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Posts posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. Oh yum!!!!!!!!!!! :P Sweet condensed milk and marzipan heaven! This is top ten quality delicious, for sure! So sweet - but not sickly so, so soft, and scrumptious. Only caveat - it's a bit hard to smell after a while....It's like, I catch it wafting up to my nose every once in a while when wearing it, but if I put my nose to my wrist and inhale, I can barely detect it at all. That's fine with me, though, because I'm not the type to try to permeate the entire room with my scent. This is one that will have them trying to lean in close to catch a better smell, and have em turning their heads when you walk by to try to figure out where that divine perfume is coming from. I NEED a big bottle of this RIGHT NOW!!! On a one to five scale, this is a ten! :D

  2. Yum! This smells exactly like the Notre Dame!! Conjures images of sun streaming through great stained glass windows, incense smoke, holy water. Exquisite! Starts off a bit harsh with the old school incense smell, but mellows on the skin into something soft, warm, smoky and holy...in a fairly dark, medieval and gothic way. Gorgeous! Smells exactly like a cathedral...I love this one! :P

  3. In the vial this smells weird and like it is not going to work. The second it hits my skin, however, it morphs into the exact description given by the lab: pipe tobacco, hot leather, musk, and incense in the background. How Beth pulls this stuff off I have no idea - she's a flippin' genius! This is a seriously masculine kind of a scent...this would be unbelievably magnetic on a man. On me, the incense lends just enough sweetness for this to be a forseeable perfume blend, although I'm not sure where I would wear this and why...I think it's going to be one of those total mood blends...I would wear this when I felt smoky and dark and/or if I was going somewhere smoky and dark :P. In other words: "It's smoky and dark!" and that is a quality that I can get behind. So, yum! Sexy!



    ETA: After a while this turns all incense and, I guess the pipe tobacco as well is what is making this sweeter and more honeysuckle scented than before. That pushes this farther into femininity and and bumps it up into 5/5 category! LOVE!

  4. This is SO hot! I LOVE, lovelovelove this one!!!! On me tonka along with rum really takes center stage and yum, yum, yum, it is good! Leather takes second place and then the chardonnay, and tobacco remain firmly in the background just hanging out and lending some extra debauch and innuendo to this blend. This is one of the best things I have ever smelled. I NEED a big bottle of this AND the soap ASAP!!!


    1-5 rating = 10+


    :P :D

  5. I never would have bought this based on the notes, so I am very glad I got it as a frimp. In the vial: at first I get pine? and then - BAM! - Bubble Yum or Bubblicious Grape bubblegum?!?! On my skin: the musky rose comes out and tones down the bubble yum a bit, bringing a softer, gentler, more feminine side out of this fragrance. Nevertheless, this is a BRIGHT, BOLD scent!! This one will be great for summer...it's a bit too bubbly and berrylicious for November, I'm afraid. All in all, I like this a lot, and look forward to wearing it when the weather gets warmer!

  6. This is SOOO GOOD!!!...and all I have is an empty sniffy I got! :D This one is so sexy: hot and spicy and feminine and rich. The patchouli provides a nice foundation for the hot red musk, soothing and feminine ylang ylang, and resiny myrrh. I must have more of this...NOW! Such a sensual, divine blend! A+ :P

  7. This is a very beautiful scent, reminiscent of dry heat and spice, in the most feminine way possible. I smell the amber and musk right off the bat, there are other notes in the background - too well blended to name individually. As it dries, the rose along with the slightest hint of mandarin peeks out...the saffron and sandalwood give it that sort of incensy, dry heat feel...the nutmeg, along with the others, conjures images of a middle eastern marketplace. This is soft, warm, and uber feminine! This one will be great in June out here, when it's still raining and overcast but we're all holding our breaths wishing for summer to hurry up!!! I would wear this anytime, however, just for it's sheer feminine beauty. Could be a day or evening scent. This one's a keeper! :P

  8. This is ylang ylang and....someotherstuff :P Okay, I can't tell wat else is in it other than ylang ylang. But, as you can (partially) see by my username, Luna has some very personal connections for myself and so I really, really wanted to like this one. Well, I do not think that the lab has failed in capturing this lunar energy - this scent is feminine, glowing, white, radiant and pure. I likee. I'll def. cherish this impfull since this scent is no more!

  9. Oh wow, this is heavenly!!! Smells like sweet spiced gingerbread in the best imaginable way! I just want to slather myself in it...I could seriously bathe in this. This is not a super complex scent - I find it to be rather straightforward. It's gingerbread. Yummy gingerbread cookies fresh out of the oven! This is my favorite gourmand scent so far! Delish. More please!!! :D :P

  10. Okay, this stuff works! I've been procrastinating a lot lately when it comes to working out, and then when I do work out I've just been in a horrible rut. So, yesterday in the evening when I had been delaying all day long and it seemed like working out just wasn't going to happen - I put on my Block Buster. Five minutes later I was already at it, and not only that, but I had one of the best workouts I can remember for quite some time! Two thumbs up! Plus, it smells like spiced cider - not the fake stuff, but real unfiltered old fashioned spiced cider!


    As I only have an imp right now, I have been applying directly under my nose to maximize minimal usage and extend the life of my small amount. However, I could totally see myself wearing this just as a perfume for the scent alone, because....spiced cider! Yum!

  11. The forumite who wrote that this is a pineapple coconut milkshake was precisely right! That's exactly what this is to my nose - creamy and tropical. I opened up the imp and went, "Huh? Pineapple Moon??!?" and then my friend (BPAL second opinion standby) sniffed it and immediately agreed! This one will be reserved for summer! :P

  12. This is so flippin' squeaky clean! Hmmm, maybe it will remind guys of soapy steamy shower scenes or something, with its strong emphasis on sudsy cleanliness? :P Smells vaguely like a laundromat - maybe it will subconsciously evoke images of me doing his laundry? (yeah right, hahahaha!) I'm not sure...I haven't tested its potency yet as an attractant, but when I do wear it, it will def. be with a tight 50's-esque pastel sweater, a pencil skirt, and kitten heels - this is a play on the ole innocent good girl, clean enough to eat off of, girl next door thing that is like, really not my forte! I prefer more vampy come-hither scents, but maybe that just means this can really do something new for me. I dunno? :D :D I think I can use this to my advantage! We'll see!

  13. This is butterscotch rum with a conflagrant alcoholic bite to it. I get the alcoholic aspect very strongly on my skin, and it balances out the very gourmand, extremely syrupy sweet butterscotch quite nicely! Accomplishes its primary objective wonderfully - this is the scent of high alcohol content buttered rum. I smell edible and drinkable. Yum! :P


    Ahoy, this be a tasty one fer ye food lo'ers - ye o'ers be walkin' the plank, gar!

  14. This is a white and virginal, innocent sort of smell. Conjures images of being wrapped in white halos of light, sun streaming through stained glass windows. For me, this is a very naughty scent in its own right. Smells like nice, good girls that go to church, dress demurely, cross their legs, act polite, and mind their elders as well as common etiquette. A very pretty fragrance, but one that those of us who do not fit the above description and may harbor darker, edgier tendencies may find twisted in its own special way :)! Of course there are those instances when one must present oneself as neatly put together, well organized, and respectably inclined, and this is the ideal fragrance for putting forth such a antiseptic image on those occasions. There's nothing at all dark or edgy in this bottle, in other words, it's totally corrupt - or maybe that's just me! :D :P



  15. I LOVE this one, but it's somewhat difficult to describe...I get mainly a warm, musky, syrupy smell that is uber sultry and seductive - this is a slow, smooth, heavy, and decadent scent. Seduction in a bottle. I don't get a whole lot of booze - it's certainly not that alcoholic conflagrant bite in Grog, or that hot Bourbon boozy burn from Jazz funeral. No, this is perhaps a well blended sophisticated sort of mixed drink - smooth and dark and sugary, without any bite. This is one helluva sexy scent and I will get a ton of use out of this one. I can see myself running out very rapidly and requiring a big bottle purchase in the very near future! Well done, labbies! Very well done! :P

  16. This is a spice lover's wildest dreams come true! I, indeed, am such a spice lover and have fallen madly in love with this fragrance! Smells like many complex warm spices all intermingling together in an unholy union of scrumptiousness! :D Doesn't morph much from the imp to the skin aside from the fact that the spices become much hotter and, er, spicier on my skin! Later on, I get a bit of wood and the slightest hint of tobacco in the background. This is pirate heaven, and since the only thing I love more than pirates are cinnamon, sandalwood, and tobacco - this is totally orgasmic on me and I hafta have more Plunder immediately!


    A+ doesn't even begin to approach my love of this scent!


    "Ahoy, me lo'e plunder! Arrr, spice haters beware Aye, me parrot concurs!"


    :D :P

  17. This scent swept me off my feet right away! I think this may quite possibly be the best thing I have ever smelled! To my nose, both in the imp and on, this smells like a combo of Queen of Sheba and Plunder...it's that sweet delicious almond marzipan note in QOS with the dry spice and cinnamon of Plunder and a vague Pirate-y boozy rum note in there, too, with just the slightest hint of salty sea breezes. This could be unisex, and would be rip-your-clothes-off-slam-you-up-against-the-wall hot on a man, but it is sweet enough with the almondy QOS element that it is absolutely drop dead sexy and decadently feminine on my own skin as well.


    This is magnifiscent! Genius! My new number one!!! I NEED more RIGHT NOW!!!!!


    :D :P

  18. In the vial: Soft, sweet, well-balanced are all words which spring to mind. I cannot pick out a single note.


    On, Still Wet: Banana?!?! :D Banana split, indeed.


    Drydown: Mmmkay, whatever note it was that was giving me bananas is fading away. Now I am getting soft, sweet....somethingorother. Well, this will probably be a short review cuz I can't pick out a single note! Well blended for sure! All I can really tell you is that it is soft, unobtrusive, peaceful, and radiant. I really love this one! It's an all-year-round, anytime, calming kind of scent. I'd say 5 out of 5, but I say that everytime (when I like a BPAL -like 99.9% of the time- I Lurve a BPAL!) What can I say...5 out of 5! :P :D

  19. In the vial: Bitter lemongrass and patchouli.


    On: When wet, this is still citrus-y, but some sweet notes are racing in to the forefront.


    This scent is balancing itself out before my very...nose. Well blended it is becoming harder to pick out single notes. This is most definitely a happy scent! The sandalwood is bringing some more mellowness to this fragrance, the rose and jasmine are wafting through, making this feminine and sexy. The patchouli is fully cemented as a barely detectable background note (where it belongs, IMHO). This one is destined to become a favorite. A definite standby, top ten scent. Wow! I can't stop sniffing my wrist! I want to bathe in this!! Warm, radiant, upbeat, soft and perfectly balanced! 5 out of 5 on this one!!!!


    A big bottle of this will be vital to my continued existence.

    :P :D :D

  20. In the vial: Lavender.


    On the skin: :D Oooohhhhhhhhhhh! This is gooooood! Lavender, smoky sandalwood, a hint of tobacco, the sweetness of nag champa, and, um, I'm not really sure what labdanum smells like, but I'm assuming it is in there helping to give this blend it's uniqueness. I knew I would like this one from the description, and I do, I love it actually! The drydown brings out the incense and the sweetness some more and pushes this blend a little closer to femininity, and I go back and forth debating whether this is too sweet for a man, or just right. I ultimately arrive at the conclusion that the right man could potentially rock this like there's no tomorrow, but I don't care because I will never share this one with no stinkin' boys!!! :P This one is gorgeous, artfully created, super unique, and MINE ALL MINE!!!! Big bottle please! Yum factor= 5/5!

  21. I'm not sure that this one is really "a scent that offers no sustenance, comfort, or safety." To me, when it's wet, it smells like fresh pine needles, and that is a very comforting scent indeed. It's, of course, more complex that that simple desription, but it is so well blended that I cannot pick out any notes. The first impression that I get from it, however, is pine-y and wonderful.


    As it dries, more notes enter in to the picture, as the pine scent fades to the background. Now it kind of reminds me of pine trees in the snow. It makes me think of winter - cold and crisp, but also foresty. I likey!


    Edited to add that as this scent progresses it becomes much more floral, wispy, cold, and desolate...the embodiment of its name. I like this one alot! As I bond with it more, I could see it being one I reach for above many others...even possibly a top ten! Well done! A+

  22. In the vial: Lemon-Lime Gatorade??? I know that once it's on this one's gonna morph into something beauuuutiiifull, though. BPAL always does! :)


    On, still wet: Ohhh, scrumptious! Luxurious warm amber musky goodness! There's still something a bit lemony though? :P


    Drydown: Okay, now the lemons are gone and this is soft, delicious, sensual and....haunting. :D I don't find this extremely creepy or foreboding a scent at all...although it does get a bit darker and more incensey as it really dries, a little wispier and more mournful. Overall, I find it is sensuous, sexy, feminine and ethereal...I love it! This will get a lot of wear! 5/5 :D

  23. In the vial: Kool Aid??!?!?! Man, this is taking me back to childhood....I have a good premonition this will morph into something scrumptious!


    On the skin: Yup! I was right! Almost instantly this transforms into an olfactory experience in perfect alignment with its namesake. Smells like pixie dust, faerie magick, and ethereal delight! Soft musky, with a little peach...I can't explain it, but it smells glittery and sparkly and feminine! I love this one - it will be getting tons of wear from me! I feel like a little spritely wood nymph when I put this one on! Great throw, long lasting, amazing scent that surpasses all my expectations....Perfect! 5 out of 5!

  24. Oh dear...I love this one, but I have no flippin' idea how to explain it! It's a white floral that also manages to be, as the description puts it "warm and deep". There's something a little...different, in this blend that I'm not sure how to identify...maybe the "soft grasses" or cajeput, whatever that is! This is a very peaceful and still scent...very calming. A day or mellow evening scent, definitely! This scent...is making me want to slather myself in it and wrap myself in a blanket and take a nap, which is, I suppose, very suited to its name. I could also see myself wearing this to a picnic or a day at the park...it kind of also smells like taking a nap in a cozy fragrant meadow.


    Wow! I can't stop sniffing where I applied this! A definite keeper!


    Ooohh, now something's getting a bit spicy in there, too! I'm getting more addicted to it by the second....Big Bottle Please! 5/5



  25. Wet: MMMMMmmmm...musk and floral goodness. I can pick out some faint rose, and faint jasmine...nummy...something a bit more exotic as well.


    As it dries: All the notes just start swirling together. Each independent note is swirling around with all the other ones...I can pick the more recognizable ones out, but they are faint, and beginning to blend into everything else. This is an exotic, incensed floral. The scent does evoke the nighttime sky and the stars.


    This is a remarkable blend. I think this one will be perfect for spring and summer nights, as it reminds me of warm summer evenings, gentle breezes, the moon sparkling on the water, purple clouds, and a million stars in the sky. This scent is gentle, beautiful and exotic in a hazy, dark and glittering, subtly incensed way. I'm going to get lots of wear out of this one. A+
