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Posts posted by hkhm

  1. bottle: a strong tart scent, i know i'm smelling the rhubarb but there is an undertone of something mushroom-y.


    wet: this scent is very unusual, the mushroom gives this bright, tart scent an earthy feel. that fades after a few minutes and i'm getting a warm champaca scent in it's place.


    dry: tart champaca. though this doesn't really smell like rhubarb, it has a rhubarb tartness. very playful.

  2. bottle: fig and pear with a nice bright wood note.


    wet: this is faintly metallic when wet, but very softly so. the fruit has vanished, in it's place is moss and musk and patchouli.


    dry: this dries to a very golden fruit and metallic scent. the metal is soft and shiny, not brash.

  3. imp: fresh, sweet sage.


    wet: very green. bright sage and sweet pea. this puts me in mind of frsh cut grass and rolling meadows on sunny mornings.


    dry: this is light sweet pea and warm tonka once dry, very different from the wet stage but i think i like it even more.

  4. imp: herby, with a light pine-ish scent in the background.


    wet: light eucalyptus, light pine, maybe a hint of sweet lime and something herbal i can't quite pin down.


    dry: huh... this has dried far more woody that i would have expected. more like pine wood than pine needles.

  5. imp: soft vanilla musk.


    wet: i'm finding that i love orris more and more everytime i smell it and this is no exception. the orris and amber and musk and vanilla are incredible here.


    dry: i'm getting the lightest touch of sea moss here but it's mostly amber and musk with a nice vanilla creaminess that sets of thie wonderful orris. i may need a bottle of this.

  6. imp: cassia and pomegranate. this is a wonderfully spicy fruit scent.


    wet: the cassia is certainly warm (but not burning my skin). there is almost a menthol/mint coolness here.


    dry: still spicy cassia but a nice dash of myrrh has appeared.

  7. bottle: intense fruity, sugar sweetness. this does not remind me of midway at all. midway is all fried sweets, this is hard candy sweets.


    wet: super sweet fruity goodness. not really cherry or strawberry fruit but more like the way candies like jolly rancher are cherry or strawberry. pink and sugary.


    dry: the fruit scent fades bit by bit as this dries but the sugar stays put. yum.

  8. bottle: odd. this has that bizarre scent that pineapple seems to give. it smells strangely fruity but that usually vanishes as soon as i apply it.


    wet: this is tropical fruit salad on my skin. drizzled with something sweet and garnished with flowers. the coconut is particularly lovely in this blend.


    dry: this dries beautifully, probably my favorite velvet thus far. it's muted fruit and florals with an incredible creaminess underneath.

  9. bottle: coffee and wood.


    wet: strong coffee and bright, polished wood. i'm not getting anything smoky but there might be a hint of tonka sweetening this scent.


    dry: yep, more tonka as this dries. the coffee and wood are harder to separate. i think aging will suit this blend well.

  10. bottle: like a slightly more tame version of swank.


    wet: this is much nicer than swank. where swank is strong and nearly overpowering, the strawberry scent (which normally goes horribly wrong on me) makes this more like a drink with a scoop of ice cream floating in it. it's very playful.


    dry: this dries to a nice, creamy booze scent. soft and yummy.

  11. bottle: light sweet musk. reminds me of the musk used in some of the shunga scents.


    wet: this has a sort of floral scent to it, almost like a soft sakura scent.


    dry: the floral scent fades a bit as this dries but the musk stays the same, soft and close to the skin, but enduring.

  12. bottle: booze. sweet boozy booze.


    wet: the booze really smells like whiskey, i mean really smells like whiskey! there is a slight licorice scent as well but this is really sweet and boozy overall.


    dry: this dries to pure whiskey on my skin.

  13. bottle: this is deep and fruity with strong, creamy vanilla.


    wet: there is nary a hint of vetiver here, just wood sweetened with fruit. the vanilla is pretty soft, a backdrop really.


    dry: this is a little sweeter once dry, the vanilla has appeared again. still no vetiver (whew!). i like this scent a great deal.

  14. vellg-tiger.gif


    Spiced Satsuma orange, tangerine, rich amber, black licorice, teak, cinnamon, and vetiver.


    bottle: spicy orange and light smoke.


    wet: rich, ambery orange. the spices are very tame, making this seem like a nice spiced chai with orange. the vetiver is pretty light on my skin.


    dry: the orange fades a bit but the spicy amber scent endures for a while. very nice.

  15. imp: a very soft bay rum scent, perhaps a touch more fruity than spicy.


    wet: meh. like cheap grocery store perfume. i'm not sure what's throwing this off but it just smells icky on my skin.


    dry: still kinda off. oh well, can't love 'em all i suppose.

  16. bottle: rosemary and bergamot, very light though.


    wet: the bergamot is a bit stronger than the rosemary but they are both light. this scent sticks close to my skin.


    dry: this has faded to a green herbal scent. i can't pick out either the rosemary or the bergamot anymore.

  17. bottle: orris, neroli and oakmoss. this is unusual but very alluring.


    wet: the orris root is pretty much the only scent here. the moss is only a feeling in the background. nonetheless, i love it.


    dry: the orris has faded a touch but is still pretty much the only note here. which is fine. :heart:
