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Everything posted by donkehpoo

  1. donkehpoo

    Bones Trombone

    Wet: Oooo! This smells like lemon meringue pie with blueberries. The lemon is VERY tart. Love it. Dry: Some of the lemon tartness has faded, but it's still absolutely present. I'd say the lemon is stronger than the blueberry scent; definitely what I would call a lemon meringue pie scent, with just a hint of blueberries. Delicious. As a lover of blueberry scents, I wish the blueberry note was a TAD stronger on the dry down, but the lemon scent is so freaking good I can't be mad at it.
  2. donkehpoo

    Black Heart

    Wet: Musky, dark, and slightly sweet fruits. The grape makes it smell a little bit like wine, which is not a bad thing. There's a little bit of a powdery-ness to the scent as well. Dry: This remained almost exactly the same as the wet stage, but there's a small bit of a vanilla-sandalwood tango coming through now. It's really, really good, but I wish I could smell the sweet pea. For some reason this reminds me of Midnight Kiss... just minus the chocolate. Has a similar vibe to it.
  3. donkehpoo

    Snow White Hair Gloss

    (2018 version.) Smells just like the last perfume version I tried(2007, I think?). Snow, vanilla, coconut, pine, flowers, and the barest touch of almond. This works far better on me as a hair gloss than on my skin... BUT it doesn't seem to last very long. 30 minutes later, and it's totally gone.
  4. donkehpoo


    Wet: Soap and ozone. (So... soap and rain. Kinda smells like a shower.) Dry: Dryer sheets.
  5. donkehpoo

    2003: Cotton Phoenix

    I forgot to review this... whooops! Wet: Snake Oil and almond! Sweeter than normal S.O., thanks to the marshmallow I'm sure. Dry: Sweet, almond Snake Oil. While it does contain some foodie elements, it's not what I would describe as a foodie scent. As far as the Snow White note goes, I don't smell anything in the blend that reminds me of it. (Which, for me, is a good thing; when I tried out Snow White several years ago, it smelled like pine and plastic on me.) I love this scent so, so much; it's absolutely worth seeking out if you enjoy Snake Oil.
  6. donkehpoo

    Snow and White Musk Hair Gloss

    Upon first spray; mint! More of a "cold" mint; like mint and snow. I'm actually not getting any of the vanilla that previous reviewers are. This is really just a cold, minty ozone scent in my hair.
  7. donkehpoo

    Rose Red Hair Gloss

    (2018 version.) Roses! Sweet, freshly cut roses. A slightly ozone note, maybe? The scent of roses after it's been raining is what it reminds me of. The scent lingers in the hair, but isn't too strong. A really nice rose hair gloss!
  8. donkehpoo

    The Red Snowman

    Wet: Straight to the point - tobacco and steel. This is surprisingly light on the skin, I expected it to have a much greater throw. Dry: Super light tobacco, and what smells like.. red musk? Blood musk? Not really sure. It's so light on my skin, that it's hard to tell what it is.
  9. donkehpoo

    The Pale Snowman

    Wet: Vanilla incense and ozone. Like.. a mix of vanilla incense burning in the snow. Dry: All vanilla incense, all the time. The dry-down is simple, but I mean. Come on. VANILLA. INCENSE.
  10. donkehpoo

    The Black Snowman

    Wet: Deep, dark tobacco and oudh. It's pretty overwhelming. A little bit of a floral note coming through as well, which must be the black magnolia. Dry: The tobacco is much, much lighter than the wet stage, as well as the oudh. The black magnolia has more or less taken over as the dominant scent. I would almost describe this as smelling... poisonous? Oudh can go pretty terrible on my skin, but it seems to be playing well here. This is a dark floral blend with a touch of tobacco and oudh.
  11. donkehpoo

    The White Snowman

    Wet: Sweet, minty lemon, with some type of.. almost herbal, note, that I'm assuming to be the white moss. Dry: The white moss has disappeared, and I'm left with strong mint and lemon. Like a candy cane with both the normal mint, and some lemon as well. Fairly light on the skin.
  12. donkehpoo

    Candy Canes, Powdered Sugar, Snickerdoodles, and Vanilla Cream

    WHEW, that initial blast of mint went right up my nose! This starts out pretty mint heavy; I'd say strong mint, and sugar cookies. My hair definitely retains some of that mint once it dries in the hair, but it basically flip flops as far as the strength goes. More of a sugar cookie scent, with a touch of mint in the background.
  13. donkehpoo


    Wet: Cinnamon and some kind of baked good. Almost like cinnamon and honey? Definitely foodie. (It's not a red hots cinnamon, more like.. a cinnamon roll.) Dry: Still has that cinnamon-baked-goods scent. It stayed remarkably similar to the wet stage, which doesn't happen too often! The cinnamon isn't overpowering, at all. It's a nice scent, and I'll hold on to my imp, but I won't need a big bottle.
  14. donkehpoo

    Song of the Otherworld

    Wet: I'm a fan of opoponax, and this smells like a cold, slushy opoponax with some blue musk. (It's also a note that can totally amp on my skin, and/or turn to bubblegum, so keep that in mind.) Dry: Getting more of the tree notes now (I think the fir is sticking out the most), but the opoponax is still the strongest note on my skin. (The blue musk and that snow slush are still there, too.) I do wish the champaca would have made an appearance, though; it's usually a note that plays well on me. It's actually quite pretty, but I know this isn't something I'd wear more than once or twice a year. I'll hold on to my decant, but I won't need to upgrade.
  15. donkehpoo

    Tenth Lash

    Wet: My nose wrinkled up a bit upon smelling this. It kind of smells like cherry coke plus cedar? Strange. Dry: Still cherry coke and cedar, just lighter than the wet stage. I think the bitter almond may not be playing well with my skin chemistry. Very, very odd.
  16. donkehpoo

    Nes Gadol Haya Sham

    (2018 version.) I was intrigued by the gigantic note list! Wet: Surprisingly simple; almond and lemon verbena. Very zesty! Dry: Nooooo, where did the lemon go!? The almond hasn't left, but is much lighter than the wet stage. I'm getting some carnation and spices now as well, but I am REALLY missing that lemon verbena.
  17. donkehpoo

    Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    Wet: Sugary lemon candy! Reminds me of some lemon hard candies my grandma used to keep in her house all the time. Dry: Same as the wet stage, only with less throw. There's maybe more of an icing vibe present as well, but no matter how you want to interpret it... it's lots of sugar and lemons. Love love love love love love love this.
  18. donkehpoo

    Maison En Pain d’Épices

    (2018 version.) Wet: Gingerbread, chocolate, and just a hint of a sweet candy-mint smell. It really does remind me of a gingerbread house! Dry: While the chocolate and gingerbread were the strongest notes in the wet stage, the candy notes have taken over the dry stage. (The mint seemed to get lost, though; I don't smell it at all now.) I would say.. this is a candy and frosting scent, with just a hint of gingerbread and chocolate in the background.
  19. donkehpoo

    Hanerot Halalu

    (2018 version.) Wet: Warm, smokey beeswax. It smells a little bit plastic-y as well... Dry: Bye, plastic! Every note I can smell now. I would say, in order of strongest to least: beeswax, smoke, olive oil. If you're a fan of beeswax, this is a must try. Don't let the olive oil note throw you off! This is a really lovely, comforting type of scent.
  20. donkehpoo

    Christmas Pudding Redux

    Wet: ... Potpourri. This smells just like a potpourri my grandma used to have. I wouldn't say it's foodie at all. Huh. Dry: Honestly, still potpourri. I can't really get over that smell memory. I still wouldn't describe this as a foodie scent, though it may have foodie spices. Foodie potpourri, maybe? Still, not for me.
  21. donkehpoo


    Wet: Lots and LOTS of lavender(more on the herbal side), with mint and ozone. Dry: Lavender(on the non-herbal side now), with a small hint of vanilla, mint, ozone. The throw is much, much weaker than the wet stage, BUT I do prefer the actual scent over the wet stage. I could see this as being more of a sleep scent. It's kind of like wrapping yourself in a lavender blanket after coming out of the snow. Really, really pretty. This one might be a big bottle upgrade.
  22. donkehpoo

    Almond Blossom

    Wet: I'm getting a sweet almond-floral scent(... which is probably the almond blossom), and some slightly minty snow slush. Dry: The mint has actually intensified a little bit, which is surprising, since my skin likes to eat minty notes. This is more of a minty-snow dominant scent now, with the almond blossom lingering in the background. While I think I'll hang on to my decant, this isn't bottle worthy for me.
  23. donkehpoo

    Frostbitten Cheshire Cat

    Wet: Blast of grapefruit from Cheshire Cat! Once the initial grapefruit shock wears off, this smells like Cheshire Cat + snow slush. Dry: The grapefruit note has faded quite a bit. This is a very soft Cheshire Cat scent now, with what I would describe as a "fresh snow" type of note. The frostbitten part definitely isn't dominant, this is still... 80% Cheshire Cat? Somewhere around there. Cheshire Cat is one of my all time favorite scents, and while I do enjoy this interpretation, I haven't decided if it's bottle-worthy yet. That being said, if you enjoyed the original, you'll probably enjoy this as well!
  24. donkehpoo

    Gingerbread and Lavender Sugar

    Wet: Creamy, sugary lavender, and cookies. It's not reading as gingerbread at all to me; more like a sugar cookie or something. I'm also getting a small whiff of lemon. Dry: I'm seriously confused as to how much I like this. It's like a sugar cookie with a light, but fragrant, lemon-lavender sugar glaze. (This is not OVERLY sweet, mind you; don't be afraid of the sugar!) Not going to lie, I grabbed a decant of this because I though it sounded interesting, and not because I thought it was something I'd really like. Oh, how wrong I was! This is one of my favorite 2018 Yule blends.
  25. donkehpoo

    Gingerbread, Cacao, and Champaca

    Wet: Gingerbread and champaca! Cacao, where you at? This is actually much nicer than I originally assumed; it's like you have fresh baked gingerbread, but you're also surrounded by very fragrant champaca. It's an interesting combination. So far, so good. Dry: The champaca has gone a bit soapy.. so this is like a soapy-floral gingerbread now. Also, the cacao never made an appearance... though I wasn't really missing it. The wet stage was a total win, the drydown.. not so much.