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Switch Witch Fall 2023

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would you like a scarf?  If so, colors, length, iwide or skinny?  Bulky yarn or thin and slinky??  I knit, so I’m good on scarves!


How about some dishcloths, for the kitchen?  Or spa cloths for the bathroom?  If so, which?  Any particular colors??


Would you like any of Cat Coven's Halloween goods? It's her original artwork based on medieval art. (It's a limited edition of everything, so hopefully things arent sold out yet.). Yes.  Especially Alchemy and Chaos, but I love them all.


Candy:  I like Chocolates with crunchy stuff, Reese’s cups, snickers, starbursts except the cherry, and sour candy the more sour the better.  Caramel/toffee anything.  I also LOVE the green apple and caramel lollipops. If I had to pick a favorite full sized chocolate bar, it would be Tony’s with the toffee bits or Ruby chocolate, but I can’t remember who makes it.


Would you like any of these Snag Halloween tights? And if so, which of their sizes?  I might wear Never Say Die, but I don’t wear tights often


Also is there anything you would particularly like from the UK? I like Coleman’s mustard.  Interesting regional jams and jellies, mismatched tea cup/saucer, I don’t know.  I’m kind of foodie, so some little interesting regional food, but maybe not meat.


What Halloween things off RedBubble do you like? Share link if possible.


Beyond that, I don’t even know where to start.  The site is so huge.  ? I like iconoclastic, funny shit.  I’m not afraid to offend people, but I usually refrain from curse words on clothing.  


Is there anything you might want from Japan? Snacks (autumn flavors are out~), nerdy stuff, cute stuff anything! *INCENSE* I used to work for Shoyeido Incense and am still a HUGE fan.  Incense burner.  Interesting decor items, indigo dyed items, bits of kimono fabric, snacks- but not fishy ones, inexpensive skin care, sunscreen, paint brushes.  Spooky stuff.


is there anything being removed from site or a virtual con scent you are interested in trying?  I was at DragonCon and got what I wanted.


I was wondering whether Tim Tams in any incarnation would tempt my witchee. On the less sweet side, is there any other Australian things you might be tempted by?  Yes to Tim Tams.  Other things: interesting regional jams, jellies, or honeys, salty snacks except vegemite, interesting spice blends or sauces, small aboriginal art


Do you enjoy fanfic? I would be happy to write something for you, and/or read/comment upon/gush over thing(s) you've written, if that's something you'd enjoy... It’s not really my thing.  I wouldn’t know what to ask for


Would you appreciate rare TAL decant(s) in 1 mL amber roll-on bottle(s)?  I have A LOT of TALs, but I might be interested in the right ones in rollerball format.  Especially personal protection, money, or creativity blends


How do you feel about enamel pens?  If positively, which fandoms or topics would you like? I like them and have tried to collect them, but the magnetic snaps on my bag pull the backs off.  What We Do In Shadows, Our Flag Means Death, general witchcraft/satanism, Queens of the Stone Age, Zeal and Ardor, glitch art, snakes, medusa, Halloween stuff (the holiday, not the movie), creepy shit


Witches!  I am excited.  I just came across this Etsy shop and want all the flowers.  All of them aka any of them.  I came across them because of color wheel key chain or pins.  So those too.  I WILL BE ORDERING and wondering if you would like something from there as well?  I know it's not very witchy but man are they pretty.  They also have pets and beverages and other things but I got held up on the flowers and color wheels.  Still exploring.  Not seasonal aka witchoweeny: these are beautiful and I love bunches of them.  I’m a BIG gardener and am just branching out into more flowers.  Violets, violas, marigolds, fuchsia, pansy, gardenia, freesia, rose, forget me not, lavender, jasmine, carnation, magnolia, lilac, sweet pea, wisteria- any of those would be lovely.


Future Primitive: Ghost Smoke is my favorite scent.  If shampoo bars or whipped soap come back in stock in any scent besides Rook and Raven, I’m needing them SOON.  However, I do not need bar soap.  I am well stocked on bar soap.


- I make lightweight hairfalls, the kind that can be attached to a pony  tail or to pig tails. They are good for those of us that are more tender-headed. I use a variety of materials like shibori ribbon, and puffy yarns and pieces of lace and silk. You can use them for every day or as part of your Weenie  costume. Is this of interest to you? If so tell me what lengt h, what color(s) and if you want one for a pony tail or two for pig tails: I don’t have enough hair for these currently.  Maybe if you could do a clip in rat tail in a crazy neon color or dark, indigo blue?


Serge Lutens: would love to try


House of Gloi- maybe the Blood Orange Marshmallow in any formulation or any of the room sprays.  No bar soap.  I am well stocked on bar soap


harvested some elderberries yesterday and I have a lot more out there, so I made a batch of elderberry syrup. Would you appreciate a 4oz bottle of it?I’ve never tasted it before, but I would try it!


 - Do you want anything from Sea Witch Botanicals (I can buy it locally from shops)? 

This looks nice:  White Lodge Spray


Hirons drugs- I am a spooky bitch.  Useful kitchen stuff welcome like oven mitts, kitchen towels, mugs, glasses, tea things, bowls, containers, etc. bathroom things like hand towels soap dispensers, small containers.  Stickers, pens- not tons, but a select few.  You know I’m a creepy bitch.  Dog toys yes, but people toys, probably not.


Gift certificates to places local to me- there’s a LYS that just opened near me.  I can always use yarn or notions and it’s owned by a BIPOC.  https://www.knittinginthegood.com

The food here is all chain restaurants and not my favorite.  Maybe Michael’s or Joann’s, Ross or TJ Maxx.

How do you feel about ILNP nail polish and what are your favs from the new Cosmos collection and any others on their site??FUCKING LOVE.  I own Cygnus Loop and another chrome one.  I’ll have to find it to get the name.  I don’t know how to do magnetic polish, nor do I have a magnet.  But I love all the freaky colors.  The weird holographic, chrome, jelly, and metallic.  If it’s a dark or intensely weird color, I will like it.


Would you be interested in anything from Alobudra?  I’m not seeing descriptions.  I don’t take baths and probably don’t need more tarot cards.  ?


I live in Japan, so are there any more “traditional” Japanese souvenirs you’d like to have (think chopsticks, tenugui, washi paper, etc.)?Any of these sound really nice.  I also really love Japanese incense, especially Shoyeido.  If there are any inexpensive ones not available in the US, that would be super!  Simple tea cups would be used, too.  Little incense burners.  Small traditional home decor items


Brujita- holy shit yes.  That Tuberose hydrosol sounds tdf.  Honestly, any of the skincare for combo or mature skin except anything with rose geranium or the cucumber hydrosol.  They sound AMAZING and if you aren’t my witch, I’m going to have to order from this shop at some point.


Would you be interested in any jewelry or other items made with tiny bones from this shop? I am worried my dogs would find these and eat the bones.  ?. They are very nosy and naughty.


If you like tea, is there anything you would like from Bird & Blend? Tea is my thing and lots of these sound wonderful.  Too many to list.  I’m not big on green tea or medicinal tea, and licorice flavors aren’t my favorite.  Otherwise, I’d try so many of these.


Bloomchic- I really do not need clothes right now.  I have too many


Poesie Tea- I LOVE tea.  Black tea is my favorite, esp Lapsang Souchong blends.  I’m sure I could find tons I would love on here.  Special favorites are Masala chai, Earl Gray and its iterations, caramel, florals, vanilla, chocolate, citrus, other fruit except cherry.  No licorice flavors. Not a fan of green tea or strictly medicinal teas.  Everything else is fair game


Would you like anything from Trader Joe's? (Pumpkin products are, sadly, not in stores yet, but they will be during this round!) I’m sure I would love lots of things, but I have never shopped there.  I love foodie stuff.  Salty/spicy snacks would be especially welcome.  


Do you have any Halloween traditions?  The whole carves pumpkins, gets dressed in costume, goes to a few Halloween parties, then we do blow out trick or treating (even though my kids are older teens, they’re still into it).  The next day, we take out all of our aggressions on the pumpkins and beat them to a pulp with sticks.  Some years we do more, but those are the ones we do every year.


What about Halloween-related fandoms? (ie. The Nightmare Before Christmas). I like vintage Halloween.  1970s and earlier back to Victorian era.


non-U.S folks!!!  We always end up asking what we'd like from your exotic-to-us locales, but do you have any wishes for things from the States? I am in US.  But would love to try any interesting regional stuff from wherever you are.


How do you feel about cherry things? Check out Cherry Republic and let me know if anything catches your eye!

Similarly, are you into fancy flavors of olive oil or vinegar? Check out Fustini's and let me know if anything appeals!

We also have an awesome store for jams and sauce, American Spoon which you should totally check out!

Would you like some locally sourced maple syrup?

Finally, I live in a place known for fudge. Do you like it and/or are their flavors you particularly like? My favorite shop is Murdick's if you need to see a flavor list.


Fustini’s:  The infused olive oils sound great, except I don’t think I’d get much use for the butter or sage and wild mushroom.  I am a sucker for balsamic vinegar, but I’m not sure I’d use the very sweet ones like vanilla or chocolate.  I’d try any of the other vinegars.


American Spoon: anything here but cherry.  Seriously.  All the jam.  Yum.


Fudge: Chocolate, vanilla, and the caramel sea salt one look good.  I love Greenwoodtree’s chai fudge!


IKEA: the tree lamp and wreath are cool.  The plug in purple lights, too.


Penzey’s: there’s almost too much to mention.  I use A LOT of Mexican spices, lemon pepper, Italian spices, Mediterranean spices, and Tony Chachere’s- anything good on grilled chicken would be great.  I grill up extra tofu, chicken and pork and put it in the fridge and freezer for lunches and quick dinners.  Indian spices are also very welcome.  I use A LOT of vanilla.  Since I’ve gotten a stand mixer, I’ve been doing more baking.  I make a lot of Asian food.  Not sure how authentic it is, but Korean is a favorite as well as fancier ramen from Japan.  I’d love to get better at Indian.  


Colourpop: I just do not wear much make-up.  Maybe some tinted lip oil in reds and purples?  I try to do skincare, but that kind of shit the bed when the kids went back to school and I haven’t been keeping up with it like my skin likes.  

Anything of interest from Cellar Door? (They have candles and soaps.)The Halloween and Woodsy candles sound nice.  Not really a fan of pumpkin notes in candles, but the others looked good!  No bar soap, please.  I am very well stocked and need to use what I have.


Are you into wax melts, candles, incense, room sprays, or none of the above?  Any of the above, but especially room sprays and either Japanese or loose incense.  


Would you like anything from Luvmilk's Monster Mash? I didn’t really see anything that flipped my lid


I dye yarn.  Are you a person who crafts with such?  What fiber, weights, and colors would tickle your fancy?  Would you rather have two different 100g skeins or enough of the same something for a bigger project?Yes!!!  I haven’t been able to try lots of different fibers, so I’d be good with a surprise.  I feel pretty confident I can knit with any fiber.  I’ve done cotton, linen, superwash, non-superwash, mohair, alpaca, silk.  I have needles in lots of sizes from tiny to super-bulky and have saved patterns in all weights.  I like either dark, moody colors (dark jewel tones) like Farmer’s Daughter or Malabrigo or dark colors splashed with weird neon brights like Hedgehog Fibers and Madeline Tosh.  I like making clothing, so one bigger project would be my preference.


Provided my experiments work, would you be interested in a bar of homemade tallow soap?  I promise I will not send you anything particularly suspect, so this is entirely contingent upon my competence.  This is probably the only bar soap I’d want!


Do homemade caramels or shortbread tickle your fancy?  Hell yes.  Either or both 


What are your chocolate preferences? White, milk, dark? What inclusions (fruit, nuts, none, etc.)? Gimme as many details as possible.  I like milk chocolate and white chocolate.  I like toffee, caramel, and nuts, except walnuts. Berries, except cherries, orange, crispy bits like rice crispies or cocoa beans, sea salt.  Not really a fan of coconut.


I make mixed media art (like collaging kinda). Is a mixed media art piece (small like an altoids tin or small canvas) something you'd be interested in?Yes


What music platform do you use (Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, etc.)? Do you like receiving music recommendations? Spotify.  I am hard to pick music for because I am weirdly picky about it, but I’m open to new stuff.  I think I listed my Spotify on the spreadsheet, but this is my main playlist- mostly up to date:  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37bsCah5Ae2j1828Grkc5U?si=jeyKUbxXRyea8z0UiL8CIw


I’m a knitting kind of witch, would you appreciate a pair of hand knit socks. If yes, would you like them in a particular colour? Yes.  Dark jewel tones or weird super brights


What type of spooky season imagery do you like? (Ie. bats, ghosts, vintage Halloween, etc.): bats, snakes, skulls, monsters (any and all), and vintage Halloween from the 1970s and earlier.  Realistic gore isn’t really my thing, but stylized gore is totally fine.  


Astrid's Autumn Line and Anniversary Tea Party just dropped.  Anything you want?


Aura, Hecate, Nothing Gold Can Stay, Blackberry Poundcake, Citrus Petit Four, Orange Blossom & Lemon Biscuit, Rosey Blueberry Preserves


sun-dried heirloom tomatoes: fuck yes

dried ancho chile peppers - can be whole halves or ground into a delicious powder: absolutely

sugar-free candied pecans and walnuts or almonds: I can’t do artificial sweeteners or stevia

gourmet quality fudge in many flavors (formerly from my ETSY shop which I had to close until I have my own home again) please give me an idea the kinds of flavors you like. My more popular ones are Penuche, Choc & PB, Pumpkin pie, Forest fruit (with cherries, blueberries and cranberries), Vegan chocolate YES YES YES.  I loved the Chai, and any kind of chocolate I can use to make hot chocolate.  Pumpkin pie sounds good, too.

dried italian plums (pitted)maybe?  I’ve never had them before

sugar-free canned plum or logan berry jam: maybe loganberry if no artificial sweeteners or stevia

freshly dried rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley individually or in combo: I’ll pass.  I have more herbs than I can process right now

almond flour baked goods (low carb, sugar free, and gluten free) - give me examples of savory and sweet things you'd like: I am not familiar with almond flour, but historically I’ve not been crazy about store bought gluten-free baked goods.  I cannot do artificial sweeteners or stevia.  I don’t know if these would work well for me.  


Might you like a witch hat?  Later this month I'm  taking a class at an area museum where I'm  supposed to decorate 2 hats.  Also I crochet wicked cute witchy hats: as much as I would love one, I’m not sure I would wear it or be able to display it and care for it properly.


SW 2023 9/16 catch-up


Anything you want from my favorite local tea shop? www.fridaytea.com. I put together a wish list there were so many.


How about from my skincare person? drjensbeautylab.com/ any options for aging skin and exfoliation


How about from my witchy Chandler? https://www.etsy.com/shop/TeresaLynnsSimpleLux 


Southern Cemetery, Smoke and Mirrors, Grandpas Pipe, Grimoire, Record Store. 


Yes:  incense, evergreens, smoke, vanilla

No:  pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, clary sage, galbanum


It's also that time of year where I make handmade soap (usually with calendula infused olive oil, tallow, oatmeal and honey) and candles (feel free to specify color and size, I don't usually scent them, but I do have a clover and apple scent I've been wanting to play with). I can also annoint and dress candles with TALs and herbs. Any interest? YES to handmade soap and dressed candles- esp cleansing, protection, money, attraction


I also grow herbs which can be culinary or magical. I'd be happy to prepare a smudge or dry some herbs for your enjoyment. I currently have oregano (yellow and standard), mugwort, thyme, sage (purple or garden), tea peppermint, chives, lovage, plantain, comfrey, raspberry leaf, and yarrow. I'm probably forgetting something.  No thank you!  I have herbs and make my own fumitory bundles.


I also make salves! My go to in an arnica, calendula and comfrey mix for healing wounds or chapped skin. This can also be used on pet paws. We do have barely enough time that I could do a custom infusion.YES


Anything in the Paintbox Soapworks Halloween update looking good to you? https://paintboxsoapworks.com/new-limited-edition/2023-weenie-collection/


Cathedral of Pumpkins, Demeter Forsaken, Pokeberry, September in oil, candle, lotion, wax melt, or sorbetto


If you have a furry friend living with you, what sort of treats do they like?We have 3 medium-big dogs.  They like any edible treats.  Bandanas.  Stuffed toys and squeaker toys are HUGE favorites, but will be completely destroyed in minutes.  VERY hard chewers- like they destroy kong toys for hard chewers.  We’ve never had a squeaker last more than 20 minutes.


1.  What is your feelings on seasonal mugs?  Yes or, no?  Too many in your house or bring them on??  LOVE. 

2.  Are your wishlists - Amazon, Etsy, etc - up to date, and if so, are they all linked somewhere that I can find them?  They really aren’t up to date, but I included them to give an idea of things I like.


 - Do you have anything you use every day that you wouldnt mind getting more of? Tea, skin balm, hand lotion, herbs/spices/extracts, kitchen tools, bowls, snacks, snack dishes, reusable storage containers, face and body scrubbers, really good shampoo bars, whipped soap.


 Anything you love or need to have Rishi teas? (sorry, I just heard about adagio's business practices which I wasnt aware of). Spicy Masala Chai, chai concentrate, vanilla


- List here things you wish you would've added to your questionnaire: I collect crystals, fossils, interesting rocks, found bones, antique keys, antique lace, snuff bottles, handmade art, bottles both for storage and for decoration, preserved insects, ornate mirrors, odd stuff, tarot and Oracle cards and related things, bones set for divination, cup for reading tea leaves, celestial decor, snake and medusa art, enamel pins and patches, Baphomet, hair art, fountain pens and inks, indigenous art, BPAL t-shirts


Nocturne Alchemy just dropped their Halloween update! You like the looks of anything? https://nocturnealchemy.com/collections/limited-collection



Googly Bat

Mr Collins

Wicked Cupcake

Orange Blossom Wine

Ylang Ylang Wine

Vanilla Blossom Wine

Haunted Tree

Conversations with the Moon

Eclipse Phantasma

Vintage Phantom

Cotton Candy Kashmir Crimson Marshmallow Musk

Carpe Noctem

Haunted Portrait Helena Hackley

Black Honey

Red Sandalwood



Is there anything you would like from the Weenie update?


Witch in the Woods

Halloween Cat

Don’t Play Fetch with a Teenage Werewolf

A Melancholy of Goths

Pumpkin Trash Bag

Things Are Fine

Vintage Frankenstein Blow Mold

The Hound and the Milk-White Doe

The Lady of Saintonge



How do you feel about stickers?  If positively, are there any themes you'd rather not have stickers of? I love stickers, but don’t have tons of places to put stickers.  Nothing is really off limits, but I don’t put curse words or ACAB related stuff on my car

What about crystals, cool rocks, and gemstones?YES.  LOVE.  I have a pretty decent collection, but am always interested in nice specimens, especially natural crystals.  I make jewelry and have been more interested in faceted gemstones lately and anything made with jet.


How do you feel about Squishmallows and Squishables? (They have mini and micro sizes for those who like cute plushies but don't have a lot of space.) no thank you unless it’s for a kid and is a mini.  My dogs destroy stuffed animals AND our house has 3 kids who collected stuffed animals.  2 of the kids still collect them, but don’t have much space for more.  

Would you wear enamel pins with chains that are meant to be put on lapels? (Something like this.) probably not.  I don’t really have this kind of clothing.



Speaking of enamel pins... The Pickety Witch's Autumn and Halloween collection just dropped.


Black Phillip

Baba Yaga

Potion bottle

Vampire bat

Mabon Raven

May Queen

Starlight Fawn- either color

Brigid’s Lamb

Starlight Rabbit


I used to make mobiles out of paper cranes, would you appreciate something like this? if so, what size restrictions do you have, if any? ie., should it take up less space vertically or horizontally? color palette preference yes, no size restrictions, color pallet- jewel tones, maximalist Japanese papers, metallics, whatever.  


I have a post or two about ordering bulbs from https://oldhousegardens.com and was wondering if my witchee would like some.   I will try to order before they sell out of everything. Because bulbs are easy peasy.


*must be hardy to 7b


Woodlands Sprites sampler

Purple-headed garlick

Blue Grecian windflower

Jack-in-the pulpit

Turkish glory of the snow

Dutchman’s breeches

Winter aconite

Snake’s head Fritillary

Atkinsii Snowdrop

Spanish bluebells

Gravetye Giant Snowflake

Surprise Lily


Yet Another NEW Question: I know we have been offered scarves, socks, etc but my favorite gifts are 'sock arms' as my recipients call them.  Here is a picture from my blog: https://www.elkaknits.com/?p=845 Would you like something like that if I find time to craft?  If so what sort of colors? Yes!  I knit, but I love these and haven’t made any for myself.  Prefer black or moody jewel tones



Witchee, what's your take on seasonal-themed Washi tape?  It would be fun, but I don’t know where I would use it.

What about seasonal treats from Trader Joe's?  I’ve never been to TJs, but I like salty, cheesy, spicy snacks or sweet snacks like toffee, caramel, sour candy, berries/fruit, 

I make gluten-free biscotti this time of year, lemon and also cocoa varieties: does this sound good to you?  I’m not sure I would enjoy gluten-free.  I’ve tried some gf things from the grocery store and was not a fan

Would you like me to make a music mix for you? I kick it old school with a burned CD. If you're into this, name at least 3 to 5 genres of music you already love, or are interested to explore more of!  I don’t have a place to play CDs.

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