms? (ie. The Nightmare Before Christmas). Hmmm my favorite witch of all time is Patricia Coombs Dorrie and I have none of her books. It is the striped socks you see. My bestest friend of all time gave me a copy of Anna Elizabeth Bennett's Little Witch which was another childhood favorite-- she found me an og copy with the green cover from 60's. Sadly with no striped socks. I must knit myself some striped socks. But yes Nightmare Before Christmas is pretty classic tho it has been so long since I have seen it that I don't actually remember it. Hides
non-U.S folks!!! We always end up asking what we'd like from your exotic-to-us locales, but do you have any wishes for things from the States? N/A
1. I make things from thrifted sweaters that I cut up & make things from. Do you like armwarmers? Long or short? Solid color ( elegant) or funky stripes made from multiple sweaters? Fave colors? Is cashmere okay? Wool & related blends? ( I never use scratchy wool for arm warmers.) Do you like buttons used decoratively? Yes I do like arm warmers and knit myself the longer type. I am stripe cray cray but solids are good. Probably no on buttons?
2. I also do coiled & sewn rope work- it's functional art I wrap the rope in fabric & add appliques. I just had my first art show with these- bowls, trivets ( that can hang on the wall when not in use), coasters.
Is this something you'd like ? What sort of Halloween fabric? Whimsical? Witchy, bats, mushrooms, moths? How gothy do you like? I have velvets & sparkly stuff to work with too. What is your preference witchee? ooh bowls sound nice. So do coasters type of things to set a candle or something on {not so much trivets as in I am not going to set a hot pan on your art! ermagod}
How do you feel about cherry things? Check out Cherry Republic and let me know if anything catches your eye! Like right off the bat I noticed the dark chocolate covered dried cherries. I totally used to eat the Trader Joes variety oh 15 yrs ago. Like I kept them bedside as a treat. I miss those suckers. yes to cherries. All the cherry anythings
Similarly, are you into fancy flavors of olive oil or vinegar? Check out Fustini's and let me know if anything appeals! again all the yesssss except for horseradish or stone ground/brown mustard types of things. I like olives of all sorts. Jams chutneys etc are fun
We also have an awesome store for jams and sauce, American Spoon which you should totally check out! oooh I just typed out jams are fun. Yes thanks!
Would you like some locally sourced maple syrup? yes.
Finally, I live in a place known for fudge. Do you like it and/or are their flavors you particularly like? My favorite shop is Murdick's if you need to see a flavor list. I like nuts in my fudge but alas most fudge is nowhere near vegan friendly. Greenwoodtree makes a vegan fudge but that isn't local to you. Also I may have said this in my original Questionnaire I am not nitpick-y re sugar sources or gelatin or anything like that. I avoid honey and look for vegan foods but my kid brings me chocolate and I will eat it in a pinch. Did I say veganish or vegan?
Anything from the IKEA Halloween store catch your witchy eye? https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/campaigns/halloween/ I personally do not seasonally decorate because I am No Fun. Thank you tho
https://wildsoulriver.com I own the Magical Nature Tarot and love the feel of the cards. They have candles and teas and tinctures and books of the activist or witchy sort. Anything you see that you'd like? The kitcharie spice mix sounds intriguing as do some of the candles....Thorn Magic and Shifting Light in particular. Also I didn't see it last night on my phone but how stinking cute is that black cat candle? Must procure for my cat loving child. They also have teas but not the necessarily tasty kind but the healing kind. Like I follow them on insta and they had Echinacea tea or tincture that and the elderberry syrup sounded like just what I needed for my reactive airways during cold/flu and covid season.
I live near a Penzey's Spice https://www.penzeys.com
- do you cook? yes
- Do you want fancy schmancy spices or spice blends? I am 100% down with trying your favorite spice blends
- Do you have a favorite alternative source that you prefer and or recommend? For example egads I am asking lots of Qs Curio Spice Co, Diaspora etc do ethically sourced spices. my Q and I haven't checked them out personally yet... came across them while thinking about spice sources
- If you cook is there a type of cuisine you are interested in learning more about and would appreciate a starter pack of spices for that type of cooking? I am really into Latin, Indian and Asian cuisine aka yummy foods. I have been slowly buying various sauces and condiments ?
Colourpop's Haunted Mansion collection dropped today.
If you're interested in makeup or skin care, are you interested in anything from Colourpop?
https://colourpop.com/ I rarely wear cosmetics. Like I buy something for a night out and then it is so long until I wear anything again
Anything of interest from Cellar Door? (They have candles and soaps.). ooh I bought my giftee last year a candle and soap from them and it smelled so good. I was thinking of trying them this year again... I forget what I got {and they enclosed a cute little sample that was delightful}. Aieee.
Are you into wax melts, candles, incense, room sprays, or none of the above? I use all of the above ?.
Would you like anything from Luvmilk's Monster Mash? Pegasus Girlfriend dusting powder! ermagosh I haven't used a dusting powder in forever and I used to use them for my pits, my pits, my pits.... I am totally saying this to the tune of Black Eyed Peas My Humps lol
I dye yarn. Are you a person who crafts with such? What fiber, weights, and colors would tickle your fancy? Would you rather have two different 100g skeins or enough of the same something for a bigger project? I am a knitter. I tend to work with lace weight, fingering and sport weight yarns. Over the past decade I have basically only knit socks or arm warmers, fingerless mitts or hats with the occasional shawl so small amounts work for me.
Provided my experiments work, would you be interested in a bar of homemade tallow soap? I promise I will not send you anything particularly suspect, so this is entirely contingent upon my competence. sure--I used to actually make soap until 1996 when I had my first. That lye solution became an issue once I had a baby. I buy all my soap from indie makers and would love to try yours!
Do homemade caramels or shortbread tickle your fancy? I love shortbread and haven't had any since I became vegan. I would totally sneak either of these into my mouth tho.
because I’m a knitting kind of witch, would you appreciate a pair of hand knit socks. If yes, would you like them in a particular colour? Socks are my least favorite thing to knit and apparently the only thing I knit anymore. Yes. Handknit socks are the awesomest. I prefer cool colors. Stripes are even better ?
What type of spooky season imagery do you like? (Ie. bats, ghosts, vintage Halloween, etc.). I still don't decorate cus I am still not fun but I do kinda like vintage-y cute or bats. Bats are super neat
Astrid's Autumn Line and Anniversary Tea Party just dropped. Anything you want? A friend just mentioned Astrid for florals but I am unfamiliar with them. I am happy to try something you think I might like
Homemade and preserved food goodies - Which of these things would you like my dear witchie? All are organic and grown or made by me.
sun-dried heirloom tomatoes Yes
dried ancho chile peppers - can be whole halves or ground into a delicious powder Yes
sugar-free candied pecans and walnuts or almonds Yes
gourmet quality fudge in many flavors (formerly from my ETSY shop which I had to close until I have my own home again) please give me an idea the kinds of flavors you like. My more popular ones are Penuche, Choc & PB, Pumpkin pie, Forest fruit (with cherries, blueberries and cranberries), Vegan chocolate--I purchased the vegan chocolate with nuts in past. I would like to try forrest fruit if it can be made vegan as well. But fudge with nuts are my generally safe
dried italian plums (pitted) Yes
sugar-free canned plum or logan berry jam Yes
freshly dried rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley individually or in combo Yes. I am very fond of thyme in particular.
almond flour baked goods (low carb, sugar free, and gluten free) - give me examples of savory and sweet things you'd like have never tried almond flour thingies but I know you are a great cook and am more than. happy to try some savory crackers?
Might you like a witch hat? Later this month I'm taking a class at an area museum where I'm supposed to decorate 2 hats. Also I crochet wicked cute witchy hats. I hear these are covetable. Please share pics if. you are not my witch.
Do you see anything here that interests you? They have dry shampoos, whipped soaps, awesome hand cream, linen spray, sugar scrubs and perfume. https://www.etsy.com/shop/faefragrance/?etsrc=sdt. My Q I forget what scent caught my attention this year....Oh yeah Bear Hug hand cream or whipped soap ?
DEAREST WITCH THIS WAS NOT A QUESTION ON THE FORUM BUT I THOUGHT OF IT WHILE I WAS GOING TO SLEEP LAST NIGHT.... So you remember where I said I was Vegan but not so strict and then I say stuff like yes shortbread? Well I am on a horrid no food diet until after Thursday where I cannot eat my beloved beans and rice or spicy foods or even vegetables. Like no salads! WTFrack is that? So yes all the shortbread and chocolate sounds good RN [actually always but I wouldn't normally be Yes Yes Yes] When I am doom scrolling on instagram and a food video shows up and they stick in a meat or egg I totally stop watching so I don't want you to think I am normally so wishy washy. For the record I read Diet for a Small Planet over 40 yrs ago and have been pretty much veg heavy since then. I mean I wasn't vegan but I only ate meat once or twice a week. Not for the animals but because of world hunger/water issues. So I was never strict even about being a vegetarian {which I was for years and years but then would be like I want a steak then see sawed back to vegetarian} But I basically made the choice to cut out dairy and the oh so tempting bbq 6 yrs ago last month. My husband, who has heart disease, went vegan a year later-- I was cooking flex meals until then. My children are not vegan/vegetarian or anything like that so I am really super not judgmental but I no longer cook with meat or dairy products and choose to eat out at vegan restaurants. BUT if I am a guest in somebody's home and they used butter in their cooking I don't make a big deal out of it. I just don't put the meat on my plate ya know? Sorry if this is confusing not that you are necessarily thinking of snacks for me but, you know, in case you are one of the many cooks offering up baked goods. I am sure I would appreciate anything you sent me unless it was something like pork rinds o.0
Anything you want from my favorite local tea shop? www.fridaytea.com
How about from my skincare person? drjensbeautylab.com/
How about from my witchy Chandler? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TeresaLynnsSimpleLux
It's also that time of year where I make handmade soap (usually with calendula infused olive oil, tallow, oatmeal and honey) and candles (feel free to specify color and size, I don't usually scent them, but I do have a clover and apple scent I've been wanting to play with). I can also annoint and dress candles with TALs and herbs. Any interest? Yes to both
I also grow herbs which can be culinary or magical. I'd be happy to prepare a smudge or dry some herbs for your enjoyment. I currently have oregano (yellow and standard), mugwort, thyme, sage (purple or garden), tea peppermint, chives, lovage, plantain, comfrey, raspberry leaf, and yarrow. I'm probably forgetting something. I am particularly fond of thyme but yes:-)
I also make salves! My go to in an arnica, calendula and comfrey mix for healing wounds or chapped skin. This can also be used on pet paws. We do have barely enough time that I could do a custom infusion. yes
Anything in the Paintbox Soapworks Halloween update looking good to you? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/2023-weenie-collection/
If you have a furry friend living with you, what sort of treats do they like? My new pup has only been home for a month now--he is a baby and I don't know anything that he loves as much as my shoes ?
What is your feelings on seasonal mugs? Yes or, no? Too many in your house or bring them on?? No thank you
Are your wishlists - Amazon, Etsy, etc - up to date, and if so, are they all linked somewhere that I can find them? Yes--on master link page/warehouse etc sheets
Do you have anything you use every day that you wouldnt mind getting more of? Not really. I tend to shop in spurts and go years without buying something then show little to no impulse control until I feel like ack too much then back to no buy. Ummm I think that is a shopping disorder of some sort. I do need some lip balm.
Anything you love or need to have from Adagio or Rishi teas? My tea tastes here will probably align with tea tastes other places. Fruit or chai type of flavors.
List here things you wish you would've added to your questionnaire
Nocturne Alchemy just dropped their Halloween update! You like the looks of anything? https://nocturnealchemy.com/collections/limited-collection I have a hard time picking stuff out from other vendors. I do like the tea scents I picked up a few years ago but I also have had some misses as well with NAVA. I am happy to try something you think I would like but I am also semi considering a destash as I have so many scents and only wear a hand and foot full on a regular basis.
Is there anything you would like from the Weenie update? I answered this on thread... primarily The Hound and the Milk-White Doe. Although I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the number of perfumes I own. I have finished two bottles recently tho so it does happen.
How do you feel about stickers? If positively, are there any themes you'd rather not have stickers of? yes on stickers but I cannot think of anything overly offensive. Maybe nothing super conservative political cus I am pretty liberal on social issues.
What about crystals, cool rocks, and gemstones? yes--I in particular would like a globe shaped sun catcher to hang in my windows. Have been half heartedly shopping for one online but will most likely pick one up in person if I see one at a shop/festival
How do you feel about Squishmallows and Squishables? (They have mini and micro sizes for those who like cute plushies but don't have a lot of space.) Yes I want one pretty badly. I don't know why I haven't purchased one for myself. I keep hoping my husband will buy me one. My husband purchased the bat MissTwi mentioned
Would you wear enamel pins with chains that are meant to be put on lapels? (Something like this.) Yes very cool. I added some to my Etsy wishlist
Speaking of enamel pins... The Pickety Witch's Autumn and Halloween collection just dropped. Has anything caught your eye?
I used to make mobiles out of paper cranes, would you appreciate something like this? if so, what size restrictions do you have, if any? ie., should it take up less space vertically or horizontally? color palette preference? That sounds really neat.
ordering bulbs from https://oldhousegardens.com and was wondering if my witchee would like some. My Q. I have the erlicher daffodil in my garden right now. I would love more frilly white ones or any of the ground covers on the diverse page like lily of valleys, squIll, crocus, hyacinth etc. My front off. house garden was redone this summer and they removed the rock ground cover and now it is all weeds! I need a ground cover!
Would you like something like "sock arms" if I find time to craft? (Sometimes I make a pattern called Toast or Toasty {one has a thumb the other is just a tube} http://www.afriendtoknitwith.com/2008/09/toasttoasty.html. here are other photos from my blog: https://www.elkaknits.com/?p=845 )
-- If so what sort of colors? My Q again
Witchee, what's your take on seasonal-themed Washi tape? I do like Washi tape in general. I don't think I have ever seen seasonal themed ones tho.
What about seasonal treats from Trader Joe's? I bought their pumpkin mix one year and it was a disaster when I veganized it.
I make gluten-free biscotti this time of year, lemon and also cocoa varieties: does this sound good to you? Lemon beats cocoa flavor wise
Would you like me to make a music mix for you? I kick it old school with a burned CD. If you're into this, name at least 3 to 5 genres of music you already love, or are interested to explore more of! I have been a Mac user for about 18 yrs now and their computes no longer come with CD thingies. This would not work for me unfortunately.
Anything here you like? https://bserway.com/. oh very cool-- I go for the cats and bats and cuter things than the spooky specter ones. On first page I would not appreciate Mad World or Luna's Cape for example but think Shade, Rind Cauldron, Spellbound Seance are adorable... I did not explore beyond first page I am sure there are other super cutesy ones
Anything you'd like from my Ren Fest? There is an outstanding garlic based shop I'll be going to next weekend, for my annual stock up of their spice blends & garlic oil blends. Any other Renny stuff that you like? Garlic is King
know we are looking at a lot of candles, but if you are into looking at more (and it is ok to say you are not), do any of these strike your fancy?
(Feel free to take a look at their current and signature scents too but I wanted to highlight these fundraiser scents first!) The Jaquar and Heaven Sent are more my number than the Lemonade one. Heaven Sent before Jaquar...
f you are a person who appreciates tarot and oracle decks, do you have a strong preference about receiving new ones vs gently/barely used? no but I do own a lot of tarot decks and they aren't listed on my library thing.
Are you a Studio Ghibli fan, and if so, what are your feelings about fan made art featuring characters? Yes I do like Studio Ghibli. My niece worked at Disney forever as a photographer and she is no longer with them. My in no longer exists.
Want anything from LUSH? Here's the link specifically to their Halloween drop (https://www.lush.com/us/en_us/c/halloween) BUT, feel free to peruse all of it. Ugh I answered this on forum and I forget what I said. I think I said anything from body area esp stuff like the solid lotion bars and I think I picked out a scent that sounded good from weenies. I am so behind!
Part 2 of the Autumnal/Halloween drop from Haus of Gloi is coming this weekend- take a look and see if anything is compelling! https://www.hausofgloi.com (fall part 2 is live on Sunday, here is a list of what is coming: https://www.hausofgloi.com/blogs/haus-herald/fall-part-2) pretty sure I answered this on forum...
Also, I live in Philly and will use ANY reason to spend time at the Mütter Museum- anything of interest (including, but not limited to, the well-loved BPAL exclusive for the museum, Ü?) https://www.muttermuseumstore.org you know I have never clicked on this one before--they have some cute stationary items {not the personal library kit!}. Spit spreads Death tickles my fancy but only cus I am a smarty pants. Or perhaps it is todays mood. I also really like the My Pronouns Are pin because that is so thoughtful and fabulous to have it in a semi permanent format instead of a name tag you peel off at end of a night out at a place where people care about respecting others pronouns.
If you are so inclined, do you want or need any natural items or ingredients for spellwork that could be collected from forests, ocean, fields or stream? I also have access to oak gall ink and various other esoteric substances. I now have a source >..> should I ever be super witchy instead of woo woo witchy
Are you a fan of the show Cobra Kai? I have not watched it
Do you enjoy any of the scented items from Victoria's Secret? I don't shop at VS
Would you be interested in receiving a silver locket with papyrus and herbs inside, as a protective amulet? yes although it is not something I would have sought out for myself.
So Witchee mine, are you a spellworker? - any interest in acorns from a tree known as The Mother Oak at my Ren Fest grounds. It is the biggest tree I've ever seen in MI. It is cared for by tree scientists from MSU. It is the mom to every other oak on the grounds. Saturday is Mabon & I will go & gather acorns before the park opens to patrons as I do each year. But this time it's actual Mabon. So Witchee dearest, would you like some? Yes please
Witchee, do you like anything from Lenny Mud? I think I said no but there were a few cute yarn bowls that I noted.
From previous questions you've answered, I know a lot about the teas you'd like from specific places, but I want to know your more general tea preferences. Black, green, white, rooibos, oolong, herbal?
- Japan is particularly big on their green tea and hojicha (roasted green tea), any interest? I do like green teas
- My partner has given me an extraordinary amount of rooibos from South Africa. It's amazing and I'd like to share, so would you like some? yes to rooibos
Actually I am good with most teas.
despite being uk based I’m probably gonna have to make a torrid order because I fell in. Anything catch your eye while I’m doing it? I haven't peeked at Torrid.
How do you feel about nail wraps, like from Espionage Cosmetics? They are having a tempting fall sale. Anything catch your eye? https://espionagecosmetics.com/collections/itsfallyall23 NO to nail wraps.
Is anyone into colouring in? Oh this one looked neat but I am sure I would be paralyzed worried I was doing it wrong. Ack! Local artist
Since I'm starting to get ads for holiday shop stuff coming in, witchees who are winter holiday afficionados, are there any decorations, treats, etc. that you would be looking for? My husband just brought home a pumpkin and we have cases and cases of Xmas stuff--he goes all out for the holidays and I do not. HOWEVER I do have a couple the 2008 Hallmark Singing Snowman that he always tries to hide. I love it and keep wanting to pick up more. I thought I had another but I don't actually recall doing so--my husband finds them annoying so I might have skipped purchasing? Last year was pretty sad Christmas wise TBH.
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