Sorry about your neck. :/ Chronic pain sucks.
One of the programs I went through was biotherapy. Have you ever tried biotherapy? Basically it is JUST what everyone else is mentioning: relaxing, only conditioned relaxing. Some calming oils might help get you in the right frame of mind.
Otherwise, there might be some oils that warm the skin or cool it -- Think Icy/Hot or Tiger Balm, like someone already mentioned. -- if that helps. If you manage to warm it and relax, the muscles will untense, at least. It won't directly help the source of your pain but it could very well help with the mental component of the pain, which is so very important.
As far as biofeedback, it's so easy to 'DIY' it. Get a cheap thermometer, tape it to your finger, and then relax for about 15, 20 minutes. Watch your temperature. See what things, thoughts bring it down. I had the best success raising my surface skin temp 10, 15 degrees when I thought about a warm, sunny grass field next to a creek nearby.
I can't say it did much for the pain afterwards, but during it I was pretty relaxed.
Good luck.