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Everything posted by allelujiah
This is a lovely perfume, I'm surprised more people don't talk about it. Wet is smells very, well, perfumey. It is light and slightly sweet, not at all with the same scent, but with a similar lightness to Pele. I would use the word "lovely." It isn't at all cloying or bitter or acrid - the white musk makes it just breathy and fresh. This is the first patchouli scent I have ever tried that the patchouli didn't eat the other scent and attack me. I can smell it down there only because I know it is there from the description. Don't let the patchouli scare you away from this one! Gosh, I really like this scent. I never would have tried it, considering it has the dread "P." I am Very pleasantly surprised. It is sophisticated, but not at all in the Queenly-business-woman sort of way, more in a "I'm going on a first date and I want him to think I'm pretty and feminine, but I don't want him getting too fresh."
Named in honor of Vlad III, Tepes, of the Order of the Dragon. Black musk, tobacco, fir, balsam of peru, cumin, bitter clove, crushed mint, and orange blossom. Much more woody than anticipated upon application. I was thinking the citrus/spice notes would come out on top, but my initial impression was one of a slightly astringent forest. This scent (for some crazy reason) really reminds me of Thailand. I was hoping for a Slavic vibe, if that even makes any sense, but I reckon it is the cumin and wood notes - this scent reminds me of Sukothai (sp). It is a soft scent, fuzzy edges - I can just make out the citrus making it a touch sweet. I do like this scent, but not as an every day perfume. It reminds me of a kitchen where tons of meals have been cooked and all those spices and smells have combined over time. It isn't a foody smell, per say, but it makes me think of cooking. I don't know. That is pretty abstract, I reckon. I can't pick out the mint, I think it is modifying the other smells in a way that is difficult for me to identify. Also, it has only been on for about an hour, but it is already so faint I have to sniff around for several seconds to pick it up.
Wet this had a Black Phoenix feel to it - the almond was more subtle, but it also had a touch of cherry like Black Phoenix. Once it dried down it began to smell very much like a bar of Dove Soap for a while. I couldn't shake the soapy smell, but underneath was the herbal mix that is in many of the voodoo blends. Whoosh - now the oil is nothing if not bitter herbs and strong roses. It tickles my nose it is so strong and bitter. This scent doesn't work with my chemistry. I don't want subject the porn star to this scent, so I won't be testing its voo doo potency. So floral, so bitter herby. Time to wash my wrist. Alas, I wanted this to be sexy and yummy. I get a Dove soap vibe, and no good has come of it.
In the bottle is it is salty and acquatic. I can smell the rum, but it is faint. This starts out leathery on me. The salt is still there, but taking a back seat and the rum is totally gone. It has promise. After it dries though, I'm attacked by the woody/pathcouli-esque scent. If I turn my head I still get some of the "sea air" quality, but if I hold my nose to my wrist all I get is the patchouli/woody/earthy. It is salty, but not oceanic. This one is getting swapped.
This scent is sexy as hell! It is slightly sweet (because of the plum, I reckon) - like honeyed carnations. It is what I thought Alice would be like, only grown up and more intense. The musk just makes is all carnal and yummy, a little darker/smokier. The plum isn't like Bordello, which on me was just sickly sweet, it is a subtle, kind of spicy sweetness that doesn't smell too fruity. Damn, this is would be good with Fallen.
The oil is a gorgeous dark brown color in the vial. I paniced a bit when I saw it because no good can come of me mixing with patchouli, and that dark brown color made me highly suspicious. At first the cranberries smelled sweetly and strongly, like an apple scent (Hesperides). I was not too pleased with that situation. It is like cough syrup, but it fades upon drydown, thank goodness. I fear that there is a bit of patchouli in here, or spices that are similar, but it isn't overpowering in the way my chemistry usually amps it up. It is a warm berry scent over all. It is spicy and makes me think of red lacquored wood (if that makes sense to anyone but me). It is a bit too sweet of a scent for me. It isn't terrible or headachy, though.
Whoosh! This is some serious stuff. It is super duper strong. At first it is very very astringent - it kind of smells like rubbing alcohol throughout application and into the dry down. It is a very clean deoderant/body wash type scent at application. It still has plenty of throw and hasn't mellowed much. The alchohol smell is gone. Now (three hours after application) it is a touch sweet, aquatic and clean. Could there be juniper in this? I'm not sure what it is I'm smelling, beside ozone. It sort of smells how someone's breath does right after they drink orange juice. You KNOW what I'm talking about. I would like this on my man (to whom I will gift it this evening), but it is far to masculine for me, and I like masculine scents (Bluebeard is yum).
Well, this started off slightly boozy and slightly minty. It is very mild, and hardly smelled like anything at all. Until the patchouli took over. I don't know if there is patchouli in this, but my skin amplifies that scent quite a bit, and it smelled just like patchouli on me. That earthy scent had a sweetened edge, which I think is the influence of sugar and mint. That was a blessing, because I would like that earthiness if it didn't make me smell like a bus stop. It has almost completely faded away now, leaving only a faint powdery mintiness.
This scent shouts out of the bottle. Right from the vial it has a bitter herby quality and a really cloying floral component. Upon application, the floral sweetens a bit to something that smells like...lotus? It is really dark green at first though, before the herbiness mellows out. After it dries down, the jasmine becomes much more prominent. The herbiness mellows to a become that background that many magickal scents have. There is a honeyed quality to the jasmine that I think may be the lotus calming down. This scent is pretty, very feminine and STRONG. Its a heady scent, and I can totally see how it is meant to intoxicate and lead one down the path of dreams and visions that is the Moon. It isn't a scent for me, but it is quite nice, and very card appropriate.
Numb is electric violets. It reminds me of violet cologne that my family puts on babies. I love this scent. It is powdery, but not in the way that Ave Maria Gratia Plena is. Numb has a ton of throw and lasted quite a while on me. Granted, I doused myself in it once I saw I had a frimp of the goodness. This scent is more feminine than any of the other violet scents I've tried from the lab. When I first started shopping for oils, I was looking for something just like this and didn't find it until now. I begged the lab to bring Numb back as a Yule/winter scent.
Um...this goes on warm and sweet. It reminds me very much of Dragon's Milk, in that the dragon's blood resin is strong, but it is a creamy scent. It has a little more "tang" (read plastic(?)) than dragon's milk does, though. I think this is a floral note that I can't identify. It is a touch spicy and pretty full bodied. It is definitely red. In other news: I saw my boyfriend this morning and he was very taken with the scent. The compliments just came a-flowing, amongst other things. Check plus on the voodoo effects.
I ordered an imp of this because of some rave reviews on livejournal. This scent started off as a sharp, green scent. There was a strong pne scent and some juicy berry as well. It made me think of cold winters. It has lots of throw at first. The sharpness quickly started to mellow out, making the scent more complex. It is woody and herby on the dry down, while maintaining that fresh pine goodness. Five hours later, Dublin has mostly faded away. The floral element is a bit more prominent. I can't smell the berry note, and the pine is really mellow. This is going to fade away in about 10 seconds. I like this enough to keep the imp, the smell is really pleasant, and I know many people love it. It is more complex and nice than just straight pine, but that is the strongest note on me. I wouldn't order a bottle of this, as it fades on me, and I can't imagine wanting to smell like Christmas more than a few times in a year.
This is a very clean men's scent. The lavendar is very nice. It kind of reminds me of this cologne I used to have as a baby that was mostly violets. This scent is definitely masculine. I really like it, and keep sniffing my wrists, but I smell like I just had some sort of trist and the man's cologne has rubbed off on me. There is a clean o-zone-y aspect to this scent. It makes me think of electric or icy blues.
This smell is divine! The almonds are so yum in this one, and start of very strong on me. There is an oat smell - like Honey Smacks - of puffed wheat with honey. It is just so good. The almond stays pretty strong throughout the day, but gives way to some creamy goodness after a few hours. This scent stayed strong on my all day, and it had a lot of throw. I smelled like marzipan! Even after I got home from work I could still smell that marzipany goodness - like a certain beloved Lush product I know. My only complaint (and this happens to me with other honey scents (Alice) as well) is that the honey takes on a really strong burnt quality to it. Like, the taste of it after you've eaten entirely too much honey would be. It is a bitter note to an otherwise really sweet and delicious smell. This goes on my big bottle list!
This is just a really great scent. It is super creamy and the ginger is delicate. It gives just enough spice to the creaminess. It is also one of the first honey scent that doesn't go all burnt smelling after a while. It sort of disappeared a bit after a few hours. I can still smell it, but it certainly doesn't have much throw or staying power. I wish it did, because I really like this one. ETA: It is a very clean scent, which almost never happens on my with milk and honey. Feels like Thai iced tea.
This oil had the amazing quality to maintain its complexity all day. Usually a dominant top note comes out when I'm wearing these oils, and all the rest of the richness takes a back seat. Jack stayed really complex and all the scents were fighting to dominance the whole time. Upon application the oil smelled of buttery pumpkin. Almost instantly it began to change. The scent combines like all the best aspects of an autumnal country home. I smelled apples (could be the peach) and the pumpkin along with something warm and spicey. The nutmeg was strong on me, making the whole concoction kind of like all those autumn themed candles you've ever smelled. Pumpkin pie and fresh apples and a bough of some sort on the kitchen table. I was hoping this would be more of a purely pumpkin scent, but I really liked how it smelled. It was comforting and interesting. As a room scent this would be unbelievable.
Ow ow ow ow! This left my sensitive neck burning. I washed it off, foiled, but left it on the backs of my hands. This didn't burn, but my skin did swell and turn BRIGHT red in the spots where I dabbed the perfume. This is pretty unfortunate because I like the smell! In the bottle - cinnamony almonds. On me - initially very almondy Dry down - The cinnamon (setting my skin on fire) comes out very strongly. It smells like bright red cinnamon akin to Red Hots and the like.
On me this started off as a suprisingly salty. I thought of food akin to popcorn rather than a sweet cavity. The nuttiness of the hazelnut was there. This scent was SUPER strong with a ridiculous amount of throw. In fact, my dad proceeded to complain all day about it The scent certainly turned sweet, but it held on to some of the saltiness, and was very smokey. To me it smelled like someone was roasting nuts and burning a flan. I didn't get any chocolatey goodness until very late in the game, and then I had the same issue as with bliss, it came out very chocolate sprinkle-ish - plasticy. All in all, I didn't dislike it, but it wasn't foodey and like a dessert, which is what I expected. It certainly was gluttonous, but the smokiness came off incense-y to the people around me. This will more than likely have to be swapped
Upon application this was super fruity and sweet. It was light, though. I identified it as some sort of strawberry fruit chew. Clearly the pear was the culprit in this (those things ARE mostly made of pear). It has been ten hours and I can still smell this one. It is pretty darn long lasting. It still smells slightly fruity, very bright. It is like a silver flash. It isn't sharp at all, but it does make me think of a lemon soda (it doesn't smell like lemon, but it is fresh and bubbley). I'm not blown away by it, but I would use it again.
I have no prospects of getting married any time soon, but if I were I would wear Pele, it is a beautiful floral scent that just screams the glory of a woman dressed in white. If you are in a more sophisticated mood, Fallen.
Stephanotis, cyclamen, heliotrope, white rose and gardenia. Funny this one should be called Eternal, because as soon as it touched my skin it was gone! Eternal, indeed. In the bottle it is a really strong floral. I was worried it would give me a headache from smelling myself all day. After two minutes of it on, though, I reapplied because I couldn't smell it, and two minutes after that I could sense I had perfume on, but not really smell it directly, if that makes any sense. My skin just drank this up! While it lasted, the gardenia was very strong.
Almondy goodness out of the bottle! This is the first almond scent that I've tried that maintains the almond note strongly throughout the day. The almond is very creamy/buttery. It isn't a sweet smell, less foody than I expected. Seven hours later - the almond has melted a bit, and the cinnamon has come out as the dominant note. The smell isn't very strong, doesn't have much throw. After a few minutes I had to hold my wrist to my nose to smell it, but that sweet cinnamon doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I'm intimidated by cinnamon, but in this scent it is nice. The vanilla and heiltrope and almond are still back behind the cinnamon. It isn't a burningly warm scent, just a brandy colored one. I think this may go into my must have pile. I really like it. I would LOVE it if it were a bit stronger.
In the bottle and upon first application I thought this had a little of an artificial grapefruit smell, that reminded me of something I already owned. Danube smells exactly like this Victoria Secret body splash that I have, "Turquiose Paradise." It is a fresh aquatic floral. It reminds me of what I imagine sweet water to smell like (you know, heroes are always finding springs of sweet water to quench their thirsts). Unfortunately this smell faded really quickly on me. I've been wearing it for about four hours now, and it is nearly all gone.
In the bottle: Chocolate covered pretzel. It is definitely chocolate, and it is awesome. There was just a touch of some saltiness that gave it the choc covered pretzel effect. On me it smelled like rich cocoa, like the bitter dusting of cocoa that they put on really nice truffles or bon bons. YUM! This stage didn't last very long on me, though. While I think this is a great perfume, it turned a bit plasticy on my as it dried down. After about two hours the smell was that of chocolate sprinkles. The chocolate goodness was still there, but it became a bit artificial. No matter, smelling like chocolate is great.
This scent is much nicer than I expected. I was thinking it would be herby and smell green on me. It doesn't at all. This was a very strong smell at first, I usually have to slather on the oils to smell them on my skin for very long, but this one is still very strong six hours after application (even though it has calmed down a bit). It smells to me like very strong Southern flowers. I can't identify exactly which flowers, but to me it smells like hibiscus and a blend of others (maybe some sort of orchid in there). This perfume is very grown up, but I think I might end up falling in love with it. The aquatic note is there as well. The salty wetness is subtle under all those dripping blooms, but it is there. This perfume doesn't back down. I usually like my floral perfumes to be delicate, and this one isn't at all, but I haven't found it cloying (as I'm wont to do). It reminds me of being outside at night. I'm not sure if I would get a 5mL of this only because there are so many great scents to try and I'm not yet in love. I would wear it again, especially to a dinner party or a night at the theater or some such.