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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. This is one of those BPAL blends I've been wanting to smell since I started here a bajillion years ago (Okay, so not quite that long...) I should have just thrown this baby into my shopping cart waaay back when because it is AMAZING! This is so bright, crisp, juicy, sweetly tart...everything that's wonderful and refreshing about sweetened zingy ginger and tea. I love this and can see it becoming a summer staple for me.



  2. I need more of this just based on the smell. It's Seraglio on crack, and I luuurrrves me some Seraglios, so this is right up my alley! I haven't really tested it out fully, but I let my boyfriend smell it on me and then asked him if it made him want to ravage me. He said that he wanted to ravage me already, so smelling this made him rabid. It smells amazing, like candied oranges and marzipan...there is some kind of famous dessert bread that this is reminiscent of...something from Le Panier in Seattle. A dessert bread with slivered almonds, honey, and candied oranges and cherries. This is EXACTLY how I want to smell!



  3. This starts out just like Milk Moon...sour pineapple flavored cow secretions. Blarg. As it dries down the sourness recedes and the honey smooths things out a bit, but it's still not enough. There's just too many mind-blowingly good BPAL tea blends out and about for me to want to mess around with this rascally rabbit's hijinx. Tricks are for kids, rabbit, not my BPAL.

  4. Once this dries down it's the most gorgeously gilded amber blend ever, like there's gold leaf in the oil itself. This radiates glowing warmth off of my wrist and reeks of decadence and class, like an angel's halo in a renaissance painting with a gold filigree frame. How's that for a review! :lol:

  5. Ooohhh la la! This starts off a bit too vetiveriffic, but that burns off quite quickly revealing the most incredibly well balanced, tempered coconut and spice blend to ever grace these seasoned nostrils. I would LOVE this for summer. More, please! :joy:

  6. What the...? This is AMAZING!! I thought it was gonna be all gross patchouli and bitterness from the reviews, but it's not...In fact, it's not harsh or sharp or even remotely dark. It's a smooth creamy chai tea latte with an undercurrent of carnations. I LOVE this, and need a bottle NOW!



  7. Another perfect lab description...this IS really subtly disjointed. The mimosa smells lovely and sweet, but contrasts sharply with the "martial" spices, and the fruits and florals all add to the gentle clashing. This isn't big bold in your face crayzeee, it's just got dashes of minor mischief and hijinx. Hmmm, innnneresting...

  8. Oh wow! This is delicious...pine needles on a bed of earth with a bit of fuzzy sweet moss, fresh air, and a background of something that reads as crisp, sweetly tart, and juicy like a hint of apple. I adore this! The pine is so soft, not sharp in the slightest. The earth is a very subtle note, not overpowering at all as earthy notes can sometimes be on me. Everything in this blend is balanced to perfection, like it was made just for me. This is the darker, spookier and less piney side of Hexennacht, and the softer, subtler non-alcoholic side of Jazz Funeral rolled into one. Yes, please! Thank you, thank you, thank you generous frimper! I love this! :wub2:

  9. Pretty golden yellow, slightly perfume-y floral with creamy honeysuckle undertone. Nice. I could definitely rock this if I ever felt the whim to go with pretty florals. Makes me think of heavenly summer gardens drenched in golden sunlight with bumblebees and honeysuckle.

  10. In the imp: Ohhh man, why did I not buy a bottle of this? It smells like Candy Butcher but better.


    On the skin: Noooo, NOOOO, nonononononono! Cloying sugary high-pitched sweetness and not much else.


    You, Sir, are no Candy Butcher!...but maybe not bad on someone else's skin chemistry. *shrug*

  11. Gorgeous, yes, melon-y candy bright florals. Light and refreshing...juicy! I'm not a floral girl but I am tempted to hang on to this frimp. It's lush and green and juicy with just a hint of spice. Lovely!


    ETA: nope - take it back. Not many blends go powder on me, but this did!

  12. Just got a sniffie of this in a recent order. This is warm and woody and slightly foody...the most inviting background of cherry pipe tobacco, with the tiniest touch of coffee, swirling vanilla incense, and the smooth warm woods of the walls of somebody's cozy den. I'm not going to go crazy to try and hunt this one down on ebay or some such, but if it gets resurrected then I will be the first in line to get a bottle of this BPAL classic. Get it if you can, you lucky dog!

  13. I love the coconut in this blend, and the tobacco flower, but there's something else in there that I'm not too wild about...I love mossy scents so I don't think it's that. Perhaps it's just several notes combining in a strange way on my skin that just isn't inspiring me. In any case, this isn't bad, but it's not my favorite Ode to Aphrodite blend either.

  14. Hmmm, if there were just a slightly higher cardamom and sandalwood ratio to sweet florals then maybe I could get away with this. Another pretty pretty floral that would stun on the right woman. As it dries down I get hardcore nag champa smoke swirling through the fragrant bouquet. I would adore this on someone else...someone mysterious and powerful but a little more ultra traditionally feminine. This smells like just the right perfume for an attendant of Venus...it evokes imagery of magically empowered fairy queens with chiseled bone structure and impossibly long tresses, riding white horses through misty far off lands. I know this blend has nothing to do with Mists of Avalon, but it resonates with that same kind of quality for me. Dreamy, otherworldly, and ultra-femme.

  15. A gorgeous, bright and joyful floral. Very refined, elegant, and classy....so in other words totally not my style at all. :lol: Just kidding...kind of. I do tend to like my 'fumes a bit more down and dirty than this, but it's quite pretty and would be stunning on the right lady. Towards the end I get the slightest wisp of incense. Delightful!

  16. Rice paper, white gardenia, and raw honey.

    This smells so soft and silky, delicate and fragile...exactly like velvety tissue paper. Incredible. Not my usual style of scent, but I will definitely keep this olfactory masterpiece on hand for when I feel like evoking a more traditionally girly vibe. To me this is probably the sexiest of this year's shungas that I've smelled so far, because it really captures that tactile silky smoothness. Rawr!

    Beautiful! I didn't expect to like this one at all, but I really really do! :wub2:

  17. Uuuunnnnngggghhhh....this smells like magical forests. It brings back innumerable fond memories of times spent outdoors around bonfires at night in the woods during the summer. This is exactly the essence of those moments bottled. I love it as much as I knew I would and then some. I'm definitely going to track down some more of this! Magical. :wub2:

  18. I've only just regained smelling power in one nostril (bad head cold) and when I realized that I could smell again I knew the first thing I wanted to smell was this decant which just came in the mail. Smells like chocolate buttercream frosting on moist chocolate cake...almost exactly like these Amy's vegan chocolate cakes that my boyfriend and I buy from the frozen section of our grocery store that are really amazingly decadent and delicious. This is a lovely, wearable foody scent which never goes cloying and stays smooth and creamy and chocolatey throughout. Very wearable. Wish I could still get more, but I'll cherish the decant.


    ETA: This has quickly skyrocketed up my top ten list and become probably my favorite chocolate scent of all time next to Lump of Coal. Creamy chocoliciousness! Nom nom nom.

  19. Kitsune-Tsuki are malevolent Japanese spirits, akin to western werebeasts: women are possessed by the spirits of foxes, who compel them to perform acts of wickedness and mischief. Asian plum, orchid, daffodil, jasmine and white musk.

    Wow, is this really GC? Like, I can get this all the time?!? It's flippin amazing! The perfect combo of fruit and flowers with a little eastern twist. Lovely. I mostly get the plum and daffodil but there's a skin musky background that anchors the blend and adds a little sump'n sump'n. Bright and sweet and delicious. I like this a lot!

  20. This is delicious, if a bit too cologne-y for my tastes. There's something really sweet and luscious hiding in the background that makes me think this might be girly enough for me to wear (not that I usually go for girly scents, but I don't wanna smell like a bloke, either.) The dandelion in this is wonderful and unique, and the grass is fresh and bright green. Very lush and green blend, all grass and clovers! Verdict: Great for slathering on my guy.

  21. This is White Rose but more buttery. I actually prefer this blend to White Rose because of the buttery note, but I can't rationalize owning both of them, and I don't think I can bear to part with the White Rose that my boyfriend bought me as part of the Unity set for Valentine's and that layers so gorgeously with my Red Rose. I'll probably track down another decant to have on hand, but won't be needing a bottle since I already have a bottle of WR. Gorgeous, though, really innocent and demure but with a secret wink of flirtation.


    ETA - Nope, my enabling boyfriend thinks that I definitely need a bottle of this. Who am I to argue?
