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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by jwhxtna

  1. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Spicy and dry. Definitely the juniper and woods. WET: Becomes softer and sweeter, and the floral kicks in. I also smell a hint of fruit, probably from the bergamot? And musk adding warmth. DRY: A surprisingly light fruity floral, with a background of dry woods, all on a base of red musk. I thought for sure this wouldn't work on me, but I'm actually considering keeping this imp.
  2. jwhxtna

    The Lion

    The dry, glorious warmth of the Savannah. A golden, spiced amber, proud, regal and ferocious. IN THE IMP: All golden amber with spices. Very thick, heady, warm, and rich. WET: Hmmm, this is turning kind of powdery on me. DRY: Meh, ambery powder. I'm so sad.
  3. jwhxtna


    A frimp from the Lab! IN THE IMP: This smells very green to me. Crushed leaves with dry rose in the background. WET: The blend gets sweeter and the rose comes out more. It's a soft, fresh rose. The wood came out for a while, but faded again. There's something almost... minty? DRY: Soft, sweet rose with dry wood and a hint of green. It smells like... an antique wooden desk with a vase of pale pink roses. Not for me, but definitely interesting to try!
  4. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Like real fresh coconut and shea butter. Also somehow smells like water; I have no clue how. WET: Fresh coconut and milk with shea butter. Warm, creamy, and slightly sweet, but gives off a cool, fresh feeling for some reason. Very interesting. DRY: This is definitely the truest, freshest coconut scent I've ever smelled. This is quite lovely, even if it's not my usual style. I'm amazed by how I can actually SMELL cool, refreshing water here. I have no idea how that's possible, but Beth is a genius.
  5. jwhxtna

    The Hesperides

    IN THE IMP: Hmm, I'm not getting as much apple as a lot of people seem to. Oak and what I think is supposed to be the twilight mist and dew-kissed leaves, with a hint of sweet apple in the background. WET: More apple than before, but still a lot of oak and mist DRY: Oak and apple. Nice, and definitely accurate, but not my thing. This blend makes me realize I just don't like the scent of oak very much. Will have to try again later to decide whether to keep this.
  6. jwhxtna


    So I got to try this one a while ago courtesy of a friend, and I remember loving it, but I never wrote a real review for it. But now that I have an imp of my own, here goes: IN THE IMP: Mmm, sweet, slightly sparkly peach! Soft white musk? WET: It's slightly more tart than before; I'm guessing part of it is because of the bergamot. A bright, sparkly, fresh peach with some soft musk. This is so lovely. DRY: Thank God it's just as good as I remember it being. This is such a delicious peach scent. Like a brighter, cuter, more enthusiastic younger sister of Tamora. I might even end up liking this more than Tamora!
  7. jwhxtna

    The Knave of Hearts

    IN THE IMP: Buttery crust, thick, sweet jam, and sharp, heavy roses. Not something I should object to, given what a big foodie fan I am, but it's a bit cloying. It's too thick, too sweet, too heavy. WET: Oh, it automatically morphs into something much more delicious on my skin. It's not as overpowering as it was before, and it's a beautiful blend of sweet, slightly tangy currant tart and roses. DRY: Mmmmm, this is delish. Not overly foody, definitely sophisticated and kind of sexy.
  8. jwhxtna

    Baobhan Sith

    IN THE IMP: Crisp, fresh, sweet grapefruit. So pretty! And I'm not even a citrus fan. WET: Oh, well the grapefruit has come and gone. It's all sweet, juicy apple blossom now, with a hint of tea and ginger. Completely different, but still very pretty. DRY: Very light, sadly, but it's soft, pretty, and girly. I think I'll have to keep this!
  9. jwhxtna

    Lilith Victoria

    My BPAL package just came in today, and I HAD to try this scent first! I love Dorian, and while I've never tried Snake Oil, Boomslang is quite possibly my favorite BPAL of all time. And according to most people, Boomslang on drydown is pretty much Snake Oil anyway. IN THE BOTTLE: Definitely an herbal lavender, though it's not as strong as I had expected from other people's reviews. I'm not a fan of lavender, but I don't dislike this. There's also a lemon-vanilla sweetness underneath that makes me think of Dorian. WET: Hm, the lavender suddenly tones down a lot. There's some soft, sweet floral, which I'm guessing is the vanilla flower and lily of the valley. And yes, I'm definitely getting more of the lemon-vanilla sweetness of Dorian, plus a darker sweetness that must be the Snake Oil. They're like different layers, all intertwined and weaving back and forth, so I smell something slightly different each time I sniff my wrist. DRY: It becomes more Snake Oil-y on drydown. This is the perfect blend of Snake Oil and Dorian with a hint of lavender and soft floral thrown in. This is gorgeous, and I can already tell it's already jumped into my Top 10. I love the theme, and I love this scent. It's innocent, but slightly sexy at the same time because of the Snake Oil. This is actually the first bottle scent I've ever owned, and I'm already considering getting another. I will be so, so sad when this is gone.
  10. jwhxtna

    L'Heure Verte

    IN THE IMP: A sickly sweet rose. It's weird. I kind of like the smell of rose water, but I kind of hate it at the same time, and this blend is evoking the same reaction from me. What is the sweetness? It doesn't smell like scorched sugar to me. Maybe the opium smoke? Is that sweet? WET: Rose water, something sweet, and absinthe. Something smells minty or spicy to me, for some reason. DRY: Pretty much the same as the Wet stage. A sweet, sugary rose, almost nauseatingly so, with absinthe. Slightly minty. Interesting, but not for me!
  11. jwhxtna

    Faeu Boulanger

    IN THE IMP: Right away, I can tell this will not be my kind of thing at all. But it's still very interesting. Very earthy, with mint and violet. It's a strange combo to my nose; I've never smelled anything like this before.. WET: It gets deeper and richer. Earthy, herbal, with mint and soft violet. DRY: It turns sweeter, and the violet comes out more. Oh, and it turns powdery and soapy on me. Bah. Again, not my kind of thing at all, but it was a lot of fun to try!
  12. jwhxtna

    Sugar Moon 2008

    Belongs to a friend, who let me sniff. IN THE IMP: A dark, musky sugary scent with a hint of floral and fruit. WET: Dark, sugary, and musky. A soft hint of violet and a bit of freshness from the strawberry. DRY: Oh, this is lovely. Yummy, but sophisticated and slightly sexy. Sugary and musky in a dark way, with a hint of strawberry. I can't stop sniffing; I think I need one of my own.
  13. jwhxtna

    Mead Moon

    IN THE IMP: Very heady. Boozy, dark, syrupy honey. Almost floral. WET: I was worried about the honey note in this, because BPAL honey tends to turn powdery on me-- oh, there it is, the powder. It's not overwhelming, though. The blend is still heady, dark, and syrupy sweet. DRY: Oh, this is so nommy. A lot less overwhelming than before. Like a thick, dark, rich golden honey, with a hint of booze and a hint of floral. I get a tiny trace of powder from the honey, but it's something I'm completely willing to overlook.
  14. Daiyu. I am OBSESSED with Daiyu right now. I'd also suggest Embalming Fluid, Shanghai, Fae, The Apothecary, and Titania.
  15. jwhxtna

    Eisheth Zenunim

    IN THE IMP: This is... interesting. Honeyed peaches, but there's a weird note in here that's keeping me from liking it. Is it patchouli? Reviews seem to say that it's cocoa, but it doesn't smell like cocoa to me... WET: Sweet peach, but with the-note-I-think-is-patchouli in the background. It makes the peach smell a bit darker? Murkier? DRY: Honeyed peaches and some patchouli. The peach part is nommy, but it's just as I feared. I don't like the scent of patchouli at all.
  16. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Bright bergamot, juicy nectarine, and soft florals. WET: Oh, this suddenly becomes FLORAL, all lilac and lily. Where did the nectarine go? Where did the bergamot go? Oh wait, now they're starting to come back, and the florals are receding a little. DRY: Soft floral balanced by sweet beeswax and musk, with a hint of fruit. Lovely, and very feminine.
  17. jwhxtna

    Pickled Imp

    IN THE IMP: VERY cinnamon and clove, with pine sap in the background. And a tiiiiny hint of vanilla to add a little sweetness. It smells like a Yankee candle. WET: The cinnamon is still the strongest note, but it's not as completely overpowering as before. And the vanilla starts to come out, balancing the intense cinnamon a little. DRY: Cinnamon and vanilla. Like cinnamon cookie dough. It gets a touch Playdoh-y on me, though, sadly enough. I'll have to try again later to decide whether to keep it.
  18. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Caramel, with light apple blossom in front. WET: Caramel apple and a bit of honey, but somehow not intensely foody. DRY: Mostly a warm caramel, with a hint of slightly tart apple. But again, not overly foody. Less complex than I had hoped, but still very yummy.
  19. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Oh, this is... interesting. The first thing I noticed was definitely the lilac, though each time I sniff it, I come away with a different impression. There's also creamy coconut, and the vanilla tea is noticeable. I was afraid the tobacco would be overpowering, but on some sniffs I don't even notice it at all. WET: Soft, musky, and sweet. The coconut is the strongest on me, but it blends really well with the lilac, vanilla, and musk. I can only smell the tobacco if I really try, and I don't know what hyssop is, but I don't think I smell that either. And I agree with Saya, it blends really well into my skin; it doesn't smell like I put on perfume at all. DRY: The same as the Wet stage. This scent smells very cushion-y to me, for some reason. Like I'm curled up in a huge armchair hugging a fluffy pillow, the lights are dim, and I could drift off any second.
  20. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Bright, sharp, SOUR berry tea. WET: Oh! The sharp edge is gone almost right away, thank goodness. Still berry, but sweetened, balanced by jasmine and some tea. And oh, is that chrysanthemum I smell? And white musk? This is getting more delicious by the second; I can't seem to tear my nose away from my wrist. DRY: This is a lovely berry tea with just a hint of creaminess from the white musk. The jasmine behaves perfectly, and it's gorgeous and soft and sweet, and there's a tiny hint of chrysanthemum. I can definitely see the comparisons to Dorian. It also reminds me a little of Lady Una, in terms of the whole tart berry, a little tea, and something sweet for balance. The throw is a bit light, though, so I'll probably have to slather this one.
  21. jwhxtna

    The scents that get you the most compliments?

    People seem to have a positive reaction to Eat Me, which I love, so I probably slather it a little bit. Plus it's got good throw.
  22. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Sweet, creamy, and musky. There's rich apricot with a hint of soft florals. WET: Soft, creamy, sweet musk with orchid and fruits in the background. DRY: Sweet, creamy, musky, fruity, and floral all at the same time. A little bit heady, but very pretty!
  23. jwhxtna

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    IN THE IMP: A lot of lavender and maybe sage, with a dark cocoa background. WET: Dark cocoa with some vanilla and a little lavender. DRY: Dark cocoa with some vanilla, lavender, and other things I'm not good at identifying. Definitely not my type of scent, because it smells very masculine to me, but if a guy was wearing this, well, um. I might jump him. Maybe. It just smells so good. I couldn't stop sniffing my arm.
  24. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Cool lavender and sweet honeysuckle and jasmine. WET: Turns sweeter. The lavender fades a little, and the honeysuckle and jasmine come out more. DRY: Mostly honeysuckle and some jasmine. It's not bad, but it's not my thing.
  25. jwhxtna


    IN THE IMP: Different notes stand out more the longer you sniff it. I can smell sharp lavender, something that's almost salty, maybe the musks, florals, sweet mint, and a spiciness similar to cinnamon. WET: Sharp, almost salty lavender. It's sweet, spicy, and floral with a hint of soapiness. DRY: A soft lemony floral with a hint of that salty note again. What is it? The lavender comes out intermittently. Not my type of scent.