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13 Nights of Halloween 2024

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Paintbox Soap Works Halloween

Ooo the Fairytale soap bar or scrub


Anything hand knit or embroidered you might like? 

Yes! I just started knitting myself. No socks though. Something embroidered would be wonderful! I love those little red hatted gnomes if that helps you, lol.


UPDATE TO ANSWER: someone mentioned knit hats and YES. I would loooove a slouchy knit hat. 


I make shower steamers, salves, candles, soaps and other such. Are you interested in any such homemade goodies? 

Those all sound awesome! I would love a shower steamer or a salve. 


Would you like a small watercolor painting?  I'm taking 3×5".  If so, would you like it based on your preferred Halloween motifs or something else? Yes! I love handmade art! Hmmm.... Small insects, like a snail or a moth


I make light-weight hair falls ( I can do single or double, if you have a preference for pony tail or pig tails)- I make them out of things like soft yarns, up-cycled silk and bits of lace. Is this something you'd like? If so, tell me up to three colors and a length in inches you'd like. heck yes! I want to eventually to go to neotopolis (cyberpunk roleplay weekend), wasteland weekend or even something for Labyrinth! My hair is currently green, and I would like something bright green with black or hot pink. I prefer pig tails, and my hair is currently pretty long (mid-back).


UPDATE: something more specific color wise! neon green and dark purple, or hot pink and black

Anything from the Haus of Gloi Fall update? Ooo I love their body butters! 

UPDATE: Kitchen Witch sounds yummy!

How about the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween update? 

UPDATE: Finally getting to this question! Mango Custard Kulfi or Vampire Wine Heart Chianti


Milk, Dark, and or white Chocolate? Milk or white! I have a tremendous sweet tooth, and I am sensitive to bitter. 


Would you like a gently-used tarot or Lenormand deck?: 100%!


UPDATE: I have a LOT of tarot decks (i really should make a list sometime), so a Lenormand deck would be a safer gift

I'm going to Disney World all next week!!! Can I get you something? Oooo I'm jelly! I've never been, but if you see anything with the porgs from Star Wars my husband would LOVE IT

This is has been alluded to in other questions, but feelings about candles/wax tarts/incense and scent profiles? No incense, please! I also don't have a wax tart warmer, and I have sooo many candles. best to skip this one! 


Here's another one: are you interested in skincare, such as trying travel sizes of various types? Yes yes yes! I love trying out new skin, hair (!!!) and makeup things, and I have a bunch of people I can rehome these to if it's not for me


Let's talk earrings.  Pierced?  Stud, dangly, hoop?  Any ear wire preferences?  Large or small?  Other preferences? I do have pierced ears, but my hair obscures them completely. my ears are also quite sensitive to metal and i find I can't wear most earrings for longer than a few hours. Another thing to skip, sorry! 


If there is something extravagant on your wish list, would you like one large gift and the rest of your gifts quite modest, or would you rather forego the lavish item in favor of more of a mix among your other gifts? hmmm usually I would go with more of a mix, but if you are feeling like giving one large gift and the rest modest, let's go for it! 


The Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer is out with all of their autumn offerings. Is there anything you would like? ooooh the honeycomb candy. I'm also OBSESSED with the pumpkin samosas they had last year but that won't mail well, lol


I have in my possession a selection of real Bakelite bangle bracelets! Definitely from the 1940s-1960s era. Would this be an exciting gift for you to receive?   OOOMMMMGGGG yes! I like greens (chartreuse, avocado). Mustard yellow. 


Would you like anything from sock dreams?

Oo maybe! I don't usually wear socks, it's soooo hot (and I'm a a millennial lol), but I would love some opaque tights! Any color as long as they aren't see through, orrrr the Brigitte printed tights with the eyes! 


Would you be interested in a spooky mini waffle maker or spooky playing cards?

Ooo a mini waffle maker would be neat! I don't have anything like that. I have so many playing cards already, so I'll pass on that, thanks~


Does anything from SnagTights strike your fancy?

Ooo those chub rubs with the bats! Or any color but blue. I'd be a size c I think. 


What about from Michaels or JoAnnes?

I could use some good and/or cool yarn! Just started knitting and crocheting. Any knitting and crochet supplies I could probably use since I'm an absolute beginner. I've got some yarn and needles/hooks and that's it. If there is something you know a knitter/crocheter can use, I'd like that!


do you like Ren fairest?  Might there be a fun little thing I should find for you there?

Fuck yes! I try to go every year to a couple that are around me. Something viking or mermaid. I could use a mask to wear to labyrinth the masquerade as well!


Weather permitting I'll be going to a witchy Florida themed night market next week! Is there anything you may want from it?

Ah, I've missed this question! I looooove witchy statement rings. I love the look of them, and I love to fiddle with them on my hands. I'm a size 6. Favorite motifs: big natural stones, snakes, or... well anything witchy, goth or ren faire! 


Would you like spooky-themed stationary supplies?  What kinds if so?

I could use a new weekly planner notepad

What about unanointed spell candles? 

No thank you. I have plenty of candles! 


Could you use any clever storage boxes like these?

No, thank you!


Do you desire any Samhain ritual-type items, if so, what? 

Ah, don't really do rituals, sorry! Maybe I'll get into celebrating traditions with my baby though? is there something like that. what's a nice family Samhain ritual I can start, that'll actually be perfect


Tell me, my ghoul-friend, would you love to see things from these places (and what?) as you unwrap your gifts? I will be going to the Pacific coast soon, and there are witchy stores (one with serious occult supplies, many handmade including inks, quills, books, etc), a HUGE gem & mineral store, a huge yarn shop, shells and way too much sasquatch stuff, also an amazingly diverse mercantile in Yachats, OR, and the Green Salmon(they have a website), where unique PNW teas, cocoas, tarot decks and coffees are sold

Oo that sounds awesome! I'm most interested in some nice yarn actually! I prefer greens and do not like blue. and i can aaaaalways use some ground coffee. 


and from BPAL's Weenies i want Pumpkin Spice Halo Halo!

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