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Posts posted by hkhm

  1. bottle: light sweet musk, sandalwood and that same cottony scent that was in black lace.


    wet: the frangipani and sandalwood warm up instatly and give this a rich, yet soft feel to the florals.


    dry: this has dried to sandalwood and cotton with a bare hint of musk. this is quite a relief since i usually amp musk, it's nice to have a softer musk scent once in a while.

  2. imp: i think i can pick out almost every note listed but i think the most prominent note is ginger.


    wet: vetiver makes an appearance right away but as soon as it does the ginger is warms up right next to it giving it a nice lemony-sweet smoky scent. this is by far the lovliest vetiver scent i have tried. there is a nice hint of musk that warms up as well. another complex and beautiful salon blend.


    dry: wow, gingery leather musk. no vetiver left at all. another scent i may have to beg my husband to try.

  3. imp: strong musk and patchouli.


    wet: wow, deep clove with rich musk and the darkest patchouli possible. the musk is not sharp, it is deep and subtle. i must get my husband to try this scent.


    dry: the clove is what carries this blend to the end, dark and spicy.

  4. imp: cypress with some sandalwood and lilac.


    wet: oh man, i feel like i just buried my face in a boquet of lilacs. this smells like the real thing, so if you really want to smell like lilacs in late spring then this is the scent to do it. incredible.


    dry: the lilac has tamed a bit but that's still almost the only thing i can smell. this is just like sniffing springtime.

  5. Grey amber, carnation, lemon balm, hydrangea, Chinese peony, white sandalwood, cypress, juniper, cedar, hibiscus, and African daisy.


    imp: carnations and lots of woods, this is lovely!


    wet: the woods are incredible in this blend, smelling very like sweetened, myrrh resin while the amber and florals are giving this a nice sweet creaminess. this is a very beautiful scent.

    dry: this dries to a soft amber with hints of woods and florals. very soft and pretty.

  6. imp: this is all ozone to me, but then, almost all blends with ozone in them smell like ozone single notes.


    wet: ozone and... leather? what an unusual combination. still, it's mostly all ozone.


    dry: much better once dry. still quite ozoney, but the leather scent is present as well. this would be far better on a man i think.

  7. Khus, blonde tobacco, life everlasting, orris root, black currant, cabreuva, Spanish moss, leather, and ambrette.


    imp: soft tobacco and leather.


    wet: the tobacco is the most prominent note here, thought this really smells like some generic men's cologne on me. there's something acrid here as well that does not suit me at all.

    dry: this goes kinda sweet and florally on me, not men's cologne at all once dry. interesting but not really for me.

  8. Indonesian black patchouli, petitgrain, brandewijn, incense, saffron, lemon peel, myrrh, skin musk, bourbon geranium, and tangerine.

    imp: myrrh and tangerine and patchouli and... other notes i can't quite pin down.

    wet: very lemony as soon as it's applied but it softens almost instantly. the patchouli is absent too, i'm getting a sweet myrrh incense feel.

    dry: the myrrh has faded and there is a sharp citrus incensy scent that lingers. just a little too sharp for my tastes though.

  9. Fire-scorched earth, black mandarin, cinnamon bark, bitter almond, sage, vetiver, and balsam of peru.

    imp: vetiver and sweet, spicy woods.

    wet: the vetiver is sweeter than usual on me, this is a smoky, earthy, woody sort of blend.

    dry: this has an almost coconutty scent to it. so a sweet vetiver with coconut scent. this is another scent that reminds me of childhood halloweens, this is the exact scent i think of when i think of those times in my life.

  10. imp: sugar, honey, wine, fruit... this is intoxicating just sniffing it!


    wet: mmm... grapey! honey-covered, sugar-dusted, ripe-to-bursting grapes. i think there's also some honeyed, sugary plums here as well, but this is mostly just grapes on me.


    dry: after a bit this turns to syrupy, fruit booze. still very nice but the fruit scents are less distinct.

  11. imp:ylang-ylang. i'm not a fan of ylang-ylang but we'll see how this one is on my skin.


    wet: ylang-ylang and neroli. this smells just awful on me. i think 'disaster' might be the right word.


    dry: thankfully, the ylang-ylang fades a bit and the neroli takes center stage but i don't think i could ever wear this scent again.

  12. imp: frankincense and sandalwood. no sign of vetiver at all, usually i can smell that note right off.


    wet: frankincense, sweet and strong. i think i might be catching the barest hint of lemon but that's it.


    dry: this dries to a sweeter frankincense than i'm used to, there's just a hint of citrus. this is truly sublime.

  13. bottle: this was all sweet, creamy, honeyed fruit. it actually smells much better than i was expecting.


    wet: sweet, sweet fig. dates & grapes. pomegranates. god, i am in fruit heaven here. this smells so much better on me than i was expecting... i'm swooning from the sweet yumminess of this oil!


    dry: this is still just like a big bowl of fresh, chopped fruit. the creaminess has faded but the honeyed sweetness still lingers. i need a few more bottles of this!

  14. Egyptian amber, mandarin, tangerine, black pepper, tobacco, and vetiver.

    imp: pepper mixed with amber and orange.

    wet: tangy peppery orange, the amber warms up beautifully... i'm adding two bottles of this to my next order with the lab.

    dry: a sweet, lightly peppered orange with a bare hint of amber. i never even got a hint of the vetiver or tobacco (whew!).


  15. Peach blossom and peach tree leaf, Mysore sandalwood, French lavender, bois du rose, myrtle, and blue yarrow.

    imp: rich peach swirled with myrtle.

    wet: the myrtle is much stronger, mixing well with peach and sandalwood. this is a very rich, very creamy scent.

    dry: this has a green scent with the myrtle, a sort of peach-pit scent for the peach. this is a fabulous blend: heady, sweet, rich, complex.

    edti: okay, almost two hours later and this has dried into the creamiest, richest, peachiest peach i have ever smelled. even more so than aglaea which i thought was the ultimate peach experience on me. i will never be able to wear this scent around my husband but i would advise all the peach-lovers out there to give this a try.

  16. imp: pomegranate with something soft and florally in the background.


    wet: odd. i can still smell the pomegranate but the other notes makes this smell odd. it's like smelling pomegranate granola with way too much sugar poured over it.


    dry: this turns to almost a sour pomegranate on me. it's pretty rare that a pomegranate scent doesn't work out on me.

  17. imp: gingery, peppery florals. quite peppery, which i love.


    wet: sweet ginger with a nice peppery bite.


    dry: it's too bad the pepper vanishes so quickly on me. i'm left with gingery florals which, while nice, is not quite as nice when it's got the pepper over the top. i was that close to ordering a couple of bottles.

  18. imp: a rich, warm amber.


    wet: the amber gets warmer and there is a deep, sweet floral along with it.


    dry: softer amber. this is actually very pretty, i'll wear it when i want a very rich amber scent.

  19. Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm.

    imp: i can't pick out a single specific note here. this smells like a very sweet, very poisonous dessert.

    wet: there is a sharp, pungent something that comes out as soon as it's applied. i'm getting a warm, honeyed saffron scent that is unusual and pleasing. this is spicy without being warm, herby without being wet. this is the most complex bpal oil i've tried.

    dry: soft and dusty spicy herbal scent, like peeping into a spice cupboard full out out-of-date hebs and spices. this is really a work of art all on it's own.

  20. imp: very faint rose with a light mixture of other florals.


    wet: rose. rose going soapy in a flash. there is a teensy hint of other florals i can almost detect as an afterthought but the rose is drowning everything out pretty completely.


    dry: rose. though this is a softer, gentler rose, not quite as soapy as usual, it is still soapy on me.

  21. imp: the only way i can describe this scent is that it's the scent of lightly crushed stems from fresh spring plants. it has a fresh, green springy scent.


    wet: there's something sharp, something sweet, something fresh but everything is quite green. something gives it a faint aquatic feel but more like the water in a creek or brook rather than anything salty. this really puts me in mind of overgrown victorian gardens.


    dry: unfortunately, the most prominent note smells very sharp, like dandelion greens. i'm also getting a nice grassy scent but the sharpness above it will keep me from buying a bottle.

  22. imp: sweet pine (probably the best possible mix of cupress and juniper) with a definite aquatic feel. a very bright green scent.


    wet: the aquatic is much stronger once applied though this scent has a very subdued feel. still quite green but not as bright.


    dry: this has a sweet finish, like a very sweet, soft pine floral. it's lovely once it's dried down and the notes have blended. still green too.
