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BPAL Madness!


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About Chibi

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    wrist-sniffing wench
  • Birthday 08/14/1986


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    Toronto area, Canada!
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  1. Chibi

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Aaawwrrr x___@ no that wasnt' me that started that thread..but it woudl ahve been cool if it was me!! (are thereany other fran cosplayers that wear BPAL oturhere? COOL!!! I've recently discovered Hellfire... mgith be nice fro miles? got the leather-y richnesin there...but.. I migth be wrong.. Villian also sound yummy.. have yet to try it! Lana lana... mmmmm She's very tastey to me. she'd eed something rich... something sandlewood-y.... I almsot wanna say Sherizade (sp?) becasue.. Mm.. I don't know it seems like her... I second Ultraviolet for Ema.. SCIENCE!! Oooohhh to bad I dont' live anywhere near you.. I'd thro on fran and go DAADDYYYYYYYY!! *lol* woud lbe amusing
  2. Chibi

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Does anyone have any recs of "Vera Wangs's Princess"?? It's theo nyl alcohol baised perfume I ever want anymore!!
  3. Chibi


    Baneberry, which, in my humble opinion ifs a very nice dark fruity scent Like blackcurrents =3 Mmmm
  4. Chibi

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    First off.. I';m a BPAL noob so I dont' knowm uch I jsut wnated to jump into this discussion becasue I looooves cospaly I looooooooooooove V:TM <3<3<3<3<3<3 (in response to the original post...) I picture inscene whenever I think Ravenos!! or somethign slightly outdoorsy <3 And as for Miles (BTW Good choice! You'l lbe able to get all teh componets for that costuem at a second hand store for SURE!) I picture something... rich.. somethgin with wine notes maybe? I agreethat hes'a far more emotional man then that description sugests... I think somethign complex and well belnded owudl be apropriate! In a smell I thik he migth try and over compensate for hsi fragility withsomethign very strong. The leather onh is red hot gcar, the fancy restaurent he love to go to. Just to give some ideas? I dunno why.. but I picture him smellni a tiny bit boozy... liek those really classy bars... where he'd brood in the back corner or something... XDXD I mgith be totally offbase... (For waht its' worth I cospalyed Franzeska von Karma and I lveo that cahrater to death! I totally picture her wearing Black Dalia or maybe Helle's Belle. Even Pride woud lwork XDXDXD) I'm lookngi for osmethign to wear in my larp acually! I'm crossplaying so it needs to be a boyish scent. I'd love somethign crisp and cold.... note of mint or lime would be a plus.. more so mint =3 I was lookngi at Rome for teh juniper and Envy aswell!