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BPAL Madness!


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About FandF

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    a little too imp-ulsive


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    next to my puppy
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  • BPAL of the Day
    couple consulting an enpon
  • Favorite Scents
    egg nog latte!

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  1. FandF

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    smells like the ABC store in hawaii. Standing next to the fridge, cool air breezes in, smells of coconut and the mish mash of hawaiian scented products. Dries down to something more fruity, I think the pom is coming out. This is bringing out those sentimental feelings of all my hawaiian vacations rolled into one!
  2. FandF

    Berry Moon 2009

    horror. Smells like feet. Then a bit of berries. Then old lady perfume. The spoiled berries. There is definitely a funky quality to it with deep berry undertones. It smells terrible and I need to wash it off. Like 5 minutes ago. Horrid.
  3. FandF

    Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre

    egg nog, for those who the other egg nog/egg nog latte may not have worked?? there is a slight goat milk note to it and this one stays more like a true foodie scent that is egg nog and spices. nice but for me i like egg nog latte better. egg nog by itself always turned on my skin and had more of a boozy note...i rank this one above the original egg nog scents.
  4. FandF

    The First Soft Snow

    Heavy drifts of snow blanketing winter's narcissus. like some other bpal…almost pine or eucalyptus but not minty. Very familiar. I didn't realize that this was narcissus. There is a minty sweet undertone. As it dries something sharper and nasal clearing comes out. this is a wild scent!
  5. FandF

    Nes Gadol Haya Sham

    a blast of foodie nuts and quickly turns resinous and black. Kinda of bitter with nuts underneath. Bitter sweet black nuts. Weird. Dries down and gets positively horrid on me. Almost like a rotting purple fruit undertone with the dirty part of patchouli. This one needed washed off.
  6. a pretty floral scent…reminds me of a scented glade or something commercial. Air freshner? Not exactly unique….familiar in a not so great way.
  7. FandF

    Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf

    pastries!!! Frosting and glaze and a little bit of soft cherries like juice. Tinge of nuts that reads as spice. Like this so far. Hmmm the apricots are coming out and they are pretty dense and cloying. This might be going someplace undesirable. After it dries the apricots totally dominate the scent...like rehydrated thick, pasty, chewy apricots and the slight funky undertone of apricots as well. I really loved the first blasts of this scent so much!
  8. FandF

    The Season of Ghosts

    does not smell bright like I thought it would. It's complex, kind of dusty powder. Orangey notes but not like the fruit. I kind of don't like this! WTF? Its like taking orange baby aspirin and crushing it up and mixing it with old lady perfume. I think the frankincense is the undertone of odd that i'm detecting on my skin. The super dry down is a bright, weird greenish scent that is altogether not unpleasant.
  9. FandF

    Now Winter Nights Enlarge

    foodie wet but then starts to really amp the caramel note. I could smell a brash of honey when I first put it on but it went under…didn't come out and amp…yet. The musk is definitely coming out on dry down to make it musky caramel. It turned from a foodie love to an icky scent on dry down adn super dry down...don't know which note is the problem or if it's a combination of the notes that is making this funky on my skin. Shoot!
  10. FandF

    Gacela of the Dark Death

    a bright pine to start, then a deeper pine needle sap. Resinous and pleasant but drying down bitter. Really bitter...Not a wearable scent for me.
  11. FandF

    Pink Snowballs

    scented toilet paper to start. It's actually getting stronger and worse. This is almost in the wash it off range. Like scented toilet paper from way back in the day when it was too cloying and nasty. This is not a pleasant scent on my skin....WHY OH WHY???
  12. FandF

    Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly

    I guess it smells like port jelly…but there is something medicinal or icky. Reminds me of those little silver japanese breath mints that look like mini non pareils. ?????? I detect an undertone of mint. An odd fruity…red jello slightly damp kinda of smell. Not unpleasant but not a perfume i don't think.
  13. FandF

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    very foodie almost cordial almond cookie dough. Thought it was a bit of egg nog to start but now I smell a dough or batter. Thought I'd love it more. Decent, not OMGLUV.
  14. FandF


    Hmm... I'm not reading mint at all. I get a green stem...maybe slightly herby soap scent. Smells soapy and clean...like an ozone scent. Ozone...that's it. Clean air, green perfume...pleasant but probably not something I'd necessarily reach for? Since it smells cold and wintery, this could be a cool scent to wear in the dead of summer!
  15. FandF


    This is a very pretty scent! Reminds me of green stems and a slight hint of mint...a floral snow scent. Also reminds me of snow white before snow white turns kinda funky on me. This is a lovely scent that reminds me of a beautiful winter night...not sure I'd reach for it but probably a love scent if you are looking for something in the green stem/cucumber peel arena.