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Everything posted by magikfanfic
In the bottle: Woods and fresh air. The notes are blended together so well that I can pick anything out from the others yet, but that's the general feel that I get from the smell of the oil itself. This is a walk through the woods passing flowers and berries and smelling the crisp air. A cold scent that has a lot of life to it, though. Wet: It quickly turns into leaves upon hitting my skin, though. Straight leaves with no respite for me but a faint berry fragrance in the background. Dry down: Mmmm...the berry is coming into the forefront, and it really is very nice. I'm a fan of berry scents, especially when they're not too strong and the throw from this one is light and on crisp, fresh air. The berry stays, kind of tart with the florals notes surrounding and backing it. The smell of leaves has mostly faded, which I'm glad of because while it's nice, I don't wish to smell like it. The only bad thing is that this reminds me of potporuori sachets I've smelled before in the craft aisle of Wal-Mart. The aisle that always gives me a headache the way this oil seems to slowly be doing as well. The berry reminds me of some berry tea I have. Very nice. Maybe the sachet smell will die down. Dry: This smells like berry tea with a slight floral/wood undertone. The backing notes, though, have the misfortune of being ones that make me kinda headachy and sneezy. In fact I can feel the sinus pressure beginning so while I really like the scent, I will not be able to wear it. The boy has his own imp of this so I may keep this around for a room scent or test it again when the weather is a little warmed in the hopes that it won't affect my head in the same way.
I got Embalming Fluid in my eye and, after washing it out, it's still fine. Her eyes are probably more sensitive and mine have glass sheilding. I hope she's okay.
In the bottle: Yeah, I can smell the honey and the amber. The vanilla is somewhat in the background. At some times, it smells like some kind of bubble gum while at other times the amber is up front and kinda incensy. The vanilla lingers through the other notes but does not control the scent. Wet: That odd kinda bubble gum fragrance again. Sweet yet but artifical sweet. Like pink crystals. And amber. Hmmm. This is kinda nice, but it lacks the popping quality I thought it might have. Dry down: Sweet with a bit of a muky undertone, which has to be the amber on my skin. Unlike most honey blends, it's not turning into something wretched, but it's still not really impressing me too much. The vanilla remains in the background with the honey as a kinda sweet note while the amber has the forefront of the entire occasion. Amber is the pretty sibling in the ballgown. Dry: Amber still. The vanilla and honey have both become background notes. I'm not a big fan of amber. I was hoping this would be a sweet and sexy vanilla fragrance. Not to say that it's not a nice scent. It's just less than what I had hoped for when I bought it. I'll let the boy smell it on me and see if he likes it, but I may be putting the bottle up for swap or sale.
In the bottle: Musk. With a little biy of sweet lurking in the background. I don't know what a fougere is, and I hope I'm not allergic to it now that I ponder this scent. I can't detect either the vanilla of the tea currently. Wet: Musk. Not the shinning white musk I like, but also not the musks that make me run to the bathroom to wash it off right now. So...musky but not bad. There is still the hint of suagr in the background and maybe a slight whiff of vanilla. Dry down: Mmmm. Vanilla rising to the top with the musk acting as a nice background note for it. This might prove not to be too masculine for me after all, which would be a good thing as it was bought for me. There's a little of the tea, but it's mostly a nice vanilla scented musk, which smells a lot better than it sounds. I might have found my vanilla scent. Dry: The musk is starting to rise to the top again. Maybe my skin eats vanilla? Bad skin. Bring back the vanilla. The musk isn't bad, but it's not what I want to smell like when you come right down to it. Oh, wait, there's the vanilla again with the slight suggestion of the tea as well. Now it's pretty much all faint vanilla tea with just a suggestion of a musk to provide the background note for it. This is a lovely blend, but I'm not sure whether I like it on me or not yet. This will have to go through some more testing. Oh, I bet it would be a lovely room scent. ETA: I think the musk is stinging my eyes a little. Shit. That will never do. This definitely needs more testing.
In the bottle: Green. Green tea and the crisp lemon verbana as well. Not much of the honeysuckle comes out from this in the bottle because the green scents are a little overpowering. This just screams green. A rich, lush green. Wet: Green tea and lemon verbana. Still a very nice green scent all around. Dry down: The lemon verbana is mixing very well with the green tea. There's a hint of honeysuckle in the background, but it's not overpowering. The throw is very much the verbana and the tea. I think it's msotly the verbana, though it's less a lemon scent and more a herbal scent really. Dry: Mmmm...now the tea is starting to shine through. Still no realy sign of the floral I was expecing from the honeysuckle. This is a very herbal scent, which meas it's surprising that it works on me because most herbals send me into sneezing fits something awful. This has become almost all green tea, which is perfect because that's what I bought this scent for. It seems heavier than the other tea scents I have but it's still very fresh and clean. And, oh, there's the honeysuckle lingering in the background and giving it a sweet note mixed with the tea.
In the bottle: I know that both rose and ylang ylang work on me. Honey is iffy. Apple works on me in some blends, but I'm not sure if I've tried one with apple <b>blossom</b> before. (Spreadsheet at home. Grrr.) Hmmm...apple and ylang ylang, but it's a kind of tart scent more than a sweet one. No rose detected yet and the honey isn't around either. It reminds me of the cider we used to drink over in England only lacking that boozy undertone some of those had. Wet: Tart apple still with a little bit of floral in the background. Hmmm...The Hesperides provides the same thing and is a little nicer, but let's continue. Ylang ylang coming out in full force now. I like the way it's subtle on me in Libra, but this blend is a little too overpowering for me. I hope it dies down. Ylang ylang still with a funky kind of fruit scent in the background. Dry down: Oh no. Step back here comes the honey, and it kinda reeks. I'm very slowly accepting the fact that honey blends and I are enemies. This has dissolved from being nice but a little strong to being just plain funky on my skin. I cannot even really describe what it smells like. It's just...kinda bad. Now it really does smell like the alcoholic cider. The rose is there in the background trying to be pretty, but the honey just won't let it. Dry: A little more of the tart apple surfacing from underneath the somewhat foul honey scent. But...oh no...sneezing. Not enough of the apple to save this blend on my skin, though. It's a very unhappy smell to me. One that's kinda rancid because of the reaction of my skin to the honey note. Meh. I'm going to wash this off and toss it in my swap pile.
In the bottle: More cherry scents. I kinda clustered them all together in my imp box on the "To Try" side in the hopes of getting them over with faster. Floral with a cherry background note that kinda makes it smell like a cough drop. Hmmm...not bad but not terribly pleasing. Wet: Cherry cough drop with some floral. I am unable to pick these floral notes out as I'm not familiar with any of them. They just combine to a rather generic floral that's kinda waxy. And then there's the cherry, which my skin hates. Dry down: Floral top note with the cherry cough drop scent in the background. The floral is taking more prominence now, and it's really rather nice. Having to wait through the cough drop smell is unfoprtunate but might be worth it as long as it does not reappear. Although now the floral is getting kinda soapy. No, more waxy. I don't know how to even describe it other than waxy. It just makes me think of big, white waxy petals and a slightly...candle floral scent. Dry: It's not bad. Most of the cherry cough drop is gone, but the candle floral is still there and even seems to be bothering my sinuses a little. I have to be very careful with floral scents for just that reason. It's not bad but something in it makes the back of my throat burn a little, and I'm not terribly fond of the overall scent of it on my skin. This is a little too heavy a floral for me, which is a funny thing to say as both rose and jasmine work wonders on my skin. I think I have problems with the lilies, but I'd need to check my spreadsheet to make sure.
In the bottle: Cherries and some kind of too sweet licorice. Cherry scents hate me. I didn't figure this out until after I had ordered this imp, though. And I'm devoted to testing just about everything I get. Wet: This smells like chocolate covered cherries, which I cannot stand. I'm not a big cherry person and all that goo inside it really makes my stomach lurch. Dry down: Cherry goo with some sweet and the sandalwood in the background. The sandlewood is very nice and makes me long for my Libra. Still chocolate covered cherries up close. Dry: Chocolate covered cherry goo. I bet there are lots of people out there that this smells simply beautiful on. I am not one of them. Part of the reason for this is because I do not like to smell like cherries. They just make my stomach kinda ill for some reason. The sandalwood in the background is nice but is almost completely covered by the cherry scent. Hmm...well, now the sandalwood is coming out more but has a really odd, acrid background note to it. The cherries. Washing off. Maybe the boy will like it. ETA: As it continues to dry, it turns into cough syrup. Not gonna work for me.
In the bottle: Rosemary. I'm pretty familiar with rosemary. I like it in food. I'm not sure I want to smell like it. There's also a good amount of orange in there, but the rosamary drowns everything else out. Wet: Rosemary with a touch of orange blossom behind it. Herbs and I do not seem to do terribly well so this blend scares me a little bit. Dry down: Orange blossome has now risen to the top leaving the rosemary as a sour kind of background note. The orange blossom itself is really rather lovely, but the rosemary scent is kinda...icky. It smells a little bit like this awful herb oil my dad's girlfriend was brewing in our kitchen for a while. The throw is just a nice orange blossom, though. Up close the rosemary comes out and makes things not so nice. Dry: Orange blossom throw but up close the rose and rosemary have gone to war creating a scent that is slightly unpleasant on me. I think I should stay away from herb blends as the rosemary note makes me a little ill. Apparently, rose has won. It and the orange blossom combine to create a surprisingly light and bright floral that has a hint of citrus to it. Only...now it reminds me of Dawn dish detergent. So I really cannot win with this one, can I? And, here's the rosemary back from vacation. No, something in this hates my skin. I know it's not the rose. So now I have to figure out whether to avoid orange blossom or rosemary.
In the bottle: Incense. I don't know if it's myrrh or amber that makes me wrinkle my nose up and think of hippie stores. I know patchouli makes me react that way, but I'm allergic to that except in the smallest quantities. I don't smell any leather in this just...maybe it's the musk. But it's incense. Wet: Myrrh. Myrrh and leather. I like leather scents. I just don't usually like them on me, which is why this was one of the boy's picks. Lots of leather here with...and I don't know if it's myrrh or the musk but something else is behind it making my throat prickle because leather does not usually do that. But the leather still sits in the front of this nicely. Dry down: Leather still. Leather with that note behind it that makes my throat feel a little funny. Probably the myrrh or the musk. I have problems with both. Well, some musks. The darker one usually. White and I mix together very nicely. And I've never been good at pulling the black amber out of anything so I don't know if it's that or not. The other note has faded away and now this just smells like I have DeSade on, which I don't need more of as I can't wear it and the boy has a 5ml. The rest of the scents have disappeared into the background of this, and there is little throw on me. Dry: DeSade. Leather. Nothing else. Maybe a hint of the other notes in the background, but the leather is overpowering everything else on my skin. Oh well. The boy will probably like this one so I'll toss it at him.
In the bottle: Lavender with that tart, citrus note behind it that means grapefruit. It's kind of a nice combination actually although like always I am deeply afraid of what the lavender will turn into once it touches my skin. Wet: That's kinda weird. Grapefruit and red currant and lavender. And the lavender does not like me here. In fact, it kinda reeks like vomit on my skin. Oh, evil skin/lavender hate. I guess only lime makes it better. It also kinda smells like oranges, but i bet that's just the grapefruit and the currant mixing together. Dry down: Still a vaguely fruity/herbal vomit, which is rather unpleasant. I had such high hopes for this one, centered mainly on the fact that grapefruit and I love each other. Yeah, this is pretty gross on me. The lavender has gone completely sour and yucky. (Hmmm...Wilde doesn't have lime. Must be something else that keeps the lavender in it from turning to sour rot.) Dry: On me this is nasty, nasty, nasty, and I have to blame it on the combination of my skin and lavender. I'll give this to the boy and see if he likes it.
In the bottle: Pear and wine and smething decidely floral although I cannot tell whether it's heliotrope or lotus. A very nice white, clean smell that makes me think of white wine and fruit and cheese. High soceity functions and the like. Wet: Holy pear bubblegum, Batman. No, really, the throw is completely bubblegum with pear flavoring. I wonder what's causing that? Hmm...Up close I get the wine scent, but it's still really, really sweet. It's not so much floral as it is a really sweet fruit scent. Dry down: Now more of the floral is coming out. The lotus, I think, because it's this weird, waxy kind of floral. The wine and pear sweetness are still in the front of everything else, though. There's this kind of background scent that makes me a little ill, though. It's like the sweet that covers something decaying. Fermenting fruit. That's what this makes me think of, fermenting fruit covered over with a light floral. Dry: Fermenting fruit with a slight floral undertone. That decaying fruit smell in the background makes me a little ill, which is sad as I normally love the pear blends. I don't know what makes me so ill in this, but something makes it just too damn sweet. It could simply be my skin. The florals have either turned into the decaying smell or have been eaten by my skin. But, really, I cannot wear this. And now, for some reason, it reminds me of sickly sweet cough syrup. Poor Glitter. I fear my skin has ruined you.
In the bottle: Lavender scent of doom. *whine* I have some bad experiences with BPAL lavender. The only blend it has worked in for me so far is Wilde. Wet: Hello, lime. I love you completely. Oh, lime. Lime with a nice kick of herbal scents in the background and, yes, some mint in there as well. This kinda reminds me of Villianess' Mojito soap. Also, this is a very cool oil in that my skin is getting colder because of it. Wow. Dry down: It's more minty and lavender smelling now, which worries me, but we'll ride it out. This is not that flower petal of doom scent I got from some of the other lavender blends. I think the addition of lime calms it down on my skin. There's still that nice lime/mint scent with the herbs flowing through it in the background. I was not expecting to like this one, and it is not as lovely as Whitechapel or Wilde yet remains another nice lime scent. More mint. A very nice, refreshing mint. The mint blends make my arm all cold. I think this might be my favorite mint blend so far. Dry: Mint with lavender in the background. The mint seems to ice down the lavender and keep it from going all ick on my skin. The lime has pretty much faded away and the other herbs just blend in with the lavender, which is simply a background to all the lovely mint.
In the bottle: Strong floral with a darker edge. It kinda has a sickly sweet medicine scent to it.I can't pick out any of the notes. Wet: Jasmine right now with the orchid in the background. Something is making it kinda dark, and I don't know if it's the amber or the smoky rose. It's a...twisted kind of jasmine scent. Not like the freshness of Ave Marie. Dry down: Now the magnolias are coming out and something is making this scent stick in the back of my throat in a slightly unpleasant way. This scent is just...heavy and kinda cloying and there's this sense under it of something being very wrong. It's mostly magnolia now with a little touch of jasmine. I'm not good at picking out amber but something in this smells very heavy. Magnolia can be a heavy scent so it might just be that. Now the rose is coming out. This cannot seem to decide who to let out in front. Dry: Hmmm...I don't know. It's a very thick, heavy kind of floral. And it distrubs me. So I don't really like it, but I also don't hate it. The scents in it are all ones I like in other blends but together they're just too thick for me. they stick in my throat and make my head spin.
In the bottle: I'm worried about this one. I'm worried about the almond because almond and I don't get along. Dude, that's some wicked nut smelling alcohol in there. Seriously. I kinda feel like I should shoot it rather than wear it. The mead sits right at the top with the buttercream and the rum backing it up. The hazelnut and the almond mix together in order to provide the flavor of this liquor. And I'm gonna have to make myself not shoot it. Wet: Woah. Hazelnut mead to the rescue. This calms down quite a bit once it hits the skin, which is a very good thing. It smells...well, it smells decidely foody. The hazelnut and the rum predominate on me right now and that smells...odd to me. I'm not a big, "Let's smell like food" fan even though I buy all those scents up. I like the smell of them as long as they're not on me. I smell like hazelnuts. Even the alcohol has abandoned me now. Somebody find me a nutcracker for my wrist so I can have lunch. Dry down: A little rum and a whole lot of hazelnut. I'm not a big fan of hazelnuts. I was hoping to come out of this whole thing smelling like buttercream frosting. Or not, actually. I really just wanted to try this on for size and then pass it along to the boy. It won't work on him, either, but he can still have fun trying. And here comes the almond, which makes me a little ill to my stomach. For some reason, I cannot handle the smell of almonds. But, wow, Mr. Rum is very jealous and insists that he take the lead. Buttercream and honey mead are MIA. My guess is that they got eaten by the enemy--my skin. Dry: On me this smells like a passed out drunk whose been into the nutella. It's not a bad scent. In the bottle, despite its strength, it smells very lovely. It simple turns into something nasty on me that unfortunately hits all the wrong buttons. I've never been a big fan of nuts or their scents. Almond makes me ill. This kinda smells like candles on me, too, in that it has an understated waxy quality in the background. I'll throw this at the boy and see if he's interested.
In the bottle: Woah sweet and, yes, there's the vanille. I don't know what the stephanotis is supposed to smell like but my lotion is orchid so I have a slight idea of that. But this, to me, is mostly vanille. I've been looking for a good vanille scent for a while now. Wet: Vanille with a very definite floral note to it. The vanille has the kick-start in the scent and also dominates in the throw. The floral is more present up close and has a slightly bitter note to it. Dry down: Ever-present vanille in the throw. Still that oddly bitter floral up close. There seems to be something powdery behind the floral, and it's getting less bitter and more...floral. Yes, orchid. A very lovely orchid. A little richer than the kind in the lotion I use but still orchid. The vanille is calming down a little so that it isn't so in your face scent anymore. Dry: There's a tart smell to this on my wrist now. The vanille is mostly in the throw and the orchid and the tart (the stephanotis) are very close to the skin. There is some floral in the throw but nothing like it is when I smell my wrist. It almost reminds me of apples, green apples in that it has this crisp, tart smell to it. It's nice, though. A very interesting blend of tart and creamy and sweet and floral. I don't know whether I'd want more than an imp of it, but it is a very nice kind of scent. I'm still not convinced that this is the vanille I'm looking for but the lab has a plethora of scents I still need to explore.
In the bottle: Salty kind of water smell with a faint citrus lurking under it somewhere. This smells like the salt sea ocean with the sun shining on it and the sand at your feet. But it's a little chilly. so maybe it's the Welsh sea and there are rocks rather than sand. Wet: Salt water with a faint citrus tone. Maybe, hmmm, grapefruit. It's not sweet. It's a tart citrus but also very light. Like the water smell itself. Yet it still retains that vaguely salty edge to it as well. Dry down: Slight ozone notes. not nearly as powerful as Storm, though, or Hurricane and that makes me happy. That salt water/citrus smell is still there as well along with something floral. a light, white floral. Jasmine maybe. Yeah, probably jasmine especially given the way it likes my skin so much. Dry: Umm...slightly salty water, vague grapefruit note and a light jasmine undertone. This is pretty without being too feminine. some days you just want a light, clean, gende neutral scnet. This is very clean and fresh. It's a little heavy on the salt smell, though, so I'll give it a few more wears before deciding whether I want a bigger bottle or not. this seems to be one of the few aquatic scents that I may be able to wear.
The scent of tea - BPAL's tea note, BPAL blends like your favorite tea
magikfanfic replied to sarada's topic in Recommendations
The Dormouse Severin Boabhan Sith Embalming Fluid Maiden Shanghai Of those, the first four I adore. -
A gentle vision of purity, goodness and virtue: white tea, carnation and Damask Rose. In the bottle: Oh no. Carnation. Carnation and I have this habit of not liking each other at all, but I'm willing to give it a go. That must be the tea. Hmm...and something of a waxy smell. Maybe the Damask Rose. It doesn't smell like other roses, but it also doesn't smell like carnation. I suppose it could just be the tea itself. It's oddly sweet with this odd floral whang in the background of it. Wet: Tea. Glorious tea. Kind of an odd tea, though, a combination between a black and an herbal. I've never actually gotten the chance to drink any white tea. I've been meaning to, though. This is very tea. Dry down: Dries pretty fast. A lot of the tea scents just seem to be eaten alive by my skin. And the tea itself is mostly gone leaving this odd tea faint, floral smell. Carnation spicey with something else in there that must be the rose but doesn't smell like roses to me. At this stage, it reminds me of the way Alice gets on me, all carnation and nothing else. Dry: Faint tea with a bit of carnation but most of the scent has vanished within...15 minutes or less. Maybe it's just my skin deciding to drink it up. It doesn't smell bad at all. Most of the carnation is gone or has mixed with the tea and rose in such a way to create a nice, very female tea scent that stays incredible close to the skin. I wish it had a little more throw, and stayed stronger longer. There's also an odd kind of wood smell in the background that I don't really like. This is another one to keep around for additional testing. ETA: The longer I smelled the lingering fragrance on me, the more I liked it. I just reapplied and put it on my wrists and neck. Now I'm in this light floral tea heaven, and it's lovely. This is so close to hitting the "Need Big Bottle" list.
In the bottle: This smells so good. It's like Titania and Ice Queen had babies. It's kinda fruit, but also crisp and pure and fresh. The florals are nice, and it is ice cold. But there's also this hint of sweetness that reminds me of Midwinter's Eve. Wet: Still has that faint flora/fruit/sweet smell but the cold is predominant over the other scents. And the fern provides a nice grounding note for this. It's very much like Ice Queen only not as cold and with a little more green to it. Dry down: More of the sweet floral with just a hint of cold behind it. The ferns have died down and the florals really reign supreme. This has a bit of berry/fruit scent to it that mixes with the florals and makes me weak in the knees. There's a slightly green, darker note to it that could be a white musk or just the ferns. Dry: This is so Titania, Midwinter's Eve and Ice Queen all blended together on me. It has this sweet fruity, cold, musky scent to it that's just stunning. And the fern comes out to play a little bit but the whole blend is just so...moon kissed. This is just being in the snow under the moon with flowers and so heavenly. I'm so glad I got this blend. It's going in a roller bottle as soon as I get to feeling a little better.
In the bottle: This reminds me of Baobhan Sith in how light and airy it is with an undercurrent of something sweet and chilly except, you know, this is lacking the tea note that makes me drool over Baobhan Sith. Wet: This is a very chill kind of smell, but it also has a very floral undertone. This is bright and cold and breezy. Frost bitten flowers. It reminds me of the Yule LEs as well as Babhan Sith. This is very nice, but does smell similar to a number of scents I already have. I'll have to test this against other things to see, though. Dry down: Remains crisp and chilly with a nice floral bite to it that isn't cloying or overpowering. There's a little more of the rain smell coming out now around the edges. Dry: There is a hint of citrus to this, but I think it may just be something in the florals. I was worried that this would be awful on my skin as it is an aquatic and I have problems with those. It just seems light and clear, though. The water is taking the foreground now, and while it's not as lovely as the floral cold, it's still nice. Oh...oh no. It's done it. It's turned into fabric softener. That's what aquatices tend to do. Either they smell disgusting or they turn into fabric softener on my skin. Oh well.
In the bottle: Um...alcohol. No, seriously. Alcohol and wood. Maybe a whiskey or scotch. Wet: That's better. We're back in the land of cinnamon sticks and wreaths. Yes, this is the section of every craft store that I cannot walk through for fear of swooning. It's not overwhelmingly bad, but it's not good for me, either. This is strong strong. Strong. Dry down: Same only with more cinnamon to it. And, yes, there's the slight sweet that accompanies red hots, which I cannot eat either. Dry: Same. Too wood and cinnamon for me.
In the bottle: Yes, yes that is clove and cinnamon tempered with something that is spicey but not spicey. A kind of mild pepper scent. Wet: Wow. This has more bite than the other oils with similar notes to them. This just leaps off my wrist with a "Smell me!" kind of attitude. It's not bad, and it reminds me of the wassel we made in high school. It laxes the ncie warmth that I found in Tintagel, though, and seems to be a more distant blends. Dry down: Man, bloodhounds in California can probably smell me. I'm a little surprised that all this cinnamon hasn't made me break out in some kind of horrible rash by now because I something have problems with it and clove both. This is very bright and real and yet distant at the same time. It's cinnamon sticks that will not be ignored. Dry: Still mostly cinnamon and clove on my skin. The pepper cannot stand up to these two powerhouse scents. I like it, but I don't want to smell of it and I'm worried about a reaction. Also smelling like food usually just isn't my thing.
In the bottle: Huh. Apples and leaves. Crisp bright apples and the many falling leaves of autumn with a sharper background scent that it probably the mist. Wet: That's a big juicy apple all right but with something else lurking below the surface. I think it's the mist. It kinda smells like apples and the mist that hung over England when it was about to rain. I don't really get the woor or leaf scents much, though. Dry down: This is bright and crisp. Nothing in this is faded or dull. This is freshly cut apples and strolling beneath crisp skies in the woods. It kinda fades quickly on my skin, though, leaving my trying to find the smell on my wrist. It's not really apples so much as the juice that pours from an apple when you cut it. Dry: Still that fresh cut apple scent, but it has all but faded. This is really lovely, but I don't know that I'd want to buy it. It lasts for such a short time on my skin that I don't really get to enjoy it before it's gone. There's just the faintest hint of trees at the end of it. Mmmm...apples. I may have to consider buying this one simply because it's so pretty.