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Everything posted by magikfanfic
In the bottle: Spicy moss. The boy and I opened this one, and I was disappointed. I had hoped for something light and dewy, the way that Blarney castle and all its hidden little glens were. Instead, moss. The boy loved it, wanted it and I intially handed it over. After we got a faint floral note on him, he handed it back. Wet: My god, what is that? It smells like spice. Like the nutmeg and cloves I put in the pumpkin pies the other day except with a more woody omph underneath. It must be the alder leaf. Dry down: Spice, spice, spice. I smell like the spice cabinet. Where are the dreaded floral notes that came out on the boy and made him hand the imp back to me because, really, who needs the boy parading around and smelling like flowers. I want to smell like flowers. Dry: It's calming down. I smell like the woods, like wet leaves and moss and lichens that grow on the stones. It's kinda fresh in that old world way. There's still just the tinest kick of spice that makes me think of bunches of nutmeg and cinnamon sticks tied together even though it doesn't really smell like cinnamon or nutmeg but like some strange kind of wood I'm not familiar with. There's the tinest bit of a floral peeking out around the edges, like when you walk through the forest and stumble into an unexpected glen full of wild flowers. But is that a headache I detect? (Probably caused by the fact that I spilled the imp on myself opening it and then spilled more of the oil onto the label when I was trying to put it on.) I don't know if I want to smell like the woods. It's not fair that it was more floral on the boy than me. I do kinda like the spicy undertone. I'm going to have to try again and see if I get a different reaction. Also, we're putting it on the boy a second time because I'm sure he'd love to smell like the woods even if there is that slight floral shade. If the boy doesn't want this I'm swapping it. I like the woods, but I don't want to smell like them. ETA: Had to wash this off and am swapping it. I'm dreadfully allergic to something in it which means that even the boy can't wear it around me or I'll die. So sad.
In the bottle: A wet almost minty floral that brings to mind hidden, shadowy glens full of rain and creatures scurrying through the undergrowth. I can't pick out a single note, but it has the same bright crispness that I can detect in Shattered. There is an almost cloying sweet scent underneath it all, like gum drops or something simlarily innocuous. Wet: Mint gum drops on me with a touch of herbs and water underneath. This scent screams green to me as it makes me envision leaves heavy with rain and a coating of sugar. Dry down: That mint cirspness dies out a little leaving the barest breath of the green floral sugar behind. It's a very light fragrance that still manages to maintain a fairly good hold on my skin. So many of my scents have rose in them that I find myself searching for that familar trace and not finding it. It's refreshing and yet disturbing at the same time. I still canoot discern any of the possible notes that might be in this. It still reminds me of darkened glens coated in sugar. Dry: Fairly green floral. Like some wildflowers you'd find hidden in the shadow of a glen. There's a touch of powder to it by now and both the sugar and the floral fade over time leaving something of a light herbal. After a few hours: Fades completely away after about six hours or so. Which isn't bad. All in all, I like this scent. I don't think I'd buy a bigger bottle or wear it often, but I am glad that I bought the imp off the forum, and I will use it
I'll keep that in mind. Also, I tried to do conversions and I suck at them, so does anyone have any idea whether the 1/3oz, 1/6oz or the elusive 1/8 oz roller bottles would be best for the purpose of decanting a 5ml? Thanks.
So I can put the BPAL oil into the roller bottle directly without causing any adverse side effects?
I've read through a couple of threads about combining the BPAL oils with various things for lotion, soap, etc. I have a quick question about putting them in roller bottles, though. It seems that the jojoba oil is the most highly recommended. However, if I use this in a roller bottle with the scent, will the roller still roll? I need it to since otherwise, I'd just leave the scent in its bottle or imp. Also, how much carrier oil/BPAL oil ratio should I use? And, do I have to put a carrier oil into the roller bottle or can I use the BPAL oil straight? I haven't had any reactions to anything I've tried yet so I don't know why they'd need to have a carrier oil when I put them in roller except for simple dilution so I don't smell like I just jumped in a pool of Libra or whatever scent I use. Thanks.
In the bottle: At first I smelled it and thought lemon, which worried me because that was how Callie struck me and we never got along. So I put it away and fawned over Titania instead. Today, I decided to give it a chance. When I opened it, I made the boy smell it, too. We eventually decided it smelled like peppermint schnappes. Wet: The alcoholic undertone thankfully faded away once this has been added to the skin. There was a faint citrus and even anise-like undertone to the mint that was the prevalent scent. Drying: The mint continued to calm down letting the slightest tone of the other scents come through. Dry: The mint was now an afternote itself. Mostly, it smelled like crisp, clean laundry. This is a very clean, fresh, wake you up kind of scent. It's not sweet like Titania or floral like Libra. It is clean and crisp with prevalent citrus and mint notes. I like this. I probably won't wear it a lot, but I am glad I bought the 5ml from lorajc.
In the bottle: Fruit again. When I first smelled it, I was unable to decide what the fruit was. I considered peaches, berries, even apricots because it was a crisp, sweet fruit smell but not cloying like peach usually is, which is why I though apricot. Turns out it is peach, white, with white grapes and some pear, which accounts for the cleanness of the scent. Yum. So nice. It reminded me of these Hungarian pastries that my mother makes with apricot in them. So good. So the smell is not only happy because it's so nice but also because it brings up good memories. Wet: When first on the skin, the fruit leaps out again. I was pondering what the fruit smell was for about an half an hour as it dried down. Dry down: Fruit still. The fruit was so nice and strong and crisp that none of the other notes were even noticeable to me. As I was walking to work I just kept sniffing it, and it brought the image of a flower and fruit strewn glen covered in a misty, glittery, ethereal fog sparkling with dew and fairy dust. It was instantly calming from the moment I put it on and remains so even now. 1 hour: The florals are starting to peek their heads out now. I know that musk rose, sweet pea, moon flower and snapdragon are in this, but I can't pick any of those individual scents out because they're blended together so well. I know that in a few hours all I'll be smelling on my right wrist is roses (as that has happened with both Libra and Persephone) so from there I'll have to judge by the left wrist. ETA: After about two hours, I can smell sweetpea on my left wrist and that telltale trace of rose on my right. So weird. I do not understand why my skin does this. It's nice but odd Reapplied after...about six hours, and now I want to eat myself. So yummy and fruity. This is so lovely, and I'm thrilled that I went ahead and bought a 5ml from lorajc rather than waiting until I got an imp to fall in love with this scent.
In the bottle: Strong. A blast of fruit. I do not comprehend why everything smells so damn strong in the bottle. Although, thinking about it, that's probably due to the highly concentrated nature of being in the bottle with all that oil. Stupid me. Wet: Yummy. Sugary dark red fruit. I'm not sure it really smells like pomegranates because I don't recall what they smell like, but it is definitely a dark, red, lush fruit smell covered in sugar. Like, I could eat my arm. Dry down: This got sweeter on me as it initially dried. After about 30 minutes, I really wanted to lick myself. After a while: I'm getting the faintest hint of roses after about a hour and a half. It's not the real fragrant rose that's in my Libra, but a light, sugar coated rose. After another hour: That dark red fruit smell has surfaced again with just a hint of the sugar. This is simply marvelous. It fades down somewhat quickly but doesn't disappear like The Unicorn. As soon as I make another order, I'm throwing a 5ml of this in.
I bought an imp off the forum and have since sent it to a friend. But I thought I'd review her anyway. In the bottle--Pepper! I don't know why, but it smelled very strong and like pepper. I put her away for another day. Wet--Still a slight pepper bit, but it was being overpowered by lemongrass. Drying--The pepper smelled vanished and the lemongrass also faded down leaving a very powdery kind of scent. Dry after a few hours--Powdery with a slight herbal hint. When the pepper finally left, it was very nice but nothing I wanted to wear. I might have kept it to scent dream catchers with but a friend wanted to try it so I sent it on.
None of my orders have been harvested yet either. But these are my first orders so I don't know how long it usuallys takes.
I am so utterly pleased by the fact that I was able t get my hands on a 5ml of this off the forums. I just missed being it from BPAL directly as I followed a link to the site the day of the discontinuation. In the bottle: Very strong. When I got it in the mail and opened the envelope, everything smelled like it. Very strong, very floral. I was afraid it would send me into a sneezing fit, but I had wanted it and wanted it so I applied it. Wet: It touched my skin and lit everything up with a very subtle warmth. In fact, to me the scent itself it warm. Sandalwood is very prevalent to me along with the apple and perhaps a kick of the ylang ylang. Dry down: As it dries, more of the apple becomes apparent and begins to fight with the sandalwood for dominance of my left wrist. My right wrist smells of apple and rose. After a few hours: This is the longest latest scent I've gotten so far. Meaning that I put it on at 7am this morning and only now just reapplied. Not because it needed another shot but because I wanted to do an accurate wet and dry down description. After time, my left wrist smells like sandalwood and my right is rose. It's very odd but very nice. I do like Libra and wish the scent hadn't been discontinued because now I can't have more of it.
Purchased an imp of this on the forum last week and it arrived yesterday. In the bottle: Very strong, with a big floral kind of kick to it. I'm new at this so I was unable to really pick out any of the notes. I was afraid it was going to give me a headache so I put it down and came back a little later when I was feeling more adventurous. Wet: Thankfully, it mellowed quickly after I got it onto my skin. It turned crisp and bright and softly floral rather than overwhelmingly so. It was like walking through a field of flowers or a garden with a slight breeze mixing the scents and blowing them all to you. Dry: Got a little more mellow and kicked in with a sugary-sweet kind of smell. Almost like floral candy, if that makes any sense. This lasted for about twenty minutes at which point it became even more mellow and then disappeared. I put it on before I cam to work this morning and it has faded away within an hour or less. I can't even smell it when I sniff my wrist anymore. I do quite enjoy the scent.