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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Gin

    The Sportive Sun

    The Sportive Sun Heliotrope is a note I cannot pass up. In The Sportive Sun, it dances across a warm golden amber ray. Dry, I get mostly amber and frangipani. I like this one, but I don't think it's 'me'. I think it's a little too powdery.
  2. Gin

    Wezwanie / Hold

    Wezwanie / Hold Vanilla and sandalwood, supported by hazelnut. Then the amber pops out and makes it a bit powdery. Dry, it's baby powder. Posh baby powder, but still, baby powder. *kicks stupid skin chemistry*
  3. Gin

    Blood Countess

    Blood Countess Mmmm... plum... and berries. Smells almost like wine. Oh, and there's the opium, too. This is a really good plummy scent, but not my favorite of the lot.
  4. Gin

    No. 93 Engine

    No. 93 Engine Another oil I tried without reading the description. Smells a bit like Strawberry Shortcake's friend, Lime Chiffon. Lemon/limish, and a sweetness akin to vanilla (and doll heads). It morphs into something that reminds me of leather, but there's a brightness to it. Dry, it's slightly spicy, as in baking spices, and still a touch leathery. I generally don't care for leather scents, but this oil is really interesting. Not a bottle buy, but I think I'll use up theimp.
  5. Gin

    The Clod and the Pebble

    The Clod and the Pebble Rose, cedar, and patchouli dries down into nutmeg-sandalwood. I didn't notice any clove, which was disappointing.
  6. Gin


    Marianne Red musk + patchouli + fruity sweetness. For a few moments, I feel like I can smell every component listed. Then it settles down and smooths out to a sexy musk/patchouli + black currant/orchid.
  7. Gin


    L'Inverno Immediately on skin: piney, snowy, slush. Not surprised, but not too impressed. I'm not usually a fan of these sorts of scents (doesn't stop me from buyin' 'em, though!). When I took a second sniff, after playing online working for a bit, it had completely changed to Midwinter's Eve? No, not quite, but it's definitely plum and flowers. On third sniff, there's still some piney snowy slush there, but they've taken a backseat to the plum and orchid. I'm glad I gave it a try, I never woulld have seen that morph coming.
  8. Gin

    The Gibbous Moon

    In the bottle: floral. On the skin: floral, watery, cucumber. Then, mostly floral. Gibbous Moon is pretty, and I like the cucumber, but overall, it's too floral for me.
  9. Gin


    Intergalactic Ha! I smelled a lot of what other people smelled in this... white musk and hairspray, melon, celery, and violet... And florals. I was sniffing at this so much, in an attempt to describe it, I got to a point where I didn't even know what I was smelling anymore. In the end, I'm going with perfumey florals (orchid? magnolia?). I actually like it quite a bit!
  10. Gin

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Monster Bait: Underpants Mmmm... vanilla cream, saffron, sandalwood... This is yummy, but it's really faint on me, and has been since I got it as a fresh decant. I'm glad I got a chance to try it,* but it's probably not a keeper. *(Ya wanna hear the story of how I checked the BPAL website on April 1, expecting an update, but didn't bother to check the forum where it was announced as a Forum Only oil so I missed it? Oh, I guess I just told you.)
  11. Gin


    Motley Smells like incense. The black currant and rhubarb are subdued by the other notes. Of the Le Mats, this is my favorite. It's sweetly smoky and definitely more wearable than I find the other two to be.
  12. Gin

    The Fruit of Paradise

    The Fruit of Paradise Love it. Pomegrate is sometimes a little too syrupy-sweet, but this is a bright, tart pomegranate.
  13. Gin

    March Hare

    March Hare I'm surprised I've never reviewed this before, but I guess I felt like I couldn't expand much on the Lab description. Clove and apricot is exactly what it is. I love both of those notes, and I really like them together. The apricot has a tangy sweet-tartness to it, and the clove adds a nice spicy kick.
  14. Gin


    Coxcomb Aw. The red currant is nonexistant to my nose. This is musky and smells a great deal like men's cologne. Not bad, but not for me.
  15. Gin

    The Shattered Pumpkin

    The Shattered Pumpkin I amp leather? The Shattered Pumpkin is LEATHER and dirt and sooty beeswax candles. Blended together, it almost smells like burning rubber. And it is LOUD. I don't know if that the nature of this particular oil or if I just amp leather to the nzillionth degree. Too much for me.
  16. Gin

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain I did! I fell in love with a fun, delicious, spongy pink brain! This is a fun scent. I get vanilla, strawberry, and carnation. It's a "fake" scent, like an artificially-flavored snack cake, but I think that's why I like it.
  17. Gin


    Jolasveinar Do you ever selectively read the descriptions and convince yourself that even though it says, "the barest hint of the scent of pilfered Christmas pastries," you're *sure* its gonna be all yummy foody goodness? Jólasveinar is is all medicinal-grade pineyness when wet, dries down into an oddly sweet slushy scent... sort of like the Ice Queen meets Knave of Hearts. Not what I had hoped for.
  18. Gin


    Havisham Cold white flowers. White roses, white lilac, maybe some Lilies of the Valley? Rose tends to dominate, though, in a chilly, almost-powdery way. Very beautiful, but alas, roses aren't a note I tend to actually wear.
  19. Gin


    Umbra Whoa! Patchouli, cedar, and vetiver roar out of the imp. Dry, it's more of the same, just mellower.
  20. Gin

    Block Buster

    Block Buster Cinnamon and fruitiness. Almost apple, but not quite. This smells kind of like baked fruit and cinnamon. Quite lovely. ETA: Lotus! That's what I'm smelling! I don't know why I always think 'apple'.
  21. Gin


    Aelopile Oh, I had such high hopes! This is all lemony citrus and verbena over pencil shaving-like cedar. Boo.
  22. Gin

    Kuang Shi

    Kuang Shi This is really pretty, not my idea of zombiescent at all. Mandarin and mango over light musk and sandalwood. I like this combination quite a bit.
  23. Gin

    Follow Me Boy

    Follow Me Boy Jamine and animalic musk... two notes that are not good on me. Too bad.
  24. Gin

    Red Moon 2004

    I agree with the dragon's blood + cherry + heliotrope reviews. I also smell the marigolds and herbs. This is very nice, though weak (could be from age). Dry, it's a gentle amber-fruity-floral, with a tiny whisper of dragon's blood.
  25. Gin

    Pumpkin King

    Pumpkin King This has been in the precioussss imp box for years. I'm trying to be ruthless and cull even my most hoarded, so I figured it as time to give it a go. OMGWTFBBQ, this is fantastic. Cinnamon apples! With nutmeg and cloves! It smells like the most delicious apple pie ever. There's a touch of pumpkin, and a slight masculine edge, but I mostly get apple pie.