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Posts posted by Honeygirl

  1. Bottle: Musk and caramel


    Wet: Musk, spice, caramel and a touch of honey. I'm glad I don't get much honey, not a fan.


    Drydown: Ooh, very musky and spicy now. It's very strong! I don't think this is for me, but I might try it in a scent locket, I think I amp dark musks.

    3.0 outta 5

  2. Bottle: Tropical


    Wet: Juicy and tropical, banana. Like a tropical drink, almost.


    Drydown: Maybe a bit of floral coming out, like I'm sipping that tropical drink and have a nice big tropical flower in my hair, and the wind is blowing the scents together. :P

    3.5 outta 5

  3. Bottle: Mangolias


    Wet: Creamy floral! Some musk coming out now. It's a bit strong for me, but very sexy.


    Drydown: I don't get any mandarin or spice, which disappoints me! But it's a very nice floral, and I don't wear many florals!

    3.0 outta 5

  4. Bottle: Amber


    Wet: Amber, very warm and sunny. I get some sweetness and a hint of spice.


    Drydown: I put quite a bit on and it's not very strong. It is very warm, which is nice and comforting, like a lion is cuddling me!

    3.0 outta 5

  5. Bottle: Cocoa


    Wet: Wow, that's rich chocolate! Maybe a hint of hazelnut. It's so rich and creamy, like really good expensive chocolate.


    Drydown: This is so incredibly foody in the best way possible! Reminds me of Nutella! I want to eat my arm!

    4.0 outta 5

  6. Bottle: Chocolate!


    Wet: Chocolate, cocoa and cherries. Mmmm! :P


    Drydown: The cherries are really coming out. Almost above the chocolate. It makes this more wearable and less heavy. The orange blossom is really in the background on this one.

    3.5 outta 5

  7. Bottle: Frankincense and myrrh


    Wet: I feel like 2 of the 3 Wisemen! Frankincense and myrrh really don't do anything for me. I'm just not a dark, resiny, herbally person.


    Drydown: Far too complex for me, and there's only two notes. Just not for me.


    2.5 outta 5

  8. Bottle: Ack!Musk!


    Wet: Dark Musk, orris and patchouli are all no-noes! This blend is so dark, I'm afraid it's gonna get me!


    Drydown: I get a sort of hospital or morgue sense from this blend. It really is death-like. Gah! :P

    2.5 outta 5

  9. Bottle: Spicy resins


    Wet: Resins and herbally. I get the frankincense and the musks.


    Drydown: I don't think dark musk or neroli works for me. I also don't think I have the personality to pull of a scent this 'dark' It's very spicy and foreboding.


    3.0 outta 5

  10. Bottle: Orchid


    Wet: Holy Floral, batman! Florals are always so strong to my nose! I guess this is orchid, I haven't smelled a lot of flowers in my lifetime, my mom is allergic.


    Drydown: It's much more subdued now, also sweeter. It's certainly nice, but florals aren't typically my thing.

    3.0 outta 5

  11. Bottle: Cedar


    Wet: It smells great in the bottle, but on me it smells rotten. Like rancid.


    Drydown: I think perhaps what I'm smelling is the saffron, I don't get any cedar or wood.

    I'll try it again as a room scent or when I get a scent locket.


    In the bottle: 3.0 outta 5

    On me: 1.0 outta 5

  12. Bottle: Wine


    Wet: I don't like Dragon's blood or rose, so why do I like this? I smell more wine than anything.


    Drydown: Okay, there's a bit of rose which has put me off Blood Rose just a bit. Not really my scent, but it doesn't make me feel nauseous like most rose scents, so there's a plus! :P

    3.0 outta 5

  13. Bottle: Tangerine and lime


    Wet: Grapefruit, tangerine and lime! I don't really get the peppermint, but there is a sort of zing at the end there, if that makes any sense! Some lavender there as well! The lavender isn't too herbally, which I like.


    Drydown: Right now it's all just citrus and lavender. It's not bad, I was just expecting something different. More fruit, I suppose!

    3.5 outta 5

  14. Bottle: Cold


    Wet: Cold snow, ozone and a hint of grape, I think. This one is hard to pin down. I think I like it, but I'm not sure. It's my first ozone scent.


    Drydown: Now there's a touch of warmth in it, which is odd in Shivering Boy. It's kind of sweet as well. I can still smell the snow and ozone. I think I like it.

    3.5 outta 5

  15. Bottle: Patchouli


    Wet: Dragon's blood always smells like patchouli to me. I smell the black currant just a bit, but the musk is coming out big time! It is very masculine.


    Drydown: This is far too masculine and patchouli like for me. I'd hoped the black currant and fig would balance it out, but it just doesn't.

    2.5 outta 5
