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Posts posted by donkehpoo

  1. This has a lot of chocolate sediment that likes to sit at the bottom, so make sure you give your decant or bottle a good roll to mix things up before applying!


    Wet: In order from strongest to least - chocolate, pepper, and leather. You can smell EVERY note. (I'm really not sure of the difference between leather and red leather; to my nose, they basically smell the same.)


    Dry: The chocolate and pepper are pretty much neck and neck as far as strength goes, with the leather kind of lingering in the background. Kind of a spicy(okay, peppery) chocolate scent with a hint of leather.


    This was a lot nicer than I was expecting! Good for someone like me who likes chocolate scents, but not the biggest fan of leather. 

  2. Wet: The orris is coming out strong here, with just a touch of leather; so it's kind of like a clean, powdery leather scent.


    Dry: Mainly orris, with a little bit of tonka bean. Leather usually doesn't disappear on my skin, so I'm a little surprised that it's nowhere to be found now. (I also wish the lemon peel would have come out.)


    Nice, and non-offensive, but nothing I'm crazy about.

  3. I have no idea how I haven't reviewed this yet; this was my first hair gloss purchase, EVER.


    This is love upon first spray; sweet, fruity candy(I'm not sure if it necessarily smells like "jellybean" to me) mixed with a gorgeous amber. I think the jellybean note may have scared people away, but it mixes with the amber in a freaking glorious way. It lingers in the hair for several hours before fading. (About 5-6 hours, which is pretty normal for my hair at least.)


    Bottled happiness. Seriously.


    My bottle has just a few sprays left, but I think this is my favorite HG I've ever tried. LOVE.

  4. Wet: Juicy melon, and a borderline-soapy aquatic note(assuming the sea moss). There's a very light floral note as well, but it's more of a background note.


    I'm not gonna lie.. this kind of smells like my honeydew-scented Secret deodorant. Minus the floral note. 


    Dry: More or less the same as the wet stage, except the borderline-soapy aquatic note.. is now just a soapy aquatic note. (... Plus I can't get the deodorant connection out of my head now.)



    Worth trying if you're looking for a juicy, fresh melon scent! I figure this will just depend on how your skin deals with the sea moss note.

  5. Wet: Sharp, herbal lavender, and something... soapy.


    Dry: Same as the wet stage; possibly a tad bit stronger!


    Not for me. (I hear this mellows out quite nicely if you let it age, though.)

  6. Wet: Fizzy, sweet champagne! There's a fruity aspect that I can't really nail down here. Strawberry or raspberry? 


    Dry: AHHH I have no idea what the berry note here is! It smells more like a generic berry scent upon dry down. The fizzy quality from the wet stage is pretty much gone, and this smells a bit candy-like now. It's making me think of.. berry pop rocks with flat champagne? I don't actually mean that in a bad way!


    I dig it! 

  7. Wet: Unshockingly.. this is cake and fizzy champagne! Pretty much a 50/50 split as far as strength is concerned. I feel like I should be at a birthday party or something when I smell this.


    Dry: While the wet stage was more like.. eating a slice of cake while drinking a glass of champagne, the dry down smells more like champagne-flavored cake. (Some of the fizz from the wet stage is gone, so I think that's why my nose is interpreting it that way.)


    Totally appropriate for a party. Fun scent!

  8. Wet: Jasmine and patchouli. There's a very earthy undertone to the entire blend(assuming coming mainly from the patchouli), and there's a very floral-baby powder scent going on with the jasmine. A little bit of sweetness coming through.


    Dry: Surprisingly, there's less baby powder coming through now! I have no idea where the patchouli is now, but I can't smell any at all. This is a sweet jasmine scent now, with the plum adding in something a bit.. candy like.


    I'm super surprised by this! For someone who doesn't like jasmine scents 99% of the time, this is one I could actually see myself wearing again. (That being said, I think an imp's worth will be enough!)

  9. Wet: Ooohhhhhh yes. Sweet almond-cherry with myrrh. I love almond blends, so I have high hopes for this gal.


    Dry: Darn. The myyrh and the dark musk seem to have taken over the blend completely; there is NO almond coming through now. 


    Dry-down was a bummer, but since the wet stage was a winner, I might try this in my hair!

  10. Homemade blood clot-and-cherry ice cream plopping onto moonlit sand.


    Wet: Sweet cherries and ice cream! (Reminiscent of maraschino cherries.)


    Dry: The cherries are still going strong (and still smell like maraschino to me), but the ice cream smells more.. melted? If you left ice cream with some cherries plopped on top out in the sun, I think it might smell like this.


    I dig it! I'm not sure I'm getting any of the "moonlit sand" component, but as a foodie scent lover, this is great!

  11. Wet: Vanilla, tea, roses, peony, and chocolate. Creamy florals! The tea note is stronger than I thought it would be, and the chocolate is kind of tempering the floral notes for me. 


    Dry: It feels like all the notes are fighting for their place in the spotlight. I can smell vanilla, roses, peony, chocolate, tobacco, and a smidgen of lavender. The tea note was overpowered by the other notes, I think. 


    I do like this and will enjoy my bottle, but the creaminess from the wet stage is really missing from the dry down. I think aging will help bring everything together, though!

  12. Kitty Fisher was born into a life with very few prospects for advancement. She was the daughter of a modest Lutheran silver chaser, and in her youth, she worked as a milliner's assistant. Longing for something more, she capitalized on her natural beauty, her wits, and her boldness, and launched a career as one of Britain's preeminent courtesans. Her beauty was legendary, and she was the muse of many famed artists of her time, including Joshua Reynolds, Philip Mercier, and James Northcote. Her barbed wit, free lifestyle, and love of excess constantly landed her on the front page of Britain's gossip rags. She fell in love with the grandson of Admiral Sir John Norris, and gave up her career to marry him. She settled in as lady of the house, and turned her talents to building her husband's fortune and generously providing assistance to the poor.


    French vanilla, tot house orchids, strawberries, white sandalwood, bergamot, and honey.


    Compared to the perfume version, the honey is much stronger here! (Actually, I would say honey is the star of the show.) This is honey, french vanilla, orchid, and strawberry. In both the perfume and HG, I don't really get any of the bergamot.


    I described the wet version as an "a classier, more elegant version of a foodie scent", and I think that goes for this version as well. It's decently sweet, but I wouldn't say to candy-levels of sweetness. 


    It's really, really gorgeous. :heart: 

  13. Upon first spray, I'm hit by a blast of juicy peach!


    When it dries it the hair though, I'm really just left with a sweet, warm amber type of scent. The fruit doesn't stick around, at all. I was REALLY looking forward to a warm-golden-peachy hair gloss, and this fell a bit short. (... in my hair.)


    I think this is nice, but for me it's not unique enough to grab a big bottle of.



  14. Wet: Apple! A little juicy, a little tart. Nothing poison-smelling yet.


    Dry: I'm getting that same apple scent from the wet stage, but with a dark element now. I'm pretty sure it's the hemlock note; I haven't tried too many blends with this note (only 4), but I think this is similar to the poisonous note I was smelling in Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death.


    I like it! I don't think this is big bottle worthy for me, but I'll keep the imp around. 

  15. My eyes rolled into the back of my head when I smelled this. 


    This is a very bright, tart, lemon candy scent. I'm not getting any ambrette seed. It reminds me a LOT of Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat. If that sounds at all appealing to you, I'd highly recommend trying this out.



  16. Wet: I have to agree with marared; "fizzy honey cream soda" is basically the perfect description of what I'm smelling. This isn't very strong on me, though; I had to slather this a bit to get a good whiff.


    Dry: Somehow the same as the wet stage, only with a tad more throw.


    Don't love it, don't hate it, will definitely hold on to the decant. ;) 

  17. Wet: Musky, warm... pencil shavings.


    Dry: Okay, so the good news is the pencil shavings scent disappeared! Hooray! ... The bad news is, the only thing I can smell now is musk. Like, a single note musk scent. 😐 

  18. I can smell everything here; the honey, rum, and spiced fig are all present! The spiced fig note is strongest IMO, followed by the honey and rum.


    Whatever the spices are in here.. they're making me think of Christmas or Thanksgiving. When I first took I whiff, I thought "holidays!"


    I think I'll hold on to my little spray decant, but this won't be a big bottle purchase.

  19. Sweet, honeyed strawberries! More of a strawberry candy scent rather than fresh strawberries, IMO.


    I can't detect any vetiver here, but I'm not necessarily sad about that... ;) 


    This reminds me of Strawberry Moon 2009. (Smelled like fruit leather on me!)

  20. Wet: First thing out the gate is grapefruit, followed by seafoam and a small kick of pink pepper! I'm really digging the grapefruit and seafoam combo; it's a fresh grapefruit-aquatic scent.


    Dry: In short; this went from being citrus-dominant, to aquatic-dominant. Getting something a bit sour smelling now. Most of the grapefruit is gone, as well as the pink pepper. I'm still getting some seafoam, along with ambergris, but compared to the wet stage... not a winner. I'm super disappointed this didn't work well on my skin. The wet stage was big bottle worthy! :cry2:

  21. Wet: Bright, sugary lemon with tea and cream! Has a dessert feel to it, but it's not as sugary-sweet as Lemon Scented Sticky Bat (where it smells more like lemon icing).


    Dry: While the lemon and tea smelled like different entities during the wet stage, I'd say now the scent is very much.. lemon tea. (A faint lemon tea, at that.) Not nearly as sweet as the wet stage, either; just the natural sweetness coming from the lemon.


    I like it and will hang on to my decant!

  22. A fresh, sweet blend of cherry blossoms and peonies! I think the vanilla husk must be adding to the sweetness, but I don't smell a "vanilla" note here. 


    Perfect for Spring. Really pretty, but doesn't seem to last in my hair longer than a few hours.
