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Everything posted by samarablackcat
Adieu, farewell earth’s bliss! This world uncertain is: Fond are life’s lustful joys, Death proves them all but toys. None from his darts can fly; I am sick, I must die— Lord, have mercy on us! Rich men, trust not in wealth, Gold cannot buy you health; Physic himself must fade; All things to end are made; The plague full swift goes by; I am sick, I must die— Lord, have mercy on us! Beauty is but a flower Which wrinkles will devour; Brightness falls from the air; Queens have died young and fair; Dust hath closed Helen’s eye; I am sick, I must die— Lord, have mercy on us! Strength stoops unto the grave, Worms feed on Hector brave; Swords may not fight with fate; Earth still holds ope her gate; Come, come! the bells do cry; I am sick, I must die— Lord, have mercy on us! Wit with his wantonness Tasteth death’s bitterness; Hell’s executioner Hath no ears for to hear What vain art can reply: I am sick, I must die— Lord, have mercy on us! Haste therefore each degree To welcome destiny; Heaven is our heritage, Earth but a player’s stage. Mount we unto the sky; I am sick, I must die— Lord, have mercy on us! – Thomas Nashe Blackened roses against a backdrop of velvet opoponax, bitter clove, and tobacco absolute. Wet, I get a quick blast of dark, voluptuous rose which quickly turns into clove. I think the opoponax blends in with the rose to give that deep, dark thrumming. I know that the tobacco absolute has a tendency to sink to the bottom of the bottle, so I am not sure if I rolled the bottle enough, as I am not getting any. Dry, still dark rose/opoponax/clove with maybe a tad of tobacco close to the skin. This reminds me of the lines from the poem: Dust hath closed Helen's eye and Taste death's bitterness (although this isn't bitter, per se). A fitting scent for the name; dark and brooding.
King mandarin, green mint, green tea leaf, and white musk. I was very excited for this as I have fallen hard for King mandarin and must try everything that has it as an ingredient. I have tried this three unique times and each I get something different, so hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride! In the bottle, mint is the most prominent. I'm not a mint lover (but I don't hate it, either) and not very familiar all the varieties. It's not soft like Go To Sleep, Darlings, Ded Moroz, Green Tree Viper or Snow, Glass, Apples, but sharper, ice-inducing mint, take-a-deep-breathe-and-feel-it-in-your-nose and the back of your throat. But the mandarin is there, tempering the cool with sunshine. I was most worried about the tea as it seems to overtake most scents on me, but this is not the case. It wants to hide, buried deep under the mint. Right now I'm not getting any musk (white musk, like in Fae, is one of my favorite notes). Now for a caveat: I always step outside to test my perfumes. Normally, it's very humid here (Florida) and it helps me judge sillage. But a wonderful thing happens as I step out (and it's cold for Florida today with low humidity); the mandarin steps up and now I am getting a perfect balance of mint and mandarin. A perfect scent for summer; cooling and refreshing. As this dries, there is a battle for dominance between the mint and mandarin, each in time taking the lead. The mandarin stays on top; the mint closer to the skin. The mandarin is crisp, clean; the mint, cooling; a perfect reflection of the battle of nature and season, yin and yang, finally melding together as one. Tea is making a quick appearance and stays close to mint; very fragile leaves needing a slow, steady warmth to expose its true nature, too afraid to take the lead. I am hoping with a little age the musk will help to temper and keep everything in check. The first time I tested (right out of the mailbox) I thought this needed less mint and more mandarin/musk, but today, after sitting for three days, it feels absolutely perfect and is an accurate representation of the image chosen for the label; quickly aggressive, calming, soothing and then, surrender and passion. eta: After several hours of being on my skin, the tea made itself know. A light, close-to-the-skin scent of tea, orange and a hint of musk. No mint to be found.
Skin musk, sugar cane, honey, beeswax, vanilla flower, and copal. In the bottle: Warm, glowing, creamy, the color of fine ivory silk. Similar to the color of the label, but with less green. Wet: Sweet, like the aroma of making sugar cookies...sugar cane, honey and vanilla flower melding together, the skin musk, honey and beeswax keeping it grounded, with copal ever-so-slightly raising its head. Dry: The copal is most predominate on me as it dries. Copal lovers, like me, rejoice! for the warmth of the copal will warm you when the nights are cold. The honey and beeswax are subtle; they help to keep this grounded. Earthy (not like dirt. Sensual). The scent is sweet, but not cloying. It wants to stay close, but not so close it goes unannounced. Gently wafting, surrounding my space with gentle nudges of desire. This scent makes me imagine lying in a large, feather bed, with sheets of the finest Egyptian cotton, natural in color, so smooth on my skin. Resins burning, filling my space with their smoke. Candles burning low, creating soft amber light. Soft, silky and with the promise of secrets not yet spoken. I believe this will age beautifully. If you were hoping for Glowing Vulva Redux, this is not that scent. But it is a glorious, sultry and sensual scent on its own. So glad I purchased a bottle, and will be adding at least one more to my collection.
Bronze gears spin inside a polished wooden case, and an entire universe dances within. Teakwood, oak, black vanilla, and tobacco. This smells exactly like the perfume (of course!). Oak does not play nicely on my skin (perfume), but here, in the hair gloss version, it's perfect. A quick turn of the head releases the wafting of vanilla and teakwood, leaving the contrails of scent behind. Absolutely gorgeous. Antikythera Mechanism reminds me of The Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS console and I was saddened when the perfume didn't work for me; I now have a replacement. I think I shall pop over to the TP and pick up another bottle STAT. My only regret is this wan't made into an atmospheric spray and bath oil also, so please, may we place this up for another vote in the future? Absolutely gorgeous.
Golden rose, frankincense, and vanilla bean. Ooh, creamy frankincense!is my first impression wet. Drying, the rose becomes noticeable. It's difficult to put into words the golden aspect of the rose...not quite amberesque, not quite gilded and while I'm searching my memory banks for a description, the vanilla bean pops out, and the the world turns soft and dreamy. It truly is the bean, not foody at all. The rose is more forward than it Dix, but it's not the star. Everything melds together and I'm left with a gorgeous, womanly scent, like a flirtatious wink. I am really enjoying the atypical roses used, and am thankful for these in perfume form.
This Full Moon marks the time of the year when the new antlers of buck deer emerge from their foreheads, coated in soft velvet. This is a time of vigor, thunder, balmy nights, glorious sunlight and hot winds. Buck Moon is an animalistic, deep scent: an amplification of one’s natural musk coupled with forest herbs, pine pitch, deer fur, a hint of clear, warm evening air and a crystalline spark of lunar oil. I don't have my bottle of the first Buck Moon anymore, but this does not disappoint. Same gorgeous musk, a small whiff of greenery, a smidge of pine. Standing at the edge a forest on a clear, early summer night; the earth still warm from the sun, a gentle breeze, just enough to stir up the surrounding area into a glorious scent of life, rebirth, and renewal. I am enjoying this stage now, and can only imagine it will deepen with age. Shine on me, Buck Moon, and The Lord of The Forest, for he is the keeper of the fire in my soul.
TIKI PRINCESS A frothy, cold coconut perfume, pure and sweet, with gentle wafts of plumeria, pikake, and ala ala wai nui. What a surprise, getting this so quickly! *squee* This is fresh out of the mail, so no time to rest. I get coconut predominately, with a whisper of florals underneath. I don't get any Snow White references, but I don't get coconut out of Snow White anyway. It reminds me more a cool, frozen coconutty drink, the glass icy and slippery. So refreshing! Coconut is not normally an ingredient I am a fan of, so I am delighted to have a blend that works. it takes me away to a tropical paradise, lazing in the sun, gentle breeze blowing with a cabana boy fetching my cocktails. A must have for coconut fans, and this is a perfect scent for hot, humid, muggy summer days.
White rose, gilded carnation, brown oakmoss, and velvet oudh. Smooth, soft, and stays close to the skin. As it dries, I can smell each ingredient taking its turn to come forward. First is the rose; I can tell it's a light-colored rose, not necessarily white but pale in color. I get no discernible Carnation but instead something golden. Next comes oakmoss. I was worried that the brown would be stronger and overtake everything but this is not the case. The oudh is very soft and smooth. They all blend together to create a seamless skin scent. Occasionally I get a nice soft waft of rose but it isn't overpowering and continues to stay close to the skin. On my skin this is a more masculine scent it would be great to snuggle up next to someone who smelled like this.
I'm trying to test with reading the notes, and all I got at first was maybe patchouli? After checking notes, yes, patchouli and something else? Smoky? Dear goddess, don't let it be vetiver. Nope, just a hint of cedar with wisps of pungent smoke. As it dries, the patch sweetens up and the smoke still stays snarky. All I could think of is yep, take that you jerk, trying to dragonsplain the dragon. In your face! I may need to hunt down a partial bottle, for those days when I'm feeling don't f#ck with me. Perhaps I'll smell offputting enough that the powers that be will stay away. It could happen...
So I chose this before knowing the notes and I am glad I did; this is beautiful. Wet, this reminds me of Our Lady of Pain. It does share opium tar (accord here, not in OLoP), orchid (not black here), and patchouli (black vs Sumatran). It gives me the same vibe...sultry, sexy, and sophisticated. I get the plum and orchid first, with the other notes balancing out the bottom. Plum tempers the opium tar for me, as it can be a tad sharp (but not here). It's a 90s goth girl, and instead of cloves, fishnet and stompy boots she's wearing black silk hose, glittery purple minerals and can finally afford Kambriel. Probably vaping.
I wish I could express myself as eloquently as the two above posters, but suffice to know that Eve WSFU is as if you were wearing Eve, went to your favorite metaphysical shop or botanica, and got properly smudged. Eve with calming sage billowing around you, permeating your aura. Yes. Good. So glad this f#$k up was shared!
Such a beautiful scent, all carnationy and clovey. Stays close to the skin. I don't really get the snow-dusted partof the carnation, but there is a little something that binds this together in the most gorgeous skin scent. It pairs well as a layering base with anything that has carnation or clove. Or chrysanthemums. I've been wearing this with Delightful Visitors perfume and hair gloss, and it makes me feel as if I am wrapped up in a snuggly-but-not-too-heavy blanket, all safe and secure. I am hesitant to post this, because I don't want anyone else to know how fabulous this is. I feel like a child who does not want to share. If you are reading this and Gently, Gently is still available, and if you remotely like carnations or sweet clove, do yourself a favor and buy a bottle. Or several.
I was so very excited at the return of single notes and purchased a bottle immediately of this beauty. Then I began to wonder...will this be more floral (champa flower can sometimes be too cloying) or will it have more of an incense vibe? I did not need to worry! It contains the floral aspect, but golden with an incense undertone. It reminds me of Red Nag Champa, Shantimalia, when you first open the box; sweet and incensey, not cloying. Gorgeous. eta: spelling woes
Oh myy! This is just as advertised, a great balance of all three ingredients, none overpowering the other. I wish I had gotten more than one bottle as I would love to spray this on all the things! all the time. Smooth, sleek and making my hippie heart full of joy, eyes welling up with tears from the joyous sounds wafting from this sensitive folk music. This is the scent I wanted for AG Sam, as it fits her perfectly (in my mind). eta: Many thanks again for my wonderful fairie, proving again that, in bpal-land, wishes do come true.
Wet, and in the bottle, this smells really gross; acrid poisons dripping on embers, plumes of vile smoke filling the air. But after it dries, smooth clove. I want to wear my stompy boots and smoke a clove cigarette. I miss my black clove candle. This will be perfect for autumn.
French lavender, red patchouli, saffron, dried wildflowers, agarwood, and oudh. First, there's a big blast of lavender, grounded by oudh. The patchouli lays close to the skin and I can only tell that it is there by huffing my skin. Wildflowers are not noticeable but hang out with the patch. As this dries, The Dream reminds me of The First Love Fades, Too, but that is only because of the lavender and oudh (or agarwood). It's not as sweet as First Love (because I had to test them side by side; my scent memory had these similar, but not really).. The patch, only for a moment, leans towards earthy, but is them absorbed into the whole. There must be a little vanilla (bourbon vanilla? tonka?) as it sweetens up, reminding me of Lush's Twilight or A Moment in Time. Lavender and oudh on the drydown, wafting downy softness, like snuggling in bed with big pillows and fluffy blankets to chase the cold away, and drifting off to sleep on a lilac-colored cloud.
Another fan of Golden Champa accord here, but not so much of leather. I don't get any leather or coconut but rather a warm, snuggly and golden champaca. The sandalwood and coconut, I'm guessing, sweeten this a bit, making Keichu a skin scent, golden and ethereal, glowing in the aftermath of copulation.
Campfires, bonfires, fireplaces, burning wood and leaves...
samarablackcat replied to thelaurenator's topic in Recommendations
Moai, from the Tikis in 2008. Smoky, smoky, smoky. Volcanic ash and Easter Island palm. No leaves but smoky. -
Peach and blackcurrant with sandalwood and pink pepper. Peach and blackcurrant sitting in a tree K I S S I N G (and by kissing, I mean a kiss that's so deep it's hard to tell where one person starts and the other ends. Yeah, like that). While the sandalwood holds them together in a scentastic threesome, pink pepper comes along and insists on taking pictures, sprinkling just a bit of herself in the mix, nipping them ever-so-slightly, to remind them to exhale occasionally.
This is so gorgeous! Thank you fairy, for procuring for me. I really like this oudh, or maybe it's the combination of peach with it, but it is drop-dead sexy. At first, I only get the peach, then a little oudh. Only later do I get the orange blossom, which isn't cloying at all; it reminds me of spring in Florida when the orange trees are blossoming and you get a whiff in the air. After it's dried, Peach IV is a very dreamy and a hazy scent; it's like looking through of piece of gauze billowing in the wind while the censor is spiraling expensive incense.
I really didn't know what to expect, particularly since leather can be problematic for me. I fretted unnecessarily. The leather reminds me C. Auguste Dupin, well worn and soft. At first, that was all I could smell, as leather usually overtakes everything. But as this dries, I keep getting an almost sweet scent, or maybe it's a gentle, musky sweater. The cardamom gives just a nod of spice. It stays close to the skin and I think this will be perfect for fall (or winter in Florida). Bottle worthy for me; that wooly musk holds it all together.
When I read the notes for this, I thought "white". It sounded so pretty and I don't have any scents that read white to me. The first thought that comes to me is Luper; this smells like a spring scent; fresh, light green and a little pink. Wet, I get mostly moss and perhaps due to the rose being "mist", I get a slightly aquatic feel. While this dries, I am reminded of A Passionate Shepherd To His Love (moss, rose). I get a little of sandalwood mixed with a light incense wafting with rose and moss as this dries. In my mind I see spring, pale greens just popping out of sleeping trees, and pale pink buds ready to burst open. Very innocent, fresh and awakening. It stays close to the skin, changing from mossy to floral incense and back again. Not what I was expecting, but quite beautiful, innocent and fresh.
For amber, try: Bastet Brisingamen Haunted The Lion Tamora The Lion is my favorite; to me, it's almost straight amber. OMG! How could I forget Mr Jaquel? Golden amber, hyssop, North African patchouli and embalming spices. However, Meskenet, The Vulture Maiden (hyssop) and Temple Viper (hyssop again) are really nice and just now available from the Carnaval. You may find a decant circle to try without committing to a bottle.
I was afraid (very afraid!) of the caramelized patchouli; apparently it's so light in this I don't get any at all. While it's drying, I am reminded of the patchouli in This Is Your Wilderness (although no honey but it's the vibe I'm getting). After this is dry, it reminds me of Red Patchouli and Fig hair gloss from The Post, if that were made into a perfume. Figgy with earthy bottom notes. This is more of a colder weather scent for me, and I foresee much use in the season you people up north call Autumn (in Florida, we have hot, hotter, disgustingly humid and oh! that's much better. Much better has already departed ). Very pleased I took a chance!
A light waft of sandalwood, sweet, gives way to snow. Not new-fallen snow, but snow that has been melting in the slightly-warming sun. I don't get vanilla or amber, but the mixture of the two helps to soften the snow. On me, as this is drying, the snow becomes a tad harsh, but only for a moment, more like the air is still cold and biting your nose. There is an almost smell of an old fire that has been put out by the snow, slightly smokey. I really don't get any leather or patch (although I think the patch is giving me the smokey recognition); it blends seamlessly together. Still light, soft and not-too-sweet, with a promise of warmer days right around the corner.