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Everything posted by donkehpoo

  1. donkehpoo

    Vampire Princess

    Wet: There's something slightly reminiscent of Madame Moriarty here. (The plum oudh and patchouli are the culprits, maybe? There's no blood musk in Mme. Moriarty, but there IS red musk.. so maybe something with that as well? ) It's kind of like Madame Moriarty's more floral sister. Dry: More or less a lighter version of the wet stage. The plum oudh(aka the note I was most worried about; oudh doesn't usually work well for me) has behaved, and the patchouli is present without being overbearing. I never ended up picking up on the lavender note, and the floral notes from the wet stage have just about disappeared. There's still something here that really reminds me of Mme. Moriarty, but I prefer the Madame over the Princess. That being said, I do enjoy this, and I'm surprised this wasn't more popular!
  2. donkehpoo

    Absurd Suggestive Card Game

    Wet: Oooo! Getting a Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat vibe going on here, only with the addition of strawberry. I'm excited for this. Dry: Strong on the lemon candy still, but the strawberry isn't as strong as the wet stage. (Also, the orange? Can't seem to pick it out anywhere.) I wish the strawberry was stronger, but I still really like this! This is such a sweet scent. Lovers of Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat (aka me) would really enjoy this!
  3. donkehpoo

    Moon Rose

    Wet: Rose and moonflower! The rose smells, unsurprisingly, a bit baby-powderish. Dry: "Cold" moonflower with a hint of rose. Whatever the "midnight dew" note is, it smells more like something cold than something wet. Back in the day, this was my first imp accident; I spilled a full imp alllll over an old bookcase in my room. When the scent finally disappeared (which took quite a while), I went to go buy a full bottle.. and realized the scent had been discontinued. Super bummer. I'm so happy to have found another imp of this!
  4. donkehpoo

    Jazz Funeral

    Wet: Lime. STRONG lime. Some bay rum in the background, but really just a lot of lime. (... I'm aware it's not a note listed, but it really smells like lime.) Dry: Oh no, where did the lime go!? There's just a super faint bay rum scent now. It's pretty clean smelling; not getting any dirt or moss notes.
  5. donkehpoo

    De Vos’ Unicorn

    Wet: This smells like a rose-flavored marshmallow. (Is that a real thing?) A little bit sweet, but not overly so. The rose is fairly light as well. There's just a hint of lavender as well, but you have to really search for it. Dry: Okay, so rose and I typically don't hang on. We'll try to get together every now and then, but 90% of the time we just don't get along. (Aka the rose either amps up beyond belief and takes over the entire blend, OR it goes straight up soapy.) The rose is here is reminding me more of a white rose than a red one, and I think it seems to be nicely mellowed by all the other notes. I would describe this as an... ethereal rose-marshmallow blend. Very delicate.
  6. donkehpoo

    Thutmose’s Nefertiti

    Wet: ... Okay, I'm not crazy. Let's start with that. This smells like Dr. Pepper that's just about going flat. Like, there's a slight fizzyness to it.. but it smells like frickin' Dr. Pepper. (It's been quite a while since I've smelled, or even tasted Dr. Pepper.. but it immediately triggered my scent memory when I sniffed this.) Dry: Basically identical to the wet stage. Why are you Dr. Pepper on me!?
  7. donkehpoo


    Wet: Immediately I smell the wine; the leather and chypre were there as well, but the wine is by far the strongest. Dry: This is kind of a sweet, but mellow wine scent. The leather and chypre took off, and it's just a wine scent now, with fairly low throw. I think I'll hold on to my decant, but it's not "wow"-ing me enough for a big bottle.
  8. donkehpoo


    Wet: I agree with spookyumbrella; this has a definite Play-Doh vibe going on. Like... vanilla cake batter, mixed with Play-Doh. Dry: Same as the wet stage. Vanilla cake batter and Play-Doh.
  9. donkehpoo


    Wet: Smoke and ashes, with something sour. Agreeing with previous reviewers -- I think vetiver is in here. Dry: Less smoke, and more of that sour smell. So... sour-smelling smoke and ashes. It's interesting, but not for me.
  10. donkehpoo

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    (Side note: I not only tend to amp cedar.. but I also haaaate the scent.) Wet: Chocolate peppermint and cedar. More cedar than the chocolate peppermint scent. Dry: Cedar. Basically just all cedar. A little bit of a sweeter cedar.. but cedar.
  11. donkehpoo

    San Cristóbal de la Habana

    Wet: Salty ginger blossoms; like smelling ginger blossoms next to the ocean. Dry: Salty, soapy ginger blossoms. 😐
  12. donkehpoo

    Mommy’s Little MI6 Agent

    Wet: Pear and apple, with some kinda funky "dark" note. Kind of a sweet and sour combo going on here. Dry: Powdered pear and powdered apple. More sour than sweet, now. A little disappointed (pear is one of my favorite notes!). Skin fail!
  13. donkehpoo

    Hello, Salzburg!

    Wet: Blackberry and plum musk! On the sweeter side, almost candy-like. (... Musky berry candy?) Dry: Incredibly similar to the wet stage, but a little more musky. So.. very musky blackberry-plum candy. I actually don't mind the musk overload, but I think I'll be good with just a decant's worth.
  14. donkehpoo

    Lilith De Milo

    Wet: Sweet vanilla-coconut cream. (Sweeter than expected!) Dry: An even sweeter vanilla-coconut cream that the wet stage, with a little sandalwood as well. I wouldn't call this foodie, but it is a sweet, creamy scent. I can see a lot of people enjoying this!
  15. donkehpoo

    Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

    Wet: LOTS of lavender, and incense. I can totally smell the "stone" note as well. Wild! Dry: Light lavender incense with a little bit of that stone note still hanging on. Beeswax, where are you?! As is, the scent is OK... but it's really missing that beeswax note. I think my skin ate it, which is a shame. I was really looking forward to that note popping out.
  16. donkehpoo

    Crinoline and Lace

    (Fun fact: I signed up for a decant circle.. then this came back in stock and I immediately grabbed a bottle. Self control? What's that?) Wet: Sweet, musky vanilla and tobacco. Dry: This smells like a fluffy vanilla cloud. It's got a creamy vanilla note, but it's very.. light and "fluffy" smelling. I dunno. "Fluffy vanilla cloud" is probably my best description. The rose never showed up here. So, so good. If you like Zorya P and/or the original Antique Lace, I highly recommend trying to track down a bottle of this.
  17. donkehpoo

    Smoke and Lace

    Wet: WHOA this has some THROW to it. Sour red fruits and leather... and oudh. Is there oudh in here? Dry: Okay, there HAS to be oudh in here. It's amping like crazy on me, and unfortunately this is the stinky oudh on my skin; oudh and sour red fruits. Not working for me, sadly.
  18. donkehpoo

    The Hohenzollern Crypt

    Wet: Lots of citrus mingling with lavender and thyme. Fresh and clean smelling, without any type of cleaner or soapy notes. Dry: More lavender than the wet stage. This is mostly lavender (non-herbal), with a touch of citrus, and still maintains that fresh and clean quality from earlier. This is a good lavender scent to try for those who may be afraid of lavender, IMO. While it's the dominant scent, it's not a strong lavender scent.. if that makes sense.
  19. donkehpoo

    Où Sont les Jouets S’il Vous Plaît

    Wet: Strawberry fizzy candy! (No idea where the fizz is coming from. Nose drunk?) Dry: A very soft strawberries and cream scent. I love strawberry scents, and have many that I love. While I think this one is nice, it's not strong enough for my personal taste. (That being said, I could see a lot of people who enjoy strawberry scents really enjoying this!)
  20. donkehpoo

    Snow Bear

    Wet: Musky lavender and green tea, with plumeria hanging out in the back. Dry: Not getting much of the lavender or green tea anymore, and the plumeria scent has strengthened a bit. There's something a bit fruity now.. along with some baby powder, unfortunately. Like musky baby powder, with a fruit + plumeria scent.
  21. donkehpoo

    Crêpe Aux Fraises

    Wet: Strawberries and cream, with orange zest. YUM. Dry: I'm getting more orange zest than strawberries on the dry-down. The cream note is still there and hasn't gone funky, thankfully. I wish the sweetness from the wet stage was still present; the scent is definitely more of a mellow version of the wet stage.
  22. donkehpoo

    Red Currant and Juniper Berry Hair Gloss

    As red as blood, as sweet as death, and as green as rebirth. The red currant starts out pretty strong. We're talking about 80% red currant, and 20% juniper berry. When it dries in the hair, it's more of a 50/50 split for me. This is like red currants that were hanging out in the woods with some pine trees. There's almost some kind of lemon scent present as well... or perhaps that's just my nose being crazy. It smells more festive than I thought! I also like it much more than I originally anticipated as well; I love red currant, but I wasn't sure about the juniper berry. Lovely!
  23. donkehpoo

    The Bear Prince Hair Gloss

    Shaggy fur, snow-flecked and rose-touched. The snow in here definitely smells minty. Like a snow-covered rose, with just a hint of mint. The shaggy fur isn't really coming through, but there is a slight warmth to the blend when it dries it my hair. Lasts for a few hours before fading away.
  24. donkehpoo


    I'm seriously slacking here. I have a freaking tattoo of Jareth, why did this review take so long?! Wet: Definitely getting the same Dorian vibe that many others are. Dorian, with the addition of lilac. Dry: Dorian, lilac, and the faintest hint of leather. There's something a little odd smelling too, though.. almost like a combination of burnt plastic and wood? Unfortunately, it's kept me from going for a big bottle, even though I think the wet stage is awesome. (Can I just blame the oudh?.. Because I want to. )
  25. donkehpoo


    Wet: Lots of powdery orris root, and a little bit of coconut. It's mainly the orris root coming through, though. Dry: We have... powdered coconut. On my skin, orris root tends to dominate most other scents, so keep that in mind. There are some really good notes in here that would work beautifully with the right skin chemistry.