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Everything posted by donkehpoo

  1. donkehpoo

    Lilith and the Four Sons of Horus

    Wet: HONEY. Loads and loads of thick honey, with a little cassia. Dry: Honey-coated red hots. No thank you!
  2. donkehpoo

    Strawberry Sufganiyot

    Wet: Straight up strawberry jelly-filled donut. You can smell the jammy strawberry, and the pastry/donut note. Yum! Dry: Almost identical to the wet stage, only sweeter! A sweet strawberry-jelly filled donut. Spot on, and delicious smelling. Out of all 3 (current) sufganiyots, this is my favorite.
  3. donkehpoo

    The Pool of Tears

    Wet: Ozone and lavender, with ozone being the stronger of the two. Dry: Salt! Salty ozone, with still some lavender in the background. Unfortunately, it's reading a bit soapy now, though. I liked the wet stage, but aquatic + floral typically doesn't work on my skin in the long run.
  4. donkehpoo

    The Crown

    Wet: Hit HARD by the chamomile! It's not messing around. Dry: Calmed down a bit from the wet stage. Chamomile is still very much the star here, and it's a little sweeter than the wet stage. There's almost a powdery-like scent as well, from the orris root I imagine. I'd like this more as an atmos spray, rather than a perfume. It's nice, and I like the smell, but I don't want to smell like it.
  5. donkehpoo

    Apple Marshmallow Hair Gloss

    When first sprayed, I smell apple more than anything. Like, when you cut a slice of apple and snap it in half, THAT scent. Once it dries, the marshmallows pop out. I'd say wet stage the apples are the star, but during the dry stage the marshmallow is. I never would have thought of apples + marshmallows on my own, but it works really well.
  6. donkehpoo

    The Crescent Moon

    Wet: Very light on the skin; it's smelling about 50/50 sage and juniper. Dry: Very, very similar to the wet stage. The juniper might be a touch stronger now, but that's it. Sage/juniper combo. It makes me think of a super-luxurious soap or something. (.. minus the soap part.) It's not bad, I'm just really not sure if I want to smell like this.
  7. donkehpoo

    The Night Priestess

    Wet: Helloooo, jasmine! Lots and lots of powdery-smelling jasmine. Like a strong jasmine-scented baby powder. Dry: Still a bucket load of jasmine, but it's less powdery now. There's also a hint of clove popping out as well. Basically... all the notes I was looking forward to never made an appearance. If you like jasmine, I'd recommend this. Just not for me!
  8. donkehpoo


    Glowing amber and citrus, labdanum, verbena, cedar, and oud. Wet: Cedar. As soon as I opened the imp, before I even checked the notes, I knew cedar was in here. (Spoiler: I don't like cedar, so keep that in mind.) Astringent lemon, with very prominent cedar. Dry: The scent in general has softened up, but there's still a great deal of cedar going on. The astringent smell from earlier is gone(small victory!), and it has a distinct warmth from the amber now with a hint of lemon. Not a scent for me, but if you enjoy cedar, this is worth checking out.
  9. donkehpoo

    Giant Vulva

    Wet: The musk is what hits me first, and is the most dominant. I'd say... sweet skin musk, with a touch of honey. Dry: Beeswax has arrived! Otherwise, pretty similar to the wet stage. It's a tad muskier, but still perfectly nice. Low throw. I could see this being a good first-date kinda scent.
  10. donkehpoo

    Single Note: Clown White

    Wet: MARZIPAN. My body is ready. Dry: Ugghhh this is so good. Freshly made marzipan dough. Absolutely edible smelling. I do get a hint of that "powder" smell that others have mentioned in previous reviews, but it's not reading as cosmetic to me. It's more like.. powdered sugar, on my skin at least. Average throw. Winner!
  11. donkehpoo


    Wet: Pear dominates the blend, but there's some tea and a little musky-ness to it as well. Musky pear tea? Dry: A sweet, musky, pear tea. Average throw. I.. love this scent. If you're a pear lover like I am, this is absolutely worth trying to track down.
  12. donkehpoo

    Peach X

    Wet: Powdery, but sweet, peach. If there were peach flavored sweet tarts, this is what they'd smell like. Dry: Peach sweet tarts with a squirt of lime on top. I think this is great for summer, that burst of lime is very enjoyable! Low throw.
  13. donkehpoo

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Wet: Powdered sugar, and a mix of... raspberry syrup, maybe? Not really reading anything as "cherry" yet. Dry: Sweet, tart, creamy cherry. The cream note is more dominant than the cherry, and luckily this didn't turn plastic-y at all. Low throw.
  14. donkehpoo


    Wet: Almond! Strong almond. Dry: Still lots of almond, but the spices(saffron and cardamom) and amber have come out. I'm not getting any kind of lotus scent. This was a surprise love, and I can't believe it took me so long to try this. This is almost like(do I dare say...) a Snake Oil Lite. (It obviously doesn't smell like Snake Oil, but it's giving me a similar vibe. Like Snake Oil's lighter, younger cousin, with a kick of almond.)
  15. donkehpoo

    Schrodinger's Cat

    I have been wanting to try this for YEARS, and JUST got an imp of it! Wet: A blast of grapefruit! Like grapefruit + sugar. Dry: This has stayed very much a citrus scent, which I'm happy about! (I wasn't looking forward to the chocolate peppermint, lol.) This is mainly sugary grapefruit with some lime. Tiiiiny bit of lavender in the background. Throw is pretty low now.
  16. donkehpoo


    Wet: Men's cologne, and lavender. Dry: This has some STRONG throw. I can smell it without even trying to. Very much strongly cologne still, but with a "fresh" and citrus-like edge. Not getting much lavender anymore. I'm not too fond of the smell of cologne, so I won't be holding on to this.
  17. donkehpoo

    Psalm 82:2-4

    Wet: This stage screams "crystalline vanilla" to me. Even though it's not a note listed, there's something that smells like white tobacco in here. Definitely reminds me a little of Zorya P. (Maybe not exactly a sister scent, but like cousins at this point.) Dry: The red benzoin has come out swingin', and it definitely smells different than Zorya P. now. Prominent red benzoin, with some of the crystalline vanilla scent in the background. While I like this scent, I don't love it, but I think with aging this will smell fantastic.
  18. donkehpoo

    Jiggery Pokery

    Wet: For some reason, I've always had a hard time picking out the pink pepper note in scents. Here, however, I KNOW I'm getting a blast of pink pepper! It's almost a little smokey smelling. Definitely some cotton candy in the background as well, but the pink pepper is dominating. Dry: I've seen a lot of people comparing this to a creamsicle, but I'm not getting that all! This is still prominently pink pepper on me with a hint of sweetness now. (Side note: for a creamsicle scent, I love Fortuna Liberum.) I'll hold on to this for a while to see if it ages, but I'm not really in love right now.
  19. donkehpoo

    Baghdad - Resurrected

    (Side note: can't remember what the original smelled like, so I can't compare to that.) Wet: Whoa! Hit right off the bat with lots of citrus from the mandarin and bergamot. On second sniff I'm getting a small bit of a musky rose. It's a lot nicer than I anticipated! Dry: The citrus has stuck around and is still going strong, and some amber has popped out. The rose is much more prominent on the dry-down, but it's a liiiiittle soapy now. Rose doesn't usually play well on my skin, so I'm not too surprised about the soapy bit. If rose works for you though, I think this is something a lot of people would enjoy!
  20. donkehpoo

    Venom - Resurrected

    (Side note: never tried the original, so I can't compare to that.) Wet: Dark berries, with jasmine and something "green". Even though it's not a note listed, this comes off a little ozone-y to me. I'm trying to figure out the berry scent, but I can't put my finger on it. It doesn't smell like raspberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, redcurrant, cranberry, OR blueberry. It's almost like a blackberry, but minus the tartness? Dry: Powdery, sweet jasmine, with a smidgen of lime and the berry scent from earlier. Low throw on me. I was worried about the jasmine, and while it did turn powdery on me, dare I say I actually kind of like it? I'll definitely hold on to my imp, but not sure if I need a big bottle.
  21. donkehpoo

    Blackcurrant Sufganiyot

    Golden-brown and sugar-dusted, plump with sweet blackcurrant jelly. Wet: Blackcurrant jelly! Very tart. Dry: Getting a dough note now, but this is still mostly blackcurrant jelly! Definitely a deeper scent than Raspberry Suf(I haven't tried the strawberry version to compare them). edit: after trying the Strawberry Suf scent as well, I still agree. Blackcurrant Suf is a deep, dark berry scented suf. It's not the same type of sweetness of Raspberry or Strawberry Suf.
  22. donkehpoo

    Black Lace

    ETA: this is the old teal label version. Wet: Cognac, incense, and tobacco. There's a small bit of sweetness here as well. Dry: Much sweeter than the wet stage. This is a sweet musky-tobacco-incense, with maybe the smallest trace of vanilla. There's something slightly "clean" about this scent as well. Lots of different layers to this scent, and I really enjoy them all.
  23. donkehpoo

    Bite Me

    Wet: Lots and lots of almond, with something almost boozy-smelling in the background. Dry: Mostly almond still, with a warm pastry note and a little caramel. Yum!
  24. donkehpoo

    Slime Queen

    Wet: Dorian, but extra sweet. Dry: Hm, I'm not really getting cotton candy from this, but I AM getting a lot of sweetness. Like an extra sweet Dorian. The cotton candy note in Midway I can definitely smell, but I don't think this is the same. This might need to rest a little longer for the cotton candy to come out, as stated by previous reviewers; I'll try it again in a week or so and update this if it's different!
  25. donkehpoo

    Berry Moon 2009

    Wet: Warm, musky berries, with a touch of green maybe? Dry: Still warm, musky berries! Almost like berries that have been sitting out in the sun for a while. It's nice!