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About stardust

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    evil enabler


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    United States

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  • Favorite Scents
    Favorite notes: Sandalwood, red musk, amber, pine, all citrus, herbs, tea, mosses, leaves, leather, chamomile, fig, pepper, milk, spices, vanilla, rose in small quantities.Favorite blends: Xiuhtecuhtli, Wolfsbane, Cathode, Fenris Wolf, Absinthe, Snake Oil, Hamadryad, Coyote, Embalming Fluid, Scherezade, Skadi, Golden Priapus, The Apothecary, Block Buster, Yggdrasil, Dee, Severin, Jacob's Ladder, and **Death of Autumn.**Hate: "Perfume-y" perfumes, powdery scents, almost all florals, lily, lotus, dragon's blood resin, berries, many foody scents, myrrh, heliotrope, lavender, sticky sweet scents, jasmine, strong cinnamon (it burns).


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  1. stardust

    Araw Ng Mga Patay

    Initially, this smells a lot like Sugar Skull on me, with the addition of bananas. The bananas go away, leaving a very Sugar Skull-y scent. While I don't normally like foody scents (I got it for the associations), I do like this.
  2. stardust


    2011 version: Beautiful dead leaves crunching underfoot, with nary a trace of cologne (thank goodness). This smells a lot like my beloved Death of Autumn.
  3. stardust

    Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

    I wear Block Buster for my anxiety-inducing events. I always wear it for job interviews, and I always get the job offer, too. Good luck! I'm pretty shy myself.
  4. stardust

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore O, due to the non-jinxing properties of the name (Snake Oil? Grandmother of Ghosts? Certainly not). Surprisingly, the last time I tried O, it was sickly sweet. Several years of aging have transformed it into an incredible scent.
  5. stardust

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Has anyone compared Jacob's Ladder '05 to this year's yet? The '05 is definitely one of my very favorite scents--possibly my favorite--and I've been savoring it slowly. I'm sure I'll break down and get a bottle of '08; I was just curious.
  6. stardust

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    *taking notes...* Death of Autumn is my holy grail, autumn-in-a-bottle scent. Sin, Dee, Scherezade, Fenris Wolf...
  7. Mmm, I'm hoping someone can answer this question for me, too. Based on my reading of the Halloweenie reviews, it seems to be, in order of least smoky to smokiest: Samhainophobia -- October -- The Death of Autumn? I'm holding out for an answer before I place my order, since I'm now a poor grad student (versus being a poor undergrad when I first found BPAL 3 years ago!)
  8. stardust

    Jacob's Ladder

    This is the most amazing, luminous amber I've ever smelled. Gorgeous is really the only word for it. It's strong, but seems to stick close to my skin. Sweet, well-rounded, with a tiny bit of darkness in the dry-down. I have tons of amber scents, and when I first read reviews of this one, I thought, well, I can trade this one since I already have so many amber scents. But this one is better than all of them, and this may be my first two-bottle purchase.
  9. I've never smelled Forest Moss, either, but I love mossy scents, and my favorite is Cathode. It is minty at first, but the mint fades quickly and I'm left with moss and ambregris. It's lovely. For other light, woodsy, manly scents, I'd agree with Yggdrasil (leafy and woodsy).
  10. stardust

    Prada fragrance...

    Thank you both! GypsyRoseRed, I have Jacob's Ladder and LOVE it, but hadn't thought of using it. It would make a gorgeous amber backdrop. I'll check out Vixen--that's one I wouldn't have thought of.
  11. Yeah, Haunted has black musk. I LOVE all musks except black musk--it can be weirdly powdery on me. It's definitely the strongest, and something that people seem to generally either really like or dislike. My favorites are red musk (Fenris Wolf, Scherezade) and golden musk (Coyote, Bengal). Mmmmm...
  12. stardust

    Prada fragrance...

    I smelled Prada for Women in the new Vogue issue, and I just about died of happiness. Then I realized that it's quite a bit like Xiuhtecuhtli plus patchouli and maybe a touch of golden musk. So I'm wondering what might be a strong patchouli (not black patchouli, though!)scent, with possibly a hint of musk and/or amber, to layer and try to recreate this gorgeous but very expensive scent. Aureus, maybe? Any input? Thanks! edited to add notes: Bergamot Oil Italian, Orange Oil, Bitter Orange Oil, Mandarin Flower, Mimosa India, Rose Absolute ABS, Schinus Molle ABS LMR, Peru Balsam, Patchouli Oil LMR, Raspberry Flower, Labdanum Resinoide LMR, Tonka Bean , Musk, Sandalwood Oil
  13. Does anyone else think that Dia de los Muertos smells like Block Buster? Because on me, they're almost identical. To the point where I'm almost wondering if there was some freak mix-up.
  14. stardust


    Frimp from the Lab! I had actually tried this one before, and passed it along. I decided to give it another whirl, and I'm so glad I did. This smells sharply of bergamot at first, with the astringency of tea. The leather is faint at first, and warms the blend. While the leather became stronger upon wearing, it still remained in the background. It is kind of a library-ish scent; tea and leather chairs. This makes it the perfect scent for a nerd like me. I smell like a really hot guy, and I kind of want to jump myself. I must test this on my husband, soon. The only bad thing is that this does fade quickly, but I have a bottle headed my way, nevertheless.
  15. stardust

    Recs for those who can't do sweet perfumes?

    First, "Hemogoblin" is a great name. Now. I also frequently can't stomach sweet scents (although I do love amber, which is a bit sweet). I love woodsy, mossy, and musky scents the most, so what I often reach for is: * Cathode- mossy goodness! There's mint, which scares some, but I find it refreshing. The mint also fades pretty quickly. * The Apothecary- another great moss scent. Has fig, which does sweeten it a tad. * Embalming Fluid- clean and fresh. * Yggdrasil- fresh woods, herbs, and mosses. * Coyote- this one does have amber, but it is nicely tempered by grasses and a nice golden musk * Absinthe- slightly woodsy, with lemon and anise. I love it myself, but I do have some unusual favorites. * Xihutechutli (I will never learn how to spell this properly)- this one has a floral component, but I don't really detect it. I normally hate florals. Orange, citrus, and humid forest floor, to my nose. * Wolfsbane- has rose. But it's mostly piney, woodsy, mossy wonderfulness. * Ulalume- has lily, which is usually wretched on me. Smells like camping during springtime in Washington state (without the campfire). * Scherezade- spicy musky sexiness. Good luck! I'll probably think of more...