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BPAL Madness!


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About GingerGunlock

  • Rank
    1/32 too few
  • Birthday 07/15/1982


  • Location
    Central/Upstate New York
  • Country
    United States

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  • Interests
    Books, first and foremost. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Literary fiction are what I like the best, and what's on the NY Times best seller list tends not to be what I consider to be good books to read, unfortunately. I like gaming of the Dungeons & Dragons, Fading Suns, and White Wolf variety (not casino style), and certain video games are a big draw. Published now, and an Associate member of the SFWA. I've got two cyberpunk novellas (Run With the Hunted, Run With the Hunted 2: Ctrl Alt Delete) that I've self published and a bunch of short stories that have been published in pro and semi pro markets.


  • Favorite Scents
    The Pickled Imp, clove, cinnamon, ginger, leather, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, peppers, teas, vetiver, Wrath, Cheshire Cat, Shub Niggurath, Jersey Devil, Carceri d'Invenzione, Goblin, Mort de Cesar, Antikythera Mechanism, Czernobog


  • Astrological Info
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  1. GingerGunlock

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    Shub Niggurath, definitely definitely. War in the Neil Gaiman collection is also very cookie-y to me and on me. I don't know that anybody else feels that way Also, to me, Penny Dreadful smelled kind of like crumbly cookies, but not ginger cookies.
  2. GingerGunlock

    Mother, Mother Ocean

    Ooh yes - how could I have forgotten Goblin!! It's like a naughty, sexy dirty beach romp Man, and to think I have never tried Goblin! Must go update my swaps list and try to get some... RiP (heh), I haven't tried Calico Jack. GingerGunlock - What exit? 63 for me. Going "home" (we sold our house a few years ago, but still rent every year) to Barnegat Light later this summer; can't wait. Screw you, Sandy! 98
  3. GingerGunlock

    Mother, Mother Ocean

    I'm from New Jersey, right on the beach, but bought a house in Central New York. What was I thinking? Anyway, while not an ocean scent, Goblin (in the Diabolus heading) is always a beach scent for me.
  4. GingerGunlock

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    My fiance is allergic to all things floral. To my knowledge, I'm not allergic to anything. However, both of us were very uncomfortable when I had Nuclear Winter
  5. GingerGunlock

    Scents for battles in life

  6. GingerGunlock

    powerful, dangerous scents for a young lady

    I will pretty much always recommend Wrath and Shub-Niggurath. I also agree with the Whip recommendation; when I tried it, it was about equal parts fantastic worn-in leather with roses.
  7. GingerGunlock

    Ginger scents & the different types of ginger notes

    I'll have to find it and re-sniff to give you an up to the minute on the aging of War, but I found it was far more "dry" than it had been when it was fresh, with a slightly sweeter kick (from the honeysuckle, maybe?). It was certainly distanced from Shub for me, at that point.
  8. GingerGunlock

    Ginger scents & the different types of ginger notes

    Shub Niggurath is my ultimate favorite BPAL. It is gingerGINGER, and I almost always get compliments on it (I wore it today, actually...at work, a patron was getting out her library card and said pensively "I smell banana bread or something"). I only have a frimp of War, and I didn't like it when it was fresh. Aged, though, I do agree with this. Nice, warm ginger and patchouli. Silly me should've gotten a bottle last year or the year before to age!
  9. GingerGunlock

    A mechanic's shop - oil, gasoline, exhaust

    The Robotic Scarab: Polished metallic notes, glossy leather, frankincense, star anise, and thin lubricating oils. Smelled like an oily engine to me!
  10. GingerGunlock

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    Goblin is very patchouli (at least on me), but it can also be very coconut. Not sure if that's what she's looking for!
  11. GingerGunlock


    When I first put Orc on, the throw is exactly like those Chowards violet candies that you used to be able to buy all over the place (Still available on Amazon, apparently, at the very least). Light, sweet, insubstantial, and vaguely potpourri-ish. As it dried, the leather and vetiver started marching, together. The throw got a little greener, and if I put my face right into my wrist, it was all lovely vetiver-leathery goodness. When dry, the three didn't throw a whole lot, but blended together comfortably. I've never actually played an orc or half orc, but this is a really good rendition, I feel. Gives me ideas for backup characters to what I've currently got running!
  12. GingerGunlock

    Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

    Currently, Wrath is my back the fuck off scent. "A scent aflame with rage, swirling in the red haze of hatred: dragon's blood spiked with black pepper, clove, and cinnamon." (though I just got an imp of Anne Bonny and that might work as such as well!) I will say, regarding Czernobog.......vetiver seems to have a somewhat, ahem, arousing effect. So, depending. It might be a little less "I'll cut you" and a little more "come frolic in the dark pine forest". Just sayin'.
  13. I tend to wear Goblin all summer long!
  14. GingerGunlock

    Nuclear Winter

    This is a review of the 2008 vintage In the bottle: didn't smell like much of anything Wet (and this is after a few months of aging. When the bottle was new, it didn't smell like much of anything on, wet, dry, in the bottle, etc.): smelled very much like a snowman Avon chapstick that I had in the 80's; it was just that kind of mint, which was very nice and I liked, because that's a scent memory that's stuck with me all these years. Drydown: Very strongly of hospital. Just a sharp, pervasive, disinfectant sort of smell.
  15. GingerGunlock

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    My fiancé had a very severe allergic reaction to slight contact with Nuclear Winter (2008) today. He kissed me on the neck soon after I'd applied (and this was the final "I don't know if I like this oil" application), and got some on his lips. He promptly got little hive-like bumps right there, was vomiting, and had a nosebleed. I discovered this right as I was getting to work, and when I settled down at my (not well ventilated) desk, I started to feel nauseas as well, though for me, that's as far as it got. I'm not really sure what did it, but thought I'd mention it for in-general sensitive folks.