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About Sheyona

  • Rank
    1/32 too few
  • Birthday 06/22/1982


  • Location
    Pacific northwest
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Halloween: Los Angeles
  • Favorite Scents
    Farewell to false love, Siren, Ladon, Bahoban Sith, Kitsune Tsuki, Kumiho

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Quilting, baking bread, SCA, Sci-fi, books!
  • Mood
    running behind


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
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  1. Sheyona

    SW 2016 Weenies Wish List

    Clearly I'm on an apples binge Caramel Apple Cookie Honeyed Apple Autumn Cider Apples VI Apples IX Dead leaves and Chamomile (etc) Dead Leaves and Black Currant (etc) Dead Leaves and Lavender Dead Leaves and Blackberries And from the Liliths Motherhood Caldarian Lilith and the 4 sons of Horus
  2. Sheyona

    SW Halloween 12

    IF YOU LOOK AT MY OLDER QUESTION ANSWERS PLEASE BE AWARE MY CAT DIED IN 2011 AND I HAD A SON THE SAME YEAR. 9/29 What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)? --Can't think of any. If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? --Ankh, My hubby would love a new pentacle necklace. 9/27 Gardening? --I live in an apartment with a small porch so no. Is there anything you might want from the latest update (Lab or TP)? --The candy looks interesting. Is there something(s) that you consider too spendy or too frivolous for you to buy for yourself, but that you actually want? --nothing comes to mind right now. Do you use or would like to try loose eyeshadow pigments? --no thank you. 9/26 Witchee, do you want anything from the Haunt update coming up on 10/3? I know it might be too early to say, but if you could look at the preview on the night of 10/2 and let me know if you want anything... --no thank you Do any of Villainness' Soap Box exclusive scents interest you, especially any of the Smooches/Whippeds? – no thank you Puddin' just put a shitton of old Lunacy shirts on the BPTP Etsy! Any ones interest you? I dont tend to wear t's all that often. 9/25 What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)? – go for a walk, get a massage, eat some sweet baked goods Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday --not me favorite and least favorite baked goods? --shortbread, poundcake, cheesecake, --any baked goods with nuts what size T-Shirt do you wear (standard AND babydoll)? --Mens medum/large I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? --Ooooh I like jams and jellies. Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? --Yeah. 9/24 Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her? --I love her soaps. ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? --everything! I would love uniform onsies for my baby boyo. What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? --time are there any e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc? --nope. 9/23 Lip balm - tube or tin? --tube. Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? --i have too much paper products already. Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? --yeah. Dan savages books Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? --no thank you Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? --no Would you like a pair of knitted socks? --yes but my husband is allergic to wool so they cant be wool socks. Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? --oooh yeah. Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? (perfume, eco/"green," skin care, hair, music downloads, cosmetics, soap...) --no and no thankyou. do you have a problem with nudes???Male or Female? --no problem at all. I'd even modeled for them before. 9/21 My Little Pony... Cute or meh? --Cute My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) --I would love some designer clothing for my baby boyo if they show up. Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? --no In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? --some facebook games and my forums And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? --Donna(dw) Kaylee (F) 9/20 What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? --dont have one if you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? --yes but I dont wear danglies because of my hair and my child. 9/19 You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? --Like I always do. My morrocan dress with a dress shirt. Nice shoes. My hair uo in a french twist using a wooden hairstick. WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? --All of the above. Candy Corn? --No I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? --KitKats of interesting flavours. If you have kids, what are they into? --Everything he shouldn't be. He wears 12month clothing now. We have plenty of books for him. We would appreciate kids food. How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? --i like them but I dont tend to wear them. Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? --no I had a reading done by the wonderful Jarvpena. Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? --Well Gwyd would be able to answer some and can contact people who know more. If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? --yes i'm on(kirei shojo) but no thank you on LJ things. if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? -- The Star, Temperance and the Q of Cups. would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? --no I have some already. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? --Tea and cider. Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? --Gummies, gum, fruit only hard candy. Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) --Yes. No. Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? --nope. 9/18 Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? --YES!!! I would like some dice. My husband collects nes games. We just got a retron three which plays NES SNES and Genesis games so any SNES or Genesis games would be nice. Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? --NO Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? --yes although a dutch bro's gift card would be nice as well. Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? --YES! CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something all together different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...? --Yes. Bowls would be nice, large coffee mugs/soup mugs for my tea. We have a lot of brown and blue ceramics already. 9/18 Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? --Songs by Jonathon Coulton. Songs by TMBG. I would love the new album by Ben Folds Five. Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting? --Slipper and the rose. Shrek. Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? --no. Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? -- See the blend in my questionaire. Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? --Emu oil. Tell me of your taste preferences. Dry/sweet? Red/white? Lager/ale/porter/stout? Fruit? Spice? Hops? Sour (brettanomyces, etc)? --Sweet dessert wines. fruity meades. Sweet ciders. are there any if MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? -- no thank you. I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there? --Unscented lotions. Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? --Yes my family is throwing a get-together at the end of october and i will be away from the mail the last week of october and into the beginning of november. Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? --I'm fond of Disney but my husband doesn't like it. However you would make us happy with a maleficent doll. dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? i'm talking something like this. --No thank you. Do you lust after some new socks/tights? --Yes but the tights need to be opaque warm and durable. I also <3 Leggings. 9/17 Ninjas or Pirates? --Space pirate amazon ninja catgirls! I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? --no thank you. I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? --I like vintage cookbooks. Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? -- My Wedding anniversary is the 27th of october. My husband is pagan so he does a farewell ceremony to those who have passed on in the last year. a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries? c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously? --I guess. Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? --Don't drink beer but would love some wine, cider, or meade. Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? -- no thank you. Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? --Yes. My husband would love to get some of the mixes i have set up like rah rah rasputin and smokey earldom. Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? --nope. Quilter not knitter. Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? --Nope Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays! -- When you are old and grey - Tom Leher Sound of moose-sick - The capitol steps Give me one reason - Tracy Chapman Stift Heiligenkreuz Bells - Cistercian Monks Of Stift Heiligenkreuz Poisoning pidgeons in the park - Tom Lehrer Kate - Ben Folds Five God bless my SUV - The capitol steps Cloisonné (live studio version) - They Might be Giants You Ain't seen nothing yet - Bachman Turner Overdrive Us Amazonians - Kirsty MacColl Witchee, what are your favorite quotes? --See my sig. What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? --Tea. Coffee. Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Powerthat has quite a wide selection. -- nope i have easy access to mountain rose herbs locally. If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? Not a witch but as a Catholic saints cards would be nice. Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? --Ursula Vernon, Monet, ? If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? not really. I do like qulting fabric though. Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? --not really. I've been getting into indie nail polish brands recently. What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish? --not big on polish. Stuffed things: yea or nay? --only if they are odd. I would love some plush microbes for my kidlet. mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? --I like this. I live near this very cool Retro store (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? --Retro cookbooks are neat. 9/16 Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) --Yes. I do have sensitive taste buds so no highly spicy mixes and no mixes with cilantro. Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? -- i like pj bottoms and i have 32 in hips. What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? Dark, no nuts (not fond of nuts so i married a fruit. I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? -- i have access to those. well except the penzies. Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? --I like handmade baked goods and foods. I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! -- a nifty new outfit for the kid. also some cloth. What kind of cuisines do you like? And, what are your favorite restaurants? --Japanese, Mexican, and american. I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? --I love good quality maple syrup. what are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? --Firefly(browncoat) Labyrinth, Dr.Who, Princess Bride, My Little Pony: FIM and yes i like themed shirts. Do you have an eReader and if so which one? --no Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? --Yes candles and apple or spice Marzipan? --no Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? --Sure. Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail? --Yeah sure. dunno about the mailing. If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? --No my MIL is an Aussie. If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)? --Childrens scarf mittens and whatnot for my baby-boyo. Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out? My kidlet. Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. --OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh Rice!!! I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them? --I'd Gladly accept that. How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? --I'd love it. Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? --Yeah or any such animal adoptions. 9/15 Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things? --Yeah. What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. --One of my favorite hair-stick makers sold me a hairstick for a pittance once. I really need to refer buisness his way.
  3. Sheyona

    Halloween: Los Angeles

    I grew up in LA county so when this scent came out i knew i had to test it. In the bottle and wet on my skin it is smokey and slightly reminiscent of tiger balm... the white tiger balm not the orange. Upon drydown the scent morphs into sage, smokey smudgy sage like the type you burn to cleanse your house. It's not got the best staying power on my skin only 2-3 hrs at most before fading into the mere's hint of smoke on my wrist.
  4. Sheyona

    Sw Questions Fall 10

    Esty Favorites list http://www.etsy.com/people/Sheyona/favorites?ref=favorites Baked Goods? yup, i like baking them but i bet my husband would love to get stuff made my other people. I like cookies without nuts. Family Prezzies? If you want to feel free but my husband is picky and my cat is on a restricted diet. She only eats greenie treats and shouldnt have fish or wheat. Bottles/lots of little samples? Either one, really. Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates? no thanks, especially because they don;t have one for my city and it's a 2.5hr train trip to the local one which they do have coupouns for. T-Shirt/PJ size T-shirt size answered in the questionaire and i don't wear pj's Mix CDs I'm willing to try most anything but i abhor rap and country. I like folk though. Hallowe'en plans? Not sure yet. Might try to go to the local showing of rocky horror. It's hard to plan for things that take us out of the house in an evening because of our cat. Girly Index: I wear long dresses, scarves, and have long hair. However i don;t wear makeup or nail polish. I also unabashedly wear glasses rather than contacts. Soft/plushy things Adore the little plushie microbes from Thinkgeek. I gave them as christmas prezzies last year. Most plushy items in my house end up with the cat anyhow. Knitted things? Yeah i like knitted things but they can't be wool because my husband is allergic to lanolin. Jane Austen? I tried once... not my style. Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? Yes and whereas i like having the deck i have another few wouldn't go amis. As is i am (and have been for 6 years now) working on a personal deck. eBooks No thank you. I adore the tactile sensations of a book in my hands. The silky feel of the paper. The heft of the cover... Yeah i'm way more into the books. Plus i find them easier on my eyes than trying to read large segments of backlit text from a screen. Guilty TV pleasure I don't watch television for the most part. We have one but it's hooked up to game systems and a dvd player. Cosplay/costume Well i do SCA occasionally but i'd rather get clothing/costumes for my ball jointed doll. She's a Bobobie/Resinsoul Lan. Harry Potter house Ravenclaw with Gryffindor leanings. Alan Rickman, David Tennant, the Winchester Boys? No, Yes, No, and eccelston as well. Scented Tarts: I prefer candles over tarts. Lip Balms? not really, most of them have lanolin which my husband is allergic too. Body Mods: Twice pierced earring. Booze? I like sweet dessert wines like muscatel. I also like froufrou mixed drinks. My husband loves dramboui and good aged bourboun. I make mead as well. What is your favorite artist or art style? Alphonso mucha, Klimt, Ursula verson, monet Favorite Snack? jerky, TJ's White cheddar/sour cream onion corn puffs. What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? I don't really have good memory for childhood events. A few too many concussions can do that. Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one LJ, libweb.uoregon.edu, yahoo, facebook, gamefaq Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Yes and i'd have trouble saying which i like most. I do find statler and waldorf amusing though. Comfort Rereads?: pretty much any book i buy will end up being re-read at least once. Currently though i re-reading in darkover, the vokosigan saga, and the honorverse. Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? Nope and Nope If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) Yup i'm a student. This term is the last of my math requirements (MTH243 Stats), italian broadsword, and early and medieval heresies in the christian church. I'm looking forward to the heresies class! What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. Fox What's YOUR favorite word? But i like all the words of the english language and even some outside. that's including those words deemed obscene like in the carlin monologue. Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? YEAH! The concept amuses me. Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? Nope i still have the one given to me in my first SW round. If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? Probably a gray elf. back from the first edition DnD. If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I would be too frightened of how my going back would change the course of time to want to go back. Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? I love mounds and the mini krackle and reeses cups. What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? Cookies are good, pie is good, quickbreads are good, sourdough is good, not fond of items with nuts. Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? I have one made by the loverly jarvpena linked in my blog already. Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? Socks! yes yes yes! What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? Hot tea, if i'm really feeling chest cruddy then i'll upgrade to a hot toddy. I also have comfort foods like tapioca, bread pudding, and custard. Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books Well me and my hubby like to watch RHPS for halloween. COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? Yeah especially if you toss manga into this category. Maison ikkoku, chobits, rayearth, Warrior nun aurelia, the exaliber series of comics. You might want to confirm which i have before buying me any of them though. Warm drinks? TEA! When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? Not picky most of the time. But i don't often wear jewelry so on that i am picky. I also am picky that none of the bath and body goods have any allergens in them. Do you wear make up? Not enough to justify keeping them around. Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? I like disney but my husband abhors them. It will be very amusing to me if our eventual child likes them loads. Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? Sadly at the moment only a DVD player, which sucks because we have quite a few VHS tapes staring forlornly at us. Would you like custom icons as a gift? I don't really have a place to keep them. For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: sadly living in an apartment the most decorating i do is a pumpkin. how do you feel about mortars and pestles I have one already. Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? Well... live insects. what interests you from the latest lab update? Well i got decants of most of the ones i want but no-one was doing a decant circle of wildfire so that's one i still really want to try. How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? And if you're in favor, do you prefer classic/contemporary or cutesy stuff? meh, i don't write letters much. Would you like homemade preserves (e.g. marinated vegies, pickled onions, chilli jam?) I love jams and cukumber pickles. Jellies are nice too. If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? whichever is easier on my witch. Would you like something you have to make yourself? I would have no objections. Say you were my witchee, and I found things on your wishlist that I could totally make. Would you want me to make it? Or would you rather it be purchased for you? I love love love handmade objects! Who is your favorite soap etailer? well i don't often buy soap online because of allergens but i've got stuf from tarty and it was nice. What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? My husband is amazingly clumsy so we tend not to keep around fragile decorative items. That being said i love teapots and the more we have the better because it means less of a scramble to replace them when he drops one. With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? I have no preference. I know i tend to send 2-3 boxes a round myself just because i love the squeeing. Do you have a place where you list all the BPAL you have or have tried? No sorry. Do you like maple sugar candy? Not my favorite thing and anyhow my poor husband is allergic to maple. What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? I prefer them seperate but i like both. Microsoft or Apple? I was raised with Win but i jumped ship to Mac when i got into uni because it was either mac or vista. Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? Yeah postcards are nice and i'd be glad to send on behalf of other people as well. Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Esp. if scented with some of your favorite BPAL scents? please no. I can make them myself if i want especially considering my sensitivities. If you witch made you something and it didn't come out just right, would you still want it? Yeah I'd love the effort. Are you a foodie? In terms of eating yes, in terms of perfume no. Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? NO Cake truffles? If YES! Cake/icing/chocolate type? No thank you. are you interested in mini bottles(under 100ml for hand luggage) of bath and body products? no again because of allergen issues Vampire shows, literature, etc? Yay or nay? No If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? NES (Top Loader), PS, Wii. I like the harvest moon games, my husband would be appreciative of more obscure NES games for his 100 cartridge collection. How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? I'm in apartment with a cement balcony. so no seeds. I also keep most plants out of the house because of a cat. How do you feel about marzipan? I'n not fond of nuts or nut products. Are there any international treats that you love and have a hard time finding? Carbury chocolates from britain. Especially the british cadbury eggs. If you are a crafter, would you like to receive supplies from your witch (beads, fabric, yarn/roving etc?) I would love fabic. I like using unusual fabric in my quilted items. Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? Yes and a lot of other dried fruit as well.
  5. Sheyona


    I was so hoping.... but my issues with vanilla strike again. This smells like badly burnt cookies. and my wrist amps that up further. Dem!
  6. Sheyona's husband was born Feb 18, 1983 at 9:37 in the morning in NY NY This makes the guy an Aquarian sun person, Taurus rising, Taurus moon. Moon is in the 12th house, Sun is in the 11th house. Glamdring has Venus/Mars conjunct, that very very enticing pair, in the 12th house in Pisces. Except for Chiron in the first house (in Taurus) and Pluto and Saturn in the 6th house, opposite the Taurus moon, Glamdring's chart energy is very much above the horizon; public, out there. This doesn't mean he doesn't have a private life, or desire one, but his life will have a lot of public impact, whether or not that is his preference. Like Sheyona's, his chart has intercepted signs; in his case Libra and Aries, in the 6th and 12th houses. So, Taurus rising, Chiron in Taurus in the first house. Taurus as a rising sign often bestows rather beautiful eyes (and indeed good looks of all sorts; it is one of the Venus ruled signs--which might also the intercepted Libran qualities to come out in the persona or first impression as well). The first impression of a Taurus rising person--that is, how he impresses us--is usually that he is sensual, quite attractive, grounded, and not all that impulsive--slow to heat up, reliable in the long run. Chiron in the first house has sort of a knight in shining armor effect; the first house Chiron is seen by others as a rescuer and as a champion, and often this is the energy the person intends to project out there into the world: "yes, I am here to save the day!" (um, I think that was from Mighty Mouse cartoons of the past, before your time, and no implication of mouse-hood meant). Chiron in Taurus, which Glamdring shares with Sheyona, has ambivalence about the physical, about abundance, about the rightness of having things when others do not. Can have issues around food, around the body, around security in being happy and content. But as I said with Sheyona, these are the folks who can connect others to the physical world with much gusto and delight: taste this, try this, isn't this a wonderful day? There is so much charm in a Taurus Chiron when they are working in their element and have shaken off the early fears, or put them aside for a bit. The second house here has Gemini as its sign, and no planets therein. Values movement and the ability to do a zillion things at once. Communication, distraction, delight. Perpetual motion. Learning, trying, experiencing. "Oh..that's cool...but so is that!". Gemini has a flitty quality, and someone who has this as the 2nd house sign does not want to be bored. Not ever. Continual change, continual learning. The third house: Cancer. And the north node of the moon is here in the third house. Cancer is also the cusp sign to the 4th house for Glamdring. Communication and relationships with siblings: emotionally based, sensitive, intuitive. Sheyona's strong Cancerian nature is going to trigger "like a sister to me" impulses in her husband, as well as "this is home, my refuge" (but we'll discuss the two charts together much later on). And I think I'll deal with the intriguing Cancer/Capricorn nodes of the moon a bit later as well. (the same nodes Sheyona has, though placed a bit differently). 3rd house with a Cancer flavor often gives a great ability to remember anything that has a personal or emotional connection to one. 4th house with Cancer--home must be the place of refuge, must be private (this may be especially needful for Glamdring because his chart is so public in nature). Must be personally comfortable, which doesn't mean that it may be up to what other people think of as comfort. Is "at home" in the realm of change and of nurturing and even maternal energies. 5th house: Leo. He needs drama and flair in his love affairs, in his delights. Wants recognition in his creative work (or as a great romantic leader, or as a child or someone who adores children). Lots of courage in this realm, but makes fairly big demands here as well. Is so charming the demands are usually met (Like "adore me!!") 6th house: Virgo, Libra intercepted. Pluto in Libra here conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. Both pushing up towards the 7th house. Virgo as a 6th house sign gives a need for precision and authenticity in the workplace; wants to do something that is good (not necessarily showy, but something meaningful) and will use a lot of care if it seems important to him. Virgo may give off an air of "yes, I will help you" and since this is the cover story here, people in the workplace may lean on him a lot, rely on him to do the detail work or the hard work "because he does it well, you know, and he doesn't mind". But in fact he does mind, and he expects equality, give and take; other people need to carry their weight. He also wants to have a real team situation going on, although with Pluto in Libra his concept of what that is may not be ordinary; like Sheyona he is of the generation that redefines team, partnership, beauty, harmony, justice, etc. Pluto and Saturn in conjunction give responsiblity and power. Since Pluto is tucked into the interception, it may be that in the workplace he gets more of the expectation of being all responsible and less of the realization that he is a person of much power than he'd really like, but both qualities are certainly in his nature. And they are really in his nature, because these planets are opposite his 12th house Taurus Moon (and I'll blab about that when we hit the moon, at the end of this spin round a chart). Scorpio Saturn has different but kind of related fears to a Libra Saturn such as Sheyona has. Remember, Saturn in Libra focuses on fears and desires around the partnership that is seen as needful really for the very survival of the person. Saturn in Scorpio is also much focused on relationship, on strong sexual/romantic/intense connection to another person or persons--but for Scorpio Saturn the prospect of that intense connection is also fraught with fear. Because to love someone and admit that you do so is to kind of offer yourself, to make yourself vulnerable. And Scorpio Saturn people fear that vulnerability a lot, seeing in it a loss of power. What they desire most is also what they most fear. So what you see, very very often, in the relationships of someone with a Saturn in Scorpio placement, is a pattern in which the closer the person feels to another, the more the person suspects that the other is becoming important to him (or her), the more the person is waking up thinking "omigod, I think I am falling in love"--the scarier it all is. And the impulse is to get out of the situation, because it's going to hurt sometime. So you see the Saturn in Scorpio person picking stupid fights, doing stupid things, showing that he doesn't really care. And often leaving a relationship that is in fact the one he wanted to be in, but was way afraid of. Saturn in Scorpio people may go through several rounds of this before figuring out what's happening. And it can be stopped--or at least laughed at. If the person gets conscious of the pattern they are not subject to it. Sure, they still have moments of fear and insecurity and find themselves starting to slam doors and leave forever--but with luck and knowledge they can go "wait, here I go again--oh, isn't this funny?". And laugh. (My daughter has Saturn in Scorpio, and I've watched her grow through this--she's quite self aware, fascinating.) Well, that was an interesting place to break off. Scorpio is the sign on Glamdring's house of partnerships and marriage thus, having a triple Cancer for a wife isn't totally out of the question; water sign energy will feel partner-ish to him; he is really craving emotional depth and authenticity and passion from his partners, not just nice conversational ability. No planets here. The planetary situation gets a lot more interesting when we come into the house of sexuality, death, primal connections, joint ventures, inheritance, and karma, the 8th house. Sagittarius is the sign, and the planets here are Jupiter and Uranus in absolute conjunction, something one doesn't see much. (well, they are maybe 3 seconds apart). It was a very revolutionary moment in the cosmos when Glamdring happened into this world. Also in the 8th house is Neptune, and this is in Sagittarius as well. So we have three of the powerful outer planets just vibrating away in the house of karma and sexuality and the occult and all that, in the sign of Sagittarius--the great explorer of the universe, the sign that wants to jump over all the fences and boundaries and such, the seeker. Jupiter joined with Uranus is...well, it's kind of like having an electrical zapping machine of some sort always arcing with energy. The unusual will feel right to Glamdring, what might be shocking to others is not shocking to him (though he may get a sly delight in being a bit shocking himself). There could be a knack with electronics or new technology, a passion for everything that is new, unusual, way ahead of his time. This pair is sextile Mercury--the mind is unusual, bright, and vibrating a bit faster than most people's--and full of ideas; the desire to communicate is strong. Lots of enthusiasm, lots of originality. The pair is square the Sun, however. (late Aquarian Sun, early Sagittarian Jupiter/Uranus). What I think in this case is that the square may not be so challenging--Uranus is after all the Aquarian planet--but that sometimes Glamdring gets swept away by his impulses, swept away by his enthusiasms, and may take risks that aren't maybe really good for him. (but that's just a guess here). These two planets in Sagittarius would like to transform the world. Having Jupiter in the 8th house makes it likely that he will benefit from the things others in his life possess (knowledge or material goods). But with Uranus here this could be subject to a bunch of change. Neptune in Sagittarius, which he shares with Sheyona, will bring out the sympathy of critters (are cats as fond of your husband as they are of you, Sheyona?). Neptune in the 8th house gives a tendency to see one's partners and one's joint ventures with very rose colored glasses; sometimes may give a degree of psychic ability as well. Neptune squares Mars/Venus. This gives a romantic soul, but also a life in which things involving the outer world, and other people, kind of draw him along--there can be life changes through others and a sense of things being "fated" for him, not chosen. The 9th house is Capricorn cusped, and contains Pallas in Capricorn. So in terms of travel, higher education, etc this is a guy who has ambition and skill and a sense of structure (which is a bit unexpected, given that vibrating wildness of the 8th house Jupiter/Uranus energy). Pallas in Capricorn is almost too good at seeing patterns, structure, the foundations of things; how things work at a very physical level as well as a mental one. In the 9th house this might give quite a gifted intelligence. Travel would need to be well planned, careful, for a Capricorn 9th house. The 10th house is also Capricorn cusped. So in public, in his career, Glamdring comes across as quite the capable, executive, responsible type, ambitious, steady, enduring. Like Sheyona he has the Capricorn Lilith. He has also Ceres in Capricorn, and Ceres is conjunct Lilith in precisely the way Sheyona's Lilith and Juno are conjunct. For a guy, the Lilith placement is kind of about the inner "female" energy and may say a lot about the sorts of women he resonates well with in his life, his anima. Someone with Lilith and Ceres conjunct at the midheaven is quite an unusual person indeed. He too is called to understand the depths of life in the way a woman with a Cappie Lilith might be--but he may experience this more in relationship to another, and with Ceres here...well, it is almost as if he is able to support or be supported by that deep energy; it doesn't frighten him, it is something he understands in his heart and can work with, can foster. With Ceres at the midheaven he is viewed in public as a caretaking sort of person, the one who will manage to fix things. (there is, in this chart--and we'll get to it when we hit the 12th house moon--some very huge theme around maternal energy, maybe his mom, maybe some part of himself; I don't know--but I will try to get to it). Ceres in Capricorn feels best if he can be in control of everything. (um, he can't be; this is why Ceres in Cappie people have a hard time sometimes). Mercury in Aquarius is in the 10th house as well. His mental abilities (which are likely fairly awesome ) are a big part of his career path and his public image. Could also be communication, writing, teaching. With an Aquarian Mercury it isn't going to be in an expected way, thought--avant garde, unusual. A 10th house Mercury may also find a career that involves a lot of travel, and enjoy that. Mercury is the focal planet for a t square including the Moon and Pluto/Saturn. The completion point for that t square would be in the 4th house, in Leo. Squaring the Moon, squaring Pluto/Saturn, Glamdring has a mind and a communication style that reaches people at an almost archetypal level, although he may struggle with how to contain emotions and what to do with his sense of power and his sense of responsiblity. What he communicates will reach deeply, and that can be both good and challenging (to others, to himself as well). He can work out this energy if he is able to establish a strong sense of his power in his home, in whatever his foundation in life is, and in taking a leadership role in that realm. The 11th house, which is Aquarian, is where the Sun is shining. This is the house of friendship, group activities, life dreams...Juno in Aquarius is also here. Aquarius is actually the "natural" sign on the 11th house, and the Aquarian Sun is quite at home here, dealing with the collective, with friendships, with the big picture and theories and vast intellectual vistas. And lucky for Glamdring, his friends, his natural allies and partners, partake of the Aquarian dream. "let's make the world better for everyone!" "let's try to understand how everything is connected and functions--oh, I have this wonderful idea about why butterflies taste with their feet!". Someone with an 11th house Sun in essence finds himself through his group activities, through his friendship groups, and through manifestation of his life goals (different than career or work, these are the heart goals). I've babbled on a bunch about Aquarius; great sign that it is, and the sunsign of the guy I've shared a life with for a long, long time (which gives me both a positive and a negative hit on the sign, let me tell you!). These folks tend to be intellectually free souls. Fascinated by everything--but on this odd level of intellectual detachment. "Loves humanity, doesn't particularly like people". Aquarius is usually quite capable of giving other people a lot of space, and yet quite a lot of support in their odd and detached fashion. Aquarians often are great innovators...let's think, famous Aquarians: Virginia Woolf, Mozart, Lewis Carroll, Colette...Friendship, the group, is usually very key for Aquarian energy and to be a friend of an Aquarian is to rise to high status in their mind (I was reading the other day about someone who introduced his son as his "friend" rather than son; just as my partner often introduces me as his best friend---back in the day this used to confuse interested women quite a lot (& partner was clueless, and the poor women were all "your best friend is the mother of your kids, wtf?"). These are the rebels of the zodiac, and often great fun to be with if you enjoy the heady discussions and plans. They also have often a strong connection to new technology (computer stuff etc). (in my partner's case this is a strong negative connection: he is under strict supervision every time he gets near anything electronic because...you just never know.) Often very ahead of their time, often very quirky. As they give space to others, they need space from others. And people who really need a bunch of emotional validation and cuddles may not get that from a strong Aquarian (this is why I was all wtf about the triple Cancer Sheyona and her marriage to an Aquarian guy. But I suspect the Taurus energy compensates, and when I look at the charts together, briefly, we'll see some connections that are strong.) The 12th house is Pisces cusped and starts out with that "yes, I'll do anything you want me too, my goodness, you are amazing" pair, Mars/Venus in Pisces, as well as Vesta in Pisces. Aries is intercepted, and the house ends with the Taurus Moon I so envy the Mars/Venus people of this planet, but people like supervillainess, who have this aspect in their chart (waves at the glorious superv!) tell me that it isn't all as lovely as I imagine to have this sparkle and magic that makes people react to you as if you were...I don't know--the nicest thing in the world. People with Mars/Venus conjunct have tremendous charm. What in the roaring 20's was called the It Factor; it is just damn attractive, in all ways, and people generally react to it by wanting to do nice things for the Mars/Venus person, by seeing them in the best possible light. So a lot of projection, really (and there is the difficulty; sometimes people would like to be seen fully, as they are, not all in the heightened light of glamour). In Pisces this is very--romantic, very seductive, very poetic and kind of "yes, I am perhaps a doomed poet, but...only do as I wish and I will love you forever". And it's in the 12th house, so it is possible Glamdring doesn't have a clue he projects this, that he unsettles people with that kind of projected promise (it would be difficult to be married to a guy with this sometimes, because--well, gosh, if you constantly have people fawning over your husband...). Very gentle as well, not confrontative in the least. Sensitive. Doesn't want to hurt people, and may therefore hold back aggressive or assertive impulses. The 12th house is about the unconscious and what we might not wish to see, what we want to deny, what makes us uncomfortable either because we desire it greatly or because we fear it. But it is as well a house of dreams. Venus in the 12th house might kind of repress the need for sweetness in life, the need for affection; Mars in the 12th represses anger. One fears letting go in both these areas because--omigod, it might be overwhelming! (but no one can repress any planetary influence forever; so the energy comes out suddenly and often inconveniently). With Aries intercepted here, the drive, the aggression, the assertiveness and the will are kind of held back. One dreams--Pisces is a great dreamer--but, wait, how and when do I act on this? how do I seize the right moment? Can rush into things too soon, can wait too long. Lifelong learning here. Also may feel that the assertive nature is missed by others; that others think him too soft in some way. Vesta here (Vesta in Pisces is highly artistic, btw) gives a big need to get out. Get out of confined places and confined situations, even if they feel secure, even if they feel "oh, I really don't have a choice here". This is physical and emotional both; Glamdring needs to keep seeking a wider perspective, and he needs to physically get to places where there is some vista, some fresh air. Moon in the 12th house is intensely connected to dream, to intuition (which is unusual for a Taurus Moon; they are usually pretty down to earth actually). Uncomfortable if there are hidden agendas (just as a 12th house Sun would be). Needs to understand the secrets; doesn't trust people who seem to be holding something back (not that he wants to reveal everything). Moon in Taurus may be highly musical, very sensuous, needs to have a tangible connection to things, responds well to touch (back rubs are much relished by Moon in Taurus folks usually, and they can reciprocate pretty nicely). The moon has to do with our inner self, our emotional core. For Glamdring there is an element of sensitivity increased by a trine from Neptune, but also some heavy challenge from the opposition from Pluto and Saturn, which would...well, usually a heavy aspect to the moon is about a difficult infancy (or pre-birth period). In this case both parents may well have been under a lot of stressors, and his birth may have come during a difficult time. Could also be that he had some health difficulties or something like that--in any case he had an early experience of separation and determination to survive--without the comfort he craved, if necessary. This sort of thing gives a power and potentially gives sensitivity, but I can't say it is easy. He is someone who, with the Pisces Venus, craved a sensitive and tender caring (though he could never really ask for it) and received the precision and structure of the Capricorn Ceres instead; the opposition from Saturn is also like that, and the opposition from Pluto feels like "where is everyone? I must survive on my own, I don't need them". So there were maybe some harsh lessons passed through. The nodes of the moon run Cancer/Capricorn 3/9--with the ease of the kind of faraway learning and travel and structure being what is really natural for him: yep, can make things work in a formal pattern! that's simple! Can learn and teach, absolutely. But what he is called to is to claim his heart and what is local, what is tender, what is vulnerable--and to communicate that as if to a group of brothers and sisters. To his people, his own people. (this may not make a bit of sense. Oh well.). Now, when you put the two charts, Sheyona and Glamdring together, you get a Grand Trine, one of the easiest flows of energy possible. It connects their Suns, which are trine (despite being in Air and Water) and Pluto/Saturn in his chart and Pluto/Jupiter in hers. Their Plutos are conjunct, and Jupiter in her chart is conjunct his Saturn. I have to tell you this is dynamic and very positive, though the presence of Pluto here (and Saturn, actually) makes for a strongly karmic tie. Their Chirons are in conjunction, her Venus conjunct his Chiron just as it is conjunct her own; makes for a potentially healing partnership. Their Mercuries are trine; they understand each other quite well. His Mercury is also trine her Mars/Saturn; she may in a way be a teacher towards him, a steadying influence. Her Jupiter is opposite his moon, this will feel good, encouraging. Their Neptunes are conjunct. His Venus/Mars is at her Midheaven (this feels good, and may help her career) Her sun is conjunct his north node of the moon: very karmic indeed. His Uranus is sextile her Mars. This can give a very hot and sometimes erratic relationship; alone it makes for the "oh, let's fall in love" impulse but doesn't necessarily give a long term connection; in these charts it is supported by lots of enduring links so just adds spice. However, the relationship is likely to have some periods of heavy change, especially from her perspective. (not bad necessarily, but unexpected). Her Uranus squares his Sun; this is challenging, kind of pokes and prods; some irritable moments. The attraction in the chart may just use this to fuel more fun things. Her Sun, Moon, and Rising all fall in his 3rd house, which are going to make her feel much like a sibling to him; good for communication. His Sun falls in her 9th house--he expands her world and her viewpoints, perhaps; his Moon falls in her 11th house, house of friends/groups; so does his rising sign (he's "one of her gang") Okay, let's take a look at what current transits are doing in the lives of Sheyona and Glamdring before we leave their charts. In passing--baking to relieve stress is so Cancerian it made me chuckle, Sheyona. I mean, not meanly, but...goodness, there couldn't be a more textbook example of what a stressed Cancer might do, except maybe go into her pretty cave and growl at those who try to get her out of it. And you are right, it just reinforces everyone's perception of "oh, look, the nice person with the cookies!!" (but lucky people who get to be around those cookies. I had a friend with a Cancer moon who made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Oh...yum..) So first, Sheyona's current transits: Because it is close to her birthday, she is at her solar return: start of a new cycle (it's what we celebrate, really, as we enter a new year; that sense of fresh start, new possibilities). Venus is in her first house right now, which should be making her quite attractive (more than usual) to others. Venus is close to the northnode; a sense of "love will help me with my true goals" might be part of this. Pluto is now opposite her Sun. This is a major transit, challenging her sense of who she is, her identity, prodding her to look deeper, giving opportunities for transformation. Pluto is still in the 6th house, where it has been for a long time now in her life; eventually, in the next couple of years, it will move on into her 7th house and she may see interesting changes in that area of her life. In the 6th house there is a focus on service and health: what is health, what is wholeness, how do I support it? The opposition to her Sun, while making others think she is actually kind of powerful (well, she is) may feel draining to her. Like the conjunction to the Sun (which she will never experience) this gives intensity to life. Change is not easy in any case. The good thing is that all this is really working towards good things; she will look back on this period in her life as a time that started, perhaps, the truly exciting and joyful things she was meant to be doing and didn't realize. But meanwhile--Sheyona, take very good care of yourself. Basic stuff: eating, drinking enough water, trying to get enough sleep. Other people think "oh, she's so strong and in control" and you may not get much help from them, cause they don't realize. You need to provide yourself with what you need. Mars and Saturn are both traveling in the 3rd house of Sheyona's chart, and these would make for...well, direct communications but a need to not have unnecessary ones; could have stress with relatives or with neighbors, could just be very assertive. Saturn is sextile the Sun, so there are resources to draw on in terms of being able to be disciplined, structured. Could also bring an older mentor who is like a sibling (or an actual sibling) into a key role. Uranus has just entered her 10th house, crossing the midheaven. Changes in career, changes in public image. This can sometimes bring unexpected opportunities. Neptune is in her 9th house; in terms of studies and travel this can bring a lot of imaginative energy but make it sometimes a little difficult to focus. Good for intuitive things, not always really great for logical focus (but one can do that; just takes a little more effort). Jupiter is in her 7th house, enhancing partnerships and marriage. Still opposite her moon, which might make her a bit more emotional than usual (though it is supposed to make one a bit more hopeful, usually). This was closer a couple months back. Now, in Glamdring's chart, those planets are wandering in different houses. For him Jupiter is in the 9th house, enhancing travel and studies, making it probable he'd have good luck in those areas right now, or that he'd just have a lot more going on there. Pluto is conjunct Glamdring's Neptune. This, like the Pluto/Sun opposition Sheyona is facing, is a major and difficult transit. It tends to make one disbelieve or question all one's former beliefs and securities. "I was a fool to think that...." There may be times in which the world seems bleak--nothing to hold to or believe in (it can be very much what was termed the dark night of the soul in some Christian paths). What is being forged now is good, but the process, to put it mildly, sucks. "This is only a transit" "I will not always feel this way" "I have gifts and talents" etc. (B vitamins are good too). This transit is happening in his house of joint ventures, inheritance, sexuality, death, etc. Neptune is coming to a conjunction with his Sun. This increases sensitivity and romanticism and poetry of heart and all those lovely things. Can also increase a sense of "oh, poor me, I am not loved and admired as I ought to be"; if self pity starts coming on the best way to work it out is by taking care of others. (yeah, I know, sounds trite, but it does work). This is happening in the 11th house, so there could be more needful friends/groups in his life right now too. Uranus is hitting that Mars/Venus pair he has in the 12th house, and this transit is one that often marks times of feeling like one must make HUGE changes, or of falling in love suddenly. Desire to take risks, desire to change one's life, feelings of being pent up, feelings of "I have to have something real and wonderful in my life!" Great yearning of the heart. Can be very creative energy if you have a way of using it. He should be very careful of making sudden decisions to change his life, run away with circus dancers, move to Fiji, or whatever. Think about it, and think about it again. Uranus supports change, and if the change is good it will come, but--don't force it. And be careful. Mars and Saturn are in his 5th house: so energy and restriction both, or assertion and structure both, in the house of fun and romance and creativity and kids (actually the Saturn transit of the 5th sometimes brings children into the life, just as the Jupiter transit does; because one takes on more responsiblity for children (or pets) during this time)
  7. Sheyona

    jarvpena's astro chart for me

    So, Sheyona was pretty correct in that it would be at least close to her actual birthday when I got to her chart (might be her birthday or after when I am finished looking at hers and her husband's) She's born June 22, 1982 at 6:07AM in Woodland Hills, CA (where, actually, my stepsisters might have babysat her, who knows). Her husband, Glamdring, whose chart we'll look at later on, was born Feburary 18, 1983 at 9:37AM in NY, NY. When I pulled up Sheyona's chart and realized she is a Triple Cancer (cancer moon, sun, and rising) and that her husband is an Aquarian I did something that astrologers aren't supposed to do--you know, we're supposed to be all "oh, whatever, fate brings people together, all is well"....I absolutely went icon_eek.gif . I was for a moment really nonplussed, wondering why this couple ever got together and how on earth they were staying together (you see, I was kind of trapped by sunsign assumptions, and since I live with an Aquarian and know the Aquarian style pretty well, it was difficult to imagine a triple water sign person dealing with that Aquarian stuff. I mean--oh, goodness.). So before even looking at the individual charts I rushed to see where the two charts interconnect; there had to be something. And--yes, there is. Lots of connection, and a Grand Trine; the two charts are highly compatible. So, lesson learned again: never rely only on the sun signs of a couple in judging how they might work together, and always remember it is up to us to make love work, no matter what our sign. So, yes, Sheyona is a triple Cancer. Her sun is in the 12th house, her moon is in the first house. Her north node of the moon is also in Cancer, and is very close to her Moon. When we've had other Cancer charts I've blabbed on about how misunderstood this sign is; I find that Cancers are usually viewed in a trivial way by pop astrology (sort of "Cancer is moody and your mom"). When you have a chart that has all three of the basic identity markers--rising, moon, sun--in one sign, you have, duh, quite a...buy in to that energy in the personality. With Sheyona we have a congruence in her inner sense of self, her conscious sense of self, and the persona she projects into the world--and which the world, to a large extent, expects of her. But interestingly, her natural proclivities and ease of self--the south node of the moon--fall in Capricorn energy and in terms not of the self, but of the partner, the other. (we'll go on about that later on, most likely). With Sun in the 12th house there is a deep need to understand all the nuances and hidden things, the secrets. There may be a strong need as well to try to keep oneself somewhat out of the limelight. But--with Cancer and the Cancer moon in the first house the feeling around Cancer; Cancerian nature--is going to be there. Everywhere. Out front. Interestingly, although there is this rush of Cancer, the mind is quite different in mode than Cancerian energy--this too we'll see more of later, but the sign for Mercury is Gemini in Sheyona's chart, not Cancer. Very different energy. In the 12th house--so that will amplify the sense of "must investigate" Cancer rising people (not to mention Cancer moon, Cancer sun people) live in a world of permeable boundaries: they are sensitives, intuitives, emotionally open people. Now, when I say "emotionally open" that doesn't mean that they are necessarily going around emoting and wailing and gnashing their teeth or jumping for joy--but they feel things, they intuit things. And they feel more, far more, than just their own emotions. They feel yours, and the feelings of the person across the road looking into the window of the shop, and that person standing waiting for the bus, and all the people on the bus. So Cancer gets overwhelmed sometimes. And as children--well, imagine being awash in all the emotions of those around you and to a large extent feeling that it might be your concern, might be your fault even. You should fix it. That expectation that "you should fix it" is often projected on the Cancer rising person. Having the moon in the first house just amplifies that "I hurt, please make it better". Or more "I hurt and I know you will make it better". And the sensitive Cancer is full of desire to do that. So, your Cancer person is going to be quite sympathetic; listening to your pouring out of your troubles and your joys. Cancer listens remarkably well. Cancer will feel with you as you go through your troubles and your joys. Cancer will worry on your behalf, and will try to make things better. For you, for the people on the bus, for the lost kittens, and for the world. Cancer is not, however, a nice soft cozy sign. It is often described as though it were the feather pillow of the zodiac, or a fount of mother's milk or something like that. It is true that Cancer can make a cozy place for herself and for others (and indeed this talent is one of the survival traits of a strong Cancer--can be at home anywhere in the universe by creating home there). Cancer has an instinct for what really will comfort or please, and will try to do this. But every so often the moon goes dark. Every so ofte the Cancer just needs to go away, into her own realm, her own space, with the door closed and no one allowed in. If a Cancer person does not get adequate time and space to regroup her energies she will go totally off the rails. Or, um, she will become a difficult person to have around. No one, in my experience, can be quite so bitchy as Cancer; they've got that quality down to an admirable art form. And it is striking when you see it, because usually these folks are so charming and lovely to have around. And that's an interesting thought--that need of space--because space is one thing an Aquarian husband would do very very well at providing (it is one of the things I most appreciate about my Aquarian partner, but being an Air sign one would expect that I'd like that--one doesn't expect that of Cancer, but--gosh, that need for space is perfect for the Aquarian detachment. Interesting indeed.) (and I have a Cancer Mars, so I can fully own the bitchy Cancerian energy myself). Now, when the Moon is at the north node of the Moon in a chart, there is a question of how you contain the need for nurturing (one's own needs, the needs of those around one) and the need for independence. Does one take refuge in the family, in the security of a closed circle and a small nest-like environment--or can one take the energy out into the world in a more universal and less personalized way? What is easy is supposedly the south node, Capricorn, in the 7th house. Gaining one's structure through partners, in the context of "the other people expect this of me" or "I must do this for the sake of my marriage" or "must do this for the team" . Partnership in the 7th house sense need not be marriage per se, or romance per se; can be any effort that demands the person understand that other people have individual, unique needs. That it isn't really all one emotive soup. And yet, the truth that Cancer knows is the truth of connectedness--that in fact we are one, that what happens to one person on the other side of the world is connected to what happens to our child; that the loss of some minor thing in the Amazon does, in some way, affect our own life. We may not know how this works, we may not be able to justify this knowledge--but Cancer knows this; Cancer knows we are all a family, and that that includes, probably, the little bits of sand on the beach that Cancer so loves (Cancer people often love the ocean, nearly as much as Pisces. Scorpio may have ambivalence about the depths--but that's a whole other essay). So Sheyona's life path involves in an odd way claiming her Cancerian understanding. You'd think this would be easy--a triple Cancer? what's to claim here? doesn't it go without saying? Well, yes and no. She's called to examine the deeper levels of Cancer sentiment, compassion, intuition, spirit, emotion. She's called, perhaps, to kind of guide others to an understanding--not by lecturing them (though the Gemini Mercury would be quite good at that) but by exemplifying the best of what her sign is all about. And doing that with confidence. On her own. Not in the context of "the others need this" but "here I am". (yes, there's a paradox here). There is also a Finger of God pattern in Sheyona's chart, pointing towards Venus/Chiron, with Pluto and Neptune being the other portions of the pattern (and this we'll get to as well, later). Venus/Chiron are in the 11th house, house of friends, life goals, and so forth. We'll bump into Pluto in the 5th house, and Neptune in the 6th. (okay, my mind is mush today, but we'll see if I can be coherent nonetheless). Second house for Sheyona is Cancer cusped (and this belatedly alerts me to look for intercepted signs in the chart). Those Cancer values she so completely manifests are really important to her, right to the core. It is more important to be caring, most likely, than to be wealthy. History (be that world history or her own personal history) is of importance: where did things start? where are the roots? There can be in Cancer an extremely strong nostalgia for the time of Goodness and Light and Perfection and Beauty; the golden age--whether actual ("I remember the summer I was 3, everything was perfect") or whether romantically imagined "I know I should really have been born in the time of Jane Austen" or "I should have been a medieval poet" or "back in the Neolithic things were cool *sigh*" The actual time or place doesn't matter; what matters is the longing, the sense that perfection, refuge, and beauty and compassion were once possible, and why can't we go back and be that way again. Now, other signs may long for A Perfect World or something like that. Aquarius is forever longing for the revolution (or whatever a particular Aquarian may call it) that will bring the dawn, make everyone understand, etc. Libra has a sense of how the world could be both beautiful and just, if only....Leo has a feeling that if people could only follow her divine guidance everything would be cool--and so on. Not one sign is without a spark of this "if only" quality. But Cancer is unique because Cancer has this inner feeling that perfection happened once. Other signs may think "someday...in the future...we could..." Cancer thinks "we had it, we lost it, now, if only we could regain it". It's a subtle difference sometimes, but it is definitely there. So, the 3rd house, house of siblings and communication, is Leo cusped. No planets here, but Leo as the 3rd house sign gives a taste for dramatic communication, and may give generous, dramatic, intense relationships with one's siblings (birth or other) and neighbors. And a definite need, in local groups, to be at the center of things, the one in charge or the one deferred to by the rest. 4th house starts out with Virgo and then goes into a group of strong Libra energies: Pallas, Mars, and Saturn. Mars and Saturn are in conjunction, Pallas is 4 degrees ahead of Mars. For a Cancer, the 4th house is very key. For a triple Cancer with Cancer as a doubled sign...well, you can imagine. So this is the house of home, family roots, foundation, early life, end of life. Where you stand, what you stand upon. What keeps you rooted--or keeps you chained to the past, sometimes. Where you feel at home in the universe. The sort of physical home you'd most love to live in. A Virgo 4th house with an overlay of Libra would be both beautiful and eccentrically orderly. Not necessarily all spic and span (people just don't get Virgo, often--everyone thinks "oh, so neat and tidy" but that's not necessarily so; it's all a question of what is important--that thing or things that matter--those are well in order. But the actual household--hey, might have tons of dust bunnies and piles of books everywhere). Oh, Virgo 4th house--definitely books everywhere, probably plants, and most likely critters (particularly with the heavy Cancerian need to look after the weak, the needful, the cuddly, the not so cuddly.) (because I've been following the pet thread I do know Sheyona has kitties at least, and that she has been having some concerns about one of them--but if I didn't know that I would still expect there to be companion critters in or around the household). Now, the Mars/Saturn energy in the 4th house is kind of...challenging. And we'll get there. Not that Libran Mars and Saturn are bad planets (they aren't--hey, everything Libra is wonderful)--but that these two in the 4th house often indicate some major authority-struggles in childhood. The old truism about a 4th house Mars in a woman's chart was that she was quite unlikely to marry (yes, go ahead and laugh, Sheyona) because, having experienced strife and perhaps downright bullying from father and or brothers, she wouldn't put up with it again. So it takes a very special sort of partner to satisfy and keep a 4th house Mars woman in a long term relationship or marriage. Mars in Libra is the sweetest of Mars placements (okay, one of them). So nice, so quiet and non argumentative--until injustice happens, until there is some unfairness. Then all the bats in hell come forth, and screaming (but always attractive; it's Libra) monsters try to metaphorically destroy the evil one who has caused this injustice. (It can be pretty amazing to watch, because it has the quality of a superhero moment when unleashed). Saturn in the 4th house may give difficulties with the father early on (like the Chiron in the 4th placement). Absent, cold, overbearing, ill, even dead...not within reach of the person, who still longed for that strong nurturing and structure. Mars/Saturn gives a very interesting energy pattern that is kind of two steps ahead, stall, take a step back, try to go ahead a little more, stall, etc. Lots of energy/no energy. Rushing into something and then going "noo, I'll never be able to do this" and stalling a while (but usually taking it up again). Mars/Saturn gives a tendency to have to go back to situations or endeavors the person really thought were finished--you always want to leave a way open to go back, because it comes up a lot. Saturn in Libra cherishes, needs, desires, craves a perfect partnership. Above all things, to feel safe in the world, to feel that she is a good person, to feel that there is meaning--there must be a very good partner. Someone to listen, care, nurture, receive nurturing, etc. There is also a terrible fear that one will never find this True Love. Or that something will happen, if one is in a happy relationship. The Saturn in Libra person goes around thinking stuff like "he's going to get tired of my moodswings one of these days and It Will Be My Fault". If the partner is late coming home the Saturn in Libra person is just about ready to dial all the local hospitals. Big fears around loss of what is so important. But because Saturn in Libra understands what real partnership is--there is a life long effort to not puddle down into the dark corners of fear and anxiety. Pallas in the 4th house makes it much easier to figure out things when one is at home; that is, when one feels safe, in one's proper place. Yes, it can be "in my own house", but it is more a sense of "things are all in their right order, I feel okay, now I can think". Pallas in Libra can give a very artistic sort of mind, a great sense of proportion and balance. And sometimes it does give artistic talent; it gives, here in the 4th house, a gift of setting up one's home, one's space, in a way that is pleasing and makes sense. Not all rational sense maybe, but in tune with what Sheyona requires. Sometimes a 4th house Saturn person will run into repeated material difficulties with "finding home"; while these may be maddening and sometimes scary, it is part of a process of refinement and defining what, where, and how true home and true safety exist. (hint: not always between actual walls) The 5th house here is Libran,and starts off with Pluto in Libra. Next we hit Jupiter in Scorpio, and then Ceres in Scorpio. And it is Scorpio (and Taurus in the 10th house) that are the intercepted signs in Sheyona's chart. Pluto in Libra--ah, a great generation--came into this world in a transformative moment in which beauty, justice, harmony, partnership, marriage--all the Libra obsessions--were being rearranged and rethought. And this is the generation that took the germ of that understanding and has helped manifest the needed changes. In personal terms, Pluto in Libra in the 5th house is likely to have unusual loves and quite unusual obsessions, creative focus. A lot of power through the creative mode, or through whatever truly delights the heart. (the 5th house is about romance, creativity, children, what delights our heart, fun and games). With Scorpio intercepted it is in a way (very interesting for a triple Cancer--I keep kind of boggling at the Cancerian side and then running into these interesting quirks in the chart)--well, it is as if the emotional passions are held under by a polite gloss (although Pluto isn't exactly polite, even in Libra). But the world sees the apparent charm and balance here, and there are deep and turbulent waters flowing beneath. Pluto in the 5th brings transformation through some 5th house theme (or many of them). Through children. Through creative adventure. Through the people one falls in love with. And when I say transformation--Pluto energy is not just a gentle little nudge towards goodness; I mean rebirth, and the process that goes before that, often. Amost "you must die to the old self to become the new self" sort of energy. Pluto is one of the planets involved in that Finger of God. I'm going to hold off full discussion of that till we reach Venus/Chiron, but this is very potent energy here. Ceres in the 5th house is quite fortunate, and so is Jupiter here--the person finds joy in love, finds joy in children (which to my mind also includes one's furry or finned companions), finds joy in being joyful, which sounds pretty silly--but hey. In having fun, for the sake of fun. Ceres in Scorpio can be well nurtured through meaningful and spectacular sexual encounters, but also through anything that helps break through to authentic connection, emotion, and power. Jupiter in Scorpio in the old traditions was said to give a liking for..um, criminals, and the insane, and randomly strange people (I also have a Jupiter in Scorpio, and remember running into those readings when I was a teen and going "really? sounds like fun!"). What it really is, I think, is an ease with the unusual; an unwillingness to judge on standard terms when falling in love, when rushing into creative projects, or when having fun. Jupiter is supposed to expand the area it falls in; in Scorpio it will expand the love of mystery, the ease with "darker" subjects, and yes, perhaps sexuality. Also probably creative energy. But there is an innate reserve in Scorpio, and remember it is Libra that is serving as a cover for all of this. So...when Scorpio and Taurus are in interception, sometimes the person has difficulty bringing things to ripeness, to completion, to the proper next stage. Libra at the start of the 5th house might intellectualize the areas where this intercepted Scorpio power churns and yearns and yet can't quite figure out how to make that leap from "oh, look, here's a nice book on Etruscan statues" to "let's do lots of very interesting things here tonight. Yeah, here." Might try to explain away the emotions (which would be rather Aquarian, now, wouldn't it. Hmmm.) And across the chart the impulses of Aries may rush forth but...wait, how do I finish this? What's supposed to work here? But we'll talk more about that when we are round this wheel. Pluto and Jupiter trine the 12th house Sun, bringing in a very interesting mix of hopefulness and power to the personality. Sagittarius is the sign on the house of health, work, service. Uranus in Sagittarius leads off, later on we find Neptune in Sagittarius and the Black Moon and Juno conjunct in Capricorn. So, "unbridled" is a great word for Sagittarian energy. When Sagittarius is the 6th house sign there is a lot of need to do whatever work one does, whatever service one does, and to care for one's health and the health of others--without a bunch of direction and rules from other people. This would be particularly true of Sheyona, with Uranus right at the start of this house, Uranus in Sagittarius being quite revolutionary, quite intent on...well, changing all the rules, certainly for very good reasons (so the person thinks) and for the good of others (the inventor of Esperanto had a Sag Uranus, I think--vague memories of seeing that chart ages ago). Uranus in the 6th house can also give some health challenges, usually more on the emotional level/mental level than on the physical; there is a uniqueness to the way things are processed, done, managed in the realm of work and health. Neptune in the 6th often gives added physiological sensitivity (though also a need to have an emotionally...authentic...workplace). Sometimes allergies, other sensitivities. Neptune in Sagittarius is a strong, strong draw for the animals of the world, who just love being around this energy (may also draw humans, but just the more attuned ones; with critters it is just about every one; and so often those who are not so fond of humans usually). Doesn't always mean the person has critters in the household (though I know Sheyona has cats)--sometimes you'll find a Neptune in Sagittarius who for some reason cannot have animals in her actual household, but when she goes out walking--well, hey, there's that dog down the road, or the mysterious stray kitty who looks for her. Very idealistic placement, and in terms of work gives a need to have meaningful work to do; hates wasting her time at stupid stuff, hates having to follow other people's ridiculous patterns. Neptune is sextile Pluto, and quincunx Venus/Chiron (as is Pluto; this is the Finger of God). The sextile increases imagination and deep compassion (but...we're not talking snuggles and cookies here; this is more austere). Lilith and Juno are conjunct in early Capricorn here. When I see the Capricorn Lilith in one of these charts I always kind of sigh, because it is difficult for me to explain; or I feel I don't explain it quite as well as I would like, and I feel a rush of...connection, because this is my own Lilith (and like Sheyona's, in the 6th house). Capricorn Black Moon Lilith people are in a way acolytes of the archetypal Dark Mother energy; the Crone energy (no matter how young or old they actually are); they are in essence called to help others understand the universe--no, not that they know what the universe is all about--but to kind of trust in the structure, that there is meaning or structure beyond what we are able to rationally know. (you see why I worry about getting this explained coherently?). The thing about having a Cappie Lilith is that life is very likely to send you some very...deep experiences, starting in childhood. These are not easy passages (at least they weren't for me); they kind of strip one to the core, to the bone, to the center of something that is beyond the personal, way, way beyond the sentimental. (I always have to assure people who have the Cappie Lilith that it doesn't interfere, however, with love of Victoriana or whatever--I still have my pink and blue fluffy moments on another level entirely). There is a deep compassion in a Capricorn Lilith, and a need to demonstrate a peculiar sort of strength and reassurance. (and if this doesn't strike a cord, Sheyona--great, just let it pass) The thing for this chart that fascinates me (or one thing..) is that Lilith and Juno are conjoined here. Which, if I'm reading this right, means that Sheyona's natural partners are drawn to her not through her triple Cancerian energy necessarily, but because they recognize, understand, and sort of embody within themselves that harsh and beautiful understanding. They might be actual Capricorn people, but the most likely thing would be that they have an innate sense of structure, discipline, and coherence that resonates with her own deepest understanding. Could be, since this is the 6th house after all, that they come into her life in work/service situations, or through some relationship to healing, health. The other...okay, another...intriguing thing is that Lilith and the Sun are exactly opposite each other. And this might give...well, we have all that Cancerian energy, very much the heart and soul of Sheyona--and yet we have an opposite energy, a energy of structure and intensity. This is kind of like a Sun/Moon oppositional pattern, I think, with the same sort of challenge (wait--I am this, but I am that as well) and the same gift, which is that of being able to reconcile, within oneself, apparently impossible and opposite traits. It can give a great strength (at an emotional level, I'm not talking "bends iron bars with bare hands") and a breadth of perspective that is unusual. But again, the process isn't always easy. The Juno involvement is kind of like the Cappie south node of the moon in the house of partnership; again, it is through allies, through others, through partners that Sheyona may most feel supported in her inner Lilith, and in the balancing act with the Sun. Capricorn is the sign on the 7th house (and the south node is here). Traditional, steady, forever partnerships are what are needed by a 7th house Capricorn. Family (maybe not birth family, but always "I will get my people together and in order"). Slow to commit because it is important; very much a person of her word in this area, or tries to be. Capricorn is also the sign on the house of the occult, death, sexuality, karma, inheritance, adn so on; the 8th house. No planets here, but again, with Capricorn, all those areas of life will be entered with caution, care, and a need for endurance. Taken seriously. (there is a lot of Aquarius here in this house as well, so there may be more openmindedness than one would usually expect of a Cappie 8th house). We hit that openmindedness full on in the 9th house, with Aquarius as the opening sign, and Vesta in Aquarius. This is the house that has to do with higher education (be it in academia or in life outside the ivory towers), spiritual search, exploration, travel, pressing the boundaries of life and thought ("to go where no man [sic] has gone before"...*cue startrek music*) Aquarian energy loves the 9th house (though it is the natural Sagittarian house in the chart wheel). Yay for intellectual discovery and going to odd places and thinking, as the cliche goes, outside the box. Likely to be a big-picture thinker, but with a twist; that is "the unexpected way of looking at the big picture". Vesta here gives a need to go about all that exploration and travel and thought and study in a...different way. That is, with a whole lot of pauses, a lot of breaks to do something else. People with Vesta in the 9th house don't do well in travel that takes them to 16 locations in two weeks--they need to go somewhere, stop there and gain perspective, then go on. And in study of any kind, in projects that demand study, they do not do well in the "I will sit down and spend the next two weeks writing my findings down" mode. They will sit and try to write or study and after a time (often a short time) need to take a break. They may also need to take breaks in the course of a formal education--you will find a lot of these going back to school after years out, or back to earlier studies after leaving them. They may beat themselves up about their "lack of focus", but it is simply that their learning style is unique. Once they understand their own rhythm they can usually go with it and be quite good at whatever they desire. The midheaven and 10th house have Pisces as the sign at the start. This is the house of career, public image, calling. Pisces is going to give a very fey sort of public image: poetic, romantic, compassionate, sympathetic. Not hard-nosed and factual, more "what is the fascinatingly shifting story?". As with the Cancer first house energy, this may subject Sheyona to a lot of projection and expectation. The 11th house is Aries cusped; this is where Taurus is in interception. Chiron and Venus are here, and are the focus of the Finger of God aspect (or YOD) that I keep mentioning. This is the house of friendship, groups one might belong to, group projects, and kind of secret life aspirations. So there's a lot of energy, a lot of "yes! let's just go for it!" in her friendships, and in her group activities and such. Lots of pioneer energy: "I know, I could...." And there might be a tendency to start lots of projects, to begin things with much energy--but then to get bored or discouraged, and start something else, which gets abandoned... But the Taurus energy is here, it is just hidden and a bit hard to access. Normally I think a YOD shows an energy flow from the two planets at the sextiled base (Pluto and Neptune here) to the apex. But when the apex, Chiron/Venus, is within an interception, it might work in reverse--the energy might find outlet through the 5th and 6th houses. This is definitely a paradoxical chart. Venus in Taurus= sensual connection, relishing beauty, relishing the things of the senses, affectionate, artistic, probably musical. And in the 11th house involvement with others who love beauty, color, music, and so on. Chiron in Taurus=great ambivalence about sensual things, about abundance, about even dipping one's little toe into a rush of sensory input and delight. Feelings of "I shouldn't have this, I am not worthy" Feelings of "there must be some way that I can share what I have, because it breaks my heart to think of those who don't have my resources/luck/pleasures. But Chiron in Taurus can become as easeful as the abundant and cherishing Taurus Venus, after trials and doubts and passages through fire and such. No one is quite so wonderfully attuned to the beauties of this life as a Taurus Chiron. However, enroute, there can be problems with eating disorders or body-image problems or just problems of feeling that one has any right to survive and enjoy life at all. Venus in the 11th house may give artistic friends, affection to and from friends; Chiron may give a tendency to be the caretaker in groups but this is also the very common on this forum "jr. high school Chiron"; I call it that because for me that is the best example of "hey, ha ha, you are excluded cause you just aren't cool enough for us!" energy that an 11th house Chiron goes through at one time or another. (they are wonderful group caretakers though, they are fantastic mentors--based on their understanding of how much it hurt to feel that you didn't fit, you weren't okay, you weren't good enough in some way). Sometimes a Chiron in the 11th house person will go into healing/counseling areas--not necessarily as their life work, but as something that continuously seems to come up for them. Chiron/Venus is an extremely seductive combination. Marilyn Monroe had it (and so it my beloved mom, born the same day and year). And it is an extremely caring combination, the person has this innately sensitive and sympathetic soul. But there is this air of innocence, this air of fragility that makes it so seductive--it is kind of "oh, look she is so pure, unsullied, and her delicate skin would bloom with bruises". So Chiron/Venus people attract both the champion type who wants to protect them, and the type who thinks there is nothing more fun than destroying something so beautiful and rare. They need to be careful, and sometimes they just aren't, because they so expect the best of everyone. So, that YOD energy brings both Pluto and Neptune into the picture here (or permeates Pluto and Neptune with the Venus/Chiron stuff, or...probably...both). Quincunxes, which are the angle at which Pluto and Neptune connect to Venus and Chiron, are unstable angles. Sometimes they work very smoothly--the connection with Neptune would then bring in a lot of poetry and sympathy that would work well, a brilliant imagination, a fostering heart and the ability to use this in the workplace (6th house); while the Pluto connection, if it is working well, would bring in intensity and passion and "I will give my life for this" in a healthy way through the creativity and romance of the 5th house. But when the quincunx is working in a challenging way (and it shifts, it changes, it vibrates) the Neptune connection is going to cloud the judgement possibly "no, no one would ever do anything deliberately cruel, how can you think that?" and the Pluto connection may tip over into obsessive thought, obsessive need, or even the edge of destructive thought patterns. But a YOD is always a gift, and this one is kind of saying something about stability being possible through group goals or deep friendships--I think; that the creative spirit and the desire for authentic work can be met, can be stabilized. Possibly through friends with Taurus energy as mentors (and yes, I've looked at her husband's chart: Taurus moon, Taurus rising. heh.) The other thing about Venus/Chiron as a Finger of God point in the 11th house might be "understand your insecurities and pains and learn to embrace those and transform them as your true life's work". Or something lofty like that (through poetry, art, dance, study, something..). Gemini is the 12th house sign. In the house of the unconscious, of what is denied, repressed, wished away, secretly desired--Sheyona has her Gemini Mercury and her Sun in Cancer. Mercury is exactly trine Mars, and also trine Saturn. It is opposite Uranus. Now, in this personality and essence that is so awash in Cancer, it is so intriguing to have Mercury show up in Gemini. Not in Cancer, not in an emotionally driven water sign, but in a very active and flitty air sign, and in fact, in the air sign he rules (also rules the earth sign Virgo). This is not a mind that is sitting and brooding, even though the heart might do that--this is a mind that is active, searching for what can be discovered, what can be learned, communicated. But it is in the 12th house. Now, a 12th house Mercury needs to know, needs to find out what the secret agendas are. Doesn't like to think other people are hiding things (this is also true of a 12th house Sun). Lots of energy towards finding out things, so very good for research, journalism, etc. The trine to Mars will increase the energy and drive, while the trine to Saturn will add discipline and the ability to structure thoughts, and that may be very good for a Gemini Mercury, which tends to be kind of flitting and tasting this and that in the intellectual world--oh, let's learn a bit of French and then I think I'll study anthropology...or, hey, maybe I'll just go on a long trip. Doesn't want to be bored, can be very restless (but sporadically restless, Mars and Saturn have kind of opposite effects here). The Uranian influence (besides giving a possibly innate understanding of Aquarian energy) may give genius...and/or very odd thought patterns. Not expected, not standard. Sometimes Mercury in the 12th house people have early on either tried to conceal their intelligence or found that their intelligence wasn't really--understood or recognized; can be a feeling of "no one is really listening here". I've already discussed a bit the 12th house Sun; again, this tends to give a "I'd really like to have my space away from the limelight" as well as a desire to find out whatever is hidden, what is really behind the curtain, not talked about. People with a 12th house Sun (or moon, actually) can be very very uncomfortable when they think someone isn't being outfront with them, when they think something is being hidden from them, or only part of the truth is being told. They themselves, however, want to keep their secrets; can be quite reserved. For a triple Cancer that reserve is going to present a challenge, because Sheyona will be constantly expected to be the person with the cookies and the sympathetic shoulder to weep on. As long as she is not expected to have mutual sharing and tears, that might work with the 12th house sun okay--but her emotions are pretty up front with the moon in the first house. And I'm going to hold off on looking at transits until I've looked at Sheyona's husband's chart, which I will do in a separate post. (don't really want to torture you, Sheyona; thanks for keeping silent as I muddle onwards here, and happy birthday tomorrow!)
  8. Sheyona

    SW Questions for fall09 post 3

    Wishlists I have removed those on my bpal list that i have tried but as i am preggers i would appreciate not geting anything from that list. I updated the amazon one recently but i think i was in pregancy hunger brain when i did so. i should prolly go throw some baby stuff on it soon though. There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate? I love haribo gummi bears and cola gummies. I am also very fond of the haw candies i can get at the asian market along with the fruit gummies i get there like the muscat ones. Do you have a Blu-Ray player? nope Do you have any objections to receiving downloads? Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily? Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? i dont neccesarily object i just would prefer not because if i really really had wanted it that bad i would have gotten it myself. I do like mix cd's though. What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? Well for migraines i take a can of dew and knock myself out in a dark room Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? some sounds do. i like rainfall when i'm not out in it and thunder at a distance. on the other hand the sound of white noise drives me bonkers. When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? I can go either way on this. just as long as there is some communication. ya know a e-card to show that i did get assigned someone. Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. i have no space for chackies. no room for knick-knacks. I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff? lavendar. tea. rose. cookies Who has a birthday falling in this round? not a birthday but an anneversary. i got married on oct 27th For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies? coconut, crisped rice, mint filling, marshmellow filling Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? fraggle rock, schoolhouse rock, animaniacs, frekazoid, gargoyles, the wizard of oz books, the orphalines, heinlein's young adult books (outdated though they may be)
  9. Sheyona

    Fall SW question09 pt 3

    Super power? Aimed EMP bursts. No more annoying blasting music from the cars around me. If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? Well no coffee please and preground spiced. For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc? (Teaware, sugar crystals, infusers, tea chests, etc)How do you take your coffee (or tea)? Black or with cream and/or sugar? If someone can find me a 8-10 cup capacity teapot i would consider them the best witch ever. We drink tea in my house like it is going out of style and as it stands we have to brew a new pot at least every 1 1/2 hrs. (if not more often when it everyone gets thirsty at once) As for how i take my tea... pretty much plain. Chai of course has to have milk and sometimes i'll put honey in the tea if i am feeling less than well but normaly it's as pure as i can get it. Restaurants you'd like a gift certificate to on Restaurant.com? Well they only have one resturaunt listed for my city... but i do occasionally get up to portland and hey resturaunts are fun. In your perfect world it is chocolate and...? coconut. How do you scent your home: tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? My husband is scent sensitive so we scent but rarely and weakly in the house. What's your favorite dessert treat? Ice cream? Cake? Pie? Fudge brownie cake with pie flavored ice cream on top? Creme brulee... but i shouldnt have it. Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us? Yes What one thing that is missing from your life would you like to have above all else? A home i can alter to my will. What was your favouritest job ever, and why? My current one. It's in the line of what i want to do as a career and i have amusing co-workers and boss. Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? Honestly i couldnt choose because i don't really have albums to take. all my music is in electronic formats on ipods and computers. I'd take those because being wihtout music would suck and i'd power them by exercise. I'd have an entire room of exercise formats that could power batteries to draw off. What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? Snake Oil Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Some but i'd want to make sure it didn't have anything that would agrivate sensitivies in my household. Craft supplies? Well... I can always use quilting cloth. especially at the moment because i need to start on a baby blanket for my kidlet-to-be. I'm almost tempted to put put a ISO for fat quarters so i don't have to choose the cloth involved. thread is nice too.
  10. Sheyona

    Fall09 SW ?'s part 2

    Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else? I can always use cooking measuring tools. My husband loses them. I only have three mixing bowls so those would be nice. Hot-pads and dishtowels are nice because those always end up the last thing washed when my husband does the laundry so they kinda get... well... I have two shelves of cookbooks but good ones are always nice. I need another cookie sheet because it's a pain to make cookies and have to wait till i can offload one load before cooking the other. I have been dreaming of getting a springform pan for a while but it's not in the budgeting for now. As for spices and salts i'll take it as long as it is not spicy. I have very gringo taste buds. No tolerence for the heat. Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? I'm interested in eventually getting a MLIS.... I would have to say that avid is putting it mildly. That being said i can't claim any one series as the favorite. I grew up really liking the darkover series and xanth series. Nowadays i've been really interested in the vorkosigan series and the honnor harrington series. And lets not even go into my favorites among graphic novels and non-fiction. What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? I don't tend to stock up on halloween candy, I tend to stock up on cadbury eggs at easter. What are your phobias? Needles and large dogs. Some minor claustrophobia mostly caused by cloth over my face (side affect of being 5 miles from the epicenter of the northridge earthquake) What is your favourite flower (or plant)? Lavendar. it's also my favorite scent Duct tape purses and wallets and things are pretty darned cool. Who else thinks so? They are interesting but i wouldnt use them. An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? Well i'd buy another 1-2 of my favorite dress. (http://www.tiendaholics.com/displayproduct.php?item=dd0016) I'd use the other part to stock up on food for my cat and pre-pay some of her vet costs. You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? If it's that bad we wouldnt have the funds for take out. So i'd toss together what i have and hope that my husband doesnt aspie twig out about things in it. If you could decorate/redecorate any 1 room in your home, what would it be and how would you decorate it? If i had a house i could really decorate (instead of an apartment) I would re-do the bedroom to have a compass rose on the celing, it would have a waterbed and assloads of bookshelves. Plus there would be a place for my husband's NES collection and telly so he can play the cartriges on his top-loader. Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? not rabidly interested in sports. What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.) I love cats big and small. I like snakes. This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? sadly my thought is massive plague. In the year 2525... if man is still alive... what sort of future do you imagine? (apologies to anyone who gets that song stuck in their head!) I imagine we'll be out in space by then. Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? Yes. I can't explain. If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it? ) I'd look for someone like constantine to take it off my hands and deal with it in a maner i would not be able to.
  11. Sheyona

    SW Questions for fall09 post 1

    (note... If i felt i couldn't or didnt feel comfortable answering a question i ommited it) Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? I make a mean pear and apple pie. I like apple pies, lemon icebox pies (no merangue) and of curse pumpkin and squah pies are very good this time of year. What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight? I'm at home so no socks Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? I like socks, blankets, shawls and the like. arm warmers and legwarmers tend to slouch in a way that annoys my aspie sensitivites. I would love a blue knitted shawl to match my blue moroccan dress. How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I an not fond of scary. Coffee or Tea? Tea... coffee is an abomination.... (no offense intended to coffee lovers) No smoky teas or teas with bergamont though. Local products? yes.... love to go to my local farmers/saturday market.. Fave historical period? well hmmm the medieval era i'd have to say Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? I don't tend to wear much in the way of jewelry. just studs and rings in my ears. I am however looking for some sort of finding/pendant that i can use to make my ABJ an art deco dress. Also I have very long hair. Hair clips, hair sticks, and hairbands are wonderous things. Did you order anything from the most recent update? no... I need to save my money and what with being preggers i prolly shouldnt be risking trying new scents on. Hot beverages other than tea/coffee? cocoa! And hot cider. hot toddies are also nice but i'm off them for now. Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? I play Dnd third ed. I also play a lot of card and board games like the game of real life (localy produced creative knockoff), SPANC, Devil bunny needs a ham, Chez Geek.... My husband grew up on playing DnD. His mother created a variant version of first ed which was a hoot to see played. He also has some dragon dice from the box set which sit in a place of honor in our house. Lavendar? Oh yeah! I love it so much that my wedding bouquet was only lavendar. Olive oils? I like a lot of cooking oils. I'm currently using coconut oil for making popcorn and the like. I do use olive oil but not prone to making vinagrettes so some of the flavours of an artisan one may very well be lost on me. Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) I am. I have a BBB Lan who sits in a place of honor in my livingroom. (on a shelf the cat's cant get to) Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? Well a picture of me any my husband. A picture of my family. A picture of my cat. A puki who has been bewigged and begowned in a SCA outfit. A list of all of the books currently on my shelves. 3 cheepass games. and a palmtop with all my music and videorecordings of me introducing myself. Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. well i'm gestating. I'm trying to get my BS so i can get a MLIS. I'm in a marriage. I also need to finish the quilting on the double wedding ring quilt that i pieced by hand. Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? I've always had a fondness for CJ's even if their comercials make me upset. If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? I have an epileptic cat. She loves greenie treats and jingle balls. She eats innova evo and canned no colour added gooshy food. Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? nope Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name? nope Do you like pinup art/images? I like it but i have no real place to hang them so it wouldnt be much use to get any What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? My husband is pagan and will be saying farewell to those lost in the last year. I like to go to the local rocky horror holloween showing. Until it became to obvious that i was too old i liked to go out trick or treating (hey... next year i can take the baby trick or treating....) Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! Well eowin was my last witch and she did a decent job. Gwydion knows me in real life and people can request to ask my hubby's help in witching me if neccesary. Any other steampunk fans/lovers? I like the aesthetic but i know i would not rock the clothing styles. Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so! Hmmm this one requires thought. I know enough about the geek social falacies to not say that all of my friends should be at this picknick. I think it might just end up being me and my husband out at the japanese gardens up in portland with scones and clotted cream, tea sammiches, little tartlets, and a magical always warm pot tea. It would be slightly misty enough so my husband would be enjoying the weather but not so much that my glasses would get covered in water.
  12. Sheyona

    Golden Priapus

    I am sad. I got this in a PIF package and given how people rant about it i thougt it would be worth a try. In the bottle it is a nice pine and vanilla scent. On my wrist it turned horrible. Is smells like that smell/taste you get after having one of your teeth drilled for dental work. I'm going to try it again next week just to make sure it isnt a period thing but if it continues to do this it's gonna go in the swap area. ETA: i didnt wear it more than 5 mins it was just that bad. 10/16/9 I got around to trying it again. still not working. now it's that dental smell and baby powder. I think i'm going to have to put this in the no-go pile.
  13. Sheyona


    More answers! Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder? Well i like honey so much i make mead. not prone to using infused or creamed honey though. i prefer the gloppy stuff. What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch? I grew up watching animaniacs, freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain, Gargoyles, Ninja Turtles, school house rock, i vaguely remember voltron, speed racer, and i think mario brothers. I still watch freakazoid (itunes has it for download) animaniacs (my roomie has 4 of the 5 seasons on DVD) school-house rock (my sis owns the DVD) and occasionaly i'll spot one of the others being played at a friend's house. Who are your forum friends, person or people your witch can contact for ideas? i think the only person on the forum who has met me RL is gwyd. Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? heck no. i'm in negative cash flow for the month as is. Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? well an imp case would be nice so i dont consistantly annoy my husband by stashing them where he can get ill from them. (very sensitive nose) Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? My cat would love you forever if you sent cat-grass. Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones? not as much as i used to. But the shelf has JtHM, the firefly comic, maison ikkoku, CCS, MKR, and Utena. I also have some of the excalibur comics from the 80's, almost forgot my warrior nun aurelia collection how about everyone else-what jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? I prefer to not change my jewelry at all. i wear my wedding ring, a set of stud earrings, and a set of small hoop earings.
  14. Sheyona

    Switch witch fun questionairre.

    just hope my Witchee likes coffee, tea, goat milk soap, lip balm, etc. Those are the things I can totally spoil them with -- without spending a fortune. well i'm partial to tea but i'm not really one for coffee, it makes me sleepy. I've never tried goat milk soap and i love salves and balms, lips and other places. What witch would like a cloak? I know i would certanly be happy with a new winter cloak. the one i have currently i cant wear all that often due to my husband's wool allergy. Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something? well i tend to lose bookmarks so i dont tend to use anything important as such and i have a kitty who loves putting holes in wood-fiber products.... prolly not the best thing for me Since we're talking about warm winter wearables, who likes hats? Mittens? Arm warmers? like hats, like arm warmers. dont like mittens or gloves because they always seem to make the hands colder for me. but then again i know i have wonky circulation. If your witch were to send you cookies, what kind of cookies would you like? well nothing with nuts. Who likes tshirts? What about homemade tshirts? Like with transfers I made myself.... well all my t-shirts get stolen by my husband.... Another question! How does everyone feel about steampunk? (It's my new obsession, so I thought I'd ask.) I love girl genius. who (of course excluding Schackjj ) would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Cabled, ribbed (for your pleasure), stranded colorwork, etc.? I always like socks. but they cannot be wool. size 9 for shoes so.... and as for paterns and colours i'm easy. i like surprizes. So, question all- how do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas? well with cats around the only time i have them out is for christmas and even then they arent out for long. But i do love kitschy ornaments and unusual ones like the golden apple i got which had kalistri scratched onto it. (geeky moment) On a similar note, who likes yarn? What kinds/colors/weights/fibers? Handspun? Glitter? Funky art yarn made from shredded jeans, fake flowers, lace, sequins, and the tattered souls of your enemies? Other craft supplies you desperately want more of and can't live without? well i have some yarn around but the balls i can see are the cat toy ones.... yeah they play with yarn. as for other craft supplies... kitschy cloth for quilting, non kitschy cloth for quilting, quilting thread.... well i think you get the idea. D&D/roleplay? ummm i have a set of savorski crystal d6. my husband has nearly all of the TMNT roleplaying books. my roomie is a former rifts GM. so i guess i would have to say yes i like it happy.gif Which witches would like hair accessories: clips, scrunchies, hairsticks, headscarves, etc? Oh yeah!!! i have ass length hair and i'm 5'4 so it gets put up alot. sadly i keep breaking the hair sticks i get. mecry.gif the hair is heavy and it likes gravity. so anything hair related is good. Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay? well i dont really wear much jewelry. the only constant piece is the plain gold wedding band and my little hoop earings. not prone to the flashy displays of bling. If i do get it simple works best and if anyone can make sturdy chain (preferably in a way that doesnt eat my hair) for wearing pendants i'd like that. To make up for the fact that I probably won't be able to send my witchee homebaked goodies, will Tim Tams in any number of varieties be an acceptable replacement? sure. i liked the ones my MIL sent us for yule last year. Is there any time during the holidays (or the rest of the round) when you'll be away from home for a significant period and it'd be best not to send anything by mail? not as far as i know. Speaking of which, how many Browncoat witches do we have?? And if you are, would you be interested in getting a Kaylee parasol? If not, would you be interested in getting a paper parasol hand painted with your favorite colors? /me raises a hand. In fact i'm kinda mad with my hubby over his stretching out my nice serenity shirt. i have a plain red parasol but a proper kaywinnet lee fry parasol would be shiny. (laughs and calls herself a geek again)
  15. Sheyona

    my dragon cave
